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Материалы для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку - примерные темы в формате ОГЭ

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Task 3. You are going to give a talk about animals.  

  • what wild animals live in your region
  • why people build zoos in the cities and towns
  • whether it is a good idea to keep a wild animal as a pet, and why

I’d like to tell you about animals. Lots of different animals live on our planet. Some of them are wild, others are domestic. They all are necessary for the ecological balance on the Earth, so they all need care and protection. Our region is rich in different wild animals that inhabit numerous forests of Permskiy Krai. The most typical of them are – brown bears, foxes, wolves, squirrels, hares, deer, beavers, hedgehogs and others. Nowadays, it’s common thing to protect different species of animals, especially if they are in danger. Unfortunately, the number of endangered species is growing day by day. The question is – How can humanity stop this extinction? I believe, the best way out is to build zoos in cities and towns or create special areas like national parks. In such places professional zookeepers and volunteers look after animals, feed them, wash them, treat their illnesses and breed them. So, in my opinion, zoos are necessary in cities and towns as they give endangered animals an opportunity to survive. Some people keep wild animals as pets. I’m sure it’s not a good idea to do this. First, wild animals can’t be kept as pets, as most of them are very dangerous for their owners and can even kill them. Secondly, these animals need special care, food and life conditions to survive in people’s homes. It’s rather difficult to provide wild animals with all this stuff. Besides, they can get sick when they don’t live in natural habitats. To sum up, I should say, that people should take care of wild animals living on our planet.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about books.  

  • what kind of books modern teenagers enjoy reading
  • whether libraries are necessary nowadays or not, and why
  • what book you have read recently, and what it was about

I’d like to tell you about books. No doubt, reading plays a very important role in the life of modern people. It’s common knowledge, that reading educates, informs and entertains people. Besides, it develops people’s outlook and imagination. Moreover, reading enriches vocabulary and develops written and oral speech. Some people say, that modern teens don’t read books. I personally do not agree on this opinion. Reading still plays an important role in the lives of young people. The only thing that has changed is the type of books they read. Most teens prefer reading e-books or online books to paper ones. They find it more convenient. As for the genres of books, I think the most popular are fantasy and science-fiction books. They usually have exciting plots and keep readers interested while reading. In my opinion, libraries are less popular nowadays due to the opportunity to find any book on the Internet. Still they are necessary at schools, in cities and towns as lots of adults and children enjoy reading paper books. I think modern libraries should change completely by providing free Internet access to all visitors and the opportunity to print some stories or necessary pages from books. In this case, libraries will develop and not disappear. As far as I remember, the last book that I read was “____________”. This book is very interesting to read. It’s full of exciting and fast-moving events, it belongs to the genre of______________. This book is about_____________. I recommend everyone to read it.

In conclusion, I want to say that every educated person should read books as reading is essential for self development.


You have to talk continuously.

ask 3. You are going to give a talk about your best friend. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).


Remember to say:

  • what people need friends for
  • how long you and your friend have known each other
  • what you enjoy doing together

I’d like to tell you about friends and friendship. Friends play a very important role in the lives of people. It’s common knowledge, that “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

 A good friend is a person you can share emotions and feelings, joy and sorrow with. Real friends are always ready to help and support you. You can trust your friends and share secrets with them being sure they will not betray you. Besides, having friends you can spend your free time in a more interesting way, you can go to the cinema, to the theatre, to have a picnic, to play games together and what not.

As for me, I have two best friends. They are both my classmates. We have known each other for 9 years. We first met each other on the 1-st of September in 2011. Day by day our friendship was becoming stronger and stronger. We had lots of common interests such as music, films and sport. Nowadays our friendship is still strong and we can’t imagine our lives without each other.

No doubt, we enjoy spending free time together. We often go to the cinema, listen to the same music, we go for a walk in the streets of our city, discuss the latest news and share our impressions and emotions on different issues. So, we love being together no matter what we do.

To sum up, having friends is absolutely necessary for every person. Friends make our life more enjoyable and exciting.



Task 3. You are going to give a talk about films. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).


Remember to say:

·        what kinds of films modern teenagers enjoy

·        where you prefer watching films: on TV, on the Internet or in the cinema, and why

·        what film you have seen recently, what  it was about

I’m going to give a talk about films.  It’s common knowledge, that film industry is highly-developed nowadays so everyone can find a film to their liking.

In my opinion, modern teenagers love watching different kinds of films. Thrillers, comedies, adventures, actions and crime films, science fiction and horror films are among their favourites. The choice of a favourite film also depends on the gender of a viewer. Girls prefer fantasy and melodramas while boys are mostly into action and horror films.

As for me, I prefer watching films on the Internet at home. In my opinion, it’s much more convenient than going to the cinema or watching a film on TV. First, it’s not expensive as payment for the internet access is much cheaper than buying tickets to the cinema. Second, you can choose any film to your liking and watch it at any preferable time. Besides, you can pause the film and start it again if you need to do something else.

Personally, I watch films online several times a week. Yesterday I saw the film “Harry Potter”. The film is about a young man who can make magic. I was greatly impressed by the film as I enjoy watching fantasy films. The plot is exciting, the action is fast-moving, the characters are unforgettable. I was amazed by the special effects that made the film even more fantastic.

To sum up, watching films is still popular with children and adults. Everyone can choose a film and the way how to watch it due to their interests and preferences.



Task 3. You are going to give a talk about environmental problems. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).


Remember to say:

·        why people worry about environmental problems nowadays

·        what the most serious environmental problem in the place where you live is

·        what young people can do to improve the ecological situation

 I’d like to give a talk about environmental problems. People discuss environmental problems a lot nowadays. There are lots of TV programmes and newspaper articles about the danger of air, water and soil pollution. People are concerned about these issues as they want to live in safe environment.

No doubt, everyone worries about ecological problems nowadays. It’s important to save our planet for present and future generations, to make the Earth a safe place to live.

The most serious environmental problems in Perm are air and water pollution. There are lots of chemical plants and factories that pollute the air and water in our city. They dump waste into the atmosphere and rivers making our home town a dangerous place to live. Moreover, the number of cars and buses in our city is growing day by day. Their emissions make the air dirty and dangerous to breathe. The banks of the Kama river are also polluted as people drop a lot of litter on the beaches and into the river.

Frankly speaking, it’s very difficult for ordinary people to solve global ecological problems. But everyone can help the environment by doing simple things. For example, we can clean up our town, keep parks and river banks tidy. Many of us can take part in ecological projects held at schools and in town. We should put litter into litter bins, save water and electricity at home or at school, take care of wild life around us and what not.

To sum up, every person should understand that the future of our planet depends on us and our activities. People should worry about ecology and take care of it.


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