Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыМатериал к контрольной работе для студентов 2 курса СПО по теме "Career"

Методическая разработка контрольной работы для студентов 2 курса СПО по теме "Career"

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Специальность 09.02.07 Информационные системы и программирование

Дисциплина – иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности

Контрольная работа по итогам 3 семестра

ФИО:                                                                                              Группа:


1.    Look at interview questions A-H. Read the answers and match them with questions A-H.

A.      How would your enemy describe you? 

B.      What is your biggest weakness?

C.      You have 50 red and 50 blue balls. How could you divide these between two containers to give the maximum probability of picking one of the colours?

D.     What on your CV is the closest thing to a lie?

E.      What’s the most selfish thing you’ve ever done?  

F.      What do you usually do after a bad day at work?

G.     Are you a nice person?

H.     Who is your hero, and why?

Would YOU get the job?


·         Job-seeker – someone who is trying to find a job

·         Tough – strong; not easily broken or made weaker

·         Blurt sth out – to say something suddenly and without thinking, usually because you are excited or nervous

·         Defensive – used to protect someone or something against attack

·         A good-natured – pleasant and friendly

·         A light-hearted – happy and not serious

·         Foolproof – so simple and easy to understand that it is unable to go wrong or be used wrongly

·         Work-life balance – the amount of time you spend doing your job compared with the amount of time you spend with your family and doing things you enjoy

·         Gut feeling – a strong belief about someone or something that cannot completely be explained and does not have to be decided by reasoning

·         Geek – someone who is intelligent but not fashionable or popular

Interviews are a source of anxiety for most job-seekers. Job website Glassdoor has created a list of some of the toughest interview questions from the elite companies where they were asked, and offers an expert opinion on the best possible answers.

1. ______________________________

(The Phoenix Partnership)

How to answer: If you blurt out 'nothing' then you may look too defensive, as if you are hiding something, even if you are innocent. The best tactic would be to reply that everyone presents the best side of themselves on a CV – that is the point of the document –  but that you think lying, is wrong.

2. _________________________________

(Condé Nast)

How to answer: You could just tell the interviewer that you are not the sort of person to make enemies, but that sometimes you’ve enjoyed a good-natured rivalry with someone, for example, in sport. This will show your competitive side and drive to succeed.  

3. ________________________________

 (Page Group) 

How to answer:  This is an occasion when you could give a light-hearted response. Something like: 'I don’t consider myself to be selfish, but I always make sure I have some time in my week for myself so I can practice art/ tennis/ football/ singing.'.  

4. ____________________________

(Palantir Technologies) 

How to answer: Everyone should be prepared to answer this question, no matter what job you are interviewing for. There is no foolproof answer, but it’s a good idea to have thought about a list of areas that are not your biggest strengths but that would not affect the role that you are interviewing for.

5. ________________________________

(Switch Consulting) 

How to answer:  Don’t be afraid to talk about what you do to relax, and show how you have a healthy work-life balance. It’s also a chance to say something about your personal life, which could be very helpful for making a good impression. For example, you could mention how you go to the gym to relax.

6. ______________________________


How to answer: Avoid yes or no answers here. Think about your personality type and the culture of the company where you are interviewing. What is your gut feeling about the type of people that do well at the company? This should help you to give an appropriate answer.

7. ______________________________

(Clearwater Analytics)

How to answer: If you are a serious math geek, then you might have a decent chance of answering this one. One answer would be to put a single red ball in one container and all of the other balls in the other container.

8. _______________________________


How to answer: Pick someone from the field of sport, music, politics or entertainment, for example. The important part of this question is not the 'Who' but the 'Why'. What is it about yourself that you are seeking to describe?


2.    Complete the sentences with words and phrases in the list.


foolproof, geek, good-natured rivalry, gut feeling, job seekers, light-hearted response, the point of, work-life balance, blurt out, defensive, drive to succeed, tough



  1. Jack is a computer ___________, so he’s been applying for jobs in IT.
  2. If someone tries to annoy me, I prefer to give a ____________ rather than get angry.
  3. My colleague and I enjoy a _________ over who meets our monthly targets first.
  4. Great news for _________: more than 50% of UK companies intend to hire new staff this year.
  5. I have a ________________ that this interview will go very badly.
  6. I don’t see _______________ some interview questions – they seem quite ridiculous.
  7. It can be difficult to get the right ____________, especially if you have a position of responsibility in a company.
  8. This article gives five ____________- tips on how to be successful at a job interview.
  9. She suddenly ____________, "I can't do it!"
  10.  My boss has given me a ___________ job/assignment.
  11. When asked about his decision, he got very ____________.
  12.  You need to show your competitive side and _____________.



3.    Put the covering letter in the correct order.


ÿ  Thank you for your consideration. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be reached at vinniej22@dmail.com or 07788922123. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


ÿ  Dear Ms Nelson,


ÿ  I believe that my communication skills, customer service abilities and positive work ethic would make me an asset to the shop.


ÿ  I am currently studying English at Exeter University and I am looking for summer work to help me finance my studies. I think I would be good at this job. Firstly, I am both hard’ working and orginised, and I have excellent communication skills. Secondly, I have shown that I am good at customer service. In my previous job, on the reception desk at Queen’s Hospital, I had practical experience of providing quality customer service and working with all types of people.


ÿ  Yours sincerely,


ÿ  I am writing to you about the summer position at SunnySam’s Electronics, advertised on www.summerjobsstudents.com. I want to apply for the post. I attach my CV, application form and all the information required in the advertisement.


ÿ  Vinnie Jessop

4.      Write a covering letter (120-180 words) for Software Student Training in Engineering Program.


Internship description

Preferred qualifications:

  • Excellent programming skills (C++, Java, Python).
  • Ability to complete a full-time, 10-week internship between May and August 2022
  • Demonstrated leadership abilities
  • Good verbal and written communications skills with ability to work in a team environment


Преподаватель – А.В. Полякова   _________________________


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