Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыМетодическая разработка открытого занятия по дисциплине БД.02 Иностранный язык «Who Can Save Our Planet»

Методическая разработка открытого занятия по дисциплине БД.02 Иностранный язык «Who Can Save Our Planet»

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Методическая разработка открытого занятия

по дисциплине БД.02 Иностранный язык

по теме «Who Can Save Our Planet »

Преподаватель: Сейфулина В.С.

Цель: способствование формированию целостного представления о мире, об общих проблемах, стоящих перед человечеством в XXI веке;  осуществление иноязычной речевой деятельности; развитие умений и навыков по  аудированию, говорению, чтению




·       расширить лексический запас слов;

·       развить навыки устной монологической и диалогической речи;

·       совершенствовать лексические навыки




·       развивать  навыки языковой догадки, языковой реакции;

·       развивать память и внимание;

·       расширять кругозор студентов;

·       развивать самостоятельность мышления;

·       развивать интеллектуальные способности студентов



·       формировать  уважительное и ответственное отношение к природе;

·       формировать уважительное отношение к языку;

·       формировать умение активно и плодотворно работать в коллективе


Оборудование урока: доска, проектор, компьютер с материалами для аудирования, раздаточный материал


Ход занятия


1.     Организационный момент (приветствие, проверка домашнего задания, постановка цели занятия)

Good morning, my friends! Good morning, our guests! I’m glad to see you here. I hope you will be polite and friendly, helpful and kind. Let’s begin our lesson.

What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? Who is absent?             Well, first of all let’s check up your home task. What was your home task for today? You were to learn the dialog by heart using Past Simple Tense. I’ll give you some minutes to remind your dialogues.

So, the subject of today’s discussion is very vivid.  Now I’d like to show you a video. Please, try to guess about the topic of our today’s lesson.


So, what do you think about our topic? (answers of the students)


Today we’re going to talk about the environment. We’ll try to find possible ways of saving nature and solving some of environmental problems.

Now, open your copy-books, write down the date and the topic.

2.     Речевая разминка    

Now, please, listen to the questionnaire “How green are you?” Answer, how often do you do these things?   Put A if you do it always, put B if you do it sometimes and put C if you never do it:

1.     I go to my technical school on foot or by bike.

2.     While I’m cleaning my teeth, I turn the tap off.

3.     When I leave an empty room, I turn the lights off.

4.     In the morning I have quick shower, not longer than five minutes.

5.     I reuse plastic bags for my shopping.

6.     When I don’t want my clothes any more, I give them to charity.

7.     When my mobile phone breaks, I find a place to recycle it.

8.     When I’m not using my computer, I turn it off.

9.     When I feel cold at home, I put on a sweater – I don’t just turn the heating up.

10.  When you eat a chocolate bar in the street you put the wrapper in a litter bin.

Now let’s analyze your answers. For the answer A you have 3 points, for the B – 2 points and for C – 1 point. Summarize them.


Keep up the good work! You are doing your part to protect the environment.


You are on the right way. Change your habits and soon you will protect the environment.


You are part of the problem. You should try to become part of the solution.


3.     Основная часть


3.1.          Активизация использования лексики

Write down the vocabulary of our topic into your copy-books

fragile – хрупкая, уязвимая

environment – окружающая среда, окружение, среда

countryside – сельская местность

air – воздух

breathe – дышать

soil – почва, земля

to solve – решать

pollution – загрязнение

nuclear pollution  – радиоактивное загрязнение

destruction – разрушение, уничтожение

natural resources –природные ресурсы

fuel – топливо

dump –свалка

nuclear weapons – ядерное оружие

waste –отходы

deforestation – вырубка леса

skin cancer – рак кожи

layer – слой

consumption wastes – отходы потребления

contamination – загрязнение

flare – факел сжигания (попутного газа)

production well – эксплуатационная скважина

Listen and repeat after me. Read one by one.

3.2 Отработка и закрепление лексики по теме: “Man and Nature

Read the text and translate


The word environment means simply what is around us. Some people live in town environment1; for others, their environment is the countryside. But the air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk, the water we drink are all parts of the environment.

Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems2. The most serious of them are:

·       pollution in its many forms (water pollution3, air pollution4, soil pollution5, nuclear pollution);

·       noise from cars, buses, planes;

·       destruction of wildlife6 and the beauty of the countryside;

·       deforestation;

·       the growth of population

There is no ocean or sea which is not used as a dump7. The French Government tests nuclear weapons8 in the Pacific Ocean. Britain dumps 250,000 tons of industrial waste straight into the North Sea. Factories and plants produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers9. This poisons and kills fish and sea animals. “Nuclear-poisoned” fish10 can be eaten by people.

Harmful wastes get into the soil and drain off fields that have been sprayed with pesticides. Pesticides are often used to kill insects and weeds on farms and in cities.   

Air pollution is a community problem. Cars, trucks, buses and airplanes are the worst polluters. They send partly burned gases into the air. Atmosphere can also be polluted by smoke and gases from factories. Dirt, smoke and gases in the air may be carried away by the wind and by air currents, or may cover as a blanket of smog.

More and more often people are told not to spend too much time in direct sunlight, because ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer11.Normally the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects us from such radiation12, but if there are holes in the ozone layer ultraviolet radiation can get the earth. Many scientists think that these holes are the result of air pollution.

The ecological problems peculiar to Khanty-Mansyisk Autonomous Area are air pollution, soil pollution, consumption wastes13, contamination of underground waters14. The main source of air pollution in Khanty-Mansyisk Autonomous Area is flares15. Soil is polluted by oil in many production wells because of poor technical condition of equipment16.

Clean water, air and soil are necessary for our health17. If people want to survive they must solve these problems quickly. Man is beginning to understand that his environment is not just his own town or country, but the whole earth. That’s why people all over the world think and speak so much about ecology.


Выполнение послетекстовых заданий

1.     Find in the text and read out  English equivalents of these words and word combinations:


1)           жить в условиях города;

2)            решать проблемы окружающей среды;

3)            загрязнение водной среды;

4)           загрязнение воздуха;

5)           загрязнение почвы;

6)           уничтожение живой природы;

7)           использоваться в качестве мусорной свалки;

8)           проводить испытания ядерного оружия;

9)           сливать (отходы) в реки;

10)       рыба, подвергшаяся радиационному заражению;

11)       солнце может быть причиной рака кожи;

12)       защищать от радиации;

13)       отходы потребления;

14)       загрязнение подземных вод;

15)       главный источник загрязнения воздуха – факелы сжигания попутного газа;

16)       плохое техническое состояние оборудования;

17)       необходимо для нашего здоровья.




4.     Аудирование

Listen to the text and fill in the gaps with the underlined words

Greenpeace, oxygen, jungle rain forests, ecology, breathing, nature, wildlife, flora and fauna


People depend on the planet, on the Sun, on animals and plants around them. People must take care of the Earth. Our ……1 becomes worse and worse with every new day. People destroy …..2 and cut down trees to make furniture. They forget that they can’t live without trees and plants, because they fill the air with……3 . Oxygen is necessary for our …..4 . We can’t stay indifferent to these problems.

There are a lot of special organizations which are trying to save our nature. One of them is …….5 . Their aim is to help ……6 to survive, to rescue animals, to save ……7, which are in danger of destruction. We must find the right way to save our land, people and animals. We must take care of ……8 because we are a part of it.


5.     Обобщение знаний по теме

It’s time to come to the conclusion. So, what can we do to improve the ecological situation? Now, I give some ideas and you are to decide if they are real or not.

1.     We should walk or cycle whenever possible.

2.     When shopping, use a reusable bag instead of buying a plastic one in each shop.

3.     We must use good filters at nuclear power stations, at factories and also in cars and buses.

4.     We mustn’t throw anything into rivers and lakes.

5.     We mustn’t wash our bicycles and cars in a river or a lake.

6.     We mustn’t burn rubbish.

7.     Plant a tree. A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.

Now let’s watch a video, in which you can see the ways children can help the environment.



6.     Домашнее задание

You home task is the following. You are to make a crossword with the new words according our topic (8-10 words).

7.     Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.


The topic of our today’s lesson was very serious. There are a lot of problems, but, unfortunately we don’t have enough time to discuss all of them. 

I want to say that we are responsible for saving our planet for future generations. We are a part of nature so we must do our best to solve all the environmental problems. We must save our planet.

Thank you very much for good work at the lesson. Your marks are the following…..

Now, the lesson is over, goodbye.



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