Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыМетодическая разработка, план урока "Imaginary situations"

Методическая разработка, план урока "Imaginary situations"

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Lesson plan



Lesson aim(s)

By the end of the lesson Ss will have practiced the Second conditional and will be able to use it in the speech.



Using the second conditional is necessary when we talk about imaginary situations and things we would like to change.





Language analysis (for lessons which include teaching vocabulary and grammar)




We form the second conditional by using the past simple in the conditional if clause and would + infinitive in the result clause.


If + past simple., would + inf


Notice that you can use were instead of was in the conditional clause with I, he, she.

Both was and were are generally acceptable, although using were is considered more correct, especially in formal situations.

We use the second conditional to talk about an imaginary situation and its result.

There aren’t any difficulties in pronunciation.


Materials (referenced)

Cambridge Dictionary website, Solutions Intermediate (student’s book p-46) Tim Falla, Paul A Davies, Oxford University Press



Students may know some rules how form and use the second conditional but the still need some practice.



Anticipated difficulties


Students may forget to use would in the result clause

Use different colours to write would in the sentences in the students’ copybooks.

Students may use -ed ending with irregular verbs in the if clause using the past simple tense

Pay students’ attention to irregular verbs, make the scheme bright so students can see and identify that there are no any endings but there is another form of the verb. Show them where they can find necessary form of the verb in the table of irregular verbs.

They may not know irregular verbs


Give learners time to learn irregular verbs.








Board Plan






Stage aim




Lead - in

To set the context for the lesson and generate interest

Students open their books, page 46, exercise 1. I ask them to look at the photo and read the fact file about Castle Howard and after they answer the question – Would you like to live in a house like this? Why? / Why not?

I give them 1 minute to read and think and then they give their ideas answering the question.


The whole class

4-5 min


To contextualise the topic

To help students prepare to work with grammar rules

Students read the dialogue, ex-2, page 46, I give them two minutes. After reading they listen to it to hear the intonation and pronunciation. Then I ask two students to read the dialogue aloud and copy the intonation. And then I ask the question – What two outdoor and indoor changes do the speaker mention? Students answer the question.

The whole class

5-7 min


To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Students do the next exercise (ex-3 page 46). They need to read Learn this ! and complete it. Then they need to underline all the examples of the second conditional in the dialogue in exercise 2. I monitor them. Then I ask the students to tell me some examples of the second conditional which they have underlined in the dialogue.


7-10 min

Controlled Practice

To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

For the controlled practice of the second conditional students do ex-4 page 46. They work individually. I give them 5 minutes to complete these second conditional sentences using verbs in brackets. After finishing students change their student’s books and do peer-correction. I monitor them.

Individually / in pairs

7-10 min

Freer Practice

To provide students with free practice of the target language

Then students work in pairs and talk about what they would do if they….

I give a card with the ideas for each pair. One student chooses an idea and ask a question using the second conditional. The other student answers this question. Then they swap their roles. I monitor them.

In pairs

5 min


To provide the evaluation of students’ ideas.

To provide error correction, to highlight good language usage as well

Thank students for their ideas

Pay attention to their mistakes

Thank them for the work during the lesson.

The whole class

3 min




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