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Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку по теме «Моя будущая профессия»

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Макеевское высшее профессиональное училище















урока по английскому языку

по теме «Моя будущая профессия»










Обуховская М.А.



















Тема: Моя будущая профессия.

Цель: проверить усвоение изученного материала, проведение контроля владения учащимися речевой компетенцией в рамках изученной тематики; развивать интерес к выбранной профессии; воспитывать самостоятельность, активность.

Тип урока: тематическое оценивание.

Метод урока: урок-соревнование.

Оборудование: карточки, аудиозапись диалога, карточки с обозначением команд, плакат «Kate’s Corner Café».


Ход урока.


1.     Сообщение темы и цели урока.

T: Today we are going to have a competition. Be so kind and number into “first, second, third”. Now all numbers “first” gather together and sit down this table, all numbers “second” gather together and sit down at that table, and all numbers “third” will sit here. So we have three teams. To begin with we must choose the jury. We offer our guests to be our referee. You will show them how you can talk about cooking dinner, about cooking your favourite dish using the topical words. You will show how you can dramatize the dialogue and make the menu for your café.


2.     Фонетическое упражнение.

T: Each group has the cards with words. You should match the words that rhyme. (Карточки 1, 2, 3)


    A              B                   C               D                  E             F

bread         laugh             soup          again             meat       said

steak          wake             when          boot              dead       kissed

lamb          head               near           late                hair        door

lose            ham               suit             part               war         Paul

sign            shoes             wait            hope              ball        feet

half            wine               heart           beer              list          wear


3.     Блиц-опрос.

T: You see the cards. This team has cards with fruits. This team has cards with vegetables. This team has cards with drinks. I’ll read different words. When u hear the word which is connected with your group, rise and card.


apple              cabbage            saucer               tea

chicken           lemonade         grapes               spoon

milk                ham                  water                 steak

potato              plate                 glass                  beer

sausage           wine                  carrot                knife

orange             cup                    bacon

juice                tomatoes            fork

pear                 coffee                 mushrooms


4.     Активизация лексики по теме Food”.

T: Now I need one person from each team. I’ll give u the cards with the words, you should show these words to your teams, the teams must recognize these words. (Карточки 4,5,6)


5.     Работа с рецептом.

 T: So the next step in our work. The task is as following. I’ll give you a dish recipe. Read this recipe very attentively. Is it clear? Put the steps of preparing in a proper way. (Карточка 7)


              Pizza recipe                                        Toppings

              100 g flour                                           2 tomatoes

              25 g butter                                            50 g cheese                 

              pinch of salt                                         extra toppings (salami, carrot,

              2 tablespoons of milk                          mushrooms, eggs, olives

                                                                            chicken, meat, ham)


1)    Oil the pan.

2)    Put the flour and salt into a bowl.

3)    Cut the butter into small pieces and mix it with a flour.

4)    Add some milk and mix into a dough and cover it with grated cheese and mayonnaise.

5)    Put the dough into the oiled pan.

6)    Put the toppings on the dough.

7)    Bake for about 15 min in a hot oven.

8)    Enjoy your pizza.


6.     Диалогическая речь.

T: Listen the dialogue. Each team should represent this dialogue. (Карточка 8)


7.     Составление меню.

T: You see the menu of Kate’s Corner Café before you (Карточка 9). Check the meaning of new words in your dictionary. Make the menu of your own café.


8.     Подведение итогов урока.

 Слово предоставляется жюри.


9.     Домашнее задание.

Написать рецепт любимого блюда с описанием поэтапного приготовления.




Card 1


Match the words that rhyme.


                               A                                                    B  

                            bread                                               laugh

                            steak                                               wake

                            lamb                                                head

                            lose                                                  ham

                            sign                                                  shoes

                            half                                                   wine



Card 2



Match the words that rhyme.


                               C                                                       D

                            soap                                                  again

                            when                                                 boot

                             near                                                  late

                             suit                                                   part

                             wait                                                  hope

                             heart                                                 beer


Card 3


Match the words that rhyme.


                               E                                                         F

                           meat                                                     said

                           dead                                                     kissed

                           hair                                                      door

                           war                                                       Paul

                           ball                                                       feet

                           list                                                        wear

Card 4


to lay the table – накрывать на стол

to serve – обслуживать (в ресторане)

to clear the table – убрать со стола

to cut – резать

a fork – вилка

a knife – нож






Card 5


to cook - готовить

to chop - рубать

a napkin - салфетка

to pour - лить

to mix - смешать

to peelснимать шкурку







Card 6


to fry – жарить

to boil – кипятить

a spoon – ложка

a glass – стакан

to grate – тереть

to mince – измельчать


Card 7




Put the steps of preparing in a proper way.




              Pizza recipe                                        Toppings

              100 g flour                                           2 tomatoes

              25 g butter                                            50 g cheese                 

              pinch of salt                                         extra toppings (salami, carrot,

              2 tablespoons of milk                          mushrooms, eggs, olives

                                                                            chicken, meat, ham)




1)     Put the flour and salt into a bowl.

2)     Put the dough into the oiled pan.

3)     Enjoy your pizza.

4)     Oil the pan.

5)     Put the toppings on the dough.

6)     Cut the butter into small pieces and mix it with a flour.

7)     Bake for about 15 min in a hot oven.

8)     Add some milk and mix into a dough and cover it with grated cheese and mayonnaise.





Card 8







-         I’m really hungry. How about you?

-         So I am. Why not to go somewhere for a snack?

-         Snack? I’m starving! Let’s go somewhere for a proper meal!

-         Why don’t we go to where we usually go?

-         Do you mean the “Golden Goose”?

-         Of course. You rarely take me anywhere else.

-         Now we are here, what do u want to order?

-         Hmm, there is chicken, pork, ham, and…guess what!

-         Don’t tell me. You always have fish-and-chips here, don’t you?

-         Yes, I never order anything else. What do u want to try?

-         Me? Is there any pasta? Hmm, perhaps not.

-         No. it looks a little overcooked.

-         Anyway, I prefer sausages. Don’t they look tasty?

-         I think the soup and the turkey look good, too.

-         I could eat here seven times a week.

-         Everyday? I couldn’t afford that! Anyway, choose what u want, it’s up to you.

-         Firstly, though, can we order some drinks, please? I’m very thirsty.

-         So I am. Sometimes I like beer with my meal but today I like a glass of red wine. Do you want one, too?

-         Just order a glass of orange juice for now, please, then perhaps we can have coffee with cream after the meal.

-         By the way, did you see the apple pie with cherries on top?

-         Oh, Neil, please, don’t talk about sweet!


Card 9


Check the meaning of new words in your dictionary.



Kate’s Corner Café




                          Ham                                                    1.50

                          Cheese                                                1.30

                          Tuna                                                   1.70

                          Chicken                                              2.00



                         Piece of pizza                                      0.90

                         Hamburger                                          2.50

                         Ice Cream                                          0.80



                          Cup of tea                                           0.50

                          Cup of coffee                                      0.80

                          Coke                                                   0.60

                          Orange juice                                      0.60

                          Mineral water                                    0.50


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