Инфоурок Английский язык Конспекты"Великие ученые медики. Пирогов Н.И."

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II. Ход занятия

1.Подготовительный этап

            1. Постановка учебных целей

            2. Актуализация темы                                                                                                                    5 мин


T: How are you today?

T: So, I am. Let’s check your presence

T: What date is it today?


Today we will speak about  “Famous scientist N.I. Pirogov”. You’ll get to know a lot about this great surgeon.


3. Revision of the Matereal Covered at the Previous Period (Проверка домашнего задания)


 Let’s check your homework. What was your home assignment?

S: Our home  assignment was           to do exercises № 2, 3                                                           10 мин

2.Основной  этап


Актуализация опорных знаний обучающихся

Lead in (введение к новой теме, мотивация): Our theme for today is   Famous scientist N.I. Pirogov ”. Its important to know about  Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov. He is considered to be the founder of field surgery, and was one of the first surgeons in Europe to use ether as an anaesthetic. He was the first surgeon to use anaesthesia in a field operation, invented various kinds of surgical operations, and developed his own technique of using plaster casts to treat fractured bones


Словарная работа

    1. Введение новых лексических единиц

civic duty /sivik `dju:ti/ гражданский долг

contribution /k  ntri`bju:∫(ə)n/ содействие, вклад

advocate /`ædvəkeit/ защищать, поддерживать

solid scientific foundation - твердое научное обоснование

volume /`vlju:m/ том

military-field surgery - военно-полевая хирургия

 wounded  /wu:ndid/ раненый

defence /di `fens/ оборона

anesthesia /ænis`θi:ziə/ анестезия

gypsum cast /d  ipsəm ka:st/ гипсовая повязка

limb /lim/ конечность

osteoplastic operations-костно-пластические, остеогенные операции

bullet wound /`bulit wu:nd/ пулевое ранение

suffering /s  f(ə)riŋ/ страдание

10 мин

     Работа над темой занятия:

тренировочные задания).

2. а) Pre-reading activity (Дотекстовые упражнения).

Vocabulary practice. Match synonyms

1. advocate

a) extremity

2. defence

b) injured

3. limb

c) support

4. wounded

d) hard

5. solid

e) award

6. motto

f) protection

7. prize

g) slogan

5 мин

b)     Reading and translation of the text (Чтение и перевод текста)

The Great Surgeon N.I. Pirogov (1810-1881)

Nikolay I. Pirogov, a great surgeon and thinker, was born in Moscow, in 1810. His grandfather was a soldier in the army; his father served to the rank of major. Pirogov was educated in Moscow and did much for this city in the sphere of education, science and civic duty. Medical clinics in Moscow were named after Pirogov. During his life he established many medical institutions to serve people.

Pirogov became a professor of surgery at the age of 26. He wrote 24 scientific works and made 146 reports to scientific societies making contribution to all fields of biology and medicine, anatomy, pathology and surgery. For his classic work in surgery he got a prize from Russian Academy. He advocated the use of anatomy in medicine. "There is no medicine without surgery and no surgery without anatomy!" was his motto. In his work "'Surgical Anatomy" Pirogov gave a solid scientific foundation to isolated observations of many surgeons. His four-volume atlas "Topographic Anatomy" gave a complete picture of the normal position in the human body and became world-known.

Pirogov was the founder of military field Surgery. He took part in four wars as a military surgeon and tens of thousands of wounded were operated by him. He participated in heroic Defence of Sevastopol in 1854-1855 working at field hospital under fire and in Russian-Turkish war. In those days painless operations under anesthesia was a secret of individual doctors. And Pirogov was the first surgeon who performed 10000 operations anesthesia on the field of war; he introduced gypsum cast instead of amputation of limbs and a number of new methods of surgery.

Before Pirogov no one in the world performed osteoplastic operations and operations on intestines in case of bullet wounds. He gave all his scientific knowledge and all his activity to protect life and decrease physical suffering for people.

In the field of education Pirogov advocated general primary education for all people and autonomous status of Universities.

15 мин

Тренировочные упражнения

c)             Post-reading activities (Упражнения, которые выполняются после прочтения текста).


Exercise № 1 Translate following words and word combinations

Великий хирург и мыслитель, звание майора, в сфере образования, профессор хирургии, научное общество, его девиз, получить мировую известность, основатель военно-полевой хиругии, десятки тысяч раненых, героическая Оборона Севастополя, русско-турецкая война, безболезненные операции, ввел гипсовую повязку, защищать жизнь, уменьшать страдания, в области образования, автономный статус.

10 мин

Exercise № 2 Answer the questions:

1. Where was Pirogov born and educated?

2.     What were Pirogov's father and grandfather?

3.     What scientific degree did Pirogov get at the age of 26?

4.     How many scientific works and reports did he make?

5.     To what spheres of medicine did he contribute much?

6.     Why is the knowledge of Anatomy necessary for medicine and surgery?

7.     What does Atlas "Topographic Anatomy- describe?

8. How did Pirogov participate in four wars?

9. What operations did surgeon Pirogov perform on the battlefield?

10.       What can you say about social activity of Pirogov?

5 мин



Exercise № 3 Match the term from the column on the left with the definition on the right:

1) surgeon

а) the science of preventing, diagnosing, alleviating, or curing disease

2) medicine

b) the science concerned with the physical structure of animals and plants

3) pathology

c) detailed examination of phenomena prior to analysis, diagnosis, or interpretation

4) anatomy

d) not causing pain or distress

5) observation

e) loss of sensation, esp of pain, induced by drugs

6) painless

f) a medical practioner who specializes in surgery

7) anesthesia

g) the pain, misery, or loss experienced by a person

8) wounded

h) a reward or honour for victory or for having won a contest, icompetition,

9) suffering

i) the branch of medicine concerned with the cause, origin, and nature of disease, including the changes occurring as a result of disease

10) prize

j) suffering from wounds; injured, esp in a battle or fight



Exercise № 4 Is the sentence true or false. Correct false statement

1.      Nikolay I. Pirogov, a great politicion and thinker.

2.      Pirogov became a professor of surgery at the age of 46.

3.      "There is no medicine without operation and no pathology without anatomy!" was his motto.

4.      For his modern work in surgery he got a prize from Russian Academy.

5.      He participated in heroic Defence of Sevastopol in 1854-1855.

6. He gave all his scientific knowledge to protect life and increase physical suffering for people.


Тренировочные упражнения по грамматике

Работа в тетрадях. Выполнение упражнений из раздаточного материала


3.Заключительный этап

1. Подведение итогов занятия

2. Home task (Задание на дом): to retell the text                                                                                     

3. Анализ и оценка деятельности студентов на занятии .

                                               5 мин





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