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Методическая разработка внеурочного мероприятия "День святого Валентина" с презентацией.

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  • The history of St. Valentine’s day

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  • The history of St. Valentine’s day

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    The history of St. Valentine’s day

  • The history of St. Valentine’s day

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    The history of St. Valentine’s day

  • The history of St. Valentine’s day

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    The history of St. Valentine’s day

  • Famous LoversMatch the names

Marcus Antonius

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    Match the names

    Marcus Antonius
    Rhett Buttler

    Jane Eyre

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  • Find the second half of the heart12341243

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    Find the second half of the heart

  • Find the second half of the heartOn Valentine’s Day we think of those who mak...

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    Find the second half of the heart
    On Valentine’s Day we think of those who make our life worthwhile, those gracious, friendly people who we think of with a smile.


  • Find the second half of the heartI’m the happiest person in the world    beca...

    11 слайд

    Find the second half of the heart
    I’m the happiest person in the world because I’m with you! Happy Valentine!


  • Find the second half of the heartBy miles... you are from me! By thoughts… yo...

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    Find the second half of the heart
    By miles... you are from me! By thoughts… you are close to me! By hearts… you are in me! Happy Valentine!


  • Find the second half of the heartLet your dreams shine                      l...

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    Find the second half of the heart
    Let your dreams shine like stars on St. Valentine!


  • Find the second half of the heartThere’s a special place within my heart  tha...

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    Find the second half of the heart
    There’s a special place within my heart that only you can fill. For you have my love from the start and I know you always will!


  • Find the second half of the heart    My heart is no more     mine… because...

    15 слайд

    Find the second half of the heart
    My heart is no more mine… because it’s yours now! Be my Valentine!


  • Find the second half of the heart    

I may be away but I’m sure… even when...

    16 слайд

    Find the second half of the heart

    I may be away but I’m sure… even when we are apart…distance can never change… the love I have for you in my heart!


  • Find the second half of the heart    

The best and most beautiful things in...

    17 слайд

    Find the second half of the heart

    The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched! They must be felt with the heart!


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Внеклассное мероприятие

 «День Святого Валентина»

с рабочими листами и заданиями
в 5 классе




учитель английского языка

Суслова Людмила Владимировна









St. Valentines Day.

Пояснительная записка

Урок  «День Святого Валентина» представляет собой внеклассное мероприятие, построенное на основе культуроведческого материала в рамках темы «Культура и традиции страны изучаемого языка».

Основная цель урока: совершенствование речевых и аудитивных умений, формирование новых  лексических навыков, знакомство с традициями и обычаями англо-говорящих стран.

Сопутствующие цели:                                                 

1)      формирование умения анализировать, обобщать, проводить аналогии, находить ассоциации; совершенствовать умения работать в группе, в парах,брать инициативу на себя;

2)      развитие логического мышления, творческого воображения, внимания, памяти;

3)      воспитание уважительного отношения к чужой культуре и бережного отношения к своей; воспитание толерантности, чувства ответственности, сопереживания, взаимопомощи

Задачи урока:

Оборудование: экран, проектор, мультимедийная доска, воздушные шары, бэйджи в виде сердечек, раздаточный материал, поздравительные «валентинки».

Ход урока.

I.                   Организационный момент. Объявление темы урока.

T:    Good morning, students. Today we are speaking about one of the most popular holidays – St. Valentine’s Day that cherishes love and romance. The festival falls on February, 14 every year and is celebrated in many countries including (you may ask children) the US, the UK, Canada, France, Japan, China, India.

        It’s important to say that the festival celebrates love in all its forms. On this day people exchange Valentine’s greetings with their parents, friends, teachers, relatives, sweethearts and anyone who is special and close to them.

        By the way what symbols of this holiday do you know? 


II.                Лексический тест. Символика праздника.


T. On the screen you can see the pictures which are the symbols of the holiday. Match the word and the pictures.
















T. Thank you. It was well done.  But let’s return to the holiday itself. What is the history of the holiday? You will see a short video, a cartoon about St. Valentine. After watching you are to answer the questions:


1. When and where did the events take place?

2. Who was the ruler at that time?

3. What was Valentine?


III.              Просмотр видео “The history of St. Valentine”

T. Let’s answer the questions.

IV.             Аудирование. Из истории возникновения праздника.


T. You will listen to some legends which are the most popular of all legends of St. Valentine. Try to hear what law Claudius II made and why Valentine was killed.


Pupil 1

     As one legend says Valentine was a priest who lived in Rome in the III century AD. The ruler at that time was Emperor Claudius II who permanently needed soldiers for his army. But young people didn’t want to join the army because of attachment with their wives and families. Claudius II decided to cancel all marriages in Rome.

     Valentine – a romantic at heart priest secretly arranged marriages between young men and women. When Claudius knew about it he ordered to beat Valentine and put him to prison. On the 14th of February Valentine was executed.

     After his death Valentine was named a saint and became popular as the patron saint of love and lovers in England and France.


T. How does the next legend explain the tradition of exchanging Valentine’s cards?

Pupil 2

     Another legend says that Valentine was an early Christian in Rome who was very popular among children. But at that time Roman state didn’t take Christianity and soon Valentine was put into prison.

     Children missed him very much. They came to his prison and tossed loving notes and flowers between the bars of his window. To some extent, it can explain the tradition of exchanging notes and flowers on Valentine’s Day.


T. Where does the expression “From your Valentine” come from?

Pupil 3

     Some historians believe that when Valentine was in prison he made friends with jailer’s blind daughter. And sometimes she brought him notes from children. Before the day of his execution he prayed for the jailer’s daughter and she began to see again. Then he wrote her a note with words “From your Valentine”. This expression is popular till present days.


V.                Игра-соревнование.


T. It’s time to have a little fun. We’ll have a competition.

Task 1 Famous lovers.


T. You probably heard of people who brought their love through the whole life, who were faithful to each other and nobody could part them. Have a look at the screen and try to match the name of the men with the names of their sweethearts. (картинки на слайде )


1.      Romeo and Juliette

2.      Rochester and Jane Eyre

3.      Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra

4.      Tristan and Isolde

5.      Napoleon and Josephine

6.      Rhett Buttler and Scarlet

7.      John Lennon and Joko Ono

8.      Othello Desdemona

9.      Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

10.  Hamlet and Ophelia


                   Task 2”How well do you know your friend?”


T.   St.Valentine’s Day has got its own traditions, and one of them is playing merry games. I suggest playing the game “How well do you know your friend.

       The class is divided into two teams. From each team we’ll choose one member. And while they are absent the teams will ask questions about this person. Then we’ll ask the pupils themselves. The team who knows its classmate better will win.


Questions for teams.


For team I

1.      Does he (she) like: travelling by plane or by train?

2.      What does he (she) prefer: chocolate ice-cream or vanilla ice-cream?

3.      What kind of books does he (she) like: romantic novels or detective stories?

4.      What school subject does he (she) like better: history or the Russian language?



                   For team II

1.      Does he (she) like: watching thrillers or comedies?

2.       What animal does he (she) like better: dogs or hamsters?

3.      What season does he (she) prefer: autumn or winter?

4.      What holiday does he (she) like better: the New Year or his (her) birthday?


                     Task 3 “Find the second half of the heart”

                   T. I have two sets of hearts with Valentine greetings but they are cut into two pieces.       And the greetings are mixed. Each team will get a set and match the halves so that the quotations got sense.

Set 1

1.      On Valentine’s Day we think of those who make our life worthwhile,               those gracious, friendly people who we think of with a smile.

2.      I’m the happiest person in the world                 because I’m with you! Happy Valentine!

3.      By miles... you are from me! By thoughts… you are close to me!               By hearts… you are in me! Happy Valentine!

4.      Let your dreams shine                      like stars on St. Valentine!

Set 2

1.      There’s a special place within my heart              that only you can fill. For you have my love from the start and I know you always will!

2.      My heart is no more mine… because                   it’s yours now! Be my Valentine!

3.      I may be away but I’m sure… even when we are apart…distance can never change… the love I have for you in my heart!

4.      The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot              be seen or even touched! They must be felt with the heart!


VI.              Представление своих «валентинок».

T. St. Valentine’s Day is a bright and merry and romantic holiday. On this day you may send special greeting cards to your parents, friends, teachers, girlfriends and boyfriends. Will you present some of your cards, please? (дети демонстрируют валентинки и зачитывают поздравления).


VII.          Заключительный этап. Песня “Let it be” (на экране слайды подготовки учащихся к уроку).

T. The lesson is coming to an end. Thank you for your work. My congratulations on the holiday. Let’s listen to the song “Let it be”.








































Task I              Match the word and the symbol.

Picture 1 is a…


Task  II           Watch the film “The history of St.Valentine” and answer the questions.

1.      When and where did the events take place?

2.      Who was the ruler at that time?

3.      What was Valentine?

I think…

To my mind…

Task III            Listen to the 1st legend and answer the questions.

1.      What law did Claudius make?

2.      Why was Valentine killed?

Task IV              Listen to the 2nd legend and answer the question.

1.      How does the legend explain the tradition of exchanging Valentine’s cards?

This tradition appeared because…

Task V                Listen to the 3d legend and answer the question.

1.      Where does the expression “From your Valentine” come from?

It seems to me that…




Task I      Famous lovers. Match the name of a man with the name of a woman.

Romeo was in love with…


Task II       The game “How well do you know your friend”


Task III      Find the second half of the heart.


    For team I

1.     Does he (she) like: travelling by plane or by train?

2.     What does he (she) prefer: chocolate ice-cream or vanilla ice-cream?

3.     What kind of books does he (she) like: romantic novels or detective stories?

4.     What school subject does he (she) like better: history or the Russian language?



                   For team II

1.     Does he (she) like: watching thrillers or comedies?

2.      What animal does he (she) like better: dogs or hamsters?

3.     What season does he (she) prefer: autumn or winter?

4.     What holiday does he (she) like better: the New Year or his (her) birthday?



    For team I

1.     Does he (she) like: travelling by plane or by train?

2.     What does he (she) prefer: chocolate ice-cream or vanilla ice-cream?

3.     What kind of books does he (she) like: romantic novels or detective stories?

4.     What school subject does he (she) like better: history or the Russian language?




                   For team II

1.     Does he (she) like: watching thrillers or comedies?

2.      What animal does he (she) like better: dogs or hamsters?

3.     What season does he (she) prefer: autumn or winter?

4.     What holiday does he (she) like better: the New Year or his (her) birthday?


1.     Romeo                             Ophelia

2.     Rochester                         Scarlet

3.      Tristan                             Queen Victoria    

4.     Napoleon                          Jane Eyre

5.     Prince Albert                    Juliette

6.     Rhett Buttler                     Cleopatra

7.     Jhon Lennon                     Desdemona

8.     Marcus Antonius              Isolda

9.     Othello                              Joko Ono

10.  Hamlet                             Josephine





















Список использованной литературы

1. Верещагина О.В  Английский язык. Москва»Просвещение», 2013.

2. Верещагина О.В. Рабочая тетрадь. Москва»Просвещение», 2013.


Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы

1.  http://kinobomba.net/blog/?page2
2.УМК Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В.

3. http://bmill.ucoz.com/news/kak



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