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Методические разработки урока английского языка "My home"

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Read the text and fill the table

Semi-detached house

Typical English house is semi-detached house. Semi-detached house is joined to another house by one shared wall. This house is usually made of bricks. There are three rooms upstairs and three rooms downstairs in it. Downstairs there is a living room, a kitchen and bathroom. Upstairs there are three bedrooms and bathroom. Some houses have got fireplace in the living room. In all the rooms there is a central heating. Outside the house there is a back garden and a front garden with a lot of flowers.


semi-detached house – дом, имеющий общую стену

to join – присоединить

shared wall – общая стена

brick – кирпич

downstairs – внизу

upstairs – вверху

fireplace – камин

central heating – отопление

outside - снаружи

back garden – сад за домом

front garden – сад перед домом


Name of the house


Materials (from which it is made)


Special features (особенности)



It is made of…

There are (is)___room(s)


They are…





















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Read the text and fill the table


This is a traditional Russian house - izba. It’s a small wooden country house with just one or two rooms. The family room is a bedroom, kitchen and living room all in one. There isn’t a bathroom, but there is a wooden banya outside. There is a red corner in izba with family icon and special table for guests. There is a large clay oven (pech’) in a corner near the door. There are sleeping benches (polaty) above the oven. There are low benches along the other walls, one or two tables, and a cupboard for dishes. Outside izba we can see special architectural features, for example the rich wood carving decoration of windows. 


wooden – деревянный

outside – снаружи

icon – икона

guests – гости

clay oven –глинянная печь

bench – скамейка

cupboard for dishes – шкаф для посуды

architectural features – архитектурные особенности

carving - резной


Name of the house


Materials (from which it is made)


Special features (особенности)



It is made of…

There are (is)___room(s)


They are…





















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Read the text and fill the table


Kuvaksa is sami’s word. It means traditional saami’s house. Sami is small population group lives in Northen Europe: Norway, Finland, Russia, Sweden. It is conical tent traditionally made of animal skins and wooden poles. There is only one room in kuvaksa. There is bedroom, living room, kitchen all in one.  In the middle of kuvaksa there is a fire. Smoke pass into the hole on the top of the house. On the floor there is reindeer skin. Kuvaksa is typical house of reindeer breeders. They move from place to place with their reindeers and  move their houses (kuvaksas). This kind of house is very warm and comfortable in winter. Other nations have the similar houses. For example, wigwam in America.


kuvaksa - кувакса

population - население

Northen Europa - Северная Европа

Norway - Норвегия

Finland - Финляндия

Sweden - Швеция

skin - кожа

wooden pole - деревянный столб

fire - костёр

reindeer - олень

reindeer breeders - оленевод

move - двигаться

Name of the house


Materials (from which it is made)


Special features (особенности)



It is made of…

There are (is)___room(s)


They are…





















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Today we are going to speak about very interesting topic. But before that let's watch a short video and try to guess what topic is it.

Tell me, please what topic will we discuss today?

      Today we are giong to speak about  different types of houses and about our own place for living. The topic of  today’s lesson is “My home is my castle”. There are many expressions about home like “Home sweet home”, “East or West  home is best” and “My home is my castle”.   How do you think what is the main idea of these expressions?

You are right! Today we will try to answer the question: “What does the word “castle” mean in this saying?”

Let’s start from the meanings of the words “home” and “house”.

 HOME is the place where we live,  where somebody is waiting for us and HOUSE is just the building that we live in.

To answer today’s question we need to remember some words.

What is it on the picture? Don't forget the rule, the construction there is/there are. We use the construction there is with the singular and there are with plural form. Don't forget about the article in singular.

Where we can see these objects?

What can we do in it?


British politician Winston Churchill said “The shape of our house is the shape of us”. The translation of this phrase is “То, как мы выглядим – это то, как выглядит наш дом”. Have you got any ideas what does it mean?

It can also mean that all people are different and they have different houses. Also people in different countries have their own houses.

Now we are going to work in groups. The task is to match the parts of the picture.

First group

How do you think what is the name of your house?



Now we are going to work with your work lists. All groups will have a texts about different types of houses. First group will have semi-deteched house, group number two - izba, and group number three  -  kuvaksa. The task is to read the text and fill the table below it. You should write down the information about the country where we can see this house, about materials from which it made of, name the rooms in this house and special features of it. After that one or two people from your group will tell us about the house. Under the text you have got the vocabulary with some new words. You have got 7 minutes.

Teacher: OK. Let's check. During one group will answer other groups listen ,please, carefully and write down to your list information about other houses.




Динамическая пауза:

Thank you for your answers.Now, please, let’s make a short break. Stand up, please.

Show me, please, everything that you will hear. (Wash your hands, open and close the door, sleep, watch TV, clean the window, knock on the door, cook, take shower, look into the mirror, relax).  

Teacher: The next task is to answer the questions: “What is the difference between these houses and what is the similarity between them?”

Teacher: There is one common feature between houses. It is the place that gives to the family warmth. In semi-detached house it is fireplace, in izba it is oven (pech) and in kuvaksa it is fire.

Teacher: We can guess that the fire is the symbol. The question is...the simbol of what. It is the symbol of comfort, protection, unity and warmth.

I think that home becomes castle when it has fire in it.




Now, please, let’s return to our question: “What do you think the word “castle” means in saying” “My home is my castle”?

Teacher: Castle is safety, defence, comfort. What house can be a castle to you? Where you feel safety, comfort and defence? We will use our simbol – fire.

I will put my fire to my home because only in my home I feel myself safety.

I woud like you to know more about the other types of the houses. To know what are they?  And what are their special features?

Teacher: Very good! You hometask is to choose one type of the house. Find the information about it and continue filling our table. Be ready to tell about this house!

The lesson is over! Goodbye!



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Ход занятия

1.     Организационная минутка

Teacher: Good morning children, I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.

2.     Основная часть

Teacher: Today we are going to speak about very interesting topic. But before that let's watch a short video and try to guess what topic is it.

Смотрим видеофрагмент

Teacher: Tell me, please what topic will we discuss today?

Pupils’ answers  

Teacher: Today we are giong to speak about  different types of houses and about our own place for living. The topic of  today’s lesson is “My home is my castle”. There are many expressions about home like “Home sweet home”, “East or West  home is best” and “My home is my castle”.

How do you think what is the main idea of these expressions?

Pupils’ answers  

Teacher:  You are right! Today we will try to answer the question: “What does the word “castle” mean in this saying?”

Teacher:  Let’s start from the meanings of the words “home” and “house”.

 HOME is the place where we live,  where somebody is waiting for us and HOUSE is just the building that we live in.

To answer today’s question we need to remember some words.

What is it on the picture? Don't forget the rule, the construction there is/there are. We use the construction there is with the singular and there are with plural form. Don't forget about the article in singular.

Where we can see these objects?

What can we do in it?

Pupils’ answers  

Teacher: British politician Winston Churchill said “The shape of our house is the shape of us”. The translation of this phrase is “То, как мы выглядим – это то, как выглядит наш дом”. Have you got any ideas what does it mean?

Pupils’ answers  

Teacher: It can also mean that all people are different and they have different houses. Also people in different countries have their own houses.

Now we are going to work in groups. The task is to match the parts of the picture.

First group

How do you think what is the name of your house?


Teacher: Now we are going to work with your work lists. All groups will have a texts about different types of houses. First group will have semi-deteched house, group number two - izba, and group number three  -  kuvaksa. The task is to read the text and fill the table below it. You should write down the information about the country where we can see this house, about materials from which it made of, name the rooms in this house and special features of it. After that one or two people from your group will tell us about the house. Under the text you have got the vocabulary with some new words. You have got 7 minutes.

Teacher: OK. Let's check. During one group will answer other groups listen ,please, carefully and write down to your list information about other houses.

Read the text and fill the table

Semi-detached house

Typical English house is semi-detached house. Semi-detached house is joined to another house by one shared wall. This house is usually made of bricks. There are three rooms upstairs and three rooms downstairs in it. Downstairs there is a living room, a kitchen and bathroom. Upstairs there are three bedrooms and bathroom. Some houses have got fireplace in the living room. In all the rooms there is a central heating. Outside the house there is a back garden and a front garden with a lot of flowers.


semi-detached house – дом, имеющий общую стену

to join – присоединить

shared wall – общая стена

brick – кирпич

downstairs – внизу

upstairs – вверху

fireplace – камин

central heating – отопление

outside - снаружи

back garden – сад за домом

front garden – сад перед домом



This is a traditional Russian house - izba. It’s a small wooden country house with just one or two rooms. The family room is a bedroom, kitchen and living room all in one. There isn’t a bathroom, but there is a wooden banya outside. There is a red corner in izba with family icon and special table for guests. There is a large clay oven (pech’) in a corner near the door. There are sleeping benches (polaty) above the oven. There are low benches along the other walls, one or two tables, and a cupboard for dishes. Outside izbas we can see special architectural features, for example the rich wood carving decoration of windows. 


wooden – деревянный

outside – снаружи

icon – икона

guests – гости

clay oven –глинянная печь

bench – скамейка

cupboard for dishes – шкаф для посуды

architectural features – архитектурные особенности

carving - резной




Kuvaksa is sami’s word. It means traditional saami’s house. Sami is small population group lives in Northen Europe: Norway, Finland, Russia, Sweden. It is conical tent traditionally made of animal skins and wooden poles. There is only one room in kuvaksa. There is bedroom, living room, kitchen all in one.  In the middle of kuvaksa there is a fire. Smoke pass into the hole on the top of the house. On the floor there is reindeer skin. Kuvaksa is typical house of reindeer breeders. They move from place to place with their reindeers and  move their houses (kuvaksas). This kind of house is very warm and comfortable in winter. Other nations have the similar houses. For example wigwam in America.


kuvaksa - кувакса

population - население

Northen Europa - Северная Европа

Norway - Норвегия

Finland - Финляндия

Sweden - Швеция

skin - кожа

wooden pole - деревянный столб

fire - костёр

reindeer - олень

reindeer breeders - оленевод

move - двигаться



Name of the house


Materials (from which it is made)


Special features (особенности)



It is made of…

There are (is)___room(s)


They are…


















Динамическая пауза:

Thank you for your answers.Now, please, let’s make a short break. Stand up, please.

Show me, please, everything that you will hear. (Wash your hands, open and close the door, sleep, watch TV, clean the window, knock on the door, cook, take shower, look into the mirror, relax).  


Pupils’ answers  

Teacher: The next task is to answer the questions: “What is the difference between these houses and what is the similarity between them?”

Answers of pupils

Teacher: There is one common feature between houses. It is the place that gives to the family warmth. In semi-detached house it is fireplace, in izba it is oven (pech) and in kuvaksa it is fire.

Pupils’ answers  

Teacher: We can guess that the fire is the symbol. The question is...the simbol of what. It is the symbol of comfort, protection, unity and warmth.

I think that home becomes castle when it has fire in it.

Now, please, let’s return to our question: “What do you think the word “castle” means in saying” “My home is my castle”?

Pupils’ answers

Teacher: Castle is safety, defence, comfort. What house can be a castle to you? Where you feel safety, comfort and defence? We will use our simbol – fire.

I will put my fire to my home because only in my home I feel myself safety.

I woud like you to know more about the other types of the houses. To know what are they?  And what are their special features?

Pupils’ answers

Teacher: Very good! You hometask is to choose one type of the house. Find the information about it and continue filling our table. Be ready to tell about this house!

The lesson is over! Goodbye!





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