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Методическое пособие по УД "Иностранный язык в проф деятельности"

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Ульяновский авиационный колледж- Межрегиональный Центр Компетенций




в профессиональной деятельности






для специальности СПО


25.02.08 Эксплуатация беспилотных авиационных систем


3 курс













на заседании ЦМК

общих гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин

Протокол № 4 от «13» ноября 2019. Председатель ЦМК


_________________М.А. Борисова




Заместитель директора по учебно-производственной работе





_________________Е.В. Игнатова


«13» ноября 2019



РАЗРАБОТЧИК: Федосеева Н.А., преподаватель высшей категории ОГАПОУ «УАвиаК- МЦК»


Содержание учебного пособия соответствует государственным требованиям к минимуму содержания и уровня подготовки выпускников по специальности 25.02.08 Эксплуатация беспилотных авиационных систем

Материал пособия изложен с учетом особенностей изучения материала курса, вследствие чего оно может одинаково успешно использоваться для преподавания и самостоятельного изучения материала курса как педагогами, так и студентами. Оно имеет профессиональную направленность и содержит специальную техническую терминологию имеет связь с некоторыми профессиональными учебными дисциплинами и с современными технологиями.

Представленное учебное пособие может быть рекомендовано для обучения обучающихся 3 курса очного и заочного отделения.

















Введение                                                                                                                                         4



Тема 5.1 Общее устройство дронов                                                                                             5

Тема 5.2 Полет. Динамика полета                                                                                                9



Тема 6.1 Применение БПЛА в мирной жизни                                                                            15

Тема 6.2 Использование беспилотников в военных целях                                                        18



Тема 7.1 Факторы, влияющие на безопасность полетов                                                            28

Тема 7.2 Погода                                                                                                                              28



Тема 8.1 Радионавигационные средства навигации                                                                  30

Тема 8.2 Визуальные средства навигации. Роль навигатора                                                    32



Тема 9.1 Система взлета                                                                                                                34

Тема 9.2 Система посадки                                                                                                             37


ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА                                                                            39       











Учебное пособие предназначено для обучающихся 3 курса специальности СПО 25.02.08 Эксплуатация беспилотных авиационных систем.

Цель пособия – формирование и совершенствование различных видов речевой деятельности (А.Г, Ч, П) Текстовый материал дает возможность работать с различными видами чтения. Тексты, представленные в данном пособии, имеют профессиональную направленность, достаточно информативны, содержат специальную терминологию, мотивируют интерес к изучению иностранного профессионального языка. Все тексты имеют профессиональную направленность и связь с изучаемыми учебными дисциплинами.

Основным принципом отбора лексического материала является частотность употребления в профессиональном общении.


Данное пособие состоит из 5 разделов

Раздел 5 Осуществление полетов. В данном разделе предлагается информация об общем устройстве дронов, их основных компонентах и их функциях, полете и динамике полета БПЛА, специальных полетах, аэрошоу в текстах, содержащих специализированную лексику

Раздел 6 Применение БПЛА в мирной жизни. Здесь предлагается материал о сферах использования БПЛА, как в мирной жизни, так и в военных целях, о терроризме и борьбе с ним.

Раздел 7 Безопасность полетов.  Раздел предлагает тексты о безопасности полетов, о факторах, виляющих на нее, мерах безопасности, о погодных условиях, погодных опасностях и катастрофах.

Раздел 8 Радионавигационные и визуальные средства. В разделе представлены тексты о радионавигационных и визуальных средствах навигации, об истории и работе радара, о проблемах, связанных с радаром, с радиолокатором, радиокомпасом, радиостанцией, о роли навигатора при осуществлении полетов, маркировке и освещении.

Раздел 9 Система взлета и посадки. Здесь предложена информация о системе взлета, предполетной проверке перед взлетом и приборном оборудовании, о системе посадки и приборном оборудовании.
























Text 1.

Drone is a device with an intense mixture of Electronics, Mechanical and mainly on the principle of Aviation.

The Drone (Quadcopter) has 4 motors whose speed of rotation and the direction of rotation changes according to the users desire to move the device in a particular direction (i.e Takeoff motion, Landing motion, Forward motion,

Backward motion, Left motion, Right Morion). The rotation of Motors changes as per the transmitted signal send from transmitter (Remote Control).

·         https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-90b1d675959ed39577e3fcbd669f757d

The ESC directs its motor to increase or decrease speed, which in turn provide the necessary thrust to its propeller (see above diagram).

The flight control in quadcopters work is based on the principle that each rotor produces thrust and torque about its center of rotation, as well as a drag opposite to the vehicle's direction of flight.

SO with these information, I think you should know how does drone Take off, Forward, Backward and Right Left Motions?


Exercise 1. Read the text and make the headline of it.

Text 2.

Drone technology is one of the best inventions of our time. It has not only changed the way we do business but it has also created an enabling environment to ensure that time and resources are saved in the daily business engagements. But how easy is it to make a drone? There are several components that make up a drone.  There are components of a drone below.

drone components diagram

1. Standard Propellers

The propellers are usually located at the front of the drone/quadcopter. There are very many variations in terms of size and material used in the manufacture of propellers. Most of them are made of plastic especially for the smaller drones but the more expensive ones are made of carbon fiber. Propellers are still being developed and technological research is still ongoing to create more efficient propellers for both small and big drones. Propellers are responsible for the direction and motion of the drone. It is therefore important to ensure that each of the propellers is in good condition before taking your drone out for flight. A faulty propeller means impaired flight for the drone and hence an accident. You can also carry an extra set of propellers just in case you notice some damage that was not there before.

2. Pusher Propellers

Pusher propellers are the ones responsible for the forward and backward thrust of the drone during flight. As the name suggest, the pusher propellers will determine the direction the drone takes either forward or backward. They are normally located at the back of the drone. They work by cancelling out the motor torques of the drone during stationary flight leading to forward or backward thrust. Just like the standard propellers, the pusher propellers can also be made of plastic or carbon fiber depending on the quality. The more expensive ones are usually made of carbon fiber. There are different sizes depending on the size of the drone. Some drones provide for pusher prop guards that will help protect your propellers in the event of an unplanned crash. Always ensure you inspect your pusher propellers before flight as this will determine the efficiency оf the flight.

3. Brushless Motors

All drones being manufactured lately use the brushless motors that are considered to be more efficient in terms of performance and operation as opposed to the brushed motors. The design of the motor is as important as the drone itself. This is because an efficient motor means you will be able to save on costs of purchase and maintenance costs. In addition to that, you will also save on battery life which contributes to longer flight time when flying your drone. Currently, the drone motor design market is pretty exciting as companies try out to each other in coming up with the most efficient and best developed motors. The latest in the market is the DJI Inspire 1 which was launched recently. This offers more efficient performance and saves on battery life. It is also relatively quiet and does not produce a lot of unnecessary noises.

4. Landing Gear

Some drones come with helicopter-style landing gears that help in landing the drone. Drones which require high ground clearance during landing will require a modified landing gear to allow it to land safely on the ground. In addition to that, delivery drones that carry parcels or items may need to have a spacious landing gear due to the space required to hold the items as it touches the ground. However, not all drones require a landing gear. Some smaller drones will work perfectly fine without a landing gear and will land safely on their bellies once they touch the ground. Most drones that fly longer and cover longer distances have fixed landing gears. In some cases, the landing gear may turn out to be an impediment to the 360 degrees view of the environment especially for a camera drone. Landing gears also increase the safety of the drone.

5. Electronic Speed  Controllers

An electronic sped controller (ESC) is an electric circuit whose main responsibility is to monitor and vary the speed of the drone during flight. It is also responsible for the direction of flight and variations in brakes of the drone. The ESC is also responsible for the conversion of DC battery power to AC power to propel the brushless motors. Modern drones depend entirely on the ESC for all their flight needs and for performance. More and more companies are coming up with better performing ESC that reduce power needs and increase performance, the latest one being the DJI Inspire 1 ESC. The ESC is mainly located inside the mainframe of the drone. It is unlikely that you will need to do anything or make any change on the ESC but in case you need to make any changes, you can locate it inside the mainframe of the drone.

6. Flight Controller

The flight controller is basically the motherboard of the drone. It is responsible for all the commands that are issued to the drone by the pilot. It interprets input from the receiver, the GPS Module, the battery monitor and the onboard sensors. The flight controller is also responsible for the regulation of the motor speeds through the ESC and for the steering of the drone. Any commands such as triggering of the camera, controlling the autopilot mode and other autonomous functions are controlled by the flight controller. Users will most likely not be required to make any alterations to the flight controller as this may often affect the performance of the drone.

7. The Receiver

The receiver is the unit responsible for the reception of the radio signals sent to the drone through the controller. The minimum number of channels that are needed to control a drone are usually 4. However, it is recommended that a provision of 5 channels be made available. There are very many different types of receivers in the market and all of them can be used when making a drone.

8. The Transmitter

The transmitter is the unit responsible for the transmission of the radio signals from the controller to the drone to issue commands of flight and directions. Just like the receiver, the transmitter needs to have 4 channels for a drone but 5 is usually recommended. Different types of receivers are available in the market for drone manufacturers to choose from. The receiver and the transmitter must use a single radio signal in order to communicate to the drone during flight. Each radio signal has a standard code that helps in differentiating the signal from other radio signals in the air.

9. GPS Module

The GPS module is responsible for the provision of the drone longitude, latitude and elevation points. It is a very important component of the drone. Without the GPS module, drones would not be as important as they are today. The modules helps drone navigate longer distances and capture details of specific locations on land. The GPS module also help in returning the drone safely “home” even without navigation using the FPV. In most modern drones, the GPS module helps in returning the drone safe to the controller in case it loses connection to the controller. This helps in keeping the drone safe.

10. Battery

The battery is the part of the drone that makes all actions and reactions possible. Without the battery, the drone would have no power and would therefore not be able to fly. Different drones have different battery requirements. Smaller drones may need smaller batteries due to the limited power needs. Bigger drones, on the other hand, may require a bigger battery with a larger capacity to allow it to power all the functions of the drone. There is a battery monitor on the drone that helps in providing battery information to the pilot to monitor the performance of the battery.

11. Camera

Some drones come with an inbuilt camera while others have a detachable camera. The camera helps in taking photos and images from above which forms an important use of drones. There are different camera types and qualities in the market and a variety to choose from.

These are basically the main component of a drone. If you ever need to make a drone, you will need to have all of these in order to have a working drone.


Exercise 2 Find English equivalents to the following.

1.      Производство

2.      Углеродное волокно

3.      Исследования

4.      Движение дронов

5.      Толкающие винты

6.      Обратная тяга

7.      Крутящие моменты

8.      Задняя часть дрона

9.      Защита пропеллера

10.  Незапланированное падение

11.  Безколлекторные моторы

12.  Расходы на обслуживание

13.  Ненужные шумы

14.  Шасси

15.  Безопасно

16.  Контроллеры скорости

17.  Во время полета

18.  Изменения, коррективы

19.  Получение радиосигналов

20.  Доступный

21.  Ответственный

22.  Направление

23.  Охватывать детали

24.  Потерять связь с контроллером

25.  Аккумулятор

26.  Мощность

27.  Съёмная

28.  Встроенная


Exercise 3 Write the components of a drone.

drone components diagram



Text 1 Definitions.

General terms:

Line of sight – The pilot can see their quadcopter during flight.

FPV (First Person View) — The pilot can see where they’re flying through the UAV’s camera.


Transmitter/Remote Control – The hand-held device that allows you to maneuver the quadcopter and adjust its settings.

Propellers – They spin according to the manual controls of the pilot. The intensity of the spin correlates to the intensity of the quadcopter’s movement.

Camera – Many quadcopters either come with a camera or allow the pilot to attach a camera to them. This is how pilots practice aerial videography and photography. (A camera came in second place when we interviewed UAV experts about their favorite drone accessory.)


Roll – Done by pushing the right stick to the left or right. Literally rolls the quadcopter, which maneuvers the quadcopter left or right.

Pitch – Done by pushing the right stick forwards or backwards. Tilts the quadcopter, which maneuvers the quadcopter forwards or backwards.

Yaw – Done by pushing the left stick to the left or to the right. Rotates the quadcopter left or right. Points the front of the copter different directions and helps with changing directions while flying.

Throttle – To increase, push the left stick forwards. To decrease, pull the left stick backwards. This adjusts the altitude, or height, of the quadcopter.

Trim – Buttons on the remote control that help you adjust roll, pitch, yaw, and throttle if they are off balance.

The Rudder – You might hear this term thrown around, but it’s the same as the left stick. However, it relates directly to controlling yaw (as opposed to the throttle).

Aileron – Same as the right stick. However, it relates directly to controlling roll (left and right movement).

The Elevator – Same as the right stick. However, it relates directly to controlling pitch (forwards and backwards movement).


Bank turn – A consistent circular turn in either the clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

Hovering – Staying in the same position while airborne. Done by controlling the throttle.

Figure 8 – Flying in a “figure 8” pattern.

Flight modes:

(Flight modes can typically be adjusted with certain buttons on your remote control/transmitter.)

Manual – Similar to flying a helicopter. Once you tilt the quadcopter (roll) it will not auto-level itself back to its original position. Even if you let go of the stick and it returns to the middle, the quadcopter will stay tilted.

Attitude (Auto-level) – Once the sticks are centered, the copter will level itself out.

GPS Hold – Returns the quadcopter’s position once the sticks have been centered. The same as attitude mode (auto-level) but using a GPS.

Text 2. Quadcopter controls.

When learning how to fly a quadcopter, the controls will become your bread and butter.

They will become second nature once you know how they act individually and how they interact together to form a complete flying experience.

With any of these controls, the harder you push the stick, the stronger your quadcopter will move in either direction.

When you first start out, push the sticks very gently so the quadcopter performs slight movements.

As you get more comfortable, you can make sharper movements.

There are four main quadcopter controls:

ü  Roll

ü  Pitch

ü  Yaw

ü  Throttle

Let’s go through each of them.


Roll, Pitch, Yaw, Throttle for Quadcopter

Simple sketch of roll, pitch, yaw, and throttle on a transmitter (left image) and quadcopter (right image).


Roll moves your quadcopter left or right. It’s done by pushing the right stick on your transmitter to the left or to the right.

It’s called “roll” because it literally rolls the quadcopter.

For example, as you push the right stick to the right, the quadcopter will angle diagonally downwards to the right.

Explaining a Quadcopter's Roll

Example of a quadcopter rolling left and right. Notice the tilt of the quadcopter and the angle of the propellers. Here, the bottom of the propellers will be facing to the left. This pushes air to the left, forcing the quadcopter to fly to the right.

The same thing happens when you push the stick to the left, except now the propellers will be pushing air to the right, forcing the copter to fly to the left.


Pitch is done by pushing the right stick on your transmitter forwards or backwards. This will tilt the quadcopter, resulting in forwards or backwards movement.

Explaining a Quadcopter's Pitch

Example of a quadcopter pitching forwards and backwards. Note that this view is from the left side.


Yaw was a little bit confusing for me in the beginning. Essentially, it rotates the quadcopter clockwise or counterclockwise.

This is done by pushing the left stick to the left or to the right.

Check out the video below for an example.

(Watch from 3:00 to 3:40 and pay attention to how he adjusts the sticks.)

Yaw is typically used at the same time as throttle during continuous flight. This allows the pilot to make circles and patterns. It also allows videographers and photographers to follow objects that might be changing directions.


Throttle gives the propellers on your quadcopter enough power to get airborne. When flying, you will have the throttle engaged constantly.

To engage the throttle, push the left stick forwards. To disengage, pull it backwards.

Make sure not to disengage completely until you’re a couple inches away from the ground. Otherwise, you might damage the quadcopter, and your training will be cut short.

Important note:

When the quadcopter is facing you (instead of facing away from you) the controls are all switched.

This makes intuitive sense…

ü  Pushing the right stick to the right moves the quadcopter to the right (roll)

ü  Pushing the right stick forward moves the quadcopter forward (pitch)

ü  Pushing the right stick backward moves the quadcopter backward (pitch)

ü  And so on.

So pay attention to that as you start changing directions. Always be thinking in terms of how the quadcopter will move, rather than how the copter is oriented towards you.


Text 3. Drone Flight Modes

By Mark LaFay

When it’s time to take flight, make sure you are familiar with the different flight modes on your drone. There are several different names and terms to refer to the different flight modes for your drone.

Standard mode

Standard mode, also known as Normal mode (and other names), is the most common flight mode. And probably the safest for new pilots. To put it simply, standard mode controls function as if you were sitting in the cockpit piloting the control.

The controls are relative to the front of the drone. Inexperienced pilots can get into trouble in this mode because when the drone is facing the pilot, the controls can seem to be reversed. Just remind yourself that you are always flying from the perspective of being in the pilot seat.

Heads free mode

When your drone is in Heads Free mode, also known as Simple mode or Carefree mode, your controls are set based on the orientation of the drone when it was armed. For example, if your drone was facing north and you were standing behind it, forward will always send it north, backward will always send it south; the same goes for the side to sides.

This can be somewhat confusing, but it can come in handy in the event your drone is ever far enough away that you can’t determine the direction it is pointing (heading).

First person view

First person view (FPV) is a new flight mode for consumer drone fliers. In FPV mode, the pilot is able to fly using the onboard cameras acting as his eyes. The camera is typically a narrow focus, front-facing camera, giving the pilot the ability to pilot the craft as if he were onboard and behind the controls. In order to fly in FPV mode, your drone must come with a front-facing camera.

Your drone must also have the option for live streaming the video feed to a display device. This almost always requires a Wi-Fi connection which then places a restriction on the distance you can fly in FPV mode to about 600 meters or less.

The FAA hasn’t placed an official ban on FPV flying, but the law specifically says that if you are hobby flying, you must fly line-of-sight. That said, if your drone offers FPV flight mode and you want to limit your risk of potentially getting busted, you should fly out in the middle of nowhere.

Other flight modes and autopilots

There are several different modes in which you can fly your drone aside from the more common modes like standard and heads free. Unfortunately, there isn’t a standard set of terms for how to describe the different modes, and so one vendor may call it one thing and another vendor will call it something totally different. For example, GPS lock mode is also referred to as loiter mode. Following is a list of other flight modes and some autopilot modes

·           Altitude Hold mode: In this mode, your drone’s current altitude will be maintained. Roll, pitch, and yaw will operate the same, but the altitude will remain constant.

·           Loiter mode: In this mode, your drone will automatically maintain your location, heading (where you are headed), and altitude even after your hands have been taken off the control sticks. The pilot can fly loiter mode as if it is in a manual mode, but you don’t have to worry about a crash if you take your fingers off the sticks mistakenly.

·           Stabilize mode: This mode allows you to fly your drone manually. The drone will automatically level out after you make directional corrections, however. When you roll or pitch a drone, it causes the drone to lean the device in order to move in that direction. In a fully manual mode, you would have to level out the pitch or roll manually. Stabilize mode does this automatically.

·           Auto Return mode: Numerous drones offer a feature that will cause your drone to fly back to the place where it was armed in the event that control communication is lost. This feature is usually initialized by default, but refer to your manual to ensure that it is; otherwise, you could lose your drone if you get out of range or lose battery power in your controller.

Exercise 1 Answer the questions.

1.      What are flight modes do you know now?

2.      What is standard mode?

3.      What does Heads free mode mean?

4.      What does the abbreviation FPV stand for?

5.      What is it used for?

6.      What must drone have for using FPV mode?

7.      What is Altitude Hold mode?

8.      What can you say about Loiter mode?

9.      What does Stabilize mode mean?

Exercise 2 Find English equivalents .

1.      Удостовериться

2.      Потребительские дроны

3.      Узко-фокусная камера

4.      Управлять, пилотировать

5.      Ограничение

6.      Продавец

7.      Ручной режим

8.      По ошибке


Text 4. Questions to Ask Before Your First Drone Flight

So you finally bought a drone. Awesome! You’re not alone.

Soon, drones will be taking to the skies to do all sorts of cool things, from cinematography to crisis response, revolutionizing and democratizing aviation. But like any vehicle, drones should be handled and operated with care. As drones get more powerful and less expensive, you can stay safe by asking yourself these 5 simple questions:


ü  Is your drone registered?

In the United States, all drones weighing between 0.55 lbs. and 55 lbs. must be registered with the FAA at registermyuas.faa.gov. This includes all drones for recreational and non-recreational operations. Registration costs $5 and can be done online in minutes. Bring your registration information along with you when you fly.

Registration goes a long way towards guaranteeing accountability of drone operators for the safety and security of airspace. Moreover, operators flying unregistered drones could incur fines up to $27,500 in civil penalties, and fines up to $250,000 and prison time in criminal penalties.

ü  Do you know the rules?

The rules for recreational drone operations in the U.S. follow common sense, but are often misunderstood. The basic rules are:

·            Never fly above 400 feet.

·            Keep your drone within visual line of sight.

·            Don’t fly over people.

·            Fly in accordance with a set of community-based guidelines.

·            If you’re flying within 5 miles of an airport, give notice to the airport.

These rules also apply to non-recreational flight under part 107, alongside other operational and safety standards pertinent to commercial operations. Learn more here.

ü  Where are you?

Our airspace system is vast and ripe with complexity. In order to fly safely and legally, you need to understand the airspace in which you’re flying and if there are any nearby obstacles that could threaten the safety of you or others. For example, stay away from dense urban areas to avoid flying over people or near buildings and cars. An open field makes for a good place to fly a drone, unless it is near an airport or governed by the National Park Service.

Thankfully, AirMap makes it easy to know where you’re flying. Download the AirMap app for iOS or Android to get safety-critical airspace information. This includes controlled airspace, wildfires, temporary flight restrictions for when a local event is taking place, and even the locations of nearby air traffic, including airplanes, helicopters, and other drones, that could create a potential hazard for your drone’s area of operation.

While we are constantly and incrementally enhancing our airspace data, we encourage you to continue to check state and local ordinances for the most up-to-date information about your location.

ü  Is it a nice day to fly?

Slight variations in weather conditions can have a big impact on drone flight.

Your drone manufacturer may provide performance estimates based on ideal flying conditions in a controlled environment, like maximum speed, altitude, or distance. But changes in wind speed, air density, visibility, and more can alter the speed and weight of your drone. This will, in turn, affect the drone’s battery life and maneuverability.

AirMap publishes local weather data directly to operators for added safety. Understanding and planning for these conditions will help you prepare for unpredictable performance or system failures so that you and others around you are safe.

ü  Are you cleared for takeoff?

There’s never been a better time to fly your drone, but it’s important to understand the differences between recreational and commercial flight.

The FAA defines commercial drone operations as operating a drone for business purposes or for compensation or hire. If your drone operation is for commercial purpose, you’ll need to adhere to the standard operating procedures in part 107, including obtaining your remote pilot certificate.

Drones are an exciting and revolutionary technology with tremendous potential to benefit our everyday lives. Responsible, educated, and accountable operations are critical for realizing this potential and unlocking this new generation of aviation innovation.



































Text 1 16 common ways drones are being used in everyday life.

Drones have an interesting set of uses from art installations to property surveying. Here are sixteen examples of the current uses of drones around the world.

Drones most certainly are not the exclusive use of western governments. They have been used for a large variety of applications in recent years. You'll probably be able to think of several uses off the top of your head, but some listed here might come as a surprise.

Drones have an interesting set of uses from art installations to property surveying and even might produce the future of the paparazzi, which is a little disconcerting. There is no doubt that they provide fantastic opportunities for businesses and recreation but what else are they being used for?

In the following article, we'll look at sixteen examples of the current uses of drones around the world.

1. Delivering stuff.

Nowadays, next day delivery is a part of online shopping, but the use of drones could mean "same-day delivery" and in style. Domino's and Amazon have seen the potential of this kind of application for the tech which might become the norm in the future.

2. Crime-fighting.

Crime is the bane of any society, but crime-fighting, primarily investigation, could be improved with drones. Forces across the world are starting to use them to gain intelligence on potential leads and threats. Private citizen privacy may well be threatened but perhaps it is a price worth paying?

3. Protecting national borders.

Immigration, specifically border security, is a rather emotive issue but it is incredibly important to a nation-state. Border control agencies are now using drones to patrol borders and coastlines for potential breaches. The Australian Government, for example, have recently adopted drones to step up their border security.

4. Changing journalism.

Journalism has been enhanced in the past with developments in video and imaging but could drones become the new norm for coverage? The concept has been endorsed by many schools of journalism. Students across the world are being taught about the viability of using a drone in high-risk areas like war zones to get up to the minute footage, whilst protecting the operators from harm.

5. Life support.

Somewhat similar to the previous application, a graduate has developed a method of delivering defibrillators to heart attack victims. This application would work, in theory, with a medic placing the device onto a drone and directing its flight path to the victim. This could also work to deliver the required medication in other life-threatening situations like, say, snakebite victims.

6. Inspecting buildings.

Building surveyors are increasingly appreciating the use of drones to inspect normally non-accessible parts of buildings for stock condition and other specialized building inspections. The use of drones saves time and money on specialist access equipment and also keeps the inspectors "out of harm's way", especially at high levels.

7. Estate agency.

Somewhat similar to the number 6 above, letting agents have started to use drones to record overview shots of properties for particular details. Some of them are even recording footage of the surrounding environment to create a virtual tour for potential clients.

8. Transporting medicine/aid.

There are many cases where an emergency supply of medical supplies or aid is required, wars or natural disasters for instance. Drones could be used to replace more antiquated methods like Brandy barrels and St. Bernard dogs. Matternet, for example, is an aviation company who are developing a network to transport medication to high-risk areas. A good recent example was by the US Government who used drones to look for survivors and transport medication, protecting its troops from any danger.

9. Assisting search and rescue teams.

Search and rescue operations often occur in rural settings with varying degrees of terrain  which can be very dangerous or inhospitable. It usually takes the team a while to reach the victim. The virtual "eyes" and "ears" of a drone could be used to direct a team to their target much more efficiently, perhaps even supplying first aid on the scene.

Search and rescue drones can:

-           Provide aerial photos and video for considerably less money than conventional helicopters.

-           Fly and maneuver into hard to access spaces.

-           Fly securely low to the ground.

Like full-sized aircraft, drones can carry HD GoPro cameras, and also thermal imaging unit to help locate animals and people. Also, these are handy for sending medical or food supplies to inaccessible areas ahead of the rescue squad comes in for support.

Because of their practical advantages, drones are getting used more regularly as a part of search & rescue operations.

10. Monitoring wildlife.

Wildlife, especially endangered species, could be monitored from a distance using drones. This concept has put to the test by a team of Indonesian scientists. The team used drones to spy on a group of endangered apes to check on their state of being and habitat.

11. Assisting farmers.

Farmers have an incredibly tough job working in all weather conditions and needing to grow and harvest crops on top of long working days. Their lives could be made a lot easier with special drones that use infra-red technology to monitor farm estates. It could also help show them how well crops are growing.

12. Protecting the environment.

Believe it or not, drones have started to be used by authorities to catch environmental criminals in the act. Environmental agencies have adopted drones to catch polluters red-handed in the act of dumping or fly-tipping. NASA has also started using drones to monitor the ozone layer and environmental consultancies have started using them for air pollution sampling.

13. Covering sporting events.

Journalists aren't the only guys who benefit from drones. Drones can even be used to cover sporting events anywhere in the world. Drones can provide unique perspectives and views for spectators and they are a great source of PR. This tech even made an appearance in the Olympics, which is pretty cool.

14. Getting snaps of celebrities.

Celebrity coverage, for some, brightens up an otherwise dull day. For those who like that sort of thing, drones are fast replacing the paparazzi. One particularly intrusive photographer managed to grab footage of Tina Turner's wedding to Erwin Bach. The future use of drones for capturing footage of otherwise exclusive and private events is likely to boom. This might very well be the most worrying use of drones on our list.

15. Art.

Have you ever thought of using a drone to create unique and strange art pieces? In 2012, a Dutch Artist made the headlines after turning the corpse of his dead cat into a drone. In case you care, the cat's name is Oliver and he sadly died during a car collision. Thank you, Oliver, your sacrifice won't be forgotten.

16. Firefighting

The good news about this is compared with choppers that are dangerous to the operator; the drones are unmanned. Also, you can curtail the fire outbreak situations with the guide of quads. It is often better to dispatch drones first at a fire break out to observe the situation before humans go inside.



property surveying- сьемка недвижимости

disconcerting- тревожный

Delivering stuff-доставка материалов

Application- применение

Crime-fighting-борьба с преступностью

Bane- проклятье, бич

Investigation- расследование



Breach- нарушение

Enhance- улучшать

Antiquated- старомодный, устаревший

Getting snaps- получение снимков

Intrusive- навязчивый


Exercise 1 Read the text.1.

Exercise 2 Find English equivalents to the following.

1.      Тревожить

2.      Доставка материалов

3.      Борьба с преступностью

4.      Охрана границ

5.      Области высокого риска

6.      Военные зоны

7.      Применение

8.      Поддержание жизни

9.      Жертва, пострадавший

10.  Сердечный приступ

11.  Требуемое лекарство

12.  Угроза жизни

13.  Пострадавший от укуса змеи

14.  Осмотр зданий

15.  Экономить время  деньги

16.  Природные катастрофы

17.  Охрана войск

18.  Опасность

19.  Поисковые и спасательные работы

20.  Обитаемый

21.  Охрана окружающей среды

22.  Охватывать спортивные события

23.  Зрители

24.  Знаменитости

25.  Объект искусства

26.  Заголовки

27.  Автокатастрофа

28.  Жертва

29.  Пожаротушение


Exercise 3 Answer the questions.

1.      What do drones provide?

2.      How can drones be used in online shopping?

3.      What is a crime?

4.      What do the police forces use drones for?

5.      How can we use drones in protecting national borders?

6.      What is the purpose of using drones by building surveyors?

7.      When do Search and rescue operations often occur?

8.      What is called a virtual eyes" and "ears" ?

9.      What can  search and rescue drones do?

10.  How can drones be used in protecting  the environment?


Exercise 4 Make a list of examples of the current uses of drones around the world.  Suggest your own examples.






Exercise 5 Complete the table using the text.

Using of a drone


Delivering stuff


Crime -fighting
































Text 1. Controversial use of drones

U.S. President Barack Obama has outlined a new policy in the controversial use of drones to kill suspected terrorists. Drones are unmanned aircraft that can be controlled from the U.S. as well as from bases in or near war zones. Both the U.S. military and the CIA use drones in their operations. Around 800 drone strikes have taken place in Afghanistan in the past two years. The CIA's use of drones is shrouded in secrecy. Experts believe the agency has conducted around 350 drone strikes in Pakistan and fewer than 100 in Yemen and Somalia since 2004.

Around 3,000 people have been killed by drones since 2004. The New America Foundation estimates that roughly 21 per cent of those killed were civilians.

President Obama said the U.S. would now only use drone strikes as a last resort, when there is a "continuing and imminent" threat to the American people, and that there must be "near certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured". Kenneth Roth from Human Rights Watch said: "A mere promise that the US will work within established guidelines that remain secret provides little confidence that [it] is complying with international law." Shahzad Akbar, a Pakistani lawyer working for drone victims' families, said: "The problem remains the same because there is no transparency and accountability for the CIA because it will remain inside the system and not be visible to outsiders.

Exercise 1 Read the text.1. Guess if  a-h  below are true (T) or false (F).


A U.S. general summarized the new policy regarding drones.

T / F


Drones can only be controlled from near the battle zone.

T / F


Drones have been used around 800 times in 2 years in Afghanistan.

T / F


An organization said just over 20% of drone fatalities were civilian.

T / F


Drones were used to bomb the last resort left in Afghanistan.

T / F


From now, drones will only be used if it's certain no civilians will die.

T / F


Human Rights Watch has little confidence in the new guidelines.

T / F


A lawyer said it was a problem that the CIA's drones use is secretive.

T / F


Exercise 2 Match the following synonyms from the article.








ordinary people




carried out




final option




on the way


last resort












complying with








Exercise 3 Match the phrases:  (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)


the controversial






21 per cent of those




international law










as a last


established guidelines




use of drones


work within


and accountability


complying with


in secrecy


no transparency




Exercise 4 Fill in the gaps with the following words.

U.S. President Barack Obama has (1) ____________ a new policy in the controversial use of drones to kill (2) ____________ terrorists. Drones are unmanned aircraft that can be controlled from the U.S. as well as from bases in or near war (3) ____________. Both the U.S. military and the CIA use drones in their (4) ____________. Around 800 drone strikes have taken place in Afghanistan in the past two years. The CIA's use of drones is shrouded in (5) ____________. Experts believe the agency has (6) ____________ around 350 drone strikes in Pakistan and (7) ____________ than 100 in Yemen and Somalia since 2004. Around 3,000 people have been killed by drones since 2004. The New America Foundation estimates that (8) ____________ 21 per cent of those killed were civilians.

President Obama said the U.S. would now only use drone strikes as a last (9) ____________, when there is a "continuing and  (10) ____________" threat to the American people, and that there must be "near (11) ____________ that no civilians will be killed or injured". Kenneth Roth from Human Rights Watch said: "A (12) ____________ promise that the US will work within established guidelines that remain secret provides little          (13) ____________ that [it] is (14) ____________ with international law." Shahzad Akbar, a Pakistani lawyer working for drone victims' families, said: "The problem remains the same because there is no (15) ____________ and accountability for the CIA because it will remain (16) ____________ the system and not be visible to outsiders."



Exercise 5 Guess the answers. Read the text to check.


a new policy in the controversial use of drones to ______


a.  kill suspecting terrorists                                          b.  kill unsuspected terrorists
c.  kill suspicious terrorists                                          d.  kill suspected terrorists


controlled from the U.S. as well as from bases in ______


a.  or nearly war zones                                                  b.  or near war zones
c.  or nearby war zones                                                 d. 
or nearer war zones


Both the U.S. military and the CIA use drones ______


a.  in there operations                                                    b.  in they're operations
c.  in their operations                                                    d.  in these operations


The CIA's use of drones is ______


a.  shrouded on secrecy                                                 b.  shrouded in secrecy
c.  shrouded by secrecy                                                 d.  shrouded with secrecy


The New America Foundation estimates that roughly 21 per cent of those ______


a.  killed were civilian                                                    b.  killed were civil yams
c.  killed weren't civilians                                              d.  killed were civilians


Obama said the U.S. would now only use drone strikes as a last resort


a.  as a last resort                                                            b.  as a lost resort
c.  as a least resort                                                          d.  as a list resort


when there is a "______" threat to the American people


a.  continue in and imminent                                          b.  continued and imminent
c.  continuing and imminent                                           d.  continual and imminent


the US will work within established guidelines ______


a.  that remains secret                                                     b.  that remainder secret
c.  that remaining secret                                                 d.  that remain secret


provides little confidence that [it] is ______ law


a.  complying with international                                     b.  comply in with international
c.  compliant with international                                      d.  complies with international


The problem remains the same because ______


a.  there is no transparent sea                                          b.  there is no transparencies
c.  there is no transparencies                                           d.  there is no transparency


Exercise 6 Listen and fill in the gaps.

U.S. President Barack Obama (1) __________________ in the controversial use of drones to kill suspected terrorists. Drones are unmanned aircraft that can be controlled from the U.S. (2) __________________ in or near war zones. Both the U.S. military and the CIA use drones in their operations. Around 800 drone (3) __________________ place in Afghanistan in the past two years. The CIA's use of drones (4) __________________. Experts believe (5) ___________________ around 350 drone strikes in Pakistan and fewer than 100 in Yemen and Somalia since 2004.

Around 3,000 people have been killed by drones since 2004. The New America Foundation estimates that roughly 21 per cent of (6) ____________________.

President Obama said the U.S. (7) __________________ drone strikes as a last resort, when there is a "continuing and imminent" threat to the American people, and that there must be "(8) __________________ civilians will be killed or injured". Kenneth Roth from Human Rights Watch said: "A (9) __________________ US will work within established guidelines that remain secret provides little confidence (10) __________________ with international law." Shahzad Akbar, a Pakistani lawyer working for drone victims' families, said: "The problem (11) ________________ because there is no transparency and accountability for the CIA because it will remain inside the system and not (12) __________________."

Exercise 7 Answer the questions.

1.      What is controversial?

2.      Which country has seen 800 drone strikes?

3.      What is the CIA use of drones cloaked in?

4.      How many people have drone strikes killed since 2004?

5.      What percentage of drone-strike fatalities might be civilian?

6.      When will the U.S. use drones from now?

7.      What must be almost certain before a drone is used?

8.      Which organization talked about a "mere promise"?

9.      Who does Shahzad Akbar represent?

10.  Why did Shahzad Akbar say there is still a problem?

Exercise 8 Quiz.


What is controversial?


When will the U.S. use drones from now?


a) suspected terrorists
b) the use of drones
c) drones built in Afghanistan
d) outlined policies


a) as a last resort
b) every day
c) after every suicide bomb
d) when Pakistan asks


Which country has seen 800 drone strikes?


What must be almost certain before a drone is used?


a) Yemen
b) Somalia
c) Pakistan 
d) Afghanistan


a) that the missiles work
b) that Pakistan's leaders agree
c) that no civilians die or get injured
d) that no pilot is needed to fly it


What is the CIA use of drones cloaked in?


Which organization talked about a "mere promise"?


a) secrecy
b) cloth
c) rumours
d) red


a) Human Rights Watch
b) the CIA
c) the FBI
d) Pakistan's secret service


How many people have drone strikes killed since 2004?


Who does Shahzad Akbar represent?


a) about 2,000
b) roughly 2,500
c) Around 3,000
d) 3,500, give or take a few dozen


a) drone victims' families
b) the Pakistan government
c) the CIA
d) himself


Exercise 9 Role-play.

Role  A – President Obama

You think drones are a necessary part of the war on terror. Tell the others three reasons why. You think accidental civilian deaths are tragic but cannot stop the use of drones. The CIA's use of drones must stay secret – you cannot tell the others why.

Role  B – Pacifist

You are shocked that the USA is using drones. Tell the others three reasons why. You think any loss of civilian life is totally unacceptable. It is the same as murder. The CIA's secrecy means Obama's new "openness" is a big lie. Tell everyone the world needs to know when the CIA uses drones.

Role  C – CIA boss

You think drones are one of the greatest military resources ever. Tell the others three reasons why. Drones greatly reduce the loss of life as no pilot is needed. You cannot say anything about operations because it could endanger the success of the battle with terrorists.

Role  D – Pakistani villager

You hate the drones that fly over your village. Tell the others three reasons why. President Obama and the CIA boss have no idea about the terror drones bring to normal people. You are furious that drones have killed people close to you who were ordinary people with families. Ask for drone strikes to stop.







Exercise 10 Look in your dictionary/ computer to find collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … for the words 'war' and 'zone'.













·         Share your findings with your partners.

·         Make questions using the words you found.

·         Ask your partner / group your questions.


Exercise 11 Look back at the article and write down some questions you would like to ask the group about the text. Share your questions with other groupmates / groups. Ask your partner / group your questions.


Exercise 12 In pairs / groups, compare your answers to this exercise. Check your answers. Talk about the words from the activity. Were they new, interesting, worth learning…?


Exercise 13 Circle any words you do not understand. In groups, pool unknown words and use dictionaries.


Exercise 14 Look at the words below. With your partner, try to recall how they were used in the text.

·         new

·         bases

·         past

·         secrecy

·         fewer

·         21

·         last

·         threat

·         near

·         promise

·         lawyer

·         system


Exercise 15 Write five GOOD questions about drones in the table. Do this in pairs. Each student must write the questions on his / her own paper.

When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers.




























·         Now return to your original partner and share and talk about what you found out. Change partners often.

·         Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings.





Exercise 16 Drones discussion

STUDENT A's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

1.      What did you think when you read the headline?

2.      What springs to mind when you hear the word 'drone'?

3.      Why do you think the unmanned aircraft are called "drones"?

4.      What do you think of the use of drones?

5.      Is it better to use drones or warplanes with pilots?

6.      Should the families of civilians killed by drones get compensation?

7.      Do you think all wars will be fought using drones and robots one day?

8.      What happens when all countries have drones?

9.      Would you use a passenger jet that was pilotless?

10.  What do you think of 21% of fatalities being civilian?


STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

1.      Did you like reading this article? Why/not?

2.      Did you like reading this article? Why/not?

3.      Did you like reading this article? Why/not?

4.      Did you like reading this article? Why/not?

5.      Did you like reading this article? Why/not?

6.      Is President Obama's message clear about drones as a last resort?

7.      What options need to be exhausted before the last resort is reached?

8.      How unacceptable is "near certainty" of no civilian casualties?

9.      What part does international law play in the fighting of a war?

10.  How much confidence do you have in the USA's use of drones?

11.  Would transparency put soldiers' lives at risk?

12.  What is the alternative to drones?

13.  Where will we be with this story in ten years from now?

14.  What questions would you like to ask President Obama?

DISCUSSION (Write your own questions)


STUDENT A's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)














STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)














Multiple choice - language

U.S. President Barack Obama has (1) ____ a new policy in the controversial use of drones to kill suspected terrorists. Drones are unmanned aircraft that can be controlled from the U.S. as well as from (2) ____ in or near war zones. Both the U.S. military and the CIA use drones in their (3) ____. Around 800 drone strikes have taken place in Afghanistan in the past two years. The CIA's use of drones is shrouded (4) ____ secrecy. Experts believe the agency has (5) ____ around 350 drone strikes in Pakistan and fewer than 100 in Yemen and Somalia since 2004. Around 3,000 people have been killed by drones since 2004. The New America Foundation estimates that (6) ____ 21 per cent of those killed were civilians.

President Obama said the U.S. would now only use drone strikes as a last (7) ____, when there is a "continuing and (8) ____" threat to the American people, and that there must be "near certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured". Kenneth Roth from Human Rights Watch said: "A (9) ____ promise that the US will work within established guidelines that remain secret provides (10) ____ confidence that [it] is complying with international law." Shahzad Akbar, a Pakistani lawyer working for drone victims' families, said: "The problem (11) ____ the same because there is no transparency and accountability for the CIA because it will remain inside the system and not be (12) ____ to outsiders."


Exercise 17 Put the correct words from the table below in the above article.



























































roughed up































































Exercise 18 Make the words from letters.

Paragraph 1


the eltcvaoinrsor use of drones


pusctedse terrorists


the U.S. liytmira


shrouded in escecry


uhlorgy 21 per cent


those killed were nalciisvi

Paragraph 2


emintimn threat


there must be near raceiyttn


hlsiadebset guidelines


lympgicno with international law


there is no ycntraprnsae


vilesib to outsiders


Exercise 19 Number these lines in the correct order.

(    )

resort, when there is a "continuing and imminent" threat to the American people, and that there must be "near

(   )

President Obama said the U.S. would now only use drone strikes as a last

(    )

secrecy. Experts believe the agency has conducted around 350 drone strikes in Pakistan and fewer than 100 in


(    )

complying with international law." Shahzad Akbar, a Pakistani lawyer working for drone


(     )

bases in or near war zones. Both the U.S. military and the CIA use drones in their operations. Around 800 drone


(    )

victims' families, said: "The problem remains the same because there is no transparency and


(    )

strikes have taken place in Afghanistan in the past two years. The CIA's use of drones is shrouded in


(    )

certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured". Kenneth Roth from Human Rights Watch said:

 "A mere


(    )

Yemen and Somalia since 2004. Around 3,000 people have been killed by drones


(    )

promise that the US will work within established guidelines that remain secret provides little confidence that [it] is


(    )

since 2004. The New America Foundation estimates that roughly 21 per cent of those killed were civilians.


(    )

terrorists. Drones are unmanned aircraft that can be controlled from the U.S. as well as from


(     )

accountability for the CIA because it will remain inside the system and not be visible to outsiders."


(    )

U.S. President Barack Obama has outlined a new policy in the controversial use of drones to kill suspected


Exercise 20 Put the words in the right order.


Use    suspected     of    terrorists     drones     to     Controversial    kill.


U.S.    the    from    controlled    be    can     that    aircraft     Unmanned.


Use   in     shrouded    secrecy    drones    of    is    CIA's     The


3,000     people     have     been     killed     by     drones     Around.    


21     of     were     Roughly     cent     killed     per     those     civilians.    


use    The    drone   US    strikes   as    a   last    would   resort     only.    


no    civilians    will    be    killed    or   injured    Near   certainty    that.    


confidence     little     provide     secret     remain     that     Guidelines.    


There    transparency    for    no    accountability   CIA    is    and    the.    


be     visible     It    will    remain    inside    the    system     and     not.    

Exercise 21 Circle the correct word (20 pairs)

U.S. President Barack Obama has outlined / lined a new policy in the controversial used / use of drones to kill suspected terrorists. Drones are unmanned aircraft that can be controlled / controlling from the U.S. as well as from basis / bases in or near war zones. Both the U.S. military and the CIA use drones in their operatives / operations. Around 800 drone strikes have taken / given place in Afghanistan in the past two years. The CIA's use of drones is shrouded / shredded in secrecy. Experts believe the agency has conducted / conductive around 350 drone strikes in Pakistan and fewer than 100 in Yemen and Somalia since / for  2004. Around 3,000 people have been killed by drones since 2004. The New America Foundation estimates that roughly 21 per cent of those killed were civil / civilians.

President Obama said the U.S. would now / not only use drone strikes as a least / last resort, when there is a "continuing and impotent / imminent" threat to the American people, and that there must be "near certainly / certainty that no civilians will be killed or injury / injured". Kenneth Roth from Human Rights Watch said: "A mere / here promise that the US will work within / wither established guidelines that remain secret provides little confidence that [it] is complying / complaint with international law." Shahzad Akbar, a Pakistani lawyer working for drone victims' families, said: "The problem remains / remaining the same because there is no transparency and accountability for the CIA because it will remain inside the system and not be invisible / visible to outsiders."




Exercise 22 Insert the vowels (a, e, i, o, u).

_.S. Pr_s_d_nt B_r_ck _b_m_ h_s __tl_n_d _ n_w p_l_cy _n th_ c_ntr_v_rs__l _s_ _f

 dr_n_s t_ k_ll s_sp_ct_d t_rr_r_sts. Dr_n_s _r_ _nm_nn_d __rcr_ft th_t c_n b_ c_ntr_ll_d

 fr_m th_ _.S. _s w_ll _s fr_m b_s_s _n _r n__r w_r z_n_s. B_th th_ _.S. m_l_t_ry _nd th_

 C__ _s_ dr_n_s _n th__r _p_r_t__ns. _r__nd 800 dr_n_ str_k_s h_v_ t_k_n pl_c_ _n _fgh_n_st_n _n th_ p_st tw_ y__rs. Th_ C__'s _s_ _f dr_n_s _s shr__d_d _n s_cr_cy.

_xp_rts b_l__v_ th_ _g_ncy h_s c_nd_ct_d _r__nd 350 dr_n_ str_k_s _n P_k_st_n _nd f_w_r th_n 100 _n Y_m_n _nd S_m_l__ s_nc_ 2004. _r__nd 3,000 p__pl_ h_v_ b__n k_ll_d by dr_n_s s_nc_ 2004. Th_ N_w _m_r_c_ F__nd_t__n _st_m_t_s th_t r__ghly 21 p_r c_nt _f th_s_ k_ll_d w_r_ c_v_l__ns.

Pr_s_d_nt _b_m_ s__d th_ _.S. w__ld n_w _nly _s_ dr_n_ str_k_s _s _ l_st r_s_rt, wh_n

 th_r_ _s _ "c_nt_n__ng _nd _mm_n_nt" thr__t t_ th_ _m_r_c_n p__pl_, _nd th_t th_r_

 m_st b_ "n__r c_rt__nty th_t n_ c_v_l__ns w_ll b_ k_ll_d _r _nj_r_d". K_nn_th R_th fr_m H_m_n R_ghts W_tch s__d: "_ m_r_ pr_m_s_ th_t th_ _S w_ll w_rk w_th_n _st_bl_sh_d g__d_l_n_s th_t r_m__n s_cr_t pr_v_d_s l_ttl_ c_nf_d_nc_ th_t [_t] _s c_mply_ng w_th _nt_rn_t__n_l l_w." Sh_hz_d _kb_r, _ P_k_st_n_ l_wy_r w_rk_ng f_r dr_n_ v_ct_ms' f_m_l__s, s__d: "Th_ pr_bl_m r_m__ns th_ s_m_ b_c__s_ th_r_ _s n_ tr_nsp_r_ncy _nd _cc__nt_b_l_ty f_r th_ C__ b_c__s_ _t w_ll r_m__n _ns_d_ th_ syst_m _nd n_t b_ v_s_bl_  t_ __ts_d_rs."


Exercise 23 Punctuate the text and add capitals.

us president barack obama has outlined a new policy in the controversial use of drones to kill suspected terrorists drones are unmanned aircraft that can be controlled from the us as well as from bases in or near war zones both the us military and the cia use drones in their operations around 800 drone strikes have taken place in afghanistan in the past two years the cia's use of drones is shrouded in secrecy experts believe the agency has conducted around 350 drone strikes in pakistan and fewer than 100 in yemen and somalia since 2004 around 3000 people have been killed by drones since 2004 the new america foundation estimates that roughly 21 per cent of those killed were civilians

president obama said the us would now only use drone strikes as a last resort when there is a "continuing and imminent" threat to the american people and that there must be "near certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured" kenneth roth from human rights watch said "a mere promise that the us will work within established guidelines that remain secret provides little confidence that [it] is complying with international law" shahzad akbar a pakistani lawyer working for drone victims' families said "the problem remains the same because there is no transparency and accountability for the cia because it will remain inside the system and not be visible to outsiders"

Exercise 24 Put a slash ( / ) where the spaces are.














Exercise 25 Write about drones for 10 minutes. Comment on your partner's paper.

















Exercise 26 Drones cause too many civilian deaths and should be banned.   Discuss.
















Exercise 27 Choose several of the words from the text. Use a dictionary or Google's. Search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.


Exercise 28 Search the Internet and find out more about drones. Share what you discover with your partner(s) in the next lesson.


Exercise 29 Make a poster about drones. Show your work to your classmates in the next lesson. Did you all have similar things?


Exercise 30 Write a magazine article about drone strikes. Include imaginary interviews with people who are for and against them. Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. Write down any new words and expressions you hear from your partner(s).


Exercise 31 Write a newspaper article about the next stage in this news story. Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. Give each other feedback on your articles.


Exercise 32 Write a letter to a military expert. Ask him/her three questions about drones. Give him/her three of your opinions on them. Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next lesson. Your partner(s) will answer your questions.





Text 1. Choosing a place to learn to fly a drone.

Any UAV pilot will tell you that learning to pilot a quadcopter in an enclosed space is asking for something to go wrong – either with you, your belongings, or the drone itself.

As you get more experienced, and your control becomes natural, flying in tight spaces will be a cinch.

But as a beginner, choose a place that will minimize the impact any mistakes might have.

We suggest starting out in a large, open space, such as a park or a field. Many people prefer to learn on grassy ground, so if the quadcopter needs to make a crash landing, it will at least have some sort of cushion.

Next, stay away from people or animals. Any crashes could cause serious injury.

And finally, wind can be your worst enemy when learning the nuances of flying. To reduce the chance of flying in the wind, try to fly in.


Exercise 1 Find antonyms in the text to the following words: open, right, artificial, specialist, small, taking off.


Exercise 2 Complete the sentences.

1.         Learning to pilot…….

2.         Many people prefer…….

3.         Any crashes….

4.         To reduce…...


Text 2. Important safety precautions.

Quadcopters are basically flying lawnmowers. They can be dangerous if not operated carefully.

Here are some quadcopter safety precautions to keep in mind:

·  If you’re about to crash into something, turn the throttle down to zero, so you don’t potentially destroy your quadcopter, injure somebody, or injure yourself.

·  Keep your fingers away from the propellers when they’re moving.

·  Unplug/take out the battery of the quad before doing any work on it. If it turns on accidentally and the propellers start spinning, you might have a tough time doing future flights with missing fingers.

·  If you’re a beginner learning to fly indoors, tie the quadcopter down or surround it by a cage.

Exercise 3 Find English equivalents in the text.

1.      Главным образом

2.      Управляться

3.      Меры предосторожности

4.      Дроссель

5.      Повредить

6.      Поранить

7.      Двигаться

8.      Вынуть батарею

9.      Вращаться

10.  Окружить



Text 1. Weather

Weather is composed of a number of elements such as the temperature and humidity of the air, atmospheric pressure, the speed and direction of the wind, air visibility and of special phenomena such as fog, storms and others. Pilots need the information about weather conditions along the route of flight. At any meteorological station which is equipped with special instruments recording all changes in the atmosphere, they indicate air pressure and temperature, record wind speed and direction as well as the movements of clouds.

Preparing for the flight the pilot of a quad is to get the latest weather information and weather forecasts along the planned route and at the point of destination and the alternates. The object of the meteorological service is to contribute to safety, efficiency and regularity of air traffic.

There exist some sources of aviation weather information: surface observation, radar observation, automatic meteorological observation, reports and others.

At any meteorological station which is equipped with special instruments recording all changes in the atmosphere, they indicate air pressure and temperature, record wind speed and direction as well as the movements of clouds. All the observations are summed up on special weather charts.

Preparing for the flight the pilot of a quad is to get the latest weather information and weather forecasts along the planned route and at the point of destination and the alternates

It is considered that landing of any aircraft is probably the most difficult operation which a pilot has to perform and the standards of visibility required are higher than for any other phase of flight. It is known that fog, rain and clouds often affect the operation.

So, if you want your drone to be safe you should examine and check weather conditions:

-           Chance of precipitation less than 10%

-           Wind speed under 15 knots (less than 20 mph)

-           Cloud base at least 500 feet

-           Visibility at least 3 statute miles (SM)


Exercise 1 Answer the questions.

1. What elements are included in weather?

2. What is the object of meteorological service?

3. What weather information does the pilot get before the flight?

4. What phase of flight does especially depend on weather conditions?

5. Why should you examine and check weather conditions before the flight?

6. What do these abbreviations stand for: mph, SM ?


Exercise 2 Translate the words define a part of speech.

direct – direction

visual – visually – visibility

observe – observation – observer

equip – equipment

transmit – transmission – transmitter

regular – regularity

depend – dependence – dependent – independent

provide – provision

accurate – accurately – accuracy – inaccurate

rely – reliable – reliability – unreliable


Exercise 3 Find English equivalents in the text.

1.      сводки погоды

2.      погодные условия

3.      давление воздуха

4.      скорость ветра

5.      направление ветра

6.       видимость

7.      прогноз погоды

8.       независимость

9.       природные условия

10.   облака

11.  посадка

12.  узел


Exercise 4 Translate into English.

1. Погода состоит из таких элементов как температура и влажность воздуха, атмосферное давление, скорость и направление ветра, видимость.
2. Дождь, гроза, туман, шторм и другие явления опасны для полета.
3. Имея все данные о погоде, синоптики составляют погодную карту.
4. Посадка  – самая трудная операция.
5. Стандарты видимости для посадки выше, чем для любой другой фазы полета.





Text 1. Radar Positioning & Return Home

The latest drones have dual Global Navigational Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as GPS and GLONASS.

Drones can fly in both GNSS and non satellite modes. For example DJI drones can fly in P-Mode (GPS & GLONASS) or ATTI mode, which doesn’t use GPS.

Highly accurate drone navigation is very important when flying especially in drone applications such as creating 3D maps, surveying landscape and SAR (Search & Rescue) missions.

When the quadcopter is first switched on, it searches and detects GNSS satellites. High end GNSS systems use Satellite Constellation technology. Basically, a satellite constellation is a group of satellites working together giving coordinated coverage and synchronized so that they overlap well in coverage. Pass or coverage is the period in which a satellite is visible above the local horizon.

The radar technology will signal the following on the remote controller display;

-           signal that enough drone GNSS satellites have been detected and the drone is ready to fly.

-           display the current position and location of the drone in relation to the pilot.

-           record the home point for ‘Return To Home’ safety feature.

Most of the latest drone have 3 types of Return to Home drone technology as follows;

-           Pilot initiated return to home by pressing button on Remote Controller or in an app.

-           A low battery level, where the UAV will fly automatically back to the home point.

-           Loss of contact between the UAV and Remote Controller with the UAV flying back automatically to its home point.

The latest Mavic Air RTH technology can sense obstacles during automatic return to home.

Exercise 1 Find English equivalents in the text.

1.      Спутниковая система

2.      Высокоточные

3.      Созвездие

4.       Искать

5.      Перекрывать

6.      Координированное покрытие

7.      Сигнализировать

8.      Показывать

9.      Текущее местоположение

10.   Точка отлета

11.   Путем нажатия на кнопку

12.  Низкий заряд аккумулятора

13.  Потеря контакта

14.  Препятствия

15.  Возвращение

16.  Чувствовать


Text 2. Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance Technology

The latest high tech drones are now equipped with collision avoidance systems. These use obstacle detection sensors to scan the surroundings, while software algorithms and SLAM technology produce the images into 3D maps allowing the drone to sense and avoid. These systems fuse one or more of the following sensors to sense and avoid;

-           Vision Sensor.

-           Ultrasonic.

-           Infrared.

-           Lidar.

-           Time of Flight (ToF).

-           Monocular Vision.

The latest DJI Mavic 2 Pro and Mavic 2 Zoom have obstacle sensing on all 6 sides. The Mavic 2 uses both Vision and Infrared sensors fused into a vision system known as Omni-directional Obstacle Sensing.

The DJI Mavic 2 obstacle sensing system is top drone technology. The Mavic 2 will sense objects, then fly around obstacles in front. It can do the same when flying backwards or hover if it is not possible to fly around the obstacle.

This technology is known as APAS (Advanced Pilot Assistance System) on the DJI Mavic 2 and Mavic Air drones.


Exercise 2 Match the beginning and the ending.

1.      The latest high tech drones

2.      SLAM technology produce the images

3.      The Mavic 2 uses both Vision and Infrared

4.      It can do the same when

5.      This technology is

D. as APAS

A. are now equipped with collision avoidance systems

B. into 3D maps allowing the drone to sense and avoid

C. flying backwards or hover

D. sensors fused into a vision system known as Omni-directional Obstacle Sensing.

Exercise 3 Answer the questions.

1.      What are the latest high tech drones equipped with?

2.      What do they use?

3.      What do SLAM technology produce?

4.      What is Omni-directional Obstacle Sensing.?

5.      What does the abbreviation APAS stand for?


Text 3. Gyroscope Stabilization, IMU And Flight Controllers.

Gyros stabilization technology give the drone its smooth flight capabilities.

The gyroscope works almost instantly to the forces moving against the drone keeping it flying or hovering very smoothly. The gyroscope provides essential navigational information to the central flight controller.

The inertial measurement unit (IMU) works by detecting the current rate of acceleration using one or more accelerometers. The IMU detects changes in rotational attributes like pitch, roll and yaw using one or more gyroscopes. Some IMU include a magnetometer to assist with calibration against orientation drift.

The Gyroscope is a component of the IMU and the IMU is an essential component of the drones flight controller. The flight controller is the central brain of the drone.






Essential- основной

Measurement unit- измерительное устройство

Acceleration- ускорение

Rotational- вращательный


Calibration- калибровка

Exercise 4 Answer the questions.

1.      What does the Gyros stabilization technology give the drone?

2.      What does the Gyro provide?

3.      What is IMU?

4.      What is gyroscope?

5.      What is a flight controller?


Exercise 5 Make the plan of the text.









Text 1. Onscreen Real-Time Flight Parameters.

Nearly all drones have a Ground Station Controller (GSC) or a smartphone app allowing you to keep track of the current flight telemetry and see what your drone sees on your mobile device.

No Fly Zone Drone Technology

In order to increase flight safety and prevent accidents in restricted areas, the latest drones from DJI and other manufacturers include a “No Fly Zone” feature. The no fly zones are regulated and categorized by the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA). Manufacturers can change the no fly zone drone technology using UAV firmware updates.

GPS Ready To Fly Mode Drone Technology

When the compass is calibrated, it then seeks the location of GPS satellites. When more than 6 are found, it allows the drone to fly in “Ready To Fly” Mode.

Internal Compass & Failsafe Function

Allows the UAV and remote control system to know exactly its flight location. A home point can be set and this is the location the drone will return to, if the drone and the remote control system stop connecting. This is also known as “fail-safe function”.

FPV Live Video Transmission Drone Technology

FPV means First Person View”. A video camera is mounted on the unmanned aerial vehicle and this camera broadcasts the live video to the pilot on the ground. The ground pilot is flying the aircraft as if they were on-board the aircraft instead of looking at the aircraft from the pilot’s actual ground position.

FPV allows the unmanned aircraft to fly much higher and further than you can from looking at the aircraft from the ground. First Person View allows for more precise flying especially around obstacles.

FPV allows unmanned aerial vehicles to fly very easily indoors, or through forests and around buildings.

The exceptionally fast growth and development of the drone racing league would not be possible without FPV live video transmission technology.

This FPV technology uses radio signal to transmit and receive the live video.

The drone has a multi-band wireless FPV transmitter built in along with an antenna.  Depending on the drone, the receiver of the live video signals can be either the remote control unit, a computer, tablet or smartphone device.

This live video feed is related to the strength of the signal between the ground control on the drone.

The latest DJI Mavic 2 has an FPV live video range of 5 miles (8 km) with a 1080p quality video transmission.

Other, slightly older drones such as the DJI Mavic and Phantom 4 Pro, can transmit live video up to 4.3 miles (7 km).  The Phantom 4 Pro and Inspire 2 use the latest DJI Lightbridge 2 transmission system.

Drones such as the DJI Mavic use integrated controllers and intelligent algorithms to set a new standard for wireless high definition image transmission by lowering latency and increasing maximum range and reliability.

UAV Remote Control System

On the DJI Phantom 3, this is the wireless communication device using the 5.8 GHz frequency band. Remote controls systems are also known as ground control. The drone and the ground control should already be paired when it leaves the factory.

UAV Remote Control Receiver

The location of the 5.8 GHz receiver technology link button is under the UAV.

Almost, all the latest drones can use 2.4 or 5.8 GHz operating frequencies.

Range Extender UAV Technology

This is a wireless communication device which generally operate within the 2.4 GHz frequency. It is used to extend the range of communication between the smartphone or tablet and the drone in an open unobstructed area.

Transmission distance can reach up to 700 meters. Each range extender has a unique MAC address and network name (SSID).

The latest DJI drones out of the box can fly with a range of up to 5 miles (8 km).

Older drones from the other top manufacturers can’t fly as far as DJI drones. However, products such as range extenders are very popular, which can push the distance even further.

Smartphone App Featuring Ground Station Function

Most of the drones today can be flown by a remote controller or from a smartphone app, which can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple Store. The app allows for full control of the drone.

Each manufacturer will have their own app such as the Go 4 app from DJI.


Exercise 1 Answer the questions.

1. What is GSC?

2. Why is No Fly Zone” feature used in drones?

3. What does the FAA mean?

4. When do the compass allow the drone to fly in “Ready To Fly” Mode?

5. What does Internal Compass & Failsafe Function allow the UAV?

6. What is a fail-safe function?

7. What does FPV mean?

8. What is it?

9. What is Range Extender UAV Technology used for?


Exercise 2 Arrange these sentences in the correct order and complete the table.

A.    When the compass is calibrated, it then seeks the location of GPS satellites.

B.     The no fly zones are regulated and categorized by the Federal Aviation Authority.

C.     This is a wireless communication device which generally operate within the 2.4 GHz frequency.

D.    Remote controls systems are also known as ground control.

E.     Drones such as the DJI Mavic use integrated controllers and intelligent algorithms to set a new standard for wireless high definition image transmission by lowering latency and increasing maximum range and reliability.

F.      The drone has a multi-band wireless FPV transmitter built in along with an antenna.

G.    Nearly all drones have a Ground Station Controller

















Exercise 3 Make a plan of the text.


Exercise 4 Tell, what do these abbreviations stand for?

1.      FAA

2.      UAV

3.      FPV

4.      GSC

5.      GHz

6.      GPS

7.      Km

8.      App











Text 1. Pre-checklist.

Going through a pre-flight checklist will keep you and your copter safe. It will also make sure you don’t waste time fixing components and getting things ready, when you could be having a blast flying your quad. Here’s a checklist you can use before each flight:

Site safety check.

-         If flying at dawn / dusk, double-check civil twilight hours

-         Establish take-off, landing, and emergency hover zones

-         Potential for electromagnetic interference?

-         Look for towers, wires, buildings, trees, or other obstructions

-         Look for pedestrians and/or animals and set up safety perimeter if needed

-         Discuss flight mission with other crew members if present

Visual aircraft / system inspection

-         Registration number is displayed properly and is legible

-         Look for abnormalities- aircraft frame, propellers, motors, undercarriage

-         Look for abnormalities- gimbal, camera, transmitter, payloads, etc.

-         Gimbal clamp and lens caps are removed

-         Clean lens with microfiber cloth

-         Attach propellers, battery/fuel source, and insert SD card / lens filters

Powering up

-         Turn on transmitter / remote control and open up DJI Go 4 app

-         Turn on aircraft

-         Verify established connection between transmitter and aircraft

-         Position antennas on transmitter toward the sky

-         Verify display panel / FPV screen is functioning properly

-         Calibrate Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) as needed

-         Calibrate compass before every flight

-         Verify battery / fuel levels on both transmitter and aircraft

-         Verify that the UAS has acquired GPS location from at least six satellites

Taking off

-         Take-off to eye-level altitude for about 10-15 seconds

-         Look for any imbalances or irregularities

-         Listen for abnormal sounds

-         Pitch, roll, and yaw to test control response and sensitivity

-         Check for electromagnetic interference or other software warnings

-         Do one final check to secure safety of flight operations area

-         Proceed with flight mission

Exercise 1 Answer the questions.

1.      What is a pre-flight checklist?

2.      What is pre-flight checklist used for?

Exercise 2 Match the following.

1.      pre-flight checklist

2.      safe

3.      waste time

4.      blast

5.      safety check

6.      dusk

7.      wires

8.      obstructions

9.      pedestrians

10.  legible

11.  abnormalities

12.  gimbal clamp

13.  lens

14.  to verify

15.  proceed

A.    сумерки

B.     продолжать

C.     проверить

D.    препятствия

E.     сумерки

F.      объектив

G.    карданный зажим

H.    аномалии

I.        пешеходы

J.       разборчивый

K.    безопасный

L.     предполетная подготовка

M.   взрыв

N.    тратить время

O.    проверка безопасности


Exercise 3 Complete the sentences.

1.      Establish take-off, landing …

2.      Gimbal clamp and …

3.      Calibrate compass

4.      Verify established connection …

5.      Listen for ….

6.      Proceed with


Text 2. Getting your drone off the ground.

When you understand the controls and you’ve taken all of the right safety precautions, you’re ready to fly. To get your quadcopter in the air, the only control you need is the throttle. Push the throttle (left stick) up very slowly, just to get the propellers going. Then stop. Repeat this multiple times and until you’re comfortable with the throttle’s sensitivity. Slowly push the throttle further than before, until the copter lifts off the ground. Then pull the throttle back down to zero and let the quadcopter land. Repeat this 3-5 times. Notice whether the copter is trying to rotate left or right (yaw), move left or right (roll), or move backwards or forwards (pitch). If you notice any movements happening without you making them happen, use the corresponding trim button to balance them out. For example, if you notice the copter moving to the left when you push the throttle, adjust the “roll” trim button next to the right stick. Keep adjusting the trims until you get a relatively stable hover off the ground by only using the throttle. Congrats! You know how to get your quadcopter airborne.

Now, let’s learn how to hover in mid-air.


Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with the words: movement, times, throttle, adjusting, right.

1. The only control you need to get your copter in the air is the___________. 2. Slowly push the throttle left or _____________ than before, until the copter lifts off the ground. 3. If you notice any   ____________happening without you making them happen, use the corresponding trim button to balance them out. 4. Keep adjusting the trims until you get a relatively stable hover off the ground by only using the throttle. 5. Repeat this 3-5 ___________.

Text 3. Hovering in midair and landing your drone.

To hover, you will use the throttle to get airborne. You will then use small adjustments of the right stick to keep the quadcopter hovering in place. You may also need to adjust the left stick (yaw) slightly, to keep it from turning. Use the throttle to get the copter about a foot to a foot-and-a-half off the ground. Make tiny adjustments with the right stick (and the left, if necessary) to keep the copter hovering in position. When you’re ready to land, cut back the throttle slowly. When the quadcopter is an inch or two off the ground, go ahead and cut the throttle completely and let the UAV drop to the ground. Repeat this until you get comfortable hovering off the ground and landing gently.


Exercise 4 Find English equivalents to the following.

1.      Подняться в воздух

2.      Настройки

3.      В положении зависания

4.      Полностью

5.      Мягко


Exercise 5 Give an answer for the question: For what operations do we use throttle?

Text 4. Flying your quadcopter left\right and forward and backward.

To fly a quadcopter left, right, forwards, and backwards, you will need to hold the throttle at a steady rate to keep it airborne. You will then use the right stick to maneuver the quadcopter in the direction you want it to go.

First, bring your copter to a hover.

Push the right stick forward to fly it a couple feet forward.

Pull the right stick back to bring it back to its original position.

Now, move it further backwards a couple feet, and return it to its original position.

Push the right stick to the left to move your copter a couple feet to the left.

Move it back to its original position, then fly it a couple feet to the right.

If it starts to rotate (yaw), adjust the left stick to the left or right to keep the copter facing the same direction.

(Pro tip: When you move in either direction, you will probably notice the quadcopter dropping in altitude. To keep the copter at the same altitude, push the throttle and give it more power whenever you turn or move.)


Exercise 6 Give the Russian equivalents to the following.

1.      steady rate

2.      keep  airborne

3.      right stick

4.      original position

5.      yaw

6.      adjust

7.      in either direction

8.      dropping in altitude

9.      altitude

10.  more power


Text 5. Flying continuously.

Flying a quadcopter continuously requires you to rotate and change directions simultaneously.

This will take some getting used to, because the quadcopter will be facing different angles in relation to how you’re facing, so you will need to pay close attention to how each movement of the sticks will affect the quadcopter’s flight.

First, take off and hover.

Rotate (yaw) your copter to a slight angle.

Use the right stick to fly it left/right and forwards/backwards. Get comfortable flying the quadcopter while it faces a different direction.

Rotate it to another angle, and use the right stick to maneuver it again.

Keep doing this until you’re comfortable flying at different angles.

To fly continuously, slowly push the right stick forward.

As you’re pushing the right stick forward, push the right stick slightly to the left or to the right at the same time.

Fly in different directions by pushing the right stick forward (pitch) and adjusting it left and right, and using the left stick (yaw) to change the direction the copter is facing.

Then, try adjusting the quadcopter’s height by moving the left stick forward and backward (throttle).


Exercise 7 Complete the table.

What to use?

What for?





3.right stick


4.left stick








Text 1. Different milestones to hit.

They will help you gauge where you’re at and what you should be going for next.

-         Learn how the four main quadcopter controls – roll, pitch, yaw, and throttle – affect a quadcopter’s movement.

-         Understand the parts of your quadcopter and what each of them does.

-         Prepare a pre-flight checklist and go through it before each take off.

-         Understand the safety precautions.

-         Use the throttle to get airborne, and make any necessary adjustments using the trim buttons.

-         Get comfortable hovering in mid-air and gently landing your quadcopter.

-         Take off to an altitude of 3 feet and land in the same position.

-         Take off to an altitude of 3 feet and spin the UAV around 180 degrees.

-         Get comfortable flying your quadcopter left/right and forwards/backwards.

-         Learn how to fly a quadcopter in a square pattern.

-         Learn how to fly a quadcopter in a circle.

-         Learn how to rotate (yaw) a quadcopter.

-         Learn how to fly a quadcopter continuously.

-         Do all of the above, but at an altitude of 25 feet.


Milestones- этапы

Gauge- оценить

Altitude- высота

Тhrottle – дроссель

Spin- поворачивать


Exercise 1 Match the following.

1.      Safety

2.      quadcopter’s

3.      comfortable

4.      pattern.

5.      different

A.      Milestones

B.       pattern.

C.       precautions.

D.      movement.

E.       flying


Text 2. How to land a drone.

Many pilots will tell you that takeoff and landing tend to be where the majority of accidents happen. You can minimize this with your drone by ensuring that your takeoff location is clean, dry, level, and stable. However, even with the best launch pad, landing can be tricky because of the turbulence that you may experience during a descent. Your drone may fall victim to an effect called vortex ring state. If you descend too quickly, you can get caught in your downwash (air that your propellers are blowing down), and this can cause you to lose control of your drone. To avoid this potential bringer of pain, do not descend faster than indicated in your drone’s user manual.

As you approach the ground, you will experience a substantial amount of turbulence called ground effect. Ground effect occurs when there isn’t enough space for air being blown downward through your propellers to dissipate. This causes turbulence and can cause your drone to become unstable. Hovering a few feet above the ground for a few seconds helps reduce this effect. This image depicts how ground wash occurs.

The best approach for landing your drone is to slowly pull down on the throttle so that your drone descends at a controlled rate. When the drone touches down, simply pull the throttle all the way down and hold it there until your motors shut off.

Many drone users who have trouble landing successfully resort to a method called catch landing. With one hand the pilot will lower the drone until it can be grabbed with the other hand at which point the motors are killed. The obvious risk here is that the drone will bump into you or your catcher. This is a real risk.






Downwash-скос потока

Manual-руководство по эксплуатации





Exercise 2 Answer the questions.

1.    Why can landing be tricky?

2.    What is downwash?

3.    What should we do to avoid downwash?

4.    What is called a ground effect?

5.    What is the best approach for landing?

6.    What is a catch landing method?


Exercise 3 Match the beginning and ending of the sentences.

1.    You can minimize this with your drone by ensuring

2.    If you descend too quickly,

3.    As you approach the ground,

4.    This image depicts

5.    The best approach for landing your drone is to slowly pull down

6.    The obvious risk here is

A.    you can get caught in your downwash

B.     on the throttle so that your drone descends at a controlled rate.

C.     that your take off location is clean, dry, level, and stable.

D.    you will experience a substantial amount of turbulence called ground effect.

E.     that the drone will bump into you or your catcher.

F.      how ground wash occurs



Exercise 4 Make a plan of the text.


Exercise 5 Retell the text.



















1.    Агабекян И.П.  Английский язык для ССУЗов: учебное пособие / И.П. Агабекян – М.: Проспект, 2015,-283с.

2.    Багаев А. Операционные системы и среды/ Багаев А., Налютин Н., Синицын С.- М: Академия,2014-272стр.

3.    Бжиская Ю.В. Английский язык. Информационные системы и технологии/ Бжиская   Ю.В., Краснова Е.В.- Ростов н/Д: Феникс,2017-320стр.

4.    Биркенмайер М. Английский язык. Программа повторения перед контрольной работой и экзаменами. / Биркенмайер М. /М.: Астрель: АСТ,2018-287стр

5.    Левченкова Н.В. Лексико-грамматический практикум для специалистов по вычислительной технике и автоматизированным системам: учебное пособие/Н.В.Левченкова-Ульяновск.:УАвиаК,2014,-90с.

6.    Левченкова Н.В. Грамматический справочник. Английский язык: Учебное пособие/Н.В. Левченкова-Ульяновск.: УАвиаК,2013,-47с.

7.    Мартинес М.Н. Методическое пособие для студентов 4 курса отделения “Программное обеспечение вычислительной техники и автоматизированных систем”./М.Н. Мартинес: Санкт-Петербургский колледж информационных технологий: Санкт-П, 2011

8.    Беляева С.А. Практикум по чтению текстов авиационной тематики :учебное пособие /С.А. Беляева, Н.С. Паскевич, Г.В. Попова/- Санкт-Петербург : Гамма, 2017,-40 стр.

9.    Романовская Н.В. Профессиональный английский язык: учебное пособие по профессио-нально-ориентированному английскому языку/ Н.В Романовская, Черняева Е.В., Зеленкова С.К./ - м.: МГТУ га, 2016. -56 с. ISBN 978-5-86311-955-7..



10.         http://fcior.edu.ru/ - Федеральный центр информационно-образовательных ресурсов.

11.         http://tululu.ru/computer/2/ -Большая бесплатная библиотека

12.         #www.englishbiblioneka.ru-radovel




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