Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииМетоды и технологии подготовки к сдаче устной части ЕГЭ (сравнение двух фотографий)

Методы и технологии подготовки к сдаче устной части ЕГЭ (сравнение двух фотографий)

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  • Методы и технологии подготовки к сдаче устной части ЕГЭ (сравнение двух фотог...

    1 слайд

    Методы и технологии подготовки к сдаче устной части ЕГЭ (сравнение двух фотографий)
    учитель английского языка
    МБОУ «СОШ №1»
    Лескина Татьяна Алексеевна

  • 2 слайд

  • TASK 1. Study the two photos. Read the following sentences about them. Decide...

    3 слайд

    TASK 1. Study the two photos. Read the following sentences about them. Decide which sentences refer to the first picture, which refer to the second picture and which refer to both of them. There are two examples at the beginning.
    Well, let me have a close look at the photos. _____
    I think, I will describe photo №1 first. ____
    The photo shows a plumper who is doing his job. ____
    He is repairing water pipes. ____
    The second photo shows a team of five people who are working in an office. ____
    One member of the team seems to be making a presentation and the others are listening to him. ____
    It is felt that they are discussing some/an important issue. ____
    Both pictures have a few things in common. _____
    Both of them were taken indoors. _____
    № 1
    № 1
    № 2
    № 2
    № 2

  • TASK 1. Study the two photos. Read the following sentences about them. Decide...

    4 слайд

    TASK 1. Study the two photos. Read the following sentences about them. Decide which sentences refer to the first picture, which refer to the second picture and which refer to both of them. There are two examples at the beginning.
    10. Each photo shows people at work. ____
    11. However, there is a big difference between these two pictures. ____
    12. The man in the first photo is working with his hands. He is a hands-on worker. ____
    13. It seems that he works individually. ___
    14. In contrast, people in the second photo are involved in intellectual work. __
    15. Besides, they work in a team. ____
    16. I’d love to work on my own because it would give me the possibility to set my own hours and be responsible for what I personally do. ____
    17. I like working with my hands so I might work as a landscape designer, for example ____
    № 1
    № 1
    № 2
    № 2
    № 1
    № 1

  • TASK 2. Compare the two pictures. Use the words in the word box. More than on...

    5 слайд

    TASK 2. Compare the two pictures. Use the words in the word box. More than on variant is possible. Mind the rules of writing.
    1) Both photos are quite similar in many ways. There are several major differences between them.
    2) Each of the photos shows people at work. The jobs people do are quite different.
    3) The first photo shows a plumber who is doing his job. The second photo shows a group of people working in an office.
    Both photos are quite similar in many ways but/although there are several major
    differences between them
    Each of the photos shows people at work, however/but the jobs people perform,
    are quite different
    The first photo shows a plumper doing his job whereas/while the second photo
    shows a group of people working in an office

  • TASK 2. Compare the two pictures. Use the words in the word box. More than on...

    6 слайд

    TASK 2. Compare the two pictures. Use the words in the word box. More than on variant is possible. Mind the rules of writing.
    4) The plumber is repairing water pipes. The people in the second photo are sitting in an office and discussing some issues.
    5) The people in the second photo are involved in intellectual work. The man in the first photo is working with his hands.
    6) Not only that, the man in the first photo is working individually. The people in the second photo are working as a team.
    Not only that, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
    The plumber is repairing water pipes whereas/while the people in the second photo
    are sitting in an office and discussing some issues
    Unlike the people in the second photo, who are involved in intellectual work,
    the man in the first photo is working with his hands
    In contrast to/in contrast with/by comparison with/in comparison with the man in the first photo who is working individually, the people in the second photo are working as a team

  • TASK 3. Write that you would like to work in a team. Give arguments. Use the...

    7 слайд

    TASK 3. Write that you would like to work in a team. Give arguments. Use the words in the word box.
    Personally, I’d like to work as part of a team.
    Teamwork involves __________, _______________, _________________ and_____________________________.
    Teamwork helps people to _________________________________
    I’ll be able to work in a team because I’m not afraid _____________
    if necessary. Besides, I am _________________.
    I can ____________________ of others and I can _____________ effectively with others.
    exchanging ideas
    helping each other
    sharing the responsibilities
    learn new things and
    meet new people
    to ask for guidance
    quick to learn
    understand the viewpoint

  • TASK 4. Use exercises 2 and 3 to compare and contrast the two photos:give a...

    8 слайд

    TASK 4. Use exercises 2 and 3 to compare and contrast the two photos:

    give a brief description of the photos (actions, location)
    say what the pictures have in common
    say in what way the pictures are different
    say if you would like to work in a team or individually
    explain why

  • Thank you!

    9 слайд

    Thank you!

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