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Монолог Food for life 3 класс

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                     Food for life

      People cannot live without food. Meat comes from animals. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese. From plants we get fruit and vegetables. Tea comes from a plant too. Different food comes from different countries. Some people grow their food, but usually we buy it. Remember to buy and eat the right food. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Drink milk and juice! They’ve got a lot of vitamins.

                     Food for life

      People cannot live without food. Meat comes from animals. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese. From plants we get fruit and vegetables. Tea comes from a plant too. Different food comes from different countries. Some people grow their food, but usually we buy it. Remember to buy and eat the right food. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Drink milk and juice! They’ve got a lot of vitamins.

                     Food for life

      People cannot live without food. Meat comes from animals. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese. From plants we get fruit and vegetables. Tea comes from a plant too. Different food comes from different countries. Some people grow their food, but usually we buy it. Remember to buy and eat the right food. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Drink milk and juice! They’ve got a lot of vitamins.

                     Food for life

      People cannot live without food. Meat comes from animals. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese. From plants we get fruit and vegetables. Tea comes from a plant too. Different food comes from different countries. Some people grow their food, but usually we buy it. Remember to buy and eat the right food. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Drink milk and juice! They’ve got a lot of vitamins.

                     Food for life

      People cannot live without food. Meat comes from animals. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese. From plants we get fruit and vegetables. Tea comes from a plant too. Different food comes from different countries. Some people grow their food, but usually we buy it. Remember to buy and eat the right food. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Drink milk and juice! They’ve got a lot of vitamins.

                     Food for life

      People cannot live without food. Meat comes from animals. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese. From plants we get fruit and vegetables. Tea comes from a plant too. Different food comes from different countries. Some people grow their food, but usually we buy it. Remember to buy and eat the right food. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Drink milk and juice! They’ve got a lot of vitamins.

                     Food for life

      People cannot live without food. Meat comes from animals. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese. From plants we get fruit and vegetables. Tea comes from a plant too. Different food comes from different countries. Some people grow their food, but usually we buy it. Remember to buy and eat the right food. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Drink milk and juice! They’ve got a lot of vitamins.

                     Food for life

      People cannot live without food. Meat comes from animals. Eggs come from birds. Milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese. From plants we get fruit and vegetables. Tea comes from a plant too. Different food comes from different countries. Some people grow their food, but usually we buy it. Remember to buy and eat the right food. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Drink milk and juice! They’ve got a lot of vitamins.


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