Инфоурок Другое ПрезентацииMy World of Music

My World of Music

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  • My World of MusicАвтор презентации:
Каракай Софья,
ученица 9-В класса

    1 слайд

    of Music
    Автор презентации:
    Каракай Софья,
    ученица 9-В класса
    МОУ Гимназия
    г. Новый Уренгой

  • Contents The power of music
Musical instruments
Outstanding composers
My favo...

    2 слайд

    The power of music
    Musical instruments
    Outstanding composers
    My favourite musical group

  • The power of musicThere is world of music around us. It this world large or...

    3 слайд

    The power of music

    There is world of music around us. It this world large or small? It often depends on how much you know: the more you known the larger the world is.
    Music is the soundtrack of our lives. It can entertain us, transform our feelings and appeal to our hearts, but it can destroy us.

    Music conquers our hearts and feelings. It can leave us indifferent or it can provoke powerful and complex feelings.
    There are different kinds of music: classical, soul, rock, country, folk, blues, heavy metal and many others.

  • Musical  instrumentsSome people like listening to music.

Some people enjo...

    4 слайд

    Musical instruments
    Some people like listening to music.

    Some people enjoy playing music.

    And some people like dancing to music.

    Different music is played with different musical instruments. The musicians play the piano, drums, guitar, bass (guitar) and trumpet.

  • Outstanding composers of               RussiaClassical music makes us think...

    5 слайд

    composers of Russia
    Classical music makes us think of people and places we love. It can evoke long forgotten events and feelings we thought we forgot.
    The well-known Russian composers are Skriabin, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Mussorgsky, Rakhmaninov and Prokofiev. In my opinion they overwhelmed the world with their music.

  • Outstanding composers of Britain
   The outstanding British composers are H...

    6 слайд

    composers of

    The outstanding British composers are Henry Purcell,
    Benjamin Britten and Andrew Lloyd Webber. No doubt they
    filled the world with their music.
    Andrew Lloyd Webber
    is the king of the musical today. His
    musicals and rock operas have been a
    great success both in
    Britain and overseas.
    Benjamin Britten
    wrote music for plays, songs for children. His music is melodious and
    not difficult. It can be enjoyed by every music lover.
    Henry Purcell
    is often called the
    “British Orpheus”.
    Thanks to him the
    17th-century English
    art of composing
    music has been
    included in the
    treasury of European

  • My favourite  musical group

    7 слайд

    My favourite
    musical group

  • 8 слайд

  • 9 слайд

  • 10 слайд

  • Where is this band from? Why is it called “The Rasmus”?    The Rasmus are a...

    11 слайд

    Where is this band from?
    Why is it called “The Rasmus”?
    The Rasmus are a Finnish rock band that was organized in 1994 in Helsinki, Finland while they were in high school.
    The original band members were Lauri Ylönen (lead singer/songwriter), Eero Heinonen (bass), Pauli Rantasalmi (guitar) and Aki Hakala (drums).
    Before releasing their fourth studio album Into (2001), they were simply known as Rasmus, but changed their name to The Rasmus in order to avoid being confused with a Swedish DJ of the same name.

  • Is it successful?        
 Their 2003 hit "In the Shadows" made them famous w...

    12 слайд

    Is it successful?

    Their 2003 hit "In the Shadows" made them famous worldwide.
    Today the band is one of Finland's most successful bands with more than 1,5 million sold albums worldwide, eight gold awards and five platinum awards. They have released six studio albums.
    Some of the band's most famous songs are the singles "Liquid", "F-F-F-Falling", "In the Shadows", "First Day of My Life", "Funeral Song" , "No Fear" and "Sail Away“.

  • Let’s sing together!First Day of My Life
Feel like I’m stoned 
Wanna be along...

    13 слайд

    Let’s sing together!
    First Day of My Life
    Feel like I’m stoned
    Wanna be along, just for a while,
    Weeks on the road a long way from home,
    Just shut off the phone.

    And you say I’ll heal you,
    I’ll always be yours,
    And you say I’ll kill you if I do
    something wrong,
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    Still feels like the first time
    To stand here by your side,
    Together regardless
    We’ll walk through the darkness,
    Still feels like the first day of my life.
    Первый день моей жизни
    Чувствую себя окаменевшим
    Хочу остаться один, хотя бы на время
    Неделями в дороге, далеко от дома,
    Просто отключив телефон.

    И ты сказала: «Я излечу тебя,
    Я всегда буду твоей»,
    И ты сказала: «Я убью тебя, если я сделаю что-то не так»
    Да, да, да, да, да, да

    Всё ещё чувствую, как будто это первый раз.
    Стою здесь рядом с тобой
    Вместе, несмотря ни на что
    Мы пройдём сквозь тьму
    Всё ещё чувствую, как будто это первый день моей жизни.

  • Why do I like this group?
I adore this group! It’s great! I am mesmerized by...

    14 слайд

    Why do I like this group?

    I adore this group! It’s great! I am mesmerized by their music and songs because they are romantic, amazing, fascinating, unforgettable and breathtaking. Their music appeals to my heart and entertains me.
    Their music makes me think of days off and parties.
    When I am happy I listen to “F-F-F-Falling” and “Keep Your Heart Broken”.
    When I am sad I listen to “Ghost Of Love”.
    I suppose my world of music is large.

  • Quiz
1. What is my favourite group?
2. What country is it from?
3. Is it su...

    15 слайд


    1. What is my favourite group?
    2. What country is it from?
    3. Is it successful?
    4. What song did we sing two
    minutes ago?

    The Rasmus
    Yes, it is.
    First day of my life.

  • Использованные материалы1. Английский язык: Учебник для 9 класса/Кузовлев...

    16 слайд

    Использованные материалы
    1. Английский язык: Учебник для 9 класса/Кузовлев
    В.П. и др. – М.: Просвещение, 2001.
    2. Журнал «Мой кумир».
    3. Вивальди . «Времена года», концерт № 2 «Лето»,
    Allegro non molto.
    4. Песни группы “The Rasmus”.
    5. Website www.therasmus.com.

  • 17 слайд

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