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Noun. Text Hospital. Heart disease. An Interesting Meeting. план урока

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The theme: «Noun. Text Hospital. Heart disease. An Interesting Meeting.»

Aims:  1) To explain the new material;

             2) To increase students 'interest and motivation to learn more;

             3) To  enrich pupils' knowledge.


The type of the lesson: New lesson.


The form of the lesson: Combined lesson.


Visual aids: placards, slides, cards, vocabulary, videos, crosswords.


Intersubject communication: Kazakh literature.


The plane of the lesson:

I.       Org. moment (7 minute)

II.    Warming up activity (5 minute)

III.   Checking home task (10 minute)

IV.  Explain new lesson (30 minute)

V.    Fix new lesson (20 minute)

VI.  Conclusion (5 minute)

VII.           Feedback (3 minute

VIII.        Home task (2 minute)


The procedure of the lesson



I.       Greetings and checking attendance (5 min)           Good morning, students!

                                                                                     I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please!

                                                                                     Who is on duty today?

                                                                                     What day/date is it today?

                                            Who is absent today?

                                                                                     Thank you.


II.     Warming up activity (5 min)                                   Speech drill.

The students stand in a circle. The "Make a compliment" strategy in English. Condition of the game: smile at the neighbor, give a hand, pronounce the name and say a compliment in English.

You look wonderful.  You look splendid.

You are beautiful.  You are handsome.

You look well/good.



III.Checking home task (10 min)                                   let’s check your home task

  1. Who is your ideal?
  2. Do you have any brothers and sisters?
  3. What do you want to do this evening?
  4. When do you go to college?
  5. How are you?
  6. Are you tired?                                                                              


                        The theme: Noun. Text Hospital. Heart disease. An Interesting Meeting.»

IV. Explain new lesson (35 min)

let's solve puzzles

1.      Which letter is the 14 letter of the alphabet?

2.      Which letter is the 15 ?

3.      Which letter is the 21 ?

4.      Which letter is the 14? So today we have spoken about Noun

Grammar table  

Most of the nouns are made plural by adding an 's'
pen – pens               pencil – pencils            book – books         file - files

  Nouns ending with s, ss, z, zz, x, ch, sh, and tch are made plural by adding "es" to the singular form:
wish – wishes       watch – watches       fox – foxes            bus - buses

  If a noun's singular form ends with a consonant plus y, you must change the y to I and then add "es":
baby – babies        candy – candies         sky – skies         spy - spies

  Some Irregular Plural Forms:
man – men   woman – women  foot – feet   tooth – teeth child – children  medium- media
Attention: A singular subject takes a singular verb, and a plural subject takes a plural verb. Forming Plurals Table

Forming Plurals



a. Most nouns take S at the end of their singular forms.



b. If the noun ends in S, Z, CH, SH, O, SS, or X, we add ES.






c. If the noun ends in F or Fe, change F or FE to V, and add - ES.



d. If the noun ends in Y preceded by a consonant, change Y to I; and add -ES(ies)



e. Some nouns have irregular plural forms



Non-Singular/Plural Form Nouns



No Singular Form

No Plural Form







Exercise  1

The cat is sitting on my        .

There are five         on my desk.

I have two        .

They are riding their        .

We have a        .

How many         do you have in your bag?

My mother has a new        .

There are three windows in the        .

Susan has four        .

There is one         on the floor.

Exercise  2

I have three Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface(child) all living at home.
2. There are five Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (man) and four Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (woman) playing tennis right now.
3. Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (baby) play with bottles as Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (toy).
4. For dinner, we are having boiled Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (potato), sliced Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (radish), and green Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (bean).
5. Nowadays, few men wear Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (watch). Instead, they check the time on their cell phones.
6. I put some Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (memo) on my boss' desk.
7. I saw three Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (mouse) running down the street.
8. There are few Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (bus) on the road today.
9. I will buy two Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (cake) for the party today.
10. He has two Описание: Display virtual keyboard interface (son) and three daughters.

Exercise  3

1. This pair of sunglasses  (be) really expensive. I'm not paying that much!

2. These scissors  (be) blunt. Get me another pair.

3. That jacket you're wearing is really nice but those green jeans  (be) horrible.

4. Physics  (be) the study of the natural world.

5. A lot of the news we hear on the TV  (be) bad. It's so depressing.

6. The police  (investigate) a break-in at the National Bank last night.

7. People  (be) are always likely to tell lies to protect themselves.

8. Think carefully before you spend that amount of money. A thousand pounds  (be) a lot!

9. You should try walking so far just to find an open supermarket! Three miles  (tire) you out so quickly, I'm telling you!

10. They have exaggerated a little with that new swimming pool. Did you see the temperature of the water? Forty one degrees  (be) too high!

Exercise  4

1.      A species is a group of animals or plants that have the same characteristics.

2.      My eyesight isn’t very good. I need _________

3.      Footballers don’t wear trousers when they play. They wear __________

4.      The bicycle is ____________ of transport

5.      The bicycle and the car are __________ of transport

6.      I want to cut this piece of material. I need ____________

7.      A friend of mine is writing __________ of articles for the local newspaper

8.      There are a lot of American Tv _______________ shown on British television

9.      While we were out walking, we saw many different _____________ of bird.

Exercise  5

1.      Calculate    algebra    equation - _________________

2.      Government     election      minister -___________

3.      Finance   trade  employment -__________

4.      Running   jumping   throwing -____________

5.      Light   heat  gravity -_________________

6.      Exercises  somersault   parallel -________________

7.      Computer   silicon chip    video games-_______________

V.   Fix new lesson

Work with text Hospital


Hello! My name is Geoffrey and I'm

A medical student

Good morning! I'm William,

and I'm

A Doctor 

Hello! It's me Bryan ,


A Dentist

Hello! My name is Michael and


A Surgeon

Hello friends! I'm Catherine.


A Nurse

Hello! My name is Alfred and I'm

A Cardiologist

Good morning! I'm Steven,


A Radiologist

I'm Jimmy, and  


An Anesthesiologist

I'm really so busy! Well, it's me John and I'm

A lung specialist

Hello! I love  kids,


A paediatrician






The doctor isexamining Wendy


James needs to stay overnight  at the hospital


The surgeon works in

an operating theater

The doctor is giving someadvice to  his patient.


This dentist is pulling outa tooth







Martin is seriouslyinjured

Adam is suffering from fever

Monica  is pregnant

Thomas is infected by the flu

Mark  has a terrible headache















































Jul 1, 2016 • 2 min read

                  I got admitted in the hospital. It was the usual. After watching all the episodes of House M.D. hospitals are not that terrifying. I imagined the nurses to be patient with the patient’s anxiety but that was not the case at all. They are as cold as they come by. It was disorienting to watch a doctor play PSP while entering the operating theater. By the way, why did they name operating theatre as operating theater. I should probably check that out.

Moving on, I got admitted due to high fever which has been persisting for the past week. I was derilious and the doctors assured me that it is a medical miracle that I am not in a coma inspite of the high fever. Little did they know about the effect IPL season has on Indians.

The doctors kept doing a battery of tests and they replinished their MRI/scan room thanks to the tests. I will never know where my father keeps all the money. As requested by the doctors, money kept coming. I suppose I should be happy that I have a good/hardworking/common_sense father who saved money rather than buy his dream car.

Days went by and finally a doctor informed me that I have an infection. I did not know what reaction he expected from me but I imagine my face had the surprise of hearing that once again Meryl Streep has been nominated for Academy awards. “So, what should we do next? try more powerful antibiotics”

“No, Antibiotics will not work in this case. You have a viral infection. We expect your condition to worsen and your fever to reach level around 200°C”

“But, even a fever of 107°C will leave me dead. You have to do something. Call my father, he can do anything”. I just realised that I considered my father to be super man, one who can do anything.

“I am sorry, but there is nothing to be done. Maybe, you should think of meditation. I have heard that it can calm once’s mind”, the doctor said with a sad(I am assuming here because I am in tears) smile.


 Poster protection.

VI. Conclusion 5 min



VII. Insert Strategy. 3min


What was new for you?

What was the most interesting to you?

What  could  be improved?

Who was the TOP student today?


I Know

I want to know

It’s new for me








VIII. Home task: 2 min

- Your speaking was brilliant. Now you can have a talk about sport. I’d like you can write about it. Your home task will be to do a project “An interesting meeting”. You must do some research and find out:

- I thank everybody for the lesson. You were very active. I hope this lesson was interesting for you and you have known much new and useful information. Your speaking about sport was brilliant. Thank you. This lesson is over. Good bye! (слайд №21)

 Learn by heart vocabulary, Proverbs, Be ready for the test.

It’s time to say Good bye!



Teacher:                     Sabaz A.T



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«Noun. Text Hospital. Heart disease. An Interesting Meeting.» план урока

Grammar table

Most of the nouns are made plural by adding an 's'
pen – penspencil – pencilsbook – booksfile - files

 Nouns ending with s, ss, z, zz, x, ch, sh, and tch are made plural by adding "es" to the singular form:
wish – wisheswatch – watchesfox – foxesbus - buses

 If a noun's singular form ends with a consonant plus y, you must change the y to I and then add "es":
baby – babiescandy – candiessky – skiesspy - spies

 Some Irregular Plural Forms:
man – menwoman – womenfoot – feettooth – teeth child – childrenmedium- media
Attention: A singular subject takes a singular verb, and a plural subject takes a plural verb. Forming

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