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Открытый урок к Дню Святого Валентина

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Performance devoted to St.Valentine’s Day

(Story by O’Henry “Love drug”)


Act 1


Storyteller: I will tell you a story written by the famous English writer O’Henry. The story is about two young people who love each other. Jimmy is a driver. He works at Rosy’s father. Father is rich and doesn’t want Rosy to marry Jimmy. But the events went on  the following way…


Act 2




Jimmy: Pilkins, hi buddy! I’m so glad to see you!

Pilkins: So do I, how are you getting on? How is Rosy?

Jimmy: You know, I love this girl so much. But her farther! He will never

 let me marry her. I don’t know what to do. Can you give me a piece of good advice?

Pilkins:  I’m your friend. But your case is so difficult. You are poor. Mr. Riddle will never give   his permission. Calm down and forget her.

Pilkins: It’s beyond you, you, silly thing!

Jimmy: I think I have found the outway. Look, Pilkins isn’t there a drug that will make a girl love you better, if you give it to her! I think if I have real stuff like this, Rosy   won’t  be afraid any longer. I don’t mind if I have to pay for it even if it costs me all the money have.

Pilkins: Ok. I’ll try to find it. (He’s taking a very big book and is trying to find something).Here you are. (Give him a phial with some medicine)


Act 3


Mr. Riddle’ s  study. Mr. Riddle is reading newspaper. There is a knock at the door.


Pilkins: Mr.Riddle, you know, your daughter is going to run away with Jimmy this night.

Mr.Riddle: What? Run away with this bastard. He is a beggar. I’ll kill him! Where is my gun? My room is just above Rosy’s. I’ll go up myself after supper, take my gun and wait. If he comes under Rosy’s window, he will want a doctor, not a policeman.


Act 4                  


Café. Rosy and Mary.


Rosy: You know, Mary! I love Jimmy so much.

Mary: I see. He is such a lovely guy. He is so thoughtful. But I’m sorry, he is not                rich.

Rosy:  I want to marry him. But I’m so afraid of my father. What should I do?

Mary: Listen to me! Marry him. I know one secret. Jimmy has a very rich aunt, who loves him. And maybe after her death he will become rich too.

Rosy: Really? I would be very delighted! Then  this night I’m going to marry him. We will take a car and go to Saint Mary Cathedral. Go with us!

Mary: Ok. I’ll help you!


Act 5


At the table in the Riddles house


Mr.Ridddle: I think the weather is changing for worse. I have such a bad headache.

Rosy: I feel Ok. Shall I give you a drug?

Jimmy: I can bring it. Don’t trouble yourself.

(Goes away then comes back).

Jimmy: Here is your drug for headache.

Mr.Riddle: Thank you. You are kind. The meat is very tasty. The wine is a kittle sour. How do you find the cake?

Rosy: It’s delicious. Our new cook is excellent. Shall I pass you the cake?

Mr.Riddle: Thank you. I’d better go to bed. I feel dizzy.

Jimmy (to the audience): Now the old one will sleep long.


Act 5


At  church. Mary and priest.


Priest: Good evening my child. What has led you to me?

Mary: Father! I beg you to marry my friends. They love each other so much.

Priest: If they love each other, I’ll do it.

Mary: Jimmy, Rosy come in!


Act 6


At church. Jimmy, Rosy, Mary and priest.  Jimmy and Rosy enter the church and come to the priest.


Priest: Rosy, do you want to marry Jimmy and live with him in sorrow and happiness?

Rosy: Yes, I do.

Priest: And you Jimmy, do you want to marry Rosy and live with her in sorrow and happiness?

Jimmy: Yes, I do.

Priest: I bless you to live together until death parts you. Amen. Exchange your rings. Now you are wife and husband.


Act 7


Aunt Silvia enters the church with a big bag.


Silvia: Oh, my children! At last I’ve arrived here. I’m so happy to be here and to see you. There is my present on your marriage. This is a cheque for $1 000 000. (takes a big cheque  out of  her  bag and gives to Jimmy)

Jimmy: Oh, auntie Silvia! Thank you very much. We are rich now!

(Mr.Riddle enters with a gun)

Mr.Riddle: Where are they? I’ll kill them!

Silvia: Tom, don’t be so angry! Everything is all right. Rosy and Jimmy are rich now.

Mr.Riddle: Oh, my children, I bless you.


Act 8

Pilkins and Jimmy in the street.


Pilkins: Hi, Jimmy! How are you getting on? Do you feel well?

Jimmy: I’m the happiest man in the world. She married me!

Pilkins: Who?!

Jimmy: Rosy! Now she’s my wife.

Pilkins: My congratulations! I’m still your friend.


Act 9


 Everyone comes to the scene. Makes a general  bow.
























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