Инфоурок Иностранные языки СтатьиОткрытый урок на тему Countries of the world

Открытый урок на тему Countries of the world

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Theme: Countries of the world.

Aims of the lesson:

Educational: To give information about about countries, their capitals, languages and nationalities. To check up their knowledge of negative adjective prefixes.

Development: To develop pupils reading, logical thinking, writing habits, memory and oral speech.

Upbringing: To bring up pupils to work in group, respect each other.

Type of lesson: mastering new material

Methods of lesson: completing, ask - answer questions, explanation method, group work, game

Visual aids: map of the world, cards, pictures

Stages of work


I. Organization moment

II. Checking up the home task

a) Translate into Kazakh

1 The Earth is a part of solar system goes around the sun.

2 There is no free space for building a new playground for the children in the centre of the city.

3 The Alps separates France and Italy.

4 The size of Kazakhstan lands is very big.

5 To meet people friendly is an old Kazakh tradition.

6 His custom is to get up early and do physical exercises.

b) Noughts and crosses

We must divide into two group, 1row is “X”, the second row is “O”. Your task is to choose a word and make a sentence. If the sentence is correct you will write your symbol to that box. If the sentence is incorrect, the next team has a turn and may choose a box. The aim is to get 3 boxes in arrow horizontally, vertically or diagonally.














III. Warm - up

What is it?

How do you think why I put here a map?


IV. New lesson

There are many countries in the world. They differ from each other by their size. Some countries are large in their size like Russia, Canada, China, the USA, Brazil, Australia, India and Kazakhstan. Vatican is the smallest country in the world.

Today we are going to speak about different countries and their capitals, nationalities living there and languages they speak.


• Kazakhstan

• Kazakh

• Astana

• Kazakh


 China

 Chinese

 Peking

 Chinese


 India

 Indian

 Delhi

 English, Hindi


 Turkey

 Turkish

 Ankara

 Turkish


 Great Britain

 English

 London

 English


 France

 French

 Paris

 French


 Spain

 Spaniard

 Madrid

 Spanish


 The USA

 American

 Washington

 English


 Canada

 Canadian

 Ottawa

 English


 Brazil

 Brazilian

 Brazilya


 Egypt

 Egyptian

 Cairo

 Arabic


 Australia

 Australian

 Sydney

 English


V. Work with text

A) Read the text

“Continents and Countries of the world”

B) Answer the questions

1 What is the centre of the solar system?

2 How many planets are there in the solar system?

3 What can you say about the earth?

4 What will you be able to see from the space?

5 How many oceans and continents are there on the earth?

6 What can you say about the continent of America?

7 What is the biggest country in the world?

8 What is the smallest country in the world?

C) True or False


1. Oceans and seas wash continents and separate them from each other

2. There are two countries in Australia

3. GB, Germany, France, Italy are in Europe.

4. Russia situated on the two continents: Europe and Asia.

5. The United States and Canada are in the South America.


True False


VI. Game: Backs to the board

What country is it?

One pupil stands with his/her back to the board. Pupils describe the country, give clues until he/she guess the country

This country is situated in Asia.

Thousands of tourists visit this country every summer.

This country’s capital is Ankara.

VII. Fill in the gaps with suitable information

Continent Countries Capital Nationality Language

Asia Ankara Turkish

Europe Great Britain English

America Brazilia Portuguese

Egypt Cairo Egyptian

Australia Sydney English

VIII. Grammar tasks

Negative adjective prefixes

- in,- im,- il,- un,- ir.


 Healthy -

 Regular -

 True -

 Polite -

 Depend -

 Logic -

 Possible -

 Formal -

 Certain -

 Responsible -

 Definite -

 Literate -

IX. Back to back game

Pupils choose a word, sits back to back and give each other clues to guess the word.

- this language is spoken in Egypt

- Arabic

- This city is the capital of Australia

- Sydney

X. Writing.

Ex6 p110 Change the false statements into true ones

 Japan is in Australia. Its capital is Delhi.

 Americans live in Germany. Their country is Germany.

 Frenchmen do not live in Paris. They live in Tokio.

 Brazil is in Africa. Brazilians live in Cairo.

 Canadians do not live in Ottawa. They live in Tokio.



 1) What language is spoken in Spain?

 A) Spaniard

 B) Spanish

 C) English

 D) Madrid

 2) Where dopeople speak Arabic?

 A) Egypt

 B) Spain

 C) Brazil

 D) Canada

 3) What nationality are people from China?

 A) English

 B) Chinese

 C) Japanese

 D) Spanish

 4) What continent is Kazakhstan in?

 A) Europe

 B) America

 C) Asia

 D) Australia

 5) What is the capital of Canada?

 A) Cairo

 B) Sydney

 C) Madrid

 D) Ottawa


 B

 A

 B

 C

 D

XII. Giving home task

Ex8Write the languages of the countries.

Ex9. Write the names of the capitals.


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