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Открытый урок на тему: "Get healthy"

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ПУПР - Get Healthy.ppt Relative clauses Video 1.swf Relative clauses Video 2.swf relatives+.swf spaces_ru_8656754131.mp3 План № 9A Get healthy.docx

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Get healthy

    1 слайд

    Get healthy

  • Do you like eating different meal? What is it healthy nutrition? What kin...

    2 слайд

    Do you like eating different meal?

    What is it healthy nutrition?

    What kind of diet do you know/you keep?

    Why did you do it?

  • Words in the article:-a fast – a period of time without food*a retreat –...

    3 слайд

    Words in the article:
    a fast – a period of time without food
    a retreat – to clean the body from toxins
    organic – food, grown in an environment free from artificial agrichemicals
    toxins – poisonous substance produced by the biological processes of organism
    to digest – to get vitamins and minerals
    from food

  • Would you like to go on retreat like the one in the article? Why? Why not?...

    4 слайд

    Would you like to go on retreat like the one in the article?
    Why? Why not?

    Do you know anyone who has done a retreat like this?
    If so, did they enjoy it?

  • 1. I’m type of the person that eats 3 meals a day.	2. I was taken to the gu...

    5 слайд

    1. I’m type of the person that eats 3 meals a day.
    2. I was taken to the guest house where everybody was staying.
    3. My had headache when I started getting really hungry.
    4. Food contains toxins which stay in our body.

  • Relative clauses	Relative clauses are subordinate clauses to a main sentence...

    6 слайд

    Relative clauses

    Relative clauses are subordinate clauses to a main sentence.
    We often use relative clauses to say which thing, person, place etc. we are talking about (to give additional information).
    In relative clauses we use relative pronouns: which, that, whose, when, where, who.

  • Relative clauses	we use:
who/that for people
Tom, who is an artist, lives in...

    7 слайд

    Relative clauses

    we use:
    who/that for people
    Tom, who is an artist, lives in New York.
    that/which for things
    Maria has a dog which follows her everywhere.
    where for places
    This the café where I met my wife

  • Relative clauses	we use:
whose for possessives
Do you know the boy whose mot...

    8 слайд

    Relative clauses

    we use:
    whose for possessives
    Do you know the boy whose mother is a nurse.
    when for times
    Monday’s the day when I play tennis

  • Define/non-define relative clauses	- define relative clauses give detailed i...

    9 слайд

    Define/non-define relative clauses

    - define relative clauses give detailed information defining a general term or expression. It is not separated by commas.
    The packaged that arrived this morning is on the desk.

  • Define/non-define relative clauses	- non-define relative clauses give editio...

    10 слайд

    Define/non-define relative clauses

    - non-define relative clauses give editional information on something, but do not define it. It is usually separated by commas.
    The desk in the corner, which is covered in books, is mine.

  • Physical exercises Hands up,
 Hands down,
 Hands on hips,
 Sit down.
 Hands u...

    11 слайд

    Physical exercises
    Hands up,
    Hands down,
    Hands on hips,
    Sit down.
    Hands up
    To the side,
    Turn left,
    Turn right.
    Stand up and look around,
    Shake your head and turn around,
    Stamp your feet upon the ground,
    Clap your hands and than sit down
    Hands on shoulders,
    Hands on knees.
    Hands behind you, if you please;
    Touch your shoulders,
    Now your nose,
    Now your hair and now your toes;
    Hands up high in the air,
    Down at your sides, and touch your hair;
    Hands up high as before,
    Now clap your hands, one-two-three-four!

  • Homework 	- Write 5 sentences with each relative pronouns.
- Write 5 sentenc...

    12 слайд


    - Write 5 sentences with each relative pronouns.
    - Write 5 sentence for define and non-define relative clauses.
    Ex. 2-5 p.45-46 (work book)

  • Define/non-define relative clauses	- non-define relative clauses give editio...

    13 слайд

    Define/non-define relative clauses

    - non-define relative clauses give editional information on something, but do not define it. It is usually separated by commas.
    The desk in the corner, which is covered in books, is mine.

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Выбранный для просмотра документ План № 9A Get healthy.docx


Руководитель ЦМК языков

Абдуллина Р.Н.




Date: 10.11.2015

Group: ПД- 34

Discipline: The Practice of oral and written speech.

Teacher: Abdullina R.N.

Theme: Get healthy

Type of the lesson: Presentation of the new material



1.     Educational: to talk about healthy food and diet, learn new words according to the theme; to work with grammar theme: relative clauses (relative pronouns – who, that, which, whose, where, when)

2.     Developing:  to develop speaking and listening skills, memory, skills of translation.

3.     Pedagogical: to develop habits of healthy nutrition, to teach students to work in groups (advanced task) and individually, respect each other.



Student should know: food and diet vocabulary, usage of relative pronouns – who, that, which, whose, where, when.

Students can: talk about diet, use the relative pronouns in oral and written speech, listen to a article and educational video, work with interactive exercises.









The process of the lesson


Stages of the lesson


Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities


Organizational moments

2 min.

To prepare for the lesson

Good morning! I’m glad to see you! How are you? Are you in a good mood today? What date is it today? And we hope we will have a good time at our lesson, now let’s work.

1. Greeting

2. Prepare the classroom for the lesson


Presentation of the new material
























3 min




5 min




3 min





5 min

2 min



3 min



10 min




10 min


Tell the students that today they are going to talk about healthy nutrition and diet. Ask them the questions: Do you like eating different meal? What is it healthy nutrition? What kind of diet do you know/you keep? Why did you do it?

Now, let’s work with a minute of speech. Pay attention to the questions in ex.1. Let’s read and translate them. Now you can speak. *in some pairs poor student just answer for the questions.

We will listen to the article about healthy diet. But before pay attention to the words: a fast, a retreat, organic, toxins, to digest. Write the words and its translation. Let’s listen. You task is to get the information from it and full fill the box.

Translate the article without reading

Answer the questions: would you like to go on retreat like the one in the article? Why? Why not? Do you know anyone who has done a retreat like this? If so, did they enjoy it?

Ex.3. Tick the correct sentences. Correct the false one.

Pay attention to the board. There are sentences from the article. What can you say me about them?

Now we will watch video about relative clauses. Be attentive. *educational video: usage of relative pronouns, define and non-define relative clauses, subject and object pronouns.

Write down grammar rule “Relative clauses”, make own examples.

Answer the questions.




Work in pairs. Discuss the questions



Listen to the article

Fill the box




Translate article orally

Answer the questions



False/true sentences

Discuss sentences


Watch video 1, 2




Write the rule

Make sentences orally


Video (2 types)

Student books



Presentation (Power Point)




Physical exercises

2 min

Music + physical exercises in rhyme

Do physical exercises


Consolidation and checking the knowledge



5 min


5 min



5 min














15 min




Pay attention to the board. There is exercise with relative clauses, the same exercise on paper you have on your desks Ex. 1. Think and match the beginnings and the ends of the sentences. Check and translate sentences.

Ex.2. On the cards. Think and choose non-define clauses. Use the board and click on non-define clauses. Check and translate sentences.

Pay attention to the board. There is exercise in which you need define the function of relative clauses (ex. 3.). *if children cannot see the sentences from the board they can use paper variant. Read and translate, explain the chosen variant.

Multilevel work. I will divide you into 4 groups. 1st group – take seats on the first desks. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th groups take seats according the homework and using cards with numbers on the desks.

2nd, 3rd, and 4th groups. Your h/w was to make projects on the theme healthy nutrition or keeping diet. Now I will give you time to connect your projects with our grammar theme and present them using in speech relative clauses. F.ex.: These fruits contain vitamins which keep our body strong.

1st group. We will work with exercises. Pay attention to the board. Here you have sentence and relative pronouns. You need to choose right variant. Read and translate.

Next exercise. You need to reorder the words to make correct sentences. 

Extra task. Match the following sentences with their second parts. Read and translate them.

Match the parts of the sentences



Work with non-define clauses


Work with functions of relative clauses




Divide into groups




Work with projects





Work with exercise: choose the right variant


Work with exercises: make correct order

Work with sentences


Whiteboard exercises

Papers with projects

CD-ROM F2F Intermediate




Reflection of the lesson

2 min

You see the poster on the stand with 3 kinds of notes and you have 3 different colored people on your desks. Please, choose one person according to the colour and notes and stick it on the poster.  

Students stick the colored people

Poster and colored people

Instruct homework

2 min

To learn the rule. Write 5 sentences with each relative pronouns, 5 sentence for define and non-define relative clauses. Ex. 2-5 p.45-46 

Write the tasks.


Marks for the lesson

1 min

Ok, I will put and explain your marks.





Cards with exercises


Ex.1. Match the beginnings and the ends of the sentences.

Ex.2. Think and choose non-define clauses.

1.       The man who came yesterday is my father.

2.       This is not a woman whose car I prepared

3.       I love the house where I live

4.       The Everest, which is the highest mountain in the world, is also very dangerous

5.       Edmund Hillary, who was the first person to reach the summit, is now famous

6.       Bring all the dictionaries that are in the box

7.       This dictionary, which wasn’t very expensive, is extremely good

8.       That date, when he was born, will always remain in my memory

9.       It was raining on the day when he was born

10.   Ann, with whom he is now in love, used to be my girlfriend


Ex.3. Define the function of the relative clauses.

1.       Ronnie is the friend with whom I usually travel

2.       The car that I have is quite reliable

3.       Germany isn’t the country where Tom was born

4.       The woman whose husband you met last year is my doctor

5.       I refused to give him the date when Robert will arrive

6.       That’s the presenter whom I like so much

7.       She introduced me to the man who works with my sister

8.       Those are not the books that I needed

9.       Could you please bring me the shoes which are in that box

10.   Ronnie is the friend whose parents I usually travel with


Multilevel tasks

Ex.1. Match relative clauses to the given sentences

1.       That’s not the house _____he lives

2.       I dislike the dog _______he has got

3.       I prefer my car, _______runs on diesel

4.       We adopted the baby _____mother Tom had divorced

5.       The man with _______she lived was very tall

6.       His sister was born in 1982, _______he was 4 years old

7.       Tell us ______you need

8.       The programme _______started last night is a series

9.       Napoleon, _______was a great general, was also very short 



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Краткое описание документа:

Занятие запланировано на 1 час 20 минут (для спаренных занятий в колледже). Занятие составлено по книге Face2Face Intermediate, 9А "Get healthy". В данном архиве имеется составленный поурочный план, презентация, интерактивные упражнения, печатная версия интерактивных упражнений (раздаточный материал), а также ссылка на сайт www.britishcouncil.org, где также имеются упражнения для выполнения в онлайн режиме.

По данному уроку представлен материал связанный со здоровым образом жизни, диетами, а также грамматический материал "Relative clauses". Урок наполнен разнообразными видами деятельности, интерактивными упражнениями, заданиями разного уровня сложности.

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