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Открытый урок на тему "Когда твой день рождение?"

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Date: 27.11

Class: 5

Lesson: Unit 4, step 5

The Theme: When is your birthday?

The aimsEducational: to enrich students’ vocabulary by the names of months,         seasons, ordinal  numerals.

  Develop: to develop students’ skills in reading, writing, speaking and                   listening.

                 Bring up: to bring up their interest to English culture, discipline,        

      perseverance on the lesson.

 The additional material: a book by T. Ayapova, D. Ukbaev.

 The type of the lesson: study of the new theme


Plan of the lesson.

1.     Greeting

2.     Play «What sound I think?»

3.     Checking of the home task (the poems)

4.     Presentation of the active vocabulary

5.     Work at the blackboard

6.     Work with the book

7.     Play «Guess unnecessary word».

8.     Reflection (work with the cards)

9.     Reading of the text (true - false)

10. Marks.

11.  Homework.


Procedure of the lesson


1.      Hello, dear students and guests! Today we have a new theme «When is your birthday? » At first, let us play. I say the words and you guess the missing sound.

(father, mother, brother, this, theatre;)

 (fat, map, cat, sat, dad; )

(face, snake, make, brave, date;)

(bag, flag, garden, game, again;)

(March, here, bear, start, drink).


Let s check your home task  - the poems.


Thirty days have September,                        Spring is green,

April, June and   November,                         Summer is bright.                                                                                                                      All the rest have thirty-one                           Autumn is yellow,

Excepting February alone.                           Winter is white.





March brings sunny

Days and winds

So we know that

Spring begins.

2.     Let s repeat the months, seasons, ordinal numerals.

Tell me, please, months of winter (December, January, February).

Tell me, please, months of spring (March, April, May).

Tell me, please, months of summer (June, July, August).

Tell me, please, months of autumn (September, October, November).


And now I show you names of months, and you say the number of this month.

(Students name the ordinal numbers).


3.     And now go to the blackboard and write this words in English.

1 мая, 25 декабря, 3 августа, 23 февраля, 13 марта, 8 июня, 10 сентября, 15 апреля, 30 января, 4 октября, 18 ноября, 6 июля.


4.     Open your books at page 78, exercises 9, 12, 15. (orally)

5.     Guess the unnecessary word:

Snow, winter, summer, cold, frost;

Leaves, autumn, yellow, wind, snowflakes;

Summer, sun, hot, flower, cloud;

Spring, grass, frost, rain, warm.


6.     Read the sentences and translate into Russian.

1.October is the tenth month of the year.

2.Is August the seventh or the eighth month of the year?

3.Is your school over in June or in July?

4.How many months do you know in English?

5.What month is it now? It is March.

6.Is it cold in December? Yes, it is often very cold.

7.When is your birthday? It is on the 26 th of November.


7.     Read the text and then say, what is it true or false.


Last Thursday was my birthday. Daddy gave me a new dress and a box of chocolates. Mother gave me an extremely nice present too.

Early in the morning she entered my room, came to my bed on tiptoe, kissed me on both cheeks and put something under my bed; then she went away and shut the door.

I cried out to her: «What did you put there?» But she did not answer.

Of course, I could not sleep any longer. I got up, put on my slippers and looked under my bed.

Can you guess what it was? Of course, you cannot. It was a very beautiful cage with two little squirrels in it.


(Statements on the blackboard)

Last Wednesday was my birthday. (False)

Mammy gave me a new dress. (False)

I put on my slippers. (True)

Mammy kissed me on both cheeks. (True)

It was a cage with two little squirrels in it. (True)


8.     Thank you for your work. Your marks.


9.     Home task p.80, ex.17.

The lesson is over. Good bye.






















6.     Read the sentences and translate into Russian.

1.October is the tenth month of the year.

2.Is August the seventh or the eighth month of the year?

3.Is your school over in June or in July?

4.How many months do you know in English?

5.What month is it now? It is March.

6.Is it cold in December? Yes, it is often very cold.

7.When is your birthday? It is on the 26 th of November.



7.     Read the text and then say, what is it true or false.

Last Thursday was my birthday. Daddy gave me a new dress and a box of chocolates. Mother gave me an extremely nice present too.

Early in the morning she entered my room, came to my bed on tiptoe, kissed me on both cheeks and put something under my bed; then she went away and shut the door.

I cried out to her: «What did you put there?» But she did not answer.

Of course, I could not sleep any longer. I got up, put on my slippers and looked under my bed.

Can you guess what it was? Of course, you cannot. It was a very beautiful cage with two little squirrels in it.



6.     Read the sentences and translate into Russian.

1.October is the tenth month of the year.

2.Is August the seventh or the eighth month of the year?

3.Is your school over in June or in July?

4.How many months do you know in English?

5.What month is it now? It is March.

6.Is it cold in December? Yes, it is often very cold.

7.When is your birthday? It is on the 26 th of November.



7.     Read the text and then say, what is it true or false.

Last Thursday was my birthday. Daddy gave me a new dress and a box of chocolates. Mother gave me an extremely nice present too.

Early in the morning she entered my room, came to my bed on tiptoe, kissed me on both cheeks and put something under my bed; then she went away and shut the door.

I cried out to her: «What did you put there?» But she did not answer.

Of course, I could not sleep any longer. I got up, put on my slippers and looked under my bed.

Can you guess what it was? Of course, you cannot. It was a very beautiful cage with two little squirrels in it.





Самоанализ открытого урока по английскому языку «Когда твой день рождения?» (5 класс).



27 ноября прошел открытый урок «Когда твой день рождения?» по английскому языку в 5 классе.

Цели урока:

Научить учащихся правильно использовать в своей речи и на письме названия месяцев и порядковые числительные;

Называть дату своего дня рождения на английском языке;

Развивать навыки чтения, говорения, понимания английской речи;

Воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка.


Я считаю, что поставленные цели выполнены, учащиеся усвоили материал. Виды деятельности на уроке: фронтальный опрос, работа у доски, самостоятельная работа по карточкам. На уроке были использованы лексико-грамматические задания, 2 игры на понимание английской речи, работа с текстом. На уроке были активны Казакевич Валерия (оценка 5), Ященко Александр (оценка 4), Родионов Кирилл (оценка 4).




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