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Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему Казахстан моя Родина

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Открытый урок английского языка

·        Молдагулова Роза Малгаздаровна, учитель английского языка

·        Разделы: Преподавание иностранных языков


Пояснительная записка

Данный урок проводится в рамках тем школьной программы, но включает самый разнообразный дополнительный материал, тем самым расширяя лексическую и речевую базу учащихся. Особенность нестандартного урока заключается в том, что нетрадиционные методы и приемы обучения не просто повышают мотивацию обучения детей, но и служат развитию тех или иных способностей. Кроме того, урок-Соревнование проводится в игровой форме и носит обучающий и соревновательный характер.

Цели урока:

·         развитие монологической и диалогической речи учащихся по теме;

·         совершенствование коммуникативных навыков и умений.

Задачи урока:

·         Образовательные: расширить кругозор учащихся по выбранной теме; совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком; повторить пройденные лексические единицы и изучить новые в игровой форме.

·         Познавательные: активизировать лексический материал по теме “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”.

·         Воспитательные: воспитывать умение внимательно слушать своих одноклассников; формировать уважение к традициям и обычаям другой страны; повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.

·         Развивающие: развивать умения высказывать свои мнения, развивать творческие способности учащихся; развивать коллективную деятельность.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний с изучением новых знаний по теме.

Учебник: А В.П. Аяпова Т, Абильдаева З, Тутбаева Ж, English 10; М. Просвещение; 2014г.


Ход урока

I. Орг,момент.2 min.

Учитель приветствует учащихся и сообщает им, чем они будут заниматься на уроке.

Teacher: Dear boys and girls! Today we have a special lesson in a form of a competition between two teams of your English group: “Leaders” and “Magicians”. You will have special tasks on topics: “Kazakhstan is my Motherland ”. Let me introduce my assistants .They are…(introduction). Please, keep in mind three main things: correctness, expressiveness, quickness. My assistants will give you marks for each task. Are you ready? Let’s start.

II. Oсновная часть урока. Развитие монологической и диалогической речи учащихся.

(В основной части урока проверяются домашние задания учащихся на повторение образовательного материала по теме, распределенные за неделю до открытого урока).

Teacher: Task 1 is “Greeting of the teams”. “Leaders”, please. Introducing Kazakhstan is my Motherland . Answer the questions.

Read the text, translate, anylize. The tasks of the text are given for two groups. Introducing Modal verbs: have to, must, should.

Teacher: Thank you.

Teacher: Thank you, Task 2 is “A Competition between Captains”. Dear Captains! Your task is to tell us your biography in brief and show your hobbies. Time!

P1: My name is N. I was born in S. 19.. . I’m the 10-former now. I am a good student and get 5-s and 4-s. My favourite school subjects are History, Literature and English. I am fond of singing, dancing and drawing. I take an active part in our class and school activities. I am a happy person. My favourite musical group is “Beatles” and I want you to listen to one of the songs of this group which I’m going to sing together with my friends.

P2: My name is L. I was born in N. 19. and I’m in the 10-th form too. I try to study well and get good marks. My favourite subjects are Maths, English and Physics. I also have many friends. I’m fond of collecting computer games. I like drawing flowers, castles, portraits. Have a look at them. Do you like my works? 3 min.

Teacher: Yes, we do. They are splendid. Thank you, Captains. And now I invite you to travel and to see something new. What mean of traveling will you choose? Show us, please. It is your second task. “Leaders”, you will be the first to start speak about Kazakhstan is my Motherland.1 min.

1.Brainstorming. 7min.

Answer my questions:

1.What is your Motherland?

2.What is the capital of our country?

3. Where is Kazakhstan situated?

4.What countries  does it border on?

5. What is the size of KZ.? (the area is 2.753 square km)

6. What can you say about the population of our country? (about 16)

7. Who is the head of the state? (the president)

8. When did Kazakhstanbecome an independent state? (in 1991)

9. What are the symbols of the state? (national flag, emblem and anthem)

10. What does the blue color of the flag symbolize? (freedom, independent)

11. What is represented on the state flag? (sun, falcon, ornament)

12. What kind of state is KZ? (independent, democratic)

13.What is the official language in our country?


2.Make the sentences complete, using the words below. 5 min.

 1. Kazakhstan is situated in --------------------.

 2. Our republic is ------------------- state.

 3. The President of Kazakhstan is -------------.

 4. There are ------------------ regions in the territory of Kazakhstan.

 5. The largest river in Kazakhstan is ----------.

 6. Astana is a ------------------- of Kazakhstan.

 7. The state languages of our republic is ------.

 8. Almaty is a ----------- center in our republic.

 Cultural, Asia, independent, Kazakh, capital, nineteen, Nazarbaev, Irtysh

3. Read the text and find out the words in the text and practice the pronunciation. Listen and repeat the English words.4 min.

Share [ʃ]-делиться

Desert [ˈdɛzət]-пустыня

Resourses [ri sosiz]-ресурсы, богатство

Uranium [jʊˈreɪnjəm]-уран

Deposit [dɪˈpɒzɪt]-отложение

Gas [gæs]-газ

Rename [ˌriːˈneɪm]-дать новое имя

Reservoir [ˈrɛzəvwɑː]-запас

Former  [ˈfɔːmə]-бывший


4. Write out the sentences from the text “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”.6 min.

a) in the Passive voice (6)

b) in the Present perfect (1)

c) in the Superlative of Adjectives (1)

5. Write out the names of 8 min.

a) countries (6), continents (2)

b) cities and towns (10)

c) mountains (2)

d) rivers

e) seas

f) languages (2)

6.Teacher: Thank you. We are going to listen to our second team. The task is on logic.Two men are in the forest. They are dead. How did they die? Why? 3min.

7. Write out the names of mineral resourses from the text and practice their pronunciation.3 min.

Gold [gəʊld]- золото

Iron [ˈaɪən]- железо

Lead [liːd]- свинец

Nickel [ˈnɪkl]- никель

Silver [ˈsɪlvə]-серебро

Tin [tɪn]-олово

Uranium [jʊˈreɪnjəm]-уран

Zinc [zɪŋk]-цинк

Oil [ɔɪl]-масло, нефть

Gas [gæs]-газ

8.Next task is snow ball. The game is for knowing many words.(subjects)

Work with proverbs7 min.

How do you understand this proverb?

How do you translate  it into  your native language?

East or West, home is best.      Восток ли, запад ли, а дома лучше всего. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

There is no place like home.     Нет места подобного родному дому.

Home is homе though it be never so homely.Дом есть дом, даже не самый уютный. Своя земля и в горсти мила.

Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. Сухая корка дома лучше жареного мяса за границей.Дома и солома съедома.

An Englishman's house is his castle.  Дом англичанина - его крепость. Мой дом - моя крепость. На своей печи - сам себе голова.

Every bird like sits own nest.   Всякая птица свое гнездо любит.Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит. Всякая сосна своему бору шумит.

It is a foolish bird that soils its own nest.Худая та птица, которая свое гнездо марает.

The wider we roam, the welcomer home.    Чем больше человек скитается, тем желаннее дом родной.Всякому мила своя сторона.

He has no home whose home is every where.У того нет дома, у кого он везде. Чужие стены не греют.

Every dog is a lion at home. Любая собака в своем дворе - лев. Дома и стены помогают. Men make houses, women make homes. Мужчины создают дома, а женщины - семейный уют.

9. Revise grammar. Practise your grammar. Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?

2. Look! That boy tries to open the door of your house.

3. Pam is thinking it would be a good idea to sleep early.

4. Asel is usually go to school by bus.

Use the Present Continuous or the Present Simple tenses.

1. You (read) anything in Kazakh now?- Yes, I (read) a book of poems by O.Suleymenov.

2. What you (thihk) about this play? – I (think) it (be) very good.

3. You enjoy the film? – Yes, shsh…

4. He(play) at the concert today.

III. Заключительная часть урока, подведение итогов.

Teacher: Our time is out. Let’s give a word to our head master . Let’s listen to the results of the score of every task and the general score, and for the first place, please.

I think that your marks are 5-s for today. You really were active and tried your best. My congratulations on your awards. Good luck for everybody. See you soon. Good-bye.

























Share [ʃ]-бөлу

Desert [ˈdɛzət]өл дала

Resourses [ri sosiz]-ресурсы, байлық

Uranium [jʊˈreɪnjəm]-уран

Deposit [dɪˈpɒzɪt]өліну

Gas [gæs]-газ

Rename [ˌriːˈneɪm]-жаңа ат кою

Reservoir [ˈrɛzəvwɑː]-запас

Former  [ˈfɔːmə]-бывший





















P1: My name is N. I was born in S. 19.. . I’m the 10-former now. I am a good student and get 5-s and 4-s. My favourite school subjects are History, Literature and English. I am fond of singing, dancing and drawing. I take an active part in our class and school activities. I am a happy person. My favourite musical group is “Beatles” and I want you to listen to one of the songs of this group which I’m going to sing together with my friends.

P2: My name is L. I was born in N. 19. and I’m in the 10-th form too. I try to study well and get good marks. My favourite subjects are Maths, English and Physics. I also have many friends. I’m fond of collecting computer games. I like drawing flowers, castles, portraits. Have a look at them. Do you like my works? 3 min.


Make the sentences complete, using the words below.

 1. Kazakhstan is situated in --------------------.

 2. Our republic is ------------------- state.

 3. The President of Kazakhstan is -------------.

 4. There are ------------------ regions in the territory of Kazakhstan.

 5. The largest river in Kazakhstan is ----------.

 6. Astana is a ------------------- of Kazakhstan.

 7. The state languages of our republic is ------.

 8. Almaty is a ----------- center in our republic.

 Cultural, Asia, independent, Kazakh, capital, nineteen, Nazarbaev, Irtysh

Make the sentences complete, using the words below.

 1. Kazakhstan is situated in --------------------.

 2. Our republic is ------------------- state.

 3. The President of Kazakhstan is -------------.

 4. There are ------------------ regions in the territory of Kazakhstan.

 5. The largest river in Kazakhstan is ----------.

 6. Astana is a ------------------- of Kazakhstan.

 7. The state languages of our republic is ------.

 8. Almaty is a ----------- center in our republic.

 Cultural, Asia, independent, Kazakh, capital, nineteen, Nazarbaev, Irtysh











2.Make the sentences complete.

 1. Kazakhstan is situated in ------------------.

 2. Our republic is ------------------- state.

 3. The President of Kazakhstan is -----------.

 4. There are ------------------ regions in the territory of Kazakhstan.

 5. The largest river in Kazakhstan is --------.

 6. Astana is a ------------------- of Kazakhstan.

 7. The state languages of our republic is ------.

 8. Almaty is a ----------- center in our republic.











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