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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Information TechnologyComputer: It’s the thing you need!

    1 слайд

    Information Technology
    Computer: It’s the thing you need!

  • 2 слайд

  • 3 слайд

  • What gadgets and machines do people use?a camera
a mobile telephone
an electr...

    4 слайд

    What gadgets and machines do people use?
    a camera
    a mobile telephone
    an electronic game
    a cordless phone
    a talking alarm clock

    a computer
    a solar powered calculator
    a TV remote-control unit
    a body building machine

  • Why do people use them?People use … to …to build up one’s strength 
to take...

    5 слайд

    Why do people use them?
    People use … to …
    to build up one’s strength
    to take photographs
    to receive or make calls around the home
    to wake up people and to tell the time
    to have fun and to entertain
    to send and receive urgent messages
    to operate a TV set from a distance
    to write programs, play games, find and use information
    to do calculations in sunlight or daylight

  • 6 слайд

  • экран

    7 слайд


  • диск

    8 слайд


  • мышь

    9 слайд


  • клавиатура

    10 слайд


  • дисковод

    11 слайд


  • гибкий диск

    12 слайд

    гибкий диск

  • коврик для мыши

    13 слайд

    коврик для мыши

  • модем

    14 слайд


  • портативный компьютер

    15 слайд

    портативный компьютер

  • клавиша

    16 слайд


  • рабочий стол

    17 слайд

    рабочий стол

  • Match the definitions with the expressions in the listscreen 
dick driv...

    18 слайд

    Match the definitions with the expressions in the list
    dick drive
    CD (Rom)

    mouse pad/mat

  • Are the statements true or false?Kate uses her PC for typing and keeping info...

    19 слайд

    Are the statements true or false?
    Kate uses her PC for typing and keeping information.

    Kate uses her computer to get information from the Internet.

    Kate’s sister thinks it’s not clever to believe all facts started on the Internet.

    Kate’s sister considers electronic devices reliable.

  • What arguments are given for and against computer?saves a lot of time.
is a w...

    20 слайд

    What arguments are given for and against computer?
    saves a lot of time.
    is a waste of time (money).
    allows you to type.
    is used for checking one’s spelling.
    makes it possible to get friends.
    can break down.
    is a source of information.
    makes us slaves of the device.

  • Do this puzzle and you’ll read the name of one of the most successful compute...

    21 слайд

    Do this puzzle and you’ll read the name of one of the most successful computer companies.
    M O U S E
    F I L E
    S C A N N E R
    U P G R A D E
    K E Y B O A R D
    D I S K
    M O D E M
    F A I L
    B O O T

  • Bill Gates

    22 слайд

    Bill Gates

  • Born 28/10/1955 in Seattle, Washington, USA. He was the only child of corpora...

    23 слайд

    Born 28/10/1955 in Seattle, Washington, USA. He was the only child of corporate lawyer William Henry Gates II and a member of the Board of Directors First Interstate Bank, Pacific Northwest Bell and the National Council of United Way, Mary Maxwell Gates.

  •  Bill Gates received his primary education in a public school, and his 12...

    24 слайд

     Bill Gates received his primary education in a public school, and his 12 years was transferred to the most preferred Seattle school. Gates did not succeed in many things, but getting top marks in mathematics.
    This modest, shy and awkward child dreamed of becoming a professor of mathematics and was unlike his father - a high handsome and successful lawyer. Despite unique abilities in mathematics and logic, Bill did not show leadership skills inherent to his parents.

  • He was 15 years old when he wrote a program to regulate traffic and gained on...

    25 слайд

    He was 15 years old when he wrote a program to regulate traffic and gained on this project of 20 000 dollars. And at 17, he received an offer of writing a software package for energy distribution Bonneville Dam.
    One year later, Bill created the first computer program.

  • In 1973, following the family tradition, Gates enrolled at the Harvard Unive...

    26 слайд

    In 1973, following the family tradition, Gates enrolled at the Harvard University, intending to become a lawyer like his father. But he was still the same closed and unsociable, it is absolutely not appropriate for the profession.
    At Harvard, he became friends with Steve Ballmer, who heads Microsoft now.

  • In 1979, Bill Gates was expelled from the university for academic failure and...

    27 слайд

    In 1979, Bill Gates was expelled from the university for academic failure and truancy, but this fact has not strongly upset the unfortunate student as he received an offer from IBM to create operating system for the world's first personal computer.
    The money allowed Microsoft to work within several years. Presentation of new computer IBM with software Microsoft has created a sensation in the market. Many companies have begun to turn to Microsoft for the license.

  • Microsoft software has become so widely used that the company came to the att...

    28 слайд

    Microsoft software has become so widely used that the company came to the attention of the American antimonopoly committee which some times tried to initiate business on compulsory crushing of monopoly of Bill Gates. So far, to no avail.
      In 1995, Microsoft has changed the policy - the main stress is put on the Internet. In 1986, Microsoft has been transformed into open joint stock company.
    In the same year Bill Gates became a billionaire when he was 31.

  • January 1, 1994, Bill Gates married Melinda French, the Microsoft manager,...

    29 слайд

    January 1, 1994, Bill Gates married Melinda French, the Microsoft manager, with whom he had three children - a daughter, Jennifer Katharine in 1996, the son of Rory John in 1999 and another daughter Phoebe Adele.

  • With the family, Bill Gates began to focus more on charity
      Bill and...

    30 слайд

    With the family, Bill Gates began to focus more on charity
          Bill and Melinda Gates charitable foundation established and made him more than $ 17 billion to support health and education initiatives.

  • In 1998, Gates resigned as president of Microsoft, and resigned as chief...

    31 слайд

    In 1998, Gates resigned as president of Microsoft, and resigned as chief executive officer. Both positions got Steve Ballmer. June 27, 2008 - the last day for Bill in Microsoft office manager. However, Gates remains chairman of the Board of Directors will engage in special. projects, and will remain the largest (8,7% Microsoft shares) the holder of shares of the Corporation.

  • Thank you for attention

    32 слайд

    Thank you for attention

  • Asking for technical helpDialogue

    33 слайд

    Asking for technical help

  • CarolRonHallo! Who's speaking?Computer Helpline, Can you help me?What is the...

    34 слайд

    Hallo! Who's speaking?
    Computer Helpline,
    Can you help me?
    What is the problem?
    Well, my computer seems
    to have crashed.
    How exactly?
    Ron is speaking.
    Well, I can't move anything,
    even cursor just sticks
    in the same place.
    The best thing to do is to
    switch it off and start again.
    Do you think that will help?
    Yes, that's what I would do.
    OK. I'll give it a try.
    How is it getting on?
    It's OK. Thanks a lot.
    No problem.

  • CarolRonHallo! Who's speaking?Computer Helpline, Can you help me?What is the...

    35 слайд

    Hallo! Who's speaking?
    Computer Helpline,
    Can you help me?
    What is the problem?
    Well, my computer seems
    to have crashed.
    How exactly?
    Ron is speaking.
    Well, I can't move anything,
    even cursor just sticks
    in the same place.
    The best thing to do is to
    switch it off and start again.
    Do you think that will help?
    Yes, that's what I would do.
    OK. I'll give it a try.
    How is it getting on?
    It's OK. Thanks a lot.
    No problem.

  • CarolRonHallo! Who's speaking?Computer Helpline, Can you ____ me?What is the...

    36 слайд

    Hallo! Who's speaking?
    Computer Helpline,
    Can you ____ me?
    What is the _______?
    Well, my computer seems
    to have _______.
    How exactly?
    Ron is ________.
    Well, I can't move anything,
    even ______ just sticks
    in the same place.
    The best thing to do is to
    ______ it off and start again.
    Do you think that will ____?
    Yes, that's what I would ___.
    OK. I'll give it a ___.
    How is it getting on?
    It's OK. Thanks a lot.
    ___ problem.
    Now try to fill in the gaps

  • CarolRonComputer Helpline,Hello! Who is speaking?Ron is speaking.Can you help...

    37 слайд

    Computer Helpline,
    Hello! Who is speaking?
    Ron is speaking.
    Can you help me?
    What is the problem?
    Well, my computer
    seems to have crashed!
    How exactly?
    Well, I can’t move anything,
    even the cursor just sticks
    in the same place.
    The best thing to do is
    to switch it off and try again.
    Do you think it will help?
    Yes, that’s what I would do.
    How is it getting on?
    No problem.
    Make sure you’ve guessed correctly
    OK. I’ll give it a try.
    It’s OK. Thanks a lot.

  • Find the item in the picture and write the corresponding letter next to the w...

    38 слайд

    Find the item in the picture and write
    the corresponding letter next to the word
    online shopping
    search engine

  • Fill in the gaps withonline shoppingsearch enginewebsiteskeywordpasswordclick...

    39 слайд

    Fill in the gaps with
    online shopping
    search engine
    the words from the box
    When you want to find information on the web, it is helpful to use a _______________ such as Google or Yandex. You type in a _______ or a phrase, _______in “GO” and a list of ________ appears on your computer ________. Many people use the web for _____________ or banking. To enter a secure site, you usually need to enter your username and a ________.
    online shopping
    search engine

  • g  Switch on the computer, the monitor and the printer..Put the following...

    40 слайд

    g Switch on the computer, the monitor and the printer.
    Put the following computer operations
    in the correct order
    b Close the application
    c Open the application
    d Print your work
    e Save your work on the
    hard disk
    a Work
    f Switch off the computer,
    the monitor and the printer
    g Switch on the computer,
    the monitor and the printer
    The first part is done for example

  • g  Switch on the computer, the monitor and the printerc  Open the application...

    41 слайд

    g Switch on the computer, the monitor and the printer
    c Open the application you want
    a Work
    e Save your work on the hard disk.
    d Print your work
    b Close the application.
    f Switch off the computer, the monitor and the printer
    Check your answers

  • Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the boxcomputer virusescra...

    42 слайд

    Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the box
    computer viruses
    go online
    Nowadays you can _______________ if your brother is using the telephone line to talk to his friends
    Many people send and receive ________ rather then telephoning or using “snail mail” (letter post).
    These days you can buy things on the Internet by going to the company’s ___________.
    go online

  • Complete the sentences words and with phrases from the boxcrashesemailswebsit...

    43 слайд

    Complete the sentences words and with phrases from the box
    Sometimes the computer ________ ,and then it is impossible to use it. You usually have to switch it off and start again.
    Some people create ________________ , which infect any computer they arrive at. They are dangerous a can destroy everything on the hard disk.
    If a computer programme has a ____, it won’t work properly.
    computer viruses
    online shopping
    computer viruses

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  • Автор материала

    Метелева Татьяна Борисовна
    Метелева Татьяна Борисовна
    • На сайте: 3 года и 6 месяцев
    • Подписчики: 0
    • Всего просмотров: 861
    • Всего материалов: 6

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

Учитель английского языка

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Особенности подготовки к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку в условиях реализации ФГОС СОО

36 ч. — 180 ч.

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8 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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Интегрированное управление бизнес-процессами

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