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План - конспект урока + презентация по теме "Животные" 4 класс

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План-конспект урока английского  языка

Учитель: Сафонова Ю.А.

Класс: 4       

Тема урока: Animals

Цели урока:

  • развитие умений монологической речи
  • развитие умений аудирования
  • развитие умений чтения

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор и экран

Ход урока

Этап урока

Задачи данного этапа урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Средства обучения

I. Начальный этап

1. Оргмомент

Введение учащихся в языковую среду.

Good morning, my friends. I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please.

I see nobody is absent today and I hope all of you are ready to work, aren't you?

Приветствуют учителя: Good morning, good morning to you. We are glad to see you too.

Yes, we are.


2. Целеполагание

Сообщение темы и задач урока, мотивация учебной деятельности

Let's start our work. Does anybody know this man? His name is N. Drozdov.

He is a host of the program "In the animals' world". He has sent an invitation letter to you. Let's read it:

My dear friends. I'm glad to meet you. I hope you love animals very much. I want to invite you to my programme and I will be glad if you tell about your favorite animal.

Would you like to take part in this program and tell about your favorite animal?





Чтение текста



Yes, I would like.

мультимедийный экран (слайд 1)

(слайд 2)


(слайд 3)

II. Основной этап

Повтор и систематизация лексического материала по теме

Контроль усвоения лексического материала

By the way, what animals and birds do you know?

What two groups can we divide the birds and animals into?

I believe you know wild and domestic animals and birds well. Read the following sentences and choose the odd word:

1) Domestic animals are: a cow, a horse, a fox, a sheep, a cat, a dog, a hen, a rabbit.

2) Wild animals are: a wolf, a fox, a bear, a cat, a crocodile, a tiger, a lion, a cow, a hare, a goat, a giraffe.

3) Domestic birds are: a hen, a chicken, a duck, a goose, a mouse, a turkey, a parrot, a wolf, an eagle.

4) Wild birds are: an eagle, a sparrow, a cow, a hen, a turkey, an owl.

Well done!

Birds and animals can live in different places. To guess the name of the place unjumble the following words:

restfo, Ervir, Glejun, Tainsmoun, Rycount , Sertde, Ceoan, Afrm, Wnto, Wnto, Riafca, Bergice.

Now help the animals to find their homes. Fill in the name of the animal: an eagle, a dog, a cow, a crocodile, a penguin, a whale, a fox, a monkey

1).... lives in the doghouse

2):.. lives in the river.

3)::lives in the ocean.

4)::lives in the forest.

5)::lives in the jungle.

6)::lives in the mountains.

7)::lives on the farm in the country.

8)::lives on the iceberg.

There are a lot of animals and birds. Some of them are big and strong, some are small and funny. Read the description of the animal and guess its name:

It is brown. It is merry and funny. It is a:.

It is grey. It is very strong and not kind. It is a..

It is green. It is big and very strong. It is a :

It is orange. It is cunning and beautiful. It is a..

It is grey. It is very big and strong. It is a:

It is black. It is very clever and kind. It is a:.

I am sure that you take care of your pets and feed them. What do the animals and birds eat and drink? Read the following sentences and mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F):

Cows and horses eat grass, leaves, hey.

Elephants eat bones, Chappy, Pedigree, meat, soup.

Dogs eat bananas.

Cats eat fish.

Wolves eat other small animals.

Cats drink milk.

Many animals and birds drink water.

Monkeys eat corn.

Rabbits eat carrot and cabbage.

Animals can do a lot of things. Write down can or can't:

A dog::. run, jump, swim.

A cat :.. climb, run, jump.

A tiger :. fly.

A horse :. run, jump.

A monkey :. jump, climb, walk.

A parrot:. fly, speak.

An eagle :.. fly and hunt.

Отвечают на вопросы




Выполняют задание

мультимедийный экран (слайд 4)




(слайд 5)







(слайд 6-8)





(слайд 9)












(слайд 10)















(слайд 11)









(слайд 12)

Динамическая пауза

Снятие усталости и переключение на другой вид деятельности

Let's have a rest. Stand up and show what animals can do.

A horse can run.
An eagle can fly.
A frog can jump.
A penguin can dance.
A crocodile can swim and dive.
A monkey can climb.

Учащиеся проговаривают предложения и выполняют движения



Развитие умения чтения с полным пониманием текста.

Now we are going to read the stories about animals. Your task is to read the stories and match them with the pictures.

Учащиеся читают текст и сопоставляют описание с животными, изображенными на картинках


p. 46 ex .41


Развитие умения аудирования с полным пониманием текста

I think all of you have your favorite animal. Now let's listen to Dima and say what animal he would like to have.

Учащиеся слушают текст и отвечают на вопрос


p.46 ex. 40


Развитие умений монологической речи: рассказ о своем любимом животном

And now it's your turn to tell about your favorite animals.

Учащиеся рассказывают о своих любимых животных с опорой на план.


p. 49 ex 7

III. Заключительный этап

Подведение итогов и оценка деятельности учащихся.

Объяснение домашнего задания

OK, my friends. You worked really very hard. You did your best and deserved good marks. Your stories about your favorite animals were very interesting and I hope N. Drozdov will like them too.

Your home task is to write an interesting story about your favorite animal using the plan on p. 49 ex. 7. You can draw a picture and write down a poem about your favorite animal.




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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Nickolay Drozdov

    1 слайд

    Nickolay Drozdov

  • Animals’ world

    2 слайд

    Animals’ world

  • My dear, friends! I’m glad to meet you. I hope you love animals very muc...

    3 слайд

    My dear, friends!
    I’m glad to meet you. I hope you love animals very much. I want to invite you to my program and I will be glad if you tell about your favorite animal.
    Best wishes,
    N. Drozdov

  • What kinds of animals and birds do you know?                     AnimalsBirds...

    4 слайд

    What kinds of animals and birds do you know?


  • What wild and domestic animals and birds do you know?Choose the odd w...

    5 слайд

    What wild and domestic animals and birds do you know?
    Choose the odd word:
    Domestic animals are: a cow, a horse, a fox , a sheep, a cat, a dog, a hen , a rabbit
    Wild animals are: a wolf, a fox, a bear, a cat , a crocodile, a tiger, a lion, a cow , a hare, a goat, a giraffe
    Domestic birds are: a hen, a chicken, a duck, a goose, a mouse , a turkey, a parrot, a wolf ,
    an eagle
    Wild birds are: an eagle, a sparrow, a cow ,
    a hen , a turkey, an owl

  • Where can the animals live? Unjumble the names of the placesforest 

    6 слайд

    Where can the animals live? Unjumble the names of the places

  • Refost    ervir       glejun      rycount    tainsmoun                    f...

    7 слайд

    Refost ervir glejun rycount tainsmoun

  • Sertde    wnto    bergice    ceoan    riafca      arfmdeserttowniceberg ocean...

    8 слайд

    Sertde wnto bergice ceoan riafca arfm

  • Fill in the name of the animal which lives in this place: an eagle, a dog, a...

    9 слайд

    Fill in the name of the animal which lives in this place: an eagle, a dog, a cow,,a crocodile,
    a penguin, a whale, a fox, a monkey
    ....lives in the doghouse
    …..lives in the river.
    ……lives in the ocean.
    ……lives in the forest.
    ……lives in the jungle.
    ……lives in the mountains.
    ……lives on the farm in the country.
    ……lives on the iceberg.

  • It is brown. It is merry and  funny. It is a…
It is grey. It is very strong a...

    10 слайд

    It is brown. It is merry and funny. It is a…
    It is grey. It is very strong and not kind. It is a..
    It is green. It is big and very strong. It is a …
    It is orange. It is cunning and beautiful. It is a..
    It is grey. It is very big and strong. It is an…
    It is black. It is very clever and kind. It is a…

    What are the animals? Read the description of the animal and guess its name

  • What do the animals and birds eat and drink? Mark the sentences as true (T) o...

    11 слайд

    What do the animals and birds eat and drink? Mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F)
    Cows and horses eat grass, leaves, hey.
    Elephants eat bones, Chappy, Pedigree, meat, soup.
    Dogs eat bananas.
    Cats eat fish.
    Wolves eat other small animals.
    Cats drink milk.
    Many animals and birds drink water.
    Monkeys eat corn.
    Rabbits eat carrot and cabbage.


  • What can the animals do? Write down  can or can’tA dog……. run, jump, swim.

    12 слайд

    What can the animals do? Write down can or can’t
    A dog……. run, jump, swim.
    A cat ….. climb, run, jump.
    A tiger …. fly.
    A horse …. run, jump.
    A monkey …. jump, climb, walk.
    A parrot …. fly, speak.
    An eagle ….. fly and hunt.


  • 13 слайд

  • Tell about your favorite animal.Use the planWhat animal or bird is it?

    14 слайд

    Tell about your favorite animal.
    Use the plan
    What animal or bird is it?
    Where does it live?
    What does it eat and drink?
    What does it look like?
    What can it do?

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