Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПлан проведения внеклассного мероприятия "Неделя английского языка"

План проведения внеклассного мероприятия "Неделя английского языка"

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                                            НЕДЕЛЯ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА



                                     “ DAY OF MUSIC”

The opening of the week.

The exhibition of wall newspapers.

                                         Tutor: T.V. Bondar








                              “ST. VALENTINE’S DAY”

The exhibition of Valentine cards.

The celebration of St. Valentine’s Day.

          (elementary school)

“Presentations & Projects” (high school (8-9 forms)

                                            Tutor: T.V. Bondar








                              “DAY OF MEETING GUESTS”

Meeting of foreign visitors.

An open dialogue of the school pupils with the Canadian students.

                                                          Tutor: T.V. Bondar



   Встреча и открытый диалог ученической молодежи нашей школы с канадскими студентами школы «Академия Веры» г. Виннипег, провинции Манитоба (Канада).





                               “DAY OF POETRY”

(elementary school)

                                                          Tutor: T.V. Bondar

Мероприятие  по  литературному переводу стихотворений учеников начальной школы.




                  РАБОТЫ УЧЕНИКОВ:





















“Do you know?”

 (the contest of our polyglots in the 6-7 forms)

                                                           Tutor: T.V. Bondar

«День ерудитов и полиглотов» (конкурс на знание лексики и грамматики английского языка между учениками 6-7 классов).

Разработала: Учитель английского языка МОШ І-ІІI ступеней №57 Бондарь Т.В.



“Do you know?”

 (the contest of our polyglots in the 6-7 forms)

                                                           Tutor: T.V. Bondar


-         Good afternoon, boys and girls! Good afternoon, respected members of  jury and respected audience! Today, we’re going to have the contest of erudites and polyglots “Do you know?”. 

-         Now, I want to introduce our greatly respected members of jury!

-         We’ve got 2  teams, the first team is “The British Dreamers” (this is the team of the 6-th form) and the second one is “The Great Experts” (the team of the 7-th form)!

-         The teams will show their knowledge of English and try to assure the jury that they are clever, smart and good students. So, let’s start playing!



1.     Now let’s start our competition. You task is to put the prepositions . Thank You. You’ve got just 7 minutes for this task!



     Put  in  the  prepositions  in,  from,  of,  about,  to,  for,  with  if  needed.



 Dear Harry,

Thank you ..... your letter. It was so nice to hear.... you! I would like to tell

you ........  my weekend .......  the country......... last Sunday I went ......  my

grandma ......  my parents. We missed .....  her very much. She lives .... the

country in a house of her own.

She was very glad to see us. I took a lot pictures........ my family and......

myself......... the evening we made a fire and sang old Russian songs. When you come

here..... next time we'll visit... my grandma...... you. Please, write..............

your weekend.

Best wishes....... us all.

Your  Maxim


Максимальное  количество10 б. (the maximum number of points is 10).



2. Your second task. Its name is “The expert of the British Sightseeings”.  You have only 5 min for doing this task!


               Знаток   достопримечательностей        Великобритании



          Put the following words under the correct heading in the box below.


  Buckingham, The Tower of London, Hyde, Westminster, St. James's, Trafalgar, Madame Tussaud's, Tower, Regent's, Windsor.













































Максимальное количество – 5 б.



3.     The third task. Its name is “The expert of English proverbs and sayings”.  Each team will get 5 different proverbs and sayings. You should match the proverbs and sayings with their Russian equivalents. I’ll give you only  5 min for doing of this  assignment!




Знаток  английских  пословиц.


1. If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.

2.No sweet without some sweat.

3.Better the foot slip than the tongue.

4.First think, then speak,

5.He laughs best who laughs last.


1.Хорошо смеется тот, кто сме­ется последним.

2.Свой глаз — алмаз.

3.Семь раз отмерь, один (раз) от­режь.

4.Без труда не вынешь и рыбку из пруда.

5.Лучше оступиться, чем огово­риться


              *      *      *


1.As like as two peas.

2.As the tree, so the fruit.

3.To be horn with a silver spoon in one's mouth.

4.As the tree falls, so shall it lie.

5.When two Sundays come to­gether.


1.Родиться в сорочке.

2.Яблочко от яблони недалеко падает.

3.Как две капли воды.

4.После дождичка в четверг.

5.Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.



Максимальное  количество10 б.                 



4.  Now, you should do the comparison of the words in the different languages. Let’s make the analysis of these words and their translation! Youve got 7 min for this!



Сравнение слов  на  разных  языках.


What do these words mean in English? Fill in the table.

























































                Максимальное  количество – 6 б.


5. And, at last, we’ve got the last, and, in my opinion, the most difficult task.  Now you’ll get 2 poems. And your assignment is to make a literary translation of them. I mean, your poems in Russian must have the rhyme, too. (Try to do this!). You have 10 min for making that. Good luck!


Конкурс  переводчиков  (литературный   перевод  стихотворений) :




Slowly, silently, now the moon

Walks the night in her silver spoon;

This way, and that, she peers, and sees

Silver fruit upon silver trees,

One by one the casements catch

Her beams beneath the silvery thatch;

Couched in his kennel, like a log,

With paws of silver sleeps the dog;

From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep

Of doves in a silver — feathered sleep;

A harvest mouse goes scampering by

With silver claims and silver eye

And moveless fish in the water gleam,

By silver reeds in a silver stream.


Walter de la More








               I wonder


I wonder why the grass is green,

And why the wind is never seen.

Who taught the birds to build a nest,

And told the trees to take a rest.

And when the moon is not quite round,

Where can the missing bit be found?

Who lights the stars, when they blow out,

And makes the lightning flash about?

Who paints the rainbow in the sky,

And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?

Why is it now, do you suppose,

That Dad won’t tell me if he knows?



Jeannie Kirby



Максимальное количество за каждое стихотворение – 10 б.



-         The game is over. Thank you so much. Let’s listen to the jury. (Жюри подводит итоги соревнования.) The winner of our competition is the team of the… form!
I’m pleased with your knowledge today. Thank you a thousand times.












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Методы билингвального обучения иностранным языкам

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Актуальные вопросы методики преподавания немецкого языка в условиях реализации ФГОС

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