Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан урока по английскому языку "Education" 7-класс

План урока по английскому языку "Education" 7-класс

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Chingirlau secondary school











The Theme of the lesson:


“School education in Kazakhstan”.


                            Grade: 7 “a”











                                                                                   Teacher: B.T.Katauova












                                                               2016-2017 years





Grade : 7             Lesson: 12

The theme:  School education in Kazakhstan.
to compare educational system in Great Britain and Kazakhstan.
Presentation of the new words, to practice   talking about rules and obligations at school,  to explain  and to practice  in  reflexive pronouns
Developing: to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills;
to develop students’ interest in research works.
Brining up: to interest in learning English, in learning education system  in Kazakhstan.
The type of the lesson: group work
The method of the lesson: question-answer, discuss
Visual aids: computers, posters, markers, pictures, an interactive board
Procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment:
II Checking the home work.

III. Brainstorming

A. Work in a group. Write as many words as you can connected with school (5 min)

Example:   Subject, timetable…….


B. Do you like to go to school? Do you go to school every day? How many days a week do you go to school? How many lessons have you got every day? Do you go to school on weekends?

Thank you.

IV. Explanation of the new materials

1.New words

Education- білім алу    Comprise- тұру, құру  compulsory –міндетті junior –кіші, жас

curriculum –оқу жоспары   acquainted –танысу state school-мемлекеттік мектеп

secondary  school-орта мектеп primary school-бастауыш мектеп  level- деңгей

high schools-жоғары мектеп /сынып/ special schools-арнайы метеп  middle орта  буын   

2.Education in Kazakhstan

 We started school at the age of 7. After 4 years of primary school we went to secondary school.

 Primary and secondary schools together comprise 11 years of classes are compulsory in our republic.  Our school years began on the 1st of September and ended in May. It lasted 9 months. We had 4 holidays a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn.  On the 1st of September we got acquainted with our teachers and had our first lessons. Every day we have  5 or 6 lessons. The primary schools curriculum included such as subjects Kazakh, Maths, Russian, English, Drawing, Physical Training and Music and  Nature. Our school was not English but we had

English classes which  started in the 1st form.  Today the educational system in KZ is presented by 3 languages :Kazak  Russian  and   English Primary education  is the  most developed of the states educational system.  Pupils receive their primary education in schools of three different levels.  Primary 1-4 grades, middle 5-grades and junior 10-11 grades. After finishing the 9th grade children in high schools, in technical professional  institutes , or in special schools.


1 What kind of schools are there in Kazakhstan?

2  How many years do pupil study at secondary school?

3  What school subjects have you got at your school?

4 How many years of study are compulsory in our Republic?

5 How long does every lesson last?

6 how many lessons have you every day?

7 How many years do pupils go to school in Kazakhstan?

4.Walking dictation
I will read words and pupil in each group must come to the blackboard and write it correctly.
School, education, junior, children, secondary, compulsory, subject,
primary, special.pupils

V. Presentation of the Pronouns  /Есімдіктер/.

1. Есім сөздердің (зат есім, сан есім, сын есімнің) орнына жүретін сөз табы есімдік деп аталады. Есімдіктер мағынасына қарай мынадай топтарға бөлінеді: жіктеу есімдіктері, тәуелдік есімдіктер, өздік есімдіктері, сілтеу есімдіктері, белгісіздік есімдіктері, сұрау есімдіктері.

Өздік есімдігі (reflexive pronouns)


Жекеше түр

Көпше түр



мен өзім


біз өзіміз



сен өзің


сендер өздерің

сіз өзіңіз

сіздер өздеріңіз




ол өзі

their selves

олар өздері



Белгісіз өздік форма





Өздік есімдіктері my, your, our тәуелдік есімдіктеріне, him, her, it, them жіктеу есімдіктеріне және one  белгісіздік есімдігіне self (жекеше түрде) пен  selves (көпше түрде) жалғанады.  Өздік есімдіктері әрдайым етістікпен байланысты. Жай сөйлемде олар әдетте толықтауыш қызметін атқарады.

I wash my hair myself.                               Мен басымды өзім жуамын.

2. Practice. Doing the tasks
Exercise – 1.
Өздік  есімдігін дұрыс қолданыңдар. (myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, our selves, yourselves, themselves)
The little girl cleans her tooth …. every morning. 2. My brother likes to draw animals ….. 3. I do shopping … every day. 4. My old grandfather reads the book still …. 5. The farmers grow many vegetables in every spring time.….. 6. The driver must repair his car …. 7. You must clean your room …. because I am busy all day. 8. We usually make an apple cake …. 9. The little puppy feeds …. 10. Does she wash up dishes … in the kitchen? 11. My children often prepare the meal …. when I am not at home. 12. My grandfather reads …. a newspaper without any glass.

Exercise – 2.
Өздік есімдігін дұрыс қолданыңдар. (myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, our selves, yourselves, themselves)

1. You must clean your room …. because I am busy all day. 2. We usually make an apple cake …. 3. The little puppy feeds …. 4. Does she wash up dishes … in the kitchen? 5. My children often prepare the meal …. when I am not at home. 6. My grandfather reads …. a newspaper without any glass.
Exercise – 3.
Көп нүктенің орнына өздік есімдігін қойып сөйлемдерді аударыңдар.
(myself, yourself, herself …..)
I usually knit my gloves and scarves …. 2 She could swim since her childhood ….. 3 My brother always repairs his things and his bike …. 4 We have built our modern house in this summer ….. 5 The pupil decorate the school hall with toys, lights or colored papers …. before New Year.

Exercise – 4. Көп нүктенің орнына өздік есімдігін қойып сөйлемдерді аударыңдар.
(myself, yourself, herself …..)
1. My little daughter likes to make her bed …. 2. The old woman was lucky when she didn’t hurt …. 3. Most of my friends have learnt to use computer …. in short time. 4. Our dog Rex has found our house …. and we all are happy. 5. Omar usually irons his shirt … when he hurries up.


VI. Watching a video about British schools  and discuss

1.Answering  the  questions  about  the  schools  in England.

T: We  have just watched a video   about  the  schools  in  British  and  now  let’s  answer the  questions  about them.

Questions :

1.     At  what  age  do  the  pupils  go to  school  in  England? /at the age of 5/

2.     What  types  of  schools  are  there in England? /state and , private/

3.     How  much  per cent of  children  go  to state  and  private  schools?

4.     Do they wear a uniform?

5.     How many days a week do they go to school? /Monday-Friday/

6.     And  what  subjects do they study ? /Art, science, math’s/

7.     What  do  the pupils  do  at  the  age  of  16?

8.What other foreign languages  do they study? / French, Italian , Spanish/

T: Thank  you.  I am glad  that you  know all about  the  schools  in  British. And  now  let’s  compare  them  with  the  educational  system in Kazakhstan.

2. About marks In Great Britain
A - excellent –
үздік  B - very well - жақсы
C - satisfactory –
қанағатанарлық D - poor – нашар  E - unsatisfactory - қанағаттанарлықсыз
In Kazakhstan
5 -
отличноүздік 4 - хорошо жақсы 3 – қанағатанарлық 2 - unsatisfactory – қанағаттанарлықсыз

 3.Comparing  British  and  Kazakh educational system  (Venn’s  diagram)  



Great Britain

4.Proverbs, Give the Kazakh or Russian equivalents .

1.Knowledge  is a power.

 Білікті бірді жығар, білімді  мыңды  жығар.  Күш - білімде, білім - кітапта

2 , Live  and learn.  -Оқусыз білім жоқ,   Білімсіз күнің жоқ.

3. It’s never too late to learn.  Түстік өмірің болса, Кештік білім жи.
5. Developing   of listening and thinking skills .

T: I'll give you the definitions in English and you'll try to remember the words and say them. Listen to me very attentively.

1)      In this lesson you can do sums. What is it? (Maths)

2)      In this lesson you can learn about animals and plants. What lesson is it? (Science)

3)      In this lesson you can paint and draw pictures. What is it? (Art)

4)      In this lesson you can learn many new words. What lesson is it? (English)

5)      In this lesson you can play exciting games. What is it? (PE)

6)      In this lesson we learn how to sing well. What is it? (Music)

6. Dialogical speech.

Now, listen to the situation: One of you is new to the school. You have to introduce yourself, to speak about age class, school subjects, your favourite subject and why. Ask questions to each other. Pair off, please.

- Hello.

- Hi. What’s your name?

- My name is …… . And what is your name?

- My name is ……. . Are you new to the school?

- Yes, I am.

- How old are you?

- I’m eleven. And you?

- I’m eleven too. I’m in class 5 B. What class are you in at school?

- I’m in class 5 A.

- I see. What subjects do you study?

- I study English, maths, history, Russian, literature, geography, art and music. Do you study the same subjects?

- Me too. And what is your favourite school subject?

- My favourite subject is PE.

- Why?

- I like PE because it helps me keep fit. We play different sport games. And what about you? What’s your favourite school subject?

- My favourite subject is Science. In this lesson we learn about animals and plants.

7. Conclusion  task. Game.

Look at your cards. Let’s play a bit. Fill in the right word.

  1. Look at our …! There are a lot of new subjects.
    a) paper b) uniform c) timetable.
  2. Students like to go to ….
    a)school b) the bank c) the hospital.
  3. We go to school 5 …… a week.

а) days b)months c) shops

  1. What … languages do you learn at school?
    a) interesting b) dull c) foreign.
  2. In PE lessons we can …. .

a) learn about animals b) play sport games c) read many books

VII. Marking

VIII.  Home task:


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