Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан-конспект урока английского языка по теме: "Еда"

План-конспект урока английского языка по теме: "Еда"

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Lesson plan

In the café

Reading/ Listening Authentic Materials

Context: This lesson is designed  for 7-8 form. Students have been studying “food vocabulary” and have previously learned the names of some dishes. The students have listened to some dialogues in the café.

Objective: Students will use knowledge of the words and phrases they’re got to know before. Students will appreciate traditional food of different countries. Students will practice dialogical speech and listening.

Materials: Authentic menus, list of phrases for different topics “Theatre, Shop, Café”, some pictures of food or dishes, equipment for listening. A piece of clothing for a waiter (for a teacher).



Stage, Aims



2-3 min.

Lead-in (to involve)

Greeting. Asking questions on the screen, answer in pairs.

1 Do you like travelling?

2 Have you ever travelled abroad?

3 What countries have you visited?











2-3 min.


Have you tried any food in these countries? Where have you tried this food?

In every café or a restaurant you were given a menu for you to choose the food you like. I’ve also have got a menu today. I’m feeling like a waiter giving you the menus. It’s a mixed menu.


4 min.


Look through it and say how many countries are mentioned in your menu. How many countries have you found?

Let’s name them and put them down in a form of table.

Italy Turkey France China Extra

S (individually)









7 min.

Specific reading

Work in pairs and decide which dishes refer to what countries. Then discuss in class.







6 min.

Post reading

Let’s imagine that we are in a café and try to remember what phrases do we use there. The teacher gives the pupils 3 lists of different phrases.


Can I help you?

I’m just browsing, thanks.

How much is this?

How much does this cost?

Could I have a refund?

I’d like to change this for a different size.

That’s cheap.

Could I speak to the manager?

Good value.

Sorry, we don’t have any left.

I’m looking for…


Would you like a programme?

Shall we order some drinks for the interval?

We’d better go back to our seats.

Is there anything on at the theatre?

When’s the play on until?

Who’s in it?

What type of production is it?

Have you seen it before?

Where’s the cloakroom?


Do you have any free tables?

Enjoy your meal!

Would you like to taste the wine?

I’d like to book a table, please.

Could I see the dessert menu?

Was everything alright?

Thanks, that was delicious.

I’ve got a reservation.

Could I see the menu, please?

What’s the dish?

 What do you recommend?

I’m on a diet.

I’m a vegetarian.

I’m sorry, we’re out of that.

Service not included.

Please wait to be seated.

T: Now listen to the tape and find out which list is suitable for speaking in the café. The pupils listen to the dialogues and choose the right list. Now we can have the list of words and phrases we can use in the café and the list of dishes of different countries.

I’ve got some sheets of papers of different colour. Choose one of them. Those who have yellow papers should make the dialogue at a Chinese café.

Red – Italian cafe

Blue – French café

Green – Turkish cafe








































































S (individually)




5 min.


The students make dialogues according to the task.

Pair work

5 min.

Acting dialogues

No let’s act out

Pair work

5 min.


Do you like being in different cafes?

Do you like food in different countries?

Tell me please what are other features of the dishes in different countries?


2 min.


Giving marks and homework.

Homework: Make your own menu of the country you like or have been to.






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