Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан-конспект урока (мастер-класс) по теме My Day 10 класс

План-конспект урока (мастер-класс) по теме My Day 10 класс

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Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа п. Рыбачий»

238535 Калининградская область Зеленоградский район

п. Рыбачий ул. Школьная д. 3



открытого урока

( мастер-класс)



 10 класс

английский язык

Смурага Т.Е. – учитель

 высшей категории


Тема урока: My day.

Приём – урок-мастерская; проектный метод обучения.

Цели урока: развитие умений и навыков учащихся в аудировании, формирование творческой, развитие познавательной активности учащихся.

Оборудование: магнитофон, интерактивное оборудование (презентация)

Ход урока

I.                   Greetings. Aims of the lesson.

1.The owl and the lark

The owl looked up at the stars above,

And  sang to a small guitar

“O lovely lark, o lark, my love!

What a beautiful lark you are!”


2.    Close your eyes, you' re sleeping...

Now the alarm-clock is ringing, you' re getting up, & your day is beginning. Please show me, how you1 re getting up.

a) Those who get up early & like to do things early are larks. Please take larks, put them on yourselves & go to the lark' s table.

 b) If it' s difficult for you to get up early in the morning & you don't want to go to bed every  evening, take the owls & go to the owl's table.

c) But lions are always ready to work. If it’s all the same for you whether to get up early or late, take lions & go to the lion's table.

3. .    Now the day has begun. Let’s talk about it. Please write down all the words we know on this topic.



get up

clean smb' s teeth

do morning exercises

wash smb's face

have breakfast (dinner, lunch, supper)

wash up

go to school

come home

help about the house

do homework

go for a walk

watch TV


Please, read your words aloud.





4. Now divide your sheets of paper into halves & write down 2-3 things you like to do on the left, & 2-3 things you don't like to do,

begin you sentences with:

      I LIKE TO                                                                                                                          I DISLIKE TO

Please, read your sentences aloud. (You may write down some sentences more while your friends are speaking)

b) Discuss in your group things you like & dislike.

c) Who wants to read aloud some expressions.


5. Here are more sentences about your day, but on some strip there are only beginning of the sentences (the heads of the sentences) on the others are endings (the tails). So, if you have a head, go & find your tail, if you have a tail, go & find your head but remember: your head can have 2 or 3 tails & your tail can have 2 or 3 heads. Try to remember as many sentences as you can. Then go back to your places & write them down. Who wants to read?

6. Listen to the tape recorder about Kelly’s and Matt’s activities Write down what they do during a day. Discuss in your groups. Listen again to correct activities. Read aloud.


7.1 know you like poetry. There is a poem on stripes. Please collect the poem from them. Try to match the rhyme of the last words in lines.

 In winter, when the fields are white,

I sing this song for you delight.

 In spring, when woods are getting green,

 I'll try & tell you what I mean.

In summer when the days are long

 Perhaps you'll understand my song.

 In autumn, when the leaves are brown

Take pen & ink, & write it down.


8. Here is another poem but some words are missing. Please fill the blanks with necessary words to complete the poem.

Breakfast in the morning

Dinner in the day

Tea comes after dinner

Then comes time to play

Supper in the evening

When the sky is red

Then the day is over

 And we must go to bed


9. Now try to write your own poem. To write it you need mote adjectives than you know. Please take the lists of adjectives. To get acquainted with them please draw a picture one from each team and introduce it with the help of new adjectives:





But write down the first letters, which begin adjectives describing the cat.

Then pass your pictures to another group. Guess what adjectives your friends

wanted to write. Write them down & give the pictures back.





10. Now you know more adjectives & can write a poem yourselves,

a) First choose a noun which is a topic of your poem,

b) Then two adjectives that describe the topic,

c) Three «-ing» related to the topic,

d) A phrase related to the topic,

 e) A synonym for the topic.

My day

good different

cleaning teeth, doing exercises, having breakfast

I get up at 7 o'clock


Please, write your own poems. Who wants to read aloud. Please stand up,

take a piece of scotch & hang you poems on the wall for other people to read.

11. Reflection

What did you learn during the lesson? (to express, describe, read, write). Did you like the lesson? Why?/Why not/

Your marks for the lesson are……






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Смурага Татьяна Евгеньевна

Должность (с указанием преподаваемого предмета)

учитель английского языка

Образовательное учреждение


МАОУ СОШ п. Рыбачий Калининградская область

Название материала


My Day

Класс (возраст)


10 класс

Учебный предмет


Английский язык

Название учебного пособия, образовательной программы (УМК) с указанием авторов, к которому относится ресурс

“New Opportunities” Pre-Intermediate Longman


Вид ресурса (презентация, видео, текстовый документ  и другие)


 План-конспект урока (мастер-класс)

Техническое оснащение (компьютер, интерактивная доска и другие.)


Цели материала

 направлен на обучение,  формирование творческой, развитие познавательной активности учащихся.

Список использованной литературы.

Ссылки на Интернет - источники


“New Opportunities” Pre-Intermediate Longman




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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • get up
clean smb' s teeth
do morning exercises
wash smb's face
have breakfast...

    1 слайд

    get up
    clean smb' s teeth
    do morning exercises
    wash smb's face
    have breakfast (dinner, lunch, supper)
    wash up
    go to school
    come home
    help about the house
    do homework
    go for a walk
    watch TV

  • go to the museum               sunbathing
have adventures                  s...

    2 слайд

    go to the museum sunbathing
    have adventures sunburn
    go on an excursion enjoy the countryside
    swimming visiting churches
    go jogging collect things
    go diving climbing
    chat with friends surf the internet
    dancing listening to music

  • In winter, when the fields are white, 
I sing this song for you delight.


    3 слайд

    In winter, when the fields are white,
    I sing this song for you delight.

    In spring, when woods are getting green,
    I'll try & tell you what I mean.

    In summer when the days are long
    Perhaps you'll understand my song.

    In autumn, when the leaves are brown
    Take pen & ink, & write it down.

  • Breakfast in the     
Dinner in the 
Tea comes after  
Then comes time to  

    4 слайд

    Breakfast in the
    Dinner in the
    Tea comes after
    Then comes time to
    Supper in the
    When the sky is
    Then the day is
    And we must go to

  • amazing

    5 слайд


  • Rules of writing a poema) First choose a noun which is a topic of your poem,...

    6 слайд

    Rules of writing a poem
    a) First choose a noun which is a topic of your poem,
    b) Then two adjectives that describe the topic,
    c) Three «-ing» related to the topic,
    d) A phrase related to the topic,
    e) A synonym for the topic.

  • My day
good different
cleaning teeth, doing exercises, having breakfast
I ge...

    7 слайд

    My day
    good different
    cleaning teeth, doing exercises, having breakfast
    I get up at 7 o'clock

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за 6 месяцев

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к вашим урокам


Выбранный для просмотра документ приложение.docx



1. Презентация – использование интерактивного оборудования.


2. Раздаточный материал. (для каждой группы учащихся).


In winter, when the fields are white,

I sing this song for you delight.

 In spring, when woods are getting green,

 I'll try & tell you what I mean.

In summer when the days are long

 Perhaps you'll understand my song.

 In autumn, when the leaves are brown

Take pen & ink, & write it down.


Breakfast in the                          

Dinner in the                    

Tea comes after                  

Then comes time to       

Supper in the          

When the sky is                 

Then the day is               

 And we must go to                   

In the afternoon, I have fruit with biscuits

or a piece of chocolate.

I’m quite traditional

and I have three meals a day.

In the evening,

I have a proper meal with my family.

I cook every evening for my family

except on weekends.

When the weather‘s very cold

I like eating meat and vegetables.

It’s half past eight in the morning

 and I should be at school by nine.

I never try my mind

 what to wear.

I have been late for school

 three times already.


Children’s poems. (результат урока)


My day

interesting and happy

getting up, brushing hair, washing face

I go to different places

My life.

                                  Masha, Tanya.


My day

Cool and full

Going to work, dancing, watching TV a lot

My normal life

A fairy-tale.

                                        Slava, Zhenya.


My day

Sunny, happy

Playing, walking, smiling

My day is cool

My life.



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