Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыПо урочный план на тему"Food"

По урочный план на тему"Food"

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5 Form                                                  Lesson                                          Date:




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Healthy food

Формирование знаний учащихся по теме «Здоровая еда»

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение учащимися данной темы.

2) Содействовать формированию у учащихся интереса к изучаемому предмету.

3) Развивать навыки говорения и чтения.

Ham, jam, apple, tea, cheese, eat, vegetable, meat, egg, coffee, orange.


The procedure of the lesson:

T: Hello, children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What is the date today? Who is absent today?

T: What is your name?

S1: My name is _______.

T: Where are you from?           S2: I am from Kazakhstan.

T: How are you?                       S3: I am ……

T: Which class are you in?       S4: I am in class 5.

T: How old are you?                 S5: I am …

 Reading of the text.


Today you will learn how to say time in English.


Вкуснотища! Very good!

Пищу называем Food

Для шарика, для друга

Припас я сахар - sugar

Всегда ты сладкий ждешь сюрприз

Конфетки по английски – sweets

Это вовсе не каприз;

Сыр мы называем cheese

Мясо жарится, шкварчит,

Мясо по английски - meat


Ex. 13 p. 37 Look, listen and repeat.

Ex. 13(b) p. 37 Say these click times below.

Ex. 14 p. 38 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 4 p. 54 Talk to each other. Use different time.

-What time is it?

-It’s 4 o’clock.

Ex. 14 p. 38 dialogue.

Ex. 15 p. 38 Talk to each partner.

-Excuse me.


- What time is it?

-It’s … .

-Thank you.

Ex. 16 p. 38 Talk about the times in Almaty, Atyrau, Moscow, …

-What time is it in …?

Open your books on page 38 Write.


Ex. 8 p. 55; to learn the new words and rules.


What was the theme of our lesson? Yes, that’s right.

Let’s remember the new words. What time is it?

The marks for the lesson are …       

The lesson is over! Good-bye!










5 Form                                                  Lesson                                           Date:




The aim:









Org. moment:








Checking up h/w:

The main part:

























 When is your birthday?

Закрепление и совершенствование знаний учащихся по теме «месяца и времена года»

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока закрепление учащимися новой лексики.

2) Содействовать формированию у учащихся интереса к изучаемому предмету.

3) Развивать навыки говорения и чтения.


Who, when, what, how, why.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Hello, children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What is the date today? Who is absent today?

T: What is your name?

S1: My name is _______.

T: Where are you from?           S2: I am from Kazakhstan.

T: How are you?                       S3: I am ……

T: Which class are you in?       S4: I am in class 5.

T: How old are you?                 S5: I am …


To lesson the new words.

Today we will talk about your birthdays.

T: My birthday is on 24 of Februaryr. When is your birthday?

P: It’s on … of … .

Repeat after me in chorus!

-What month is it after May?

                                                   - It is June.

Ex. 2 p. 55 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 3 p. 55 Talk to your friend.        -In which month is your birthday?

                                                         - It’s on … .

Ex. 5 p. 56 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 8 p. 56 Talk to each other.

Ex. 12 p. 57 Find out 5 students’ birthday dates and tell your desk mate about them.     

 Ex. 13 p. 57 Answer the questions.

 Ex. 14 p. 57 Listen and repeat.

 Ex. 15 p. 58 Talk to each other.



To learn the new questions; Ex. 16 p. 58

What was the theme of our lesson? Yes, that’s right.

Let’s remember the new words. When is your birthday?

The marks for the lesson are …       The lesson is over! Good-bye!











5 Form                                                  Lesson                                           Date:




The aim:









Org. moment:







Checking up h/w:

The main part:


























What is this?

Формирование знаний учащихся по теме «Школьные принадлежности»

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение учащимися новой лексики.

2) Содействовать формированию у учащихся интереса к изучаемому предмету.

3) Развивать навыки говорения и чтения.

A pen, a pencil, a bag, a book, a computer, a ruler, a rubber, a table, a chair, to go.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Hello, children! Sit down!

T: What is your name?

S1: My name is _______.

T: Where are you from?           S2: I am from Kazakhstan.

T: How are you?                       S3: I am ……

T: Which class are you in?       S4: I am in class 5.

T: How old are you?                 S5: I am …


Read the text.

Today we will learn some words connected with school.

Open your books on page 41 and look at the picture.

Now open your vocabularies and write down the new words.

Repeat after me in chorus!

What is this?

T: This is a pen. What is this?

P: This is a pencil. (отработка)


Ex. 1 p. 40 Answer the questions. What’s picture 1? It’s a ruler.

Ex. 2 p. 40 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 4 p. 41 Talk to your friend showing things.

Ex. 5 p. 41 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 6 p. 42 Talk to your friend.

Ex. 7 p. 42 Listen and repeat.

Ex.8 p. 42 Talking

-Is it a pen?

- No, it isn’t. It’s a book.

Ex. 9, 10 p. 42 Listen, repeat and talk.


 Ex. 11 p. 42; to learn the new words and draw pictures.

What was the theme of our lesson? Yes, that’s right.

Let’s remember the new words. What is this?

The marks for the lesson are …

The lesson is over! Good-bye!











5 Form                                                  Lesson                                           Date:




The aim:










Org. moment:









The main part:
























Can you play the guitar?

Формирование знаний учащихся по теме «Музыкальные инструменты»

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение учащимися новой лексики.

2) Содействовать формированию у учащихся интереса к изучаемому предмету.

3) Развивать навыки говорения и чтения.

Piano, guitar, dombyra, recorder, violin, ceilo, trumpet, kobyz, can, to start, instrument, to play, to speak, to use, to make, tea, to knit, to ride, a horse, to swim, to stand.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Hello, children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What is the date today? Who is absent today?

T: What is your name?

S1: My name is _______.

T: Where are you from?           S2: I am from Kazakhstan.

T: How are you?                       S3: I am ……

T: Which class are you in?       S4: I am in class 5.

T: How old are you?                 S5: I am …


Today we will talk about different activities and musical instruments.

Ex. 1 p. 58 Listen and read the words in the box. Open your vocabularies and write down the new words. Repeat after me in chorus!

Ex. 2 p. 59 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 3 p. 59 Talk to each other.

-Can you play the … ?

-Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Ex. 4 p. 59 Listen and repeat.

 Ex. 5 p. 59 Talk to each other.

Ex. 6 p. 59 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 7 p. 59 Talk to each other using the picture.

-Who can play the … ?

Ex. 8 p. 59 Look, listen and repeat.

Ex. 9 p. 60 Ask and answer the questions using exercise 7.

-Can you speak Kazakh?

-Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Ex. 10 p. 60 Talk to each other.


Ex. 12 p. 60; to learn the new words.

What was the theme of our lesson? Yes, that’s right.

Let’s remember the new words. What colour is your dog?

The marks for the lesson are …      

 The lesson is over! Good-bye!











5 Form                                                  Lesson                                           Date:




The aim:







Org. moment:








Checking up h/w:


The main part:



























Where is my bag?

Формирование знаний учащихся по теме «Предлоги»

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение учащимися новой лексики.

2) Содействовать формированию у учащихся интереса к изучаемому предмету.

3) Развивать навыки говорения и чтения.

In, on, in front of, behind, between, opposite, next to, among.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Hello, children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What is the date today? Who is absent today?

T: What is your name?

S1: My name is _______.

T: Where are you from?           S2: I am from Kazakhstan.

T: How are you?                       S3: I am ……

T: Which class are you in?       S4: I am in class 5.

T: How old are you?                 S5: I am …


Ex. 12 p. 60

New words (фронтальный опрос)

Today we will talk about our things and where they are. Open your books on page 62. Listen and read the words in the box. Open your vocabularies and write down the new words. Repeat after me in chorus!

Ex. 1 p. 61 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 2 p. 61 Talk to each other.

-Where is my bag?

- It’s … .

Ex. 3 p. 62 Listen and repeat.

Ex. 4 p. 62 Talk to each other.

-Where are my books?

- They are on your desk.

 Ex. 5 p. 62 Look at the picture, listen and read.

Ex. 6 p. 62 Talk to your partner about the children and Rex.

-Where is Colin?

- Colin is in front of Rex.

Ex. 7 p. 62 Talk to each other about your classmates.

-Where is Lena?

- She is next to Lera.

Ex. 8 p. 62 Answer the questions.

Let’s read the dialogue on page 61.


Ex. 9 p. 62; to learn the new words.

What was the theme of our lesson? Yes, that’s right.

Let’s remember the new words. Where is your copybook?

The marks for the lesson are …      

 The lesson is over! Good-bye!








5 Form                                                  Lesson                                           Date:




The aim:









Org. moment:








Checking up h/w:

The main part:





























Daily routine.

A day in my life.

Формирование знаний учащихся по теме «Распорядок дня»

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение учащимися новой лексики.

2) Содействовать формированию у учащихся интереса к изучаемому предмету.

3) Развивать навыки говорения и чтения.

To have breakfast, supper, lunch, dinner, lesson, to go to school, to go home, to go to bed, to get up, to live, school starts, school finishes, in the morning, but, or.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Hello, children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What is the date today? Who is absent today?

T: What is your name?

S1: My name is _______.

T: Where are you from?           S2: I am from Kazakhstan.

T: How are you?                       S3: I am ……

T: Which class are you in?       S4: I am in class 5.

T: How old are you?                 S5: I am …


Ex. 9 p. 74  Give me your copybooks!

Word dictation.

Today we will talk about your daily routine. Open your books on page 76. Look at the picture and listen the words. Open your vocabularies and write down the new words. Repeat after me in chorus!

Ex. 1 p. 76 Listen, repeat and read the new words.

Ex. 2 p. 77 Listen and read the text. Translate it.

Ex. 3 p. 77 Right or wrong?

Ex. 4 p. 77 Correct the sentences.

Example: Omar is twelve.

                 No, he is eleven.

Ex. 5 p. 77 Complete the sentences. Use the information from the text.


Omar lives in London.

He gets up at half past seven.

Ex. 6 p. 78 Talk to each other about Omar.

Example:  -What time does he get up?

                 -He gets up at … .

Ex. 7 p. 78 Talk to your friend.

Ex. 8 p. 78 Talk to each other about Omar.

Example: -When does he read?

-         He reads before supper.

Ex. 9, 10, 11 p. 78 Talking.



To learn the new words; Ex. 12 p. 78

What was the theme of our lesson? Yes, that’s right.

Let’s remember the new words. What time do you get up?

The marks for the lesson are …      

The lesson is over! Good-bye!


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