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Практические уроки по теме "Омонимы английского языка "

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Lesson 1.

new-knew, flower- flour, so-sew, won-one,  taut- taught, plain-plane, see-sea, wood-would,  our-hour, bear- bare,  red- read,  weight- wait,  made- maid, way – weigh,  hole- whole,  by – buy,  rote – route,  sale – sail,  fair – fare ,  hear – here,  principle – principal,  whether – weather


Exercise 1.

1.      I bought this …………dress today.       I …..that you bought that dress. ( new, knew )

2.      I love to grow ….in my garden.               I need two cups of ……for the cake. ( flower, flour )

3.      I want to ….the rip on these jeans .          ….what? I bought these jeans yesterday. ( so, sew )

4.      We ……the game by two   o’clock.         ……at a time that’s how we score. ( won, one )

5.      She …..me how to take the test.               Her stomach is …..after all those sip ups. ( taut, taught)

6.      This dress is too …..- no designs.             We flew in that new ……   ( plain, plane )

7.      We swam in the …..today.                       I ….how beautiful the ocean is. ( see, sea )

8.      I like to buy ….furniture .                         I ……..like a new table.  ( wood, would )

9.      This class is one ……long.                       I like …….new teacher. ( our, hour )

10.  Grizzly …..are very vicious.                     His baldhead was …… ( bear, bare )

11.  Stop at a ……light.                                 I ….a whole book at night. ( red, read )

12.  ….for me , I’ll be right here.                    The ….of this  package is too much. ( weight, wait )

13.  The …….will clean your room.               I  ….the bed myself.  ( made, maid )

14.  Which ……should we go?                     Did you ….the vegetables ? ( way, weigh)

15.  I dug a big……to plant those seeds.       I did the ……thing myself.  ( hole, whole)

16.  I went…..her house.                               I want to …..a new car.  ( by, buy )

17.  I …..a ten page paper for class.              I learnt the rules by ….. ( rote, wrote )

18.  The …..hung on the boat’s mast.             I bought this on ….and saved.  ( sale, sail)

19.  The town …..is held every summer.         The round trip ….is 20 dollars  ( fair, fare )

20.  Come ….right now!                                Did you …..me ? ( hear, here)

21.  …..Jones called the assembly.                 Stand by your ……. ( principle, principal)

22.  The…….report  calls for rain.                 I need to know …..you will come. ( weather, whether



















Lesson 2.

die- dye, feet- feat, pane-pain, been- bean, born- borne,  grate- great, reflex- reflects, sole- soul,  cite – site,  son- sun,  I-eye,  band- banned, jeans- genes, sell – cell, pale- pail, tale- tail, seen- scene,  tear- tier,  warn- worn,  hire – higher 


Exercise 1.

  1. I’d …..if I got hit by a car.                      What …..did you use  on this shirt?  ( die, dye)
  2. These shoes are killing my ….                Passing that test was some …….( feet,  feat )
  3. I have a ……from that bump on my head. They broke the ….with the ball ( pane, pain )
  4. I’ve …..over this ten times.                     Put that in the ….over the sink. ( been, bin )
  5. The baby was …..at 8 o’clock.              I’ve ……a lot of troubles.  ( born, borne)
  6. I had a …..time at the party.                  I used …..cheese on the spaghetti.( grate,  great )
  7. My knee bounced up in  a ……            The lake ….the trees perfectly. ( reflex,   reflects)
  8. The Buddhists believe the …is reincarnated. He was the…survivor of the accident (sole, soul) 
  9. I …..James as my inspiration.                There is a new …..for the airport.( cite, site )
  10. My …..is named Peter.                         The sun is hot today.  ( son, sun )
  11. ….bought some new glasses.                I shut my …..when I sleep.  ( I, eye )
  12. Short skirts are ….at her school.          That …..is great. ( band, banned )
  13. I need to …..a tutor.                            Put the books on a ……shelf. ( hire ,higher )
  14. Have you ….those shoes yet?              I …..you – he’s a tough teacher  ( warn, worn )
  15. Levi’s are my favourite ….                   He inherited blue eyes from her mother’s ( jeans .genes )
  16. The amoebae  is a single ….organism.  I want to …..this car. ( sell, cell )
  17. Those seats are in the second ……      My …wet my cheeks.  ( tear, tier )
  18. Jane is …she hasn’t been in the beach. She carried a ….of milk from the barn  ( pale, pail)
  19. Don’t pull the cat’s …..                        That was some ….Jack told us. ( tale, tail )
  20. The ….was in New York.                   I’ve …..some crazy things there  ( seen, scene)
  21. I …… a pen for classes                       …….the dough before letting it rise ( need, knead )























Lesson 3.

allowed – aloud, air – heir,  be- bee, bare – bear, beat – beet,  beach – beech, birth – berth,  berry – bury , boar – bore , bean – been, bread – bred, brake – break, blue – blew, bow – bough,  by – bye – buy, cell – sell, cent – sent – scent , course – coarse,


Exercise 1.

  1. He got up with an …….of relief  and yet reluctance .  The classroom should be …..ed during  the break.  John was the only ……to his uncle’s estate.  ( air, heir) 
  2. She read the passage …..so that her sister should understand what she meant . Next day Jimmy was not …..to leave the house again.  ( allowed , aloud )
  3. The garden looked …..and deserted.  I can’t ….the way you treat that man. The ….has a massive body, coarse heavy fur  and relatively short limbs. ( bare, bear )
  4. All the family sat round the table under a huge ….which grew near the house. The day was stormy  and there were very few people on the ….. ( beach , beech )
  5. While they were cutting up potatoes, carrots  and …..root for the soup I looked up and suddenly burst out laughing. For a moment I could not feel my heart. It had stopped …..ing.( beat, beet )
  6. Are you going to ….yourself in your work? There are a lot of different ….and mushrooms in this forest.  ( berry , bury )
  7. The upper …..was occupied by a young man who never took part in our conversation. Theb news that Mrs. Davis had given …..to a daughter seemed to make no impression on her relatives. ( birth , berth )
  8. A heavy storm ….up towards evening.       …..is my favourite colour ( blue, blew )
  9. Don’t try to fool him with that suggestion. He knows how many ….make five.  I’ve always …treated as a gentleman. ( bean, been )
  10. Jerry was the first to ….the silence . The driver put on the …..and the car stopped. Wait a bit, we’ll discuss it in the …. ( brake, break )
  11. He reminded serene in a houseful of ill-…… people. Her hands trembled while she was eating her ….. and butter ( bread, bred )
  12. He was not a young man any longer , age  had …..ed his head. He climbed onto the huge ….of a pine . He greeted  him with  a low …. ( bow, bough ) 
  13. The …..is a structural unit of plant and animal life . Don’t ….this book , you may need it in future. ( cell, sell )
  14. He could …….trouble the moment he stopped onto the porch. The doctor was …..for immediately. A …..is the hundredth part of the US dollar. ( scent, sent, cent )
  15. The main …..was steak with vegetables. His hands were …..and roughened by years of hard work. Christine did an intensive Russian ….before she came to Russia ( course, coarse ) 















Lesson 4.

current – currant, dear- dare, die – dye, dew – due ,  flower – flour,  fare – fair,  father – farther , feat – feet, forth – fourth, for – four – fore , fir – fur , gait – gate , grown – groan,  great – grate , hair – hare , heal – heel,  hear – hear,  hoarse – horse ,  hole – whole , hour – our


Exercise 1.

1.      We had reached the bridge over the river and stood there , gazing down at its strong ….. I opened the gate  and saw some ….bushes  and a line  of white flowers  fringing the path. ( current – currant )

2.      Two dollars ! That was to …..for such a trifle.    What a …..little kitten !     An adult male ….is called a stag.  ( dear , deer )

3.      The grass and leaves of the trees were covered with ……   The meeting  is …..begin at 4 o’clock.  ( dew , due )

4.      A man can ….but once .  He is a liar of the blackest …….

5.      What is the ……from here to Moscow ?   He was met by a …..-skinned young girl with a beautiful crown of black hair.  ( fare , fair )

6.      She liked violets more than any other ……s             ….is the finely  ground  meal of grain.  ( flower, flour)

7.      Her …..lived not far from her , but they seldom saw each other.  Mr. Jones’ house is just a few  steps ….. ( father , farther )

8.      The part of the arm  between the elbow  and the wrist  is called  the …..arm.   These are good pills ……a cough, but you must not take  more than  …..pills at a time.  ( for , four, fore )

9.       We were decorating the …….-tree, when our guests  came.   She had a very beautiful ….-coat on.  ( fir, fur )

10.  At the ….I met a strangely familiar man dressed in black.   We walked  with an awkward , stooping ……which was due to nervousness. ( gate , gait )

11.  Her singing ….on my ear.   I have  a …. Desire  to spend a fortnight  in the country.  ( great , grate )

12.  He is …….up  and must  be responsible  for his actions.  The wounded man ……ed when they tried to lift him.  ( grown, groan )

13.  First catch your …..then cook it.   What he saw there made his ….stand on end.   She took out all the pins  and let her ….fall down her back.  ( hare, hair )

14.  Don’t worry ! It’s just a scratch , it’ll soon …..      The dog  followed the hunter  at his …..s( heel, heal )

15.  Don’t look a gift …… in the mouth.  They talked themselves …..but never came to an agreement. ( hoarse, horse ) 

16.  He ate three ……..oranges. The ……in the ground was covered with some fir branches ( hole, whole )  

17.  I have been waiting for you for half an …..  She is …teacher of English ( hour, our )













Lesson 5.

knead – need,  key – quay , lain-lane, lead- led,  meat-meet, maid-made, mail-male, main-mane, minor-miner, night- knight, pain-pane, prey- pray, pear –pair-pare, pail-pale, piece-peace, plane –plain


Exercise 1.

  1. I often met this man wandering along the …….late in the evening, looking at the boats.  The landlady showed him upstairs  and gave him a …..to his room.  The symphony is in a major….. ( key, quay)
  2. They could see them now , walking up the ……him and his girl.  He had …..motionless on the ground  for an hour  or so before he heard steps.  ( lain, lane )
  3. It could not be Tina! You must have been ….astray by her strong resemblance to Sophie!  The ……pencil does not and never did, contain any ……. ( lead , led )
  4. Though he worked hard he had difficulty in making both ends ….. One man’s ….is another man’s poison.  ( meet, meat )
  5. She ….up her mind  not to interfere.  The  door was opened  by the ….who told me that the master was out.  ( made, maid )
  6. …..animals are often larger than the females.  If you want the letter to get there quickly , send it by air ….. ( male, mail)
  7. The ….library  contains books of general interest.  The horse’s ….was decorated with paper flowers  and ribbons for the occasion.  ( mane, main ) 
  8. By way of a …..psychological experience  she decided to spend the night at a hotel.  His father worked as a ….in Donetsk. ( miner, minor )
  9. That …I never thought of sleeping . In the Middle Ages a mounted soldier serving under a feudal superior was called a …. ( night, knight )
  10. They rain beat at the window …… He never took …..s to get a proper education . ( pain, pane )
  11. These worries ….ed upon his mind .  She knelt down  and began to ….. ( prey , pray )
  12. They left the house in …..s    Very soon he was forced to …..down his expenses.  The woman carried  a basket full of huge  golden …..s ( pear, pair, pare )
  13. He turned …..when I told him we had found the gun near house.  Take some water from the …..and wash your face.  ( pail, pale )
  14. He tore the letter into ….s and burned them in the fireplace.  May he rest in ……, poor soul! This play is all of a ….with his previous works.  A ….pipe is a pipe  smoked by the North American Indians  as a token  of …. ( peace, piece )
  15. There are ….brown curtains  at the window of my bedroom.   ……geometry deals  with figures whose parts all lie in one ….. ( plain, plane )
















Lesson 6.

read- reed,  rain – reign – rein,  root- route ,  ring- wring , road – rode-rowed , sale-sail,  son-sun, sheer – shear ,  sort-sought,  steel-steal,  sight-site, sew-sow, tale-tail, week- weak, sole-soul , steak- stake


Exercise 1.

  1. She kept a tight ….on her husband. He used to come to our place every Sunday, ……or shine.  That building was designed during the ….of Queen Victoria ( rain , rein, reign)
  2. She was red as a beet - …..      Which ……did she take ? ( root, route )
  3. He jumped on his horse and …..away. She turned on to a narrow country …..and went on faster.  We crossed the river in a boat. Jim ……and I steered with a short scull.  ( road, rode, rowed )
  4. It is time to set …… Be sure to buy this book , it is on ….now.  She ….ed into the room and stopped to be admired.  ( sale , sail)
  5. To …..means to remove wool from sheep with large scissors or shears.  This work is a waste of time  ( sheer, shear )
  6. You must have shoes with thicker …… These won’t stand up to a long walk.  He is  the …..of humour.  Would you like …..for your lunch?- Oh, I don’t like fish. Can I have some meat ,please? Sole, soul)
  7. Don’t ……at the poor girl.  She is embarrassed as it is .  A long fight of ……s led down to the sea. ( stare , stair )
  8. They ….shelter from the rain in a …..of shed.  I could not understand why he …..my advice again, he had never followed it before ( sort, sought )
  9. She managed to …..a glance at the man.  He seemed to have nerves of ….. ( steel, steal )
  10. I’d like a nice …..for my dinner . A ……is a thick sharpened stick used to support a tent for young trees or plants. ( steak, stake )
  11. My grandfather doesn’t read much now.  Her ….is falling.   Soames found a beautiful …..for his new house. ( sight, site )

























Lesson 7.

tale-tail, week-weak, witch- which, write – rite- wright- right, weigh-way, sea- see,  some – sum,  stare-stair, seen-scene, through-threw,  vein-vain-vane, whether-weather, where-wear-ware, wait-weight, waist-waste


Exercise 1.

  1. We can’t agree with this point , but , please don’t make a ….. He had never been …..since that day.  ( seen, scene )
  2. I know that I can …..and hem much better than my Aunty Em.     …..the wind  and reap the whirlwind.  It was too early to ….yet ( sew, sow)
  3. Jane …..the apple because it was rotten right  ….. ( threw, through )
  4. Children like fairy-tales, but when they grow older, they prefer …..of adventure.  I could not make head or …….of what he had told me.  ( tale, tail)
  5. She was so thin that  …..s stood out against her pale skin.  The weather …..on top of the town  hall pointed east.  She was nothing but a silly …..girl.  She was not really bad , just …..and thoughtless ( vein, vain, vane )
  6. ….we go or …..we stay,  the result  is the same.   He promised  to come , though the ….was awful.  ( weather, whether )
  7.  A ……is a person  who professes or is supported to practice magic, ………..especially black magic.   I don’t know …..way we must take.  ( which, witch)
  8. After you pass the house , turn to the right .   …..can I find shoes for everyday ……?    He used to keep a hard ….shop.   There are all kinds of silver ….for sale here ( where, wear, ware )
  9. He is a well-known play…….   You are old enough to know the difference between ……and wrong.   He behaved in a strange way, as if performing some peculiar …..           …..to me as often  as you can , please.  ( wright, rite, right, write)
  10. In England  apples are sold  by ….. and oranges  at so much a piece.    ….a minute  . Will you stand on the scales , please I must put down your ………….. ( weight, wait )
  11. How  often do you …..yourself? – Twice a week . But it does not seem  to help.  I’m not getting any thinner. – That is not the ….to lose weight. You should  diet.  ( way, weigh)
  12. Joseph Seddley was as vein as a girl.  He had dozens of ……….coats, a special one for every occasion.   Don’t …….your time reading this book.  ( waist, waste )





















Lesson 8

lead – led ,  loose – lose ,   past – passed ,   patients – patience,   peace – piece ,  personnel – personal ,   principal – principle , principals ,   quiet – quit – quite ,  read – red , rite – right – write , site – sight ,  Board – bored , clothes – cloth ,  desert – dessert ,  die – dye ,  affect – effect ,   forth – fourth ,  heroine  - heroin ,  weather – whether ,  to ship – by ship


1.      As he …….his soldiers into the battle  , his feet  made of …….. ( lead , led )

2.      My shoes  are so ………….thatr5 I’m going  to ……….them ( loose , lose )

3.      Whatever has ……….us  by is now in the ……..( past , passed )

4.      You must have ……in dealing  with the …….in this  clinic ( patients , patience )

5.      The period  of …………….between the two wars is an interesting …….of history ( peace , piece )

6.      The  ………………….office  had a great  deal  of  information in its  files  ( personnel , personal )

7.      The high school …….said  today that the  problem  with today’s  youth  is their  lack of moral ………….( principal , principle , principals )

8.      We’ll  have to be ……….     ………..          ………….making noise ( quiet , quite , quit )

9.      Yesterday  he …………..from  the  ………………….book instead  of the blue  one  ( read , red )

10.  He had no  ………….to ……….a new ……………for  the church ( rite , right , write )

11.  She chose this  …because of its  view .  The ……………..of the old  house  brought  tears  to her eyes  ( site , sight )

12.  I was so …………..at the ………of Directors  meeting  that I fell asleep ( Board , bored )

13.  His  ……were made  of ………….of many different  colors ( clothes , cloth )

14.  Any cool ……..would  taste  great  out  here  in the sandy …….( desert , dessert )

15.  She thought  her dog would  …after it drank  that bowl  of blue  …….( die , dye)

16.  What ………does this have on you?  How does  it  ……….you?  ( affect , effect )

17.   The soldiers of the ………..regiment  bravely went  ………( fourth , forth)

18.  The movie’s …………died  of an overdose of ………..( heroine , heroin )

19.  I really  wonder ………..we can find ………….suitable ( weather , whether )

20.  We used ………..textile  from Liberia ……………….( to ship , by ship )  



















Test 1.  Find the homonyms in the boxes

die   pain   sell   

tale      feet     hire

grate      band   seen     I     reflects     sole


pane   dye   great    eye

tail      scene      reflex

cell      soul     feat    higher      banned


our    read      here

bear    new   wait

won   so    made

hole     flower  way

wood   whether

hour  hole   flour

would      hear   weigh

red       weightew     maid   weather

bare     one    knew




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