Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииPresentation of the demonstrative lesson - At the doctor

Presentation of the demonstrative lesson - At the doctor

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  • headacheA sore throatinsomniafluA toothacheA  coldA stomachache

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5 «russian»



Theme of  the lesson:

At the doctor’s (У врача)








1.                Educational:  формирование навыка говорения, рассказать о своей проблеме со здоровьем на приеме у врача, используя условные предложения, дать совет, как лечить данную болезнь (конструкцию:If you have flu, you should……).

2.                Developmental:  повторить части тела, использовать в речи новую лексику, обозначающую средства лечения, развивать навыки чтения с пониманием основного содержания и деталей, развивать навыки аудирования –услышать необходимую информацию, развивать умение спросить совета  и дать совет, развивать умение выразить свое мнение, тренировать использование в речи времени Present Perfect, развивать умение вести диалог.

3.                Bringing up:  воспитывать умение вежливого общения, умения придти на помощь товарищу, если у него есть проблемы со здоровьем, умение работать в парах, в команде, сотрудничать, помогая друг другу .

Main idea: 


Phonetic practice:

To practice the pronunciation of new vocabulary

Lexical part:

To extend the vocabulary

Grammar part:

  Modal verbs: should, must

Type of the lesson:

Pair work

The method of teaching


Lesson equipments:

Interactive board, slides, grammar, pictures, dialogues and cards, audio material 

Lesson structure

I. Organization moment:


( checking hometask)




Warm –up:


T: - Good afternoon, children!

P: - Good afternoon (2)

       Good afternoon to you,

       Good afternoon (2)

       We are glad to see you!

T:- I’m glad too! Sit down.

T: - What date is it today?

P:- Today is the 3rd of March, Monday.                                                     (1 min)

Ok, open your copybooks and write down the date. Now, look at the interactive board and let’s do the brainstorming task.

          Group the words into two categories.                                                (5 min)

a headache, garlic, toothache,  tablets,  a sore throat, warm liquids, insomnia,  milk with honey,  flu,  onion,  a cold, salt water, a stomachache,  herbal tea.


                Remedy   - средство от болезни                                   illness- болезнь

...……..............                                                           …….................

...……..............                                                           …….................


Identifying the theme of the lesson








II. The basic part:



















































Grammar review


          Well done! Today we are going to talk about illnesses and their treatment. Giving advice and practicing conversations between a doctor and patient.


          Now I’d like you to work in pairs, because we will work with the dialogues. Before listening the dialogue let’s work with the new vocabulary.

Pre-listening task:

Your task to match the illnesses with the symptoms.                                (10 min)





I have got a cold

I have a diarrhea. I feel like vomiting

I have got a headache

I cough and my nose is runny

I have got a toothache

I can’t sleep at night

I have got a sore throat

I feet sick and giddy

I have an insomnia

I have got a temperature and sneezing

I have a flu

It hurts when I swallow

I have got a stomachache

I have got awful pains on my tooth


Listening: At a doctor                                                                                        (5 min)

Doctor: — Good morning. Please have a seat here. What’s the problem?

Paul: — I have a terrible stomachache.

Doctor: — Do you have diarrhea?

Paul: — Yes, I do.

Doctor: — Do you have any other symptoms?

Paul: — Yes, I feel sick.

Doctor: — You mean you feel nauseous?

Paul: — That’s right. I feel like vomiting. And right now I feel giddy, too.

Doctor: — When did the symptoms start?

Paul: — This morning. Yesterday evening I ate something raw.

Doctor: — All right. Please take off your clothes to the waist and lie down there. ... Just tell me if it hurts when I do this.

Paul: — It doesn’t hurt. ... Ouch. It hurts there.

Doctor: — Okay. Let’s hope it’s just indigestion, but we’ll need to run some diagnostic tests to be sure. We’ll run a blood test.

Paul: — Can you give me something for the time being?

Doctor: — Yes, I’ll give you a prescription for indigestion tablets.


Vocabulary:  T: What has happened with the patient? Let’s listen again, write the illnesses, symptoms and remedies.

P:  Diarrhea- диарея

Nauseous- тошнотворный

Vomiting- рвота

Giddy - головокружение

Raw- сырье

Indigestion - расстройство желудка  / индиджашэн

Gargle-полоскать горло

    Very well! Now I’ll give you the pieces of dialogue, you should make it again.

P: work in pairs. Card 1

Reading: T-P1-T-P /                                                                        (10 min)

Role –play: 2 P1-P2


 Now, please, give advice to your friend if he/she/ has got  any problem with his/her/ health.  



If you‘ve got flu

If you’ve got a cold

If you’ve got a cough

If you’ve got a cut

If you’ve got toothache

If you’ve got a sore throat

If you’ve cut your finger

If you’ve burnt your arm

If you’ve got insomnia






you should

you must


you shouldn’t

you mustn’t


stay in bed and keep warm

drink hot milk with honey

go out

take tablets and drink much water

pull your tooth out

put  a plaster on it

put your finger under cold water

drink hot herbal tea

drink tea or coffee

eat onion and garlic

stay in bed

 eat  ice-cream and drink cold water


Feed back:



To put marks


 -  During our lesson we’ve told about illnesses, symptoms and their treatment, and what did you learn from this lesson?  

  - Now, imagine that some of you have a health problem and you go to a doctor for advice. So work in pairs. Make up short dialogues “At the doctor’s”. Then

Act out your dialogues.  Use the information you have learnt in the lesson. I’ll give you 5 minutes to prepare your dialogues.

Did you like the lesson? P:- (opinion)

-           Whose dialogue was the best one? If the dialogue was very good, raise red cards. If it was good, raise green cards, if it was not good, raise yellow cards.

Pupils – to pupil (with the help of card marks, and explain the reason)

T:- The lesson is over! Good bye!


Home tasks:


Write down your home task, please. To learn by heart the conversation
















Listening: At a doctor                                                                                        

Doctor: — Good morning. Please have a seat here. What’s the problem?

Paul: — I have a terrible stomachache.

Doctor: — Do you have diarrhea?

Paul: — Yes, I do.

Doctor: — Do you have any other symptoms?

Paul: — Yes, I feel sick.

Doctor: — You mean you feel nauseous?

Paul: — That’s right. I feel like vomiting. And right now I feel giddy, too.

Doctor: — When did the symptoms start?

Paul: — This morning. Yesterday evening I ate something raw.

Doctor: — All right. Please take off your clothes to the waist and lie down there. ... Just tell me if it hurts when I do this.

Paul: — It doesn’t hurt. ... Ouch. It hurts there.

Doctor: — Okay. Let’s hope it’s just indigestion, but we’ll need to run some diagnostic tests to be sure. We’ll run a blood test.

Paul: — Can you give me something for the time being?

Doctor: — Yes, I’ll give you a prescription for indigestion tablets.


Listening: At a doctor                                                                                        

Doctor: — Good morning. Please have a seat here. What’s the problem?

Paul: — I have a terrible stomachache.

Doctor: — Do you have diarrhea?

Paul: — Yes, I do.

Doctor: — Do you have any other symptoms?

Paul: — Yes, I feel sick.

Doctor: — You mean you feel nauseous?

Paul: — That’s right. I feel like vomiting. And right now I feel giddy, too.

Doctor: — When did the symptoms start?

Paul: — This morning. Yesterday evening I ate something raw.

Doctor: — All right. Please take off your clothes to the waist and lie down there. ... Just tell me if it hurts when I do this.

Paul: — It doesn’t hurt. ... Ouch. It hurts there.

Doctor: — Okay. Let’s hope it’s just indigestion, but we’ll need to run some diagnostic tests to be sure. We’ll run a blood test.

Paul: — Can you give me something for the time being?

Doctor: — Yes, I’ll give you a prescription for indigestion tablets.


Listening: At a doctor                                                                                        

Doctor: — Good morning. Please have a seat here. What’s the problem?

Paul: — I have a terrible stomachache.

Doctor: — Do you have diarrhea?

Paul: — Yes, I do.

Doctor: — Do you have any other symptoms?

Paul: — Yes, I feel sick.

Doctor: — You mean you feel nauseous?

Paul: — That’s right. I feel like vomiting. And right now I feel giddy, too.

Doctor: — When did the symptoms start?

Paul: — This morning. Yesterday evening I ate something raw.

Doctor: — All right. Please take off your clothes to the waist and lie down there. ... Just tell me if it hurts when I do this.

Paul: — It doesn’t hurt. ... Ouch. It hurts there.

Doctor: — Okay. Let’s hope it’s just indigestion, but we’ll need to run some diagnostic tests to be sure. We’ll run a blood test.

Paul: — Can you give me something for the time being?

Doctor: — Yes, I’ll give you a prescription for indigestion tablets.



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