Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация к учебному занятию по английскому языку на тему "Правила гигиены"

Презентация к учебному занятию по английскому языку на тему "Правила гигиены"

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  • 1 слайд

  • Hygiene				пациент	
Hygiene rules			мед.сестра
Patient				бактерии

    2 слайд

    Hygiene rulesмед.сестра
    Staphylococcus aureusустойчивый
    Resistantправила гигиены
    Susceptibleзолотистый стафилококк
    Antibioticsзолотистый стафилококк, устойчивый к Метициллину

  • to write an article

to make a report

to create a PowerPoint Presentation...

    3 слайд

    to write an article

    to make a report

    to create a PowerPoint Presentation and put up the presentation at our college site

  • PLAN1. Talk about bacteria:
answer some questions about MRSA;
discuss the in...

    4 слайд


    1. Talk about bacteria:
    answer some questions about MRSA;
    discuss the information in the text “Ask the nurse”;
    tell about MRSA.
    2. Do the grammar exercise about the rules what we must/mustn’t do to prevent the spread of infections.

    3. Do an exercise using the report “Test results” (audio).

    4. Create a PowerPoint Presentation.
    5. Present the project.

  • QUIZWhat is MRSA?
a virus
a bacterium
an antibiotic
How do you catch MRSA?

    5 слайд


    What is MRSA?
    a virus
    a bacterium
    an antibiotic
    How do you catch MRSA?
    by eating from dirty plates
    from poor hospital hygiene
    by drinking bad water
    In an operating theatre, which of these things breaks hygiene rules?
    wearing your mask over your nose
    wearing your hair loose (распущенные)
    wearing make-up
    Which of these things is most important in stopping the spread of MRSA?
    hospital staff should wash their hands between patients
    cleaners should disinfect door handles
    visitors should wear masks
    Where do staphylococcus bacteria live?
    in noses
    in soil
    in toilets
    How long should you wash your hands in hot water to be sure they are clean?
    fifteen seconds
    half a minute
    one minute

  • worried
faecal matter
fewer allergies

    6 слайд

    faecal matter
    fewer allergies

  • TRUE / FALSE Dirt can be good for you.		____	  ____
Children who live with pe...

    7 слайд

    Dirt can be good for you.____ ____
    Children who live with pets are more susceptible to allergies.____ ____
    Antibiotics kill bacteria.____ ____
    Vancomycin will always be 100% effective.
    ____ ____
    VRSA is a stronger bacterium than MRSA.
    ____ ____
    We are losing our protection from bacteria.
    ____ ____

  • 1. What is WRSA?2. Where does MRSA live and how can we catch it?3.	 What...

    8 слайд

    1. What is WRSA?

    2. Where does MRSA live and how can we catch it?

    3. What can MRSA cause?

    4. Is there any antibiotic against MRSA?

  • PLAN1. Talk about bacteria:
answer some questions about MRSA;
discuss the in...

    9 слайд


    1. Talk about bacteria:
    answer some questions about MRSA;
    discuss the information in the text “Ask the nurse”;
    tell about MRSA.
    2. Do the grammar exercise about the rules what we must/mustn’t do to prevent the spread of infections.

    3. Do an exercise using the report “Test results” (audio).

    4. Create a PowerPoint Presentation.
    5. Present the project.

  • 10 слайд

  • PLAN

    11 слайд


  • PLANTalk about bacteria:
answer some questions;		
find information in the te...

    12 слайд


    Talk about bacteria:
    answer some questions;
    find information in the text;
    tell about MRSA.
    Do an exercise using the report “Test results” (audio).
    Do grammar test using some modal verbs.
    Write some your own rules what we must/mustn’t do to prevent the spread of infections.
    Create a PowerPoint Presentation.
    Present the project.

  • WE MUST / MUSTN’Twash…wear…use…clean…change…

    13 слайд


  • PLANTalk about bacteria:
answer some questions;		
find information in the te...

    14 слайд


    Talk about bacteria:
    answer some questions;
    find information in the text;
    tell about MRSA.
    Do an exercise using the report “Test results” (audio).
    Do grammar test using some modal verbs.
    Write some your own rules what we must/mustn’t do to prevent the spread of infections.
    Create a PowerPoint Presentation.
    Present the project.

  • PLAN of the PresentationOpen PowerPoint.
First slide is a title (you can choo...

    15 слайд

    PLAN of the Presentation
    Open PowerPoint.
    First slide is a title (you can choose it from your papers).
    Second slide is “Bacteria” and “Hygiene” (find some photos and some information in your papers).
    Third slide is the rules which help us to protect ourselves.
    Represent your work. Tell us about hygiene problems and how to solve them.

  • PLANTalk about bacteria:
answer some questions;		
find information in the te...

    16 слайд


    Talk about bacteria:
    answer some questions;
    find information in the text;
    tell about MRSA.
    Do an exercise using the report “Test results” (audio).
    Do grammar test using some modal verbs.
    Write some your own rules what we must/mustn’t do to prevent the spread of infections.
    Create a PowerPoint Presentation.
    Present the project.


    17 слайд


  • Boxes – for all sharps, medicines, and liquidsOrange – for non-infectious wa...

    18 слайд

    Boxes – for all sharps, medicines, and liquids
    Orange – for non-infectious waste which can be disinfected by heat (including all human tissue)
    Yellow – for potentially infectious waste which must be destroyed by burning
    Black – for domestic waste which can go to a normal landfill site

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