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Презентация на английском языке "Театр - одно из видов искусства"

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  • Theatre as an art form presentation prepared by students of grade 7 Cherkisov...

    1 слайд

    Theatre as an art form presentation prepared by students of grade 7 Cherkisovskaya school October 2019

  • Theatre is a spectacular art form, which is a synthesis of various arts - lit...

    2 слайд

    Theatre is a spectacular art form, which is a synthesis of various arts - literature, music, choreography, vocals, fine art and others, and has its own specifics: reflection of reality, conflicts, characters, as well as their interpretation and evaluation.

  • At all times, the theater was a collective art. In a modern theatre, in addit...

    3 слайд

    At all times, the theater was a collective art. In a modern theatre, in addition to actors and a director (conductor, choreographer), a stage designer, composer, choreographer, as well as props, dressers, make-up artists, stage scenes, and illuminators take part in creating the play. The development of the theatre has always been inseparable from the development of society and the state of culture as a whole — its development or decline, the prevalence of various artistic trends in the theatre and its role in the spiritual life of the country were associated with the features of social development.

  • History of Theatre The theatre was born from the oldest hunting, agricultural...

    4 слайд

    History of Theatre The theatre was born from the oldest hunting, agricultural and other ritual festivals that reproduced natural phenomena or labor processes. However, ritual performances themselves were not yet a theatre. As the theatre begins where the spectator appears.      In the early stages of theatre development - singing, dance, music and dramatic action existed in an unity. In the process of further development and professionalization, three main types of theatre were formed: drama theatre, opera and ballet, as well as some intermediate forms.

  • Antique theatre The ancient Greek theatre was born from mysteries dedicated t...

    5 слайд

    Antique theatre The ancient Greek theatre was born from mysteries dedicated to the gods - the patrons of agriculture, primarily Dionysus. During the festivities dedicated to him, the choir of "satyrs" dressed in goat skins sang songs . The word "tragedy" (literally - "the song of the goats") also came from the chorus of satyrs. The year of birth of the world theatre is considered to be 534 BC., when the Athenian poet Thespis during the Great Dionysius, along with the choir, used one actor-reciter.

  • In those days, there were plays of only two genres - tragedy and comedy. The...

    6 слайд

    In those days, there were plays of only two genres - tragedy and comedy. They were written most often on mythological or historical subjects. All roles were played by men. Actors performed in huge masks and cottages. There was no scenery. Women were not always and not everywhere allowed to perform, especially comedy, and sat, as a rule, separately from men. In Greece, the profession of an actor was considered prestigious, and in Rome - shameful. Famous playwrights of that time: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, who are called the fathers of Greek tragedy, Aristophanes - the father of comedy. In Rome, one can mention Plaut the comedian and Seneca, who processed the works of Euripides.

  • Middle Ages After the fall of the Roman Empire, the ancient theatre was forgo...

    7 слайд

    Middle Ages After the fall of the Roman Empire, the ancient theatre was forgotten. The early ideologists of Christianity condemned acting, and not only actors, musicians and "dancers", but also all "possessed by a passion for theatere were excluded from Christian communities. The medieval theatre was actually born again from folk rituals and religious holidays - dramatizations of church services.

  • Theater in Russia The theatre was born late in Russia - only in the second ha...

    8 слайд

    Theater in Russia The theatre was born late in Russia - only in the second half of the 17th century. However, in the Orthodox Church, dramatizations of individual services were adopted. These rites were performed no later than from the beginning of the XVI century. Clairvoyance, which originated in the XI century, was harshly condemned by the Church and was officially banned in 1648 by decree of Alexei Mikhailovich. The theatere in Russia was imported from Western Europe. In 1672, the first court theatre was created, but lasted only a few years. The emergence of the "school theatere - the theatre at theological educational institutions; dates to the same time.

  • Types of Theatre

    9 слайд

    Types of Theatre

  • types of theatre shadow play pantomime musical OPERETTA ballet Opera dramatic...

    10 слайд

    types of theatre shadow play pantomime musical OPERETTA ballet Opera dramatic puppet

  • Drama A performance in a drama theatre is based on a literary work - a drama...

    11 слайд

    Drama A performance in a drama theatre is based on a literary work - a drama or on a script involving improvisation. For an artist of a drama theatre, the main means of expression is speech; At the same time, drama theatre is a synthetic art: it can include vocals, dance, and pantomime as full-fledged elements. An important role in the drama theatre is played by the director, who, on the basis of his own interpretation of the literary work, directs the work of the entire team.

  • Opera Opera is a synthetic form of theatrical art in which dramatic action is...

    12 слайд

    Opera Opera is a synthetic form of theatrical art in which dramatic action is closely connected with vocals and orchestral music. The opera often has a dance. There are such genres as grand opera, comic opera, romantic opera, opera ballet, etc. The genre of comic opera influenced the formation of such genres as operetta, musical, musical comedy in the 20th century. Opera performances are usually performed in specially equipped opera houses.

  • Operetta Operetta (small opera) - where actors speak, sing and dance, accompa...

    13 слайд

    Operetta Operetta (small opera) - where actors speak, sing and dance, accompanied by an instrumental orchestra.

  • Вallet Ballet is a form of stage art. The performance, the content of which i...

    14 слайд

    Вallet Ballet is a form of stage art. The performance, the content of which is embodied in musical and choreographic images. The basis of the classical ballet performance is a certain plot, dramatic plan, libretto.

  • Puppet theatre One of the varieties of puppet art. In puppet theatre performa...

    15 слайд

    Puppet theatre One of the varieties of puppet art. In puppet theatre performances, the appearance and physical actions of the characters are depicted as a rule voluminous, semi voluminous and flat dolls. Puppet actors are usually controlled and driven by people, puppeteers, and sometimes automatic mechanical devices. In the latter case, actor dolls are called robot dolls.

  • Pantomime Pantomime is the art of creating an artistic image with the help of...

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    Pantomime Pantomime is the art of creating an artistic image with the help of facial expressions and plastics of the human body, without the use of words. Pantomime originated in Ancient Greece, where it was part of the mimes repertoire. In ancient Rome in the era of Augustus became a full-fledged theatrical genre. In the Middle Ages, the church prohibited pantomime, but wandering actors continued to use pantomime elements. Pantomime is dance, classical, acrobatic, eccentric. At the beginning of the 20th century, a dramatic pantomime appeared.

  • The shadow theatre The shadow theatre is a spectacular and mysterious form of...

    17 слайд

    The shadow theatre The shadow theatre is a spectacular and mysterious form of theatrical art! The shadow theater uses a large translucent screen and flat color puppets.

  • The musical The musical is a spectacular musical and stage work that uses for...

    18 слайд

    The musical The musical is a spectacular musical and stage work that uses forms of pop art, drama theater, ballet and opera, and everyday dance.

  • Theatre– collective art A performance is the result of the activities of many...

    19 слайд

    Theatre– collective art A performance is the result of the activities of many people, not only those who appear on the stage, but also those who sew costumes, master props, set light, and voice the performance.

  • Make-up artist actor Costumier soundman Director Conductor graphic artist sh...

    20 слайд

    Make-up artist actor Costumier soundman Director Conductor graphic artist sham Prompter

  • Theatre art is a living art. It only occurs when the meeting with the audienc...

    21 слайд

    Theatre art is a living art. It only occurs when the meeting with the audience. Emotions, feelings of the audience - a performance is created for them.

  • Nobody in the whole world has said and will not say on which sheet of the cal...

    22 слайд

    Nobody in the whole world has said and will not say on which sheet of the calendar the initial date of birth of the theatre should be indicated. Since 1961, on March 27, World Theatre Day, an international professional holiday for all theatre workers, has been annually celebrated throughout the world. This international theatre day is traditionally held under the single motto: "Theatere as a means of understanding and strengthening peace between peoples."

  • We, children, are fond of theatre . We like to take part in different school...

    23 слайд

    We, children, are fond of theatre . We like to take part in different school performances. We traditionally put the plays for the New Year holiday, for younger pupils. It makes us funny and happy.

  • 24 слайд

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в дошкольном образовании


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Психологические методы развития навыков эффективного общения и чтения на английском языке у младших школьников

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

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Мастерство PowerPoint: систематизация, интерактивность и эффективность

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Эффективная работа с Wildberries: от создания личного кабинета до выбора продукта

4 ч.

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Каналы сбыта, продвижение и стимулирование продаж

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