Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация на тему "Английские идиомы"

Презентация на тему "Английские идиомы"

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  • “Science. Creation. Searching”.       English club.              Theme: “...

    1 слайд

    “Science. Creation. Searching”.
    English club.
    Theme: “English Idioms”
    prepared by the pupil of
    Zelenchukskaya Secondary School №1, 9th “V”
    Alima Mussayevna Chipchicova
    born: 04.08.2000
    address: 103 Leonov Street, Zelenchuk, Russia
    telephone: +7(928)0227560
    lead by the English teacher of high qualification
    Zaytseva Valentina Petrovna
    address: 290, Pobeda Street, Zelenchuk, Russia
    telephone: +7(988)7137784

  • Content:
I can study English at my school together with classmates
Idioms – w...

    2 слайд


    I can study English at my school together with classmates
    Idioms – what is it ?
    Idiom is a part of a language
    I get information from my school
    About me
    My first experience in English searching
    Some steps to science
    let us understand what is idiom
    The history of some idioms
    Interesting idioms.
    Список литературы

  • I can study English at my school  together  with classmates  byreadingspea...

    3 слайд

    I can study English at my school
    together with classmates by

    learning by heart

  • Idioms - what is it?Honestly, the more I study English, the more I understan...

    4 слайд

    Idioms - what is it?
    Honestly, the more I study English, the more I understand how it is various. I have been learning English for some years. But later
    at one of the English lessons my teacher told us about idioms.
    I was interested in new expressions and I decided to find out what an idiom actually means?

  • Idiom is a part of a language    Language acquisition is the process of hum...

    5 слайд

    Idiom is a part of a language
    Language acquisition is the process of human learning. Language is studied by linguists. Idiom is group of words with indirect meaning. There are a lot of important things by learning foreign languages. It is improving of development of
    language abilities. They are
    based on the accumulation
    of the speech experience from
    activities and social impacts.
    (I have read in books)
    The words in the speech
    are connected to each other
    to form phrases and sentences.
    There are idioms between them.

  • I get information from  my schoolSince1890 my school is Kazak school. 

    6 слайд

    I get information from my school
    Since1890 my school is Kazak school.
    Nowadays my school is the school of educational innovations. I have been learning English from the second form at school №1 in a village Zelenchukskaya.
    I am fond of English. My English teacher Valentina
    Petrovna invited me
    to English club. I do my
    searches together with
    my classmates.
    I think it will be good
    for me in the future.

  • About meI’d like to tell you  about  me. 
My name is Amina Chipchikova.

    7 слайд

    About me
    I’d like to tell you about me.
    My name is Amina Chipchikova.
    I’m 15. I am the 9th form student of Zelenchuk State Secondary school №1. I met with English when I was 5 years old. When my sister taught English, I sat near and listened to her. I tried to understand what she was talking about. That was the beginning of my interest in this language.

  • My first experience in English searching  
          I started attending t...

    8 слайд

    My first experience in English searching

    I started attending the English club. Once I
    understood that Linguistics is the science. It studies
    language in General
    and the individual
    languages of the
    world as its individual
    representatives. It is
    important how
    to speak English.

  • Some steps to scienceThe English language was very
 interesting and when I re...

    9 слайд

    Some steps to science
    The English language was very
    interesting and when I read idioms
    in the textbook at English lessons
    I wanted to know what idioms are.
    I went to the library, but our library
    had nothing on my request. Then I decided to ask my teacher where I can find more information about idioms. She advised me to read some sites on the Internet. I was surprised of a plenty of information. I chose the most interesting for me and tried to find the story of their origin.

  • let us understand what is idiom The idiom is peculiar only to the given langu...

    10 слайд

    let us understand what is idiom
    The idiom is peculiar only to the given language collocation of words whose meaning is not determined by the meaning of its constituent words taken individually. Due to the fact that the idiom cannot be translated literally (defeats the purpose), there are often difficulties of translation and understanding. On the other hand, these idioms give the language a bright emotional coloring. Often grammatical meaning of idioms does not meet the standards of the modern language, are grammatical archaisms.

  • the history of some idioms      to work down to the wire
 (работать вплоть до...

    11 слайд

    the history of some idioms
    to work down to the wire
    (работать вплоть до финишной ленточки).
    Once in England began to use the finishing
    ribbons on horse racing. And when the horses
    walked nose to nose, the winner could not be predicted
    until the finish of the ribbons! Then came this expression
    meaning "to work until the last minute"! For example:
    I had to finish a huge project “The passport of English language” by Monday . When I was
    the 8th form pupil I worked down to
    the wire to make it ready!

  • dog-eat-dog world                  (мир, где собаки едят собак)
It is said...

    12 слайд

    dog-eat-dog world
    (мир, где собаки едят собак)
    It is said that this idiom was born in the middle ages, when some cruel aristocrats enjoyed that tortured dogs hunger until then, until they were ready to fight for every scrap of food until I started eating each other. This world is not a very pleasant place to live. This "ruthless", "wolf" world where every man for himself and willing to screw over another for their benefit.
    Russian analog – «Человек-волк”
    For example: Your company fired you shortly after you had a heart attack? Well, it's a dog-eat-dog world!
    Ваша компания уволила вас вскоре после сердечного приступа? Ну, это - беспощадный мир!

  • Interesting idioms.                      When pigs fly....

    13 слайд

    Interesting idioms.
    When pigs fly.
    (когда свиньи летают)
    Russian analog: «Когда рак на горе свистнет»

    For example: Ann sniffed.
    ‘When day pigs fly.
    That will be the day.’

    - Когда рак свистнет.
    Вот когда это
    произойдет, - фыркнула

  • Interesting idioms.       Piece of cake.
                (Кусочек торта)...

    14 слайд

    Interesting idioms.
    Piece of cake.
    (Кусочек торта)
    Russian analоg:
    «проще пареной репы»

    For example:

    No problem,
    Piece of cake! —

    Легко! Даже не вопрос.

  • Interesting idioms. Cost an arm and leg. (Стоить руки и ноги)
Как бы стоит оч...

    15 слайд

    Interesting idioms.
    Cost an arm and leg. (Стоить руки и ноги)
    Как бы стоит очень дорого.

    For example: Are you crazy? It costs an arm and leg!
    Ты сумасшедший?
    Это стоит целое состояние!

  • Let the cat out the bag. (Выпустить кошку из мешка) Проболтаться.
 For  examp...

    16 слайд

    Let the cat out the bag. (Выпустить кошку из мешка) Проболтаться.
    For example: I`m hurt. You`ve let the cat out of the bag about our relationship.
    - Мне больно. Ты выдал
    все секреты наших
    Interesting idioms.

  • Interesting idioms.    Speak of the devil. (Говорить о дьяволе) 

    17 слайд

    Interesting idioms.

    Speak of the devil. (Говорить о дьяволе)
    Russian analog: «Легок на
    For example : We were in the coffee shop talking about our friend when speak of the devil, our friend suddenly appeared.
    -Мы были в кофейне и говорили о нашем знакомом, и вдруг он, легок на помине, появился.

  • To have Van Gog`s ear for music.
 (Иметь ухо Ван Гога для музыки.)...

    18 слайд

    To have Van Gog`s ear for music.
    (Иметь ухо Ван Гога для музыки.)
    Russian analog:
    «Медведь на ухо наступил»
    For example: Poor boy. He has got
    Van Gog`s ear for music.
    - Бедный мальчик. У него совсем нет музыкального слуха.
    Interesting idioms.

  • The list of referenceshttp://ekb.dk.ru/firms/98669958/news/236646123

    19 слайд

    The list of references

  • I hope it was interesting for you.             I’d like to continue my work....

    20 слайд

    I hope it was interesting for you.
    I’d like to continue my work.
    Best wishes to you!

  •   I wonder it’ll be interesting to introduce you some idioms I like.

    21 слайд

    I wonder it’ll be interesting to
    introduce you some idioms I like.

  • 22 слайд

  • 23 слайд

  • 24 слайд

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Основы духовно-нравственной культуры народов России: особенности преподавания

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