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  • Alyona Khvostikova – a guide «Good morning! My name is Alyona. Today I am goi...

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    Alyona Khvostikova – a guide «Good morning! My name is Alyona. Today I am going to tell you a lot of interesting things about our city.»

  • Mary Fontina – a guide “Hello! Nice to meet you, my name is Mary. Getting rea...

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    Mary Fontina – a guide “Hello! Nice to meet you, my name is Mary. Getting ready for this excursion I have learnt a lot of new historical facts about our city.”

  • Let me introduce myself. I am Anton Ilyichev. My hobby is history. I will tel...

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    Let me introduce myself. I am Anton Ilyichev. My hobby is history. I will tell you about the history of our heroic city with great pleasure. Anton Ilyichev – a guide

  • Mary Fontina: Hello! Nice to meet you, we are at the central town hill in Sov...

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    Mary Fontina: Hello! Nice to meet you, we are at the central town hill in Sovetskaya street, which stretches from north to south, from the sailor's Boulevard to the Ushakov square. Here we can see the building of the real Konstantinov school opened on May 10, 1875. The special two-storey building of the krymbalski stone was projected and built by the engineer-architect M. Arnold. There was a church of St. Alexander Nevsky inside. The building is still standing, and now students still receive education here.

  • The six-class real school was named in honor of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nik...

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    The six-class real school was named in honor of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich – the president of the Academy of Sciences. In the first year the school had 188 students, in 1915 – 466. The children of nobles, officials of the clergy were mostly educated here. On May 7, 1886 the school was visited by the Emperor Alexander III, Empress and Prince. The school existed until 1920, when it was transformed into vocational school № 5 which was named in honor of Karl Marx. In 1912, the school assigned donations to the Red Cross Society of the Black Sea, as well as Cherniavskii medical unit, located in the Balkans. In 1941 the building was a place of evacuation. Having received a new status in 1926, high school №3 was awarded with the title of “exemplary” among all schools in Crimea. The school was stable and since its existence there were only 5 principals: Klavdia Ivanovna Korablyova, Vera Romanovna Devochko, Nina Ilyinichna Polonskaya and Tatyana Alekseevna Zhivodueva headed the school. They made a significant contribution to the reform and modernization of the school and we are proud of such respectable principals. Now Angela Mihailovna Evgushenko is the principal of school #3. Under the guidance of the principals school #3 has become one of the best schools in Sevastopol and Crimea as well.  

  • The image of it was formed in the early 1880's. Before the revolution, the S...

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    The image of it was formed in the early 1880's. Before the revolution, the Soviet street had a different name – it was Chesmenskaya street. The former name was connected with the victory of the Russian fleet in the Chesma Bay in 1770 during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1770.

  • In Chesmenskaya street aristocracy of Tsarist Russia such as: officers, high...

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    In Chesmenskaya street aristocracy of Tsarist Russia such as: officers, high officials, doctors, teachers lived. In addition to private households there were several buildings of the military department, government and private institutions, religious buildings in Chesmenskaya street. The most important building was the home of Chief commander of the Black Sea Fleet, which was called "Chesma Palace" for the beauty of its facades. It was laid on September 18, 1893. It was a two-story, asymmetrical building made in the simple, classic style. After 1917, there was the residence of Kolchak, then dispensary Metalworkers' Union, an affiliate of the Red Army and Navy in the palace. During the Great Patriotic War the building was severely damaged and the damages did not allow to recover it. On the same side of the street, close to the square Novosiltsev (now Square Ushakov), there were two houses: Menkovsky shelter for disabled and Menkovskaya elementary school for disabled children.

  • And now we are coming up to gymnasium №1 which is one of the oldest schools i...

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    And now we are coming up to gymnasium №1 which is one of the oldest schools in the city of Sevastopol. It was founded in 1913-14. Originally it was a Secondary School after K. Ushinskiy. During World War II the school was destroyed. Fully restored in 1952 it was named Labor Polytechnic High School number 1.   Starting from the 50s the most advanced pedagogical ideas were applied in school number 1. It was for the first time in the city when such innovations as working platforms for practical training in biology and geography ,cabinet system ,the classes with profound study of specific disciplines were introduced.

  • A wealth of experience in all areas of the school life, the existence of the...

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    A wealth of experience in all areas of the school life, the existence of the group of creative, experienced teachers and a favorable geographical position enabled the school to obtain the status of gymnasium on September 1, 1990 (Order № 8/660 dated 5 June 1990)    In 1994, the school acquired its emblem and anthem. The music of the anthem was composed by our talented director and conductor of the National Youth Symphony Orchestra of the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity Boris Alexeevich Mironov.   On January 13, 1998 grammar school number 1 was named after Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin according to Sevastopol city council decision. In 2003, Secondary school number 1 was recognized as one of the best schools in the city. School children acquire good knowledge in the Russian language, Literature, Mathematics, Biology and other subjects. They take part in the city’s and international competitions and win prizes. They are proud of their school.

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  • Anton: Sevastopol is a legendary hero city. Its rich historical past is pictu...

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    Anton: Sevastopol is a legendary hero city. Its rich historical past is pictured in numerous monuments, among which there are many temples. St. Vladimir Cathedral, one of the main cites of the city rises on the central hill. Even in 1825, chief commander of the Black Sea Fleet and the port Admiral A.Greig (1775-1845), asked a permission to install a monument on the ruins of Chersonese, the place where Prince Vladimir was baptized. Architect K.A.Ton (1794-1881) developed a project of the cathedral. In 1842, Admiral M.P.Lazarev asked not to build the cathedral on the ruins of Chersonese, but to do it in the center of Sevastopol, because at that time there were few Orthodox churches in the town, and it would take a long time for citizens to get to the Chersonese. His wish was fulfilled, and preparatory work began. However, in 1851 Admiral M.P.Lazarev died, and in the memory of his exploits it was decided to bury the chief commander of the Black Sea Fleet in the crypt of the cathedral. The construction of the cathedral began in the summer of 1854, but it was interrupted by the Crimean war. Before the enemy arrived, builders had succeeded in laying the foundation and building the basement. During the defence of Sevastopol in 1854-1855 admirals V.A.Kornilov, V.Istomin, P.S.Nakhimov died and were buried next to their commander and friend M.P.Lazarev, so still unfinished cathedral became the burial place of the admirals

  • The construction of the cathedral resumed in 1858, but according to another p...

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    The construction of the cathedral resumed in 1858, but according to another project. Its author was the architect A.A.Avdeev, who lived and worked in Sevastopol as well. The temple dome was built using elements of Russian-Byzantine style. The lower church of St. Nicholas was consecrated on Oct. 5, 1881, the top part, in the name of St. Vladimir, in 1888. Cathedral became a monument to the heroes of the Defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855. A giant flat black marble cross appeared on the tomb and the names of the heroes and the dates of their deaths were carved. Later, the participants of the first defense of Sevastopol: P.A.Pereleshin, P.A.Karpov, M.I.Defabr, V.P.Schmidt, I.M.Dickov, S.P.Tyrtov , G.P.Tchuchnin, M.P.Sablin, I.A.Shestakov were buried along the northern and the southern facades of the cathedral. In 1912 there was a tragic event: the mutiny on the battleship "St. John Chrysostom". Father Roman insisted on personal confession of all the sailors who had been sentenced to death. All night he confessed and gave communion. Using his authority, he did not allow the extradition of the sailors to the secret police, and did everything possible not to hit innocent. Then the priest could not assume that after so many years , these events would affect his own destiny. In 1918, militant revolutionary sailors decided to do away with the priest. But he learned of the villainous scheme, managed to leave for Moscow, where he became rector of Intercession Cathedral in Red Square. The authorities did not like the work of father Roman, they arrested him 15 times, but soon he was released. In 1936, he was sent home very sick and exhausted and a year later he died. In August 1999, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, honest father was reburied in St Vladymyr's Cathedral. The Cathedral was badly damaged during World War II and began to recover in 1966. In 1972, St. Vladimir's Cathedral became a branch of the Museum of Heroic Defense and Liberation of Sevastopol. In the late 80-ies in the Vladimir Cathedral restoration works began. The builders managed to restore the temple of its former look. On October 19, 1999 the Cathedral was consecrated once more, and it began to hold worship services. In the St. Vladimir cathedral there is a rare icon of the Mother of God.

  • Alyona : The monument to Vladimir Lenin is situated on the city hill. It is c...

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    Alyona : The monument to Vladimir Lenin is situated on the city hill. It is considered to be one of the best monuments to Lenin in the former Soviet Union. It was designed by the sculptor P.Bondarenko and architects Shchuko and Turkovsky in 1957. The height of the monument is about 22 meters. The sculptural composition is rather interesting. The tetrahedron pyramid bears a granite pedestal for Lenin. His figure is surrounded with 4 bronze figures: a worker, a peasant, a sailor and a soldier. They symbolize the main forces which took part in the Revolution.

  • From the place where the monument to V.Lenin is situated you’ll get a wonderf...

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    From the place where the monument to V.Lenin is situated you’ll get a wonderful view of the city and the bay. When you decide to visit the cathedral of st. Vladimir with the crypt of the Russian admirals, you’d better not pass by this interesting sight. Speaking about Sevastopol and its history it is necessary to mention the Black See Navy. In fact the destines of the city and the Navy are inseparable. So, of course, in Sevastopol there is A MUSEUM OF THE BLACK SEA NAVY. It is situated in Lenin street in the centre of the city. The museum is one of the oldest military naval museums on the territory of the former USSR  


    17 слайд


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