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  • Dedicated to the 325th anniversary of Charles Perrault's book "Cinderella or...

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    Dedicated to the 325th anniversary of Charles Perrault's book "Cinderella or the Glass Slipper“
    So many countries, so many Cinderellas
    School No. 53

  • Portraits of Cinderella from different countries and different erasThe story...

    2 слайд

    Portraits of Cinderella from different countries and different eras
    The story of Cinderella is known all over the world. However, where did this idea come from? No, it does not belong at all to the fantasy of the Brothers Grimm, not to Charles Perrault and certainly not to Disney. Throughout its history this tale has gone through many variations and some of them are completely unsuitable for telling children at night. We invite you to look at the portraits of Cinderella from different countries and different eras.

  • Chinese Beauty Ye Xian One of the oldest references to such a plot dates back...

    3 слайд

    Chinese Beauty Ye Xian
    One of the oldest references to such a plot dates back to 860 AD. Chinese beauty Ye Xian finds a fish that has been possessed by the spirit of her mother. The fish is killed by the stepmother and the girl’s half-sisters. Ye Xian decides to keep the fish bones, which turn into a beautiful dress for the big New Year's ball. At the ball, her stepmother recognizes her and the girl is forced to flee. She loses one of her shoes. The king, who picks up her shoe, finds the girl, saves the beauty from her evil family and brings her to his palace.

  • Greek slave RodopisThe Egyptian version of Cinderella was found on ancient p...

    4 слайд

    Greek slave Rodopis
    The Egyptian version of Cinderella was found on ancient papyri. Instead of a prince - a pharaoh, instead of a poor stepdaughter - a Greek slave Rodopis. By the way, instead of crystal shoes there were golden sandals. In the Egyptian version Cinderella was a hetaera. An eagle stole her shoes when the girl was swimming in the lake. The bird dropped the sandal right under the feet of the ruler of Egypt. The miniature size amazed the pharaoh so much that he set off to look for the owner. The story ended with a wedding.

  • Maah PishanihThere is also a rather interesting version of this story from Ir...

    5 слайд

    Maah Pishanih
    There is also a rather interesting version of this story from Iran. This story is called "Maah Pishanih", which means "the girl with the moon on her forehead." In the Iranian version, Cinderella kills her mother so that her father can marry a noble lady. Her new stepmother turns out to be very angry and her half-sisters are stupid and cruel. Cinderella is humiliated and forced to do dirty housework. One day she meets a cow, which is the reincarnation of her mother. The magical assistant rewards the girl with a moon-shaped head ornament and weaves jewelry in the shape of a star into her hair. Then the Sultan accidentally sees her face. Cinderella is embarrassed. According to Islamic traditions a girl must hide her face from men. She escapes and the story repeats a familiar storyline including a shoe, a wedding and a happy ending.

  • ZezollaHalf a century before Charles Perrault, a poet from Italy, Giambattis...

    6 слайд

    Half a century before Charles Perrault, a poet from Italy, Giambattista Basile, published a collection of Sicilian fairy tales. Among them was a plot about bloody-minded Cinderella. In this version the girl is in collusion with her nanny. They killed Cinderella’s stepmother and then forced her father to marry her accomplice. Unfortunately, the nanny had six annoying daughters. They forced the poor thing to work hard.
    A magic tree helped Cinderella go to the ball (in the Sicilian fairy tale her name was Zezolla). There the king saw her and instantly fell in love. The monarch ordered the servant to find the girl and bring her to the courtyard. Cinderella got scared and ran away. However, she lost her shoe.

  • Zezolla’s  PianellasDo you think she lost her glass slipper? No! Zezolla lef...

    7 слайд

    Zezolla’s Pianellas
    Do you think she lost her glass slipper? No! Zezolla left behind one pianella - an awkward, ugly cork shoe. Young ladies of Naples wore such shoes to protect the hem of the dress from dirt and dust. The height of the pianella was from 15 to 45 centimeters!

  • Cinderella’s HelpersThe version of the Brothers Grimm is the bloodiest. Cinde...

    8 слайд

    Cinderella’s Helpers
    The version of the Brothers Grimm is the bloodiest. Cinderella asks her father to bring her а twig on the way home. The girl plants it on her mother's grave and waters it with tears. Soon the branch grows into a large tree, a bird settles in its branches and helps Cinderella in everything.

  • Sad Story of SistersWhen the prince arrives at Cinderella's house, both half...

    9 слайд

    Sad Story of Sisters
    When the prince arrives at Cinderella's house, both half-sisters try on the shoe. Following the advice of their mother, the girls cut off a big toe and a piece of the heel. The Prince has to bring the sisters back. The injured limbs seemed to the Brothers Grimm not enough for the arrogant Cinderella’s sisters. When they appear at the wedding, the birds flock down and peck out their eyes leaving them blind.

  • Charles Perrault's Tale Charles Perrault's tale looks quite harmless.  This p...

    10 слайд

    Charles Perrault's Tale
    Charles Perrault's tale looks quite harmless. This plot formed the basis of all the adaptations: Evil Stepmother, Fairy Godmother, Pumpkin Carriage. A beautiful story where kindness, hard work and humility are always rewarded. And it is not necessary to cripple relatives for this.

  • Ash AssociationToday the tale of Cinderella is primarily a story about the wi...

    11 слайд

    Ash Association
    Today the tale of Cinderella is primarily a story about the wish fulfillment.
    The heroine's name changed, but it was always associated with the ash: Cinderella in England, Aschenputtel in Germany, Popelyushka in Ukraine, Cenerentola in Italy, Pepeljuga in the Balkans Any variation of the heroine's name was referred to ash, dirty work. It is curious that Ivan Turgenev translated her name as "Zamarashka".

  • Shoe MaterialsThe materials of the shoes differ from fairy tale to fairy tale...

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    Shoe Materials
    The materials of the shoes differ from fairy tale to fairy tale. Chinese Cinderella wears shoes made of gold threads and with solid gold soles. In the Breton version the heroine receives three pairs made of steel, silver and gold. Italian Cenerentola prefers silver shoes, Venetian - diamond, Danish - silk.

  • Symbol of Marriage The loss of a shoe is a symbol of marriage in the folklor...

    13 слайд

    Symbol of Marriage
    The loss of a shoe is a symbol of marriage in the folklore of different countries. You probably remember the tradition of throwing shoes over the fence for Christmas fortune-telling. It was believed that the one who finds and brings the loss, will become a betrothed.
    Why is this plot so popular in different cultures? The fact is that it raises the eternal questions about human cruelty and injustice, as well as the fact that decency, honesty and kindness will definitely be rewarded.

  •             Thank you for your attention!

    14 слайд

                Thank you for your attention!

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