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  • Nature and fauna of Trans-Baikal TerritoryВыполнила: Журова М.В.
МБОУ СОШ № 2...

    1 слайд

    Nature and fauna of Trans-Baikal Territory
    Выполнила: Журова М.В.
    МБОУ СОШ № 20, учитель английского языка

  • Nature and fauna of Trans-Baikal Territory are amazing and diverse, here moun...

    2 слайд

    Nature and fauna of Trans-Baikal Territory are amazing and diverse, here mountainous and lowland landscapes are combined, from south to east steppe, forest-steppe, forest and taiga massifs replace each other. And also the picture is complemented by numerous clean rivers and lakes. Here you can find unique species of animals and plants which are listed in the Red Book. We invite to learn more about some of its representatives.

  • «In Transbaikalia, I found everything I wanted: the Caucasus and the Psla...

    3 слайд

    «In Transbaikalia, I found everything I wanted: the Caucasus and the Psla Valley, the Zvenigorod district,and the Don. During the day you ride through the Caucasus, at night on the Don steppe, and in the morning you wake up from a nap, look, it's already the Poltava province…»
    A. Chekhov

  • Lily of the Daurian (lat. Lilium pensylvanicum) perennial herb reaching a hei...

    4 слайд

    Lily of the Daurian (lat. Lilium pensylvanicum) perennial herb reaching a hei.ht of 1,4 meters. The flowers are red and large, up to 10 cm in diameter, 1-5 flowers are formed in one inflorescence.
    Rhododendron daurian (lat. Rhododendron dauricum) shrab 0,5-2meters high with branching shoots. It is the symbol of our region. It dresses up the Trans-Baikal hills with a purple-pink dress and fills the forests that have awakened from a long hibernation with a heady aroma.

  • Siberian barberry is a strongly branched shrub of the barberry family. It gro...

    5 слайд

    Siberian barberry is a strongly branched shrub of the barberry family. It grows up to 1 m. The shoots are short, leafy, gray or brown in color. The leaves are about 2 cm long and have an oblong-ovate shape, sharp at the top. Flowering occurs in May-June. The flowers are yellow, solitary, almost 2 cm in diameter. The berries are red, about 1 cm in length, ripen in September. Siberian barberry grows in a low zone of mountainous terrain, on rocks, rocky placers and slopes.

  • Cedar (lat. Cedrus) is an evergreen tree with a spreading crown of the Pine f...

    6 слайд

    Cedar (lat. Cedrus) is an evergreen tree with a spreading crown of the Pine family. It gives a strong wood, is decorative and is popular for park plantings. Botanical description. Cedar is a coniferous tree up to 50 m in height and with a trunk diameter of 2-3 m.

  • Brown Bear is one of the most impressive land predators. It is part of the be...

    7 слайд

    Brown Bear is one of the most impressive land predators. It is part of the bear family. In our time, there are about 16 subspecies of the bear. Most of them have reached the point where they will only be talked about in the past tense. The Siberian, the northernmost subspecies of the brown bear, lives in the Trans-Baikal Territory. The growth of the animal can reach 2.5 m. The usual weight is about 400-500 kg, females are 100 kg lighter.

  • Manul is a predators from the subfamily of small cats, protected animals of t...

    8 слайд

    Manul is a predators from the subfamily of small cats, protected animals of the Trans-Baikal Territory. An adult male manul can weigh about 5 kg. The predator is somewhat rough-built: a small head with small ears, a heavy body, short legs, a thickened tail. Even more heaviness is given by the thick, long fur. In Transbaikalia, the main population of manuls settled in the steppe zone bounded by the Shilka and Argunya rivers. Cats can climb mountains, quite high, at 3-4 thousand meters.

  • Siberian Chipmunk is one of the 25 species, this is the only chipmunk species...

    9 слайд

    Siberian Chipmunk is one of the 25 species, this is the only chipmunk species that exists in Eurasia. The average chipmunk with its tail reaches 20 cm, weighs about 100 g. Chipmunks could be confused with squirrels. But the animals have a remarkable feature — 5 dark stripes along the entire body, separated by gray or white gaps. Chipmunks inhabited the taiga zone of Transbaikalia. In forests and small woodlands, they feed on seeds, shoots, acorns, and berries. They make supplies for the winter.

  • Daurian CraneAlong the entire length of the Ussuri River, there are very rar...

    10 слайд

    Daurian Crane
    Along the entire length of the Ussuri River, there are very rare animals of the Trans-Baikal Territory — Daurian or white-fronted cranes. They belong to the crane family. An adult crane grows to almost 2 m, weighs 5.5 kg. The plumage is dark gray, with a silvery tint on the wings. The crane's legs are pink, which distinguishes it from other birds in the family.

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