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  • Marine Animals in Danger of Extinction

    1 слайд

    Marine Animals in Danger of Extinction

  • Kemp’s Ridley sea turtleThe Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle is the smallest and rare...

    2 слайд

    Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle
    The Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle is the smallest and rarest sea turtle in the world and also one of the most critically endangered. They usually weigh just 50 kilograms, which is tiny compared to a leatherback turtle (another endangered species of sea turtle) which weighs over 700 kilograms.
    Today, the major threats to sea turtles are climate change, garbage in the oceans, oil spills and pollution, and entanglement in fishing equipment.

  • Galapagos penguinsThe Galapagos penguin is an endangered species, with less t...

    3 слайд

    Galapagos penguins
    The Galapagos penguin is an endangered species, with less than 2,000 left in the wild. Their numbers are severely declining due to warming sea temperatures and declining food sources, brought on by El Nino Southern Oscillations (an irregular variation in winds and sea surface temperatures).
    They are also threatened by introduced species such as dogs and cats, pollution and bycatch in fishing equipment.
    The Galapagos fur seal is another fascinating marine species that’s endemic to the Galapagos Islands. With a declining population of around 10,000 to 15,000, the fur seal is also classified as endangered by the IUCN.

  • Manatees are one of nature’s goofiest creatures, with short snouts and chunky...

    4 слайд

    Manatees are one of nature’s goofiest creatures, with short snouts and chunky bodies. Also known as sea cows, these creatures aren’t fat - their large bodies are actually packed with organs.
    They are the ocean's largest herbivores, growing up to four meters in length, weighing around 600 kilograms, and eating 10 to 15% of their body weight each day. These sweet giants have no natural predators (only humans) and even coexist peacefully with alligators.
    Sadly, manatees are an endangered species due to boat collisions, entanglement in fishing gear, and habitat pollution. The current population is estimated to be around 6,000 individuals.
    Florida manatee

  • River dolphinsThe fascinating pink river dolphins live in freshwater environm...

    5 слайд

    River dolphins
    The fascinating pink river dolphins live in freshwater environments in the Amazon region, and have been observed in rivers across Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil.
    Unfortunately, it's extremely rare to spot the Yangtze finless porpoise, which only inhabits the Dongting Lake, Poyang Lake and mainstream Yangtze river in China.
    It’s also rare to spot the Ganges river dolphin, which lives in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna and Karnaphuli-Sangu river systems of India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

  • North Atlantic Right WhaleThe North Atlantic Right Whale is one of the most c...

    6 слайд

    North Atlantic Right Whale
    The North Atlantic Right Whale is one of the most critically endangered species of whale, with an estimated population of 300 to 350, and no growth observed in several decades.
    The fin whale is the world’s second largest mammal, and has an endangered population of just 30,000, due to rampant whaling.
    Although the 1966 International Whaling Commission has afforded whales legal protection from hunting, they still suffer from illegal poaching, pollution, ship collisions and entanglement in fishing equipment.

  • VaquitaThe vaquita is the world’s rarest sea mammal and one of the most endan...

    7 слайд

    The vaquita is the world’s rarest sea mammal and one of the most endangered animals in the world.
    Their name means ‘little cow’ in Spanish, and they are a unique species of porpoise, with a small, chunky body and a round head. Their eyes and lips are coloured with dark markings, giving them the appearance of wearing makeup.
    With less than 30 individuals left, the vaquita is critically endangered and facing imminent extinction. They live in only one body of water in the Gulf of California and reproduce only once every two years, however it’s humans that have caused the most destruction to the vaquita population.

  • Hawksbill sea turtleThe Hawksbill sea turtle is one of the smallest species o...

    8 слайд

    Hawksbill sea turtle
    The Hawksbill sea turtle is one of the smallest species of turtle, distinguished by their stunning gold and brown patterned shells (known as tortoiseshell).
    The Hawksbill sea turtle is the most endangered species of turtle in the world, and is classified as critically endangered by IUCN, with an estimated global population of 8,000, with only 1,000 nesting females.
    Unfortunately, the turtles are hunted for their beautiful shells, which are sold illegally to create jewellery and ornamental products.

  • Whale sharks Whale sharks are the biggest fish in the ocean, known to grow up...

    9 слайд

    Whale sharks 
    Whale sharks are the biggest fish in the ocean, known to grow up to 18 meters long, weigh up to 19,000 kilograms and live for 70 to 130 years. Each whale shark has unique polka-dot markings on their body, similar to a human fingerprint.
    As of 2016, these beautiful creatures have been classified as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.Their disappearance is largely due to commercial fishing and illegal poaching, with demand coming largely from China for their meat, fins and oil which are sold for food, and their skin for bags.

  • Sea otterSea otters can live their entire life without leaving the water; the...

    10 слайд

    Sea otter
    Sea otters can live their entire life without leaving the water; they are one of the few species on earth that use tools to survive (they use rocks to hammer shells open); they are the only marine mammal that can flip boulders over on the sea floor; they consume between 25 to 40% of their body weight everyday; and they adorably hold hands while they sleep, to keep from drifting apart.
    Sadly, the sea otter is still classified as endangered by the IUCN, due to other threats such as pollution, oil spills and entanglement in fishing equipment.

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Нейропсихология в школе: путь к успеху и благополучию детей

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От романтизма к современности: шедевры и новаторство

5 ч.

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