Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "Passive Voice" 10 класс

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Passive Voice" 10 класс

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Passive Voice What is done cannot be undone Active voice describes what the s...

    1 слайд

    Passive Voice What is done cannot be undone Active voice describes what the subject does while Passive voice is used to describe what happens to the subject. (1 click)

  • Verbs with and without objects Subject+ verb objects Other parts They plant r...

    2 слайд

    Verbs with and without objects Subject+ verb objects Other parts They plant roses every year. Studentshave passed their exams. We arrived yesterday. Mike is swimming. The teacher gave him a book. The verbs followed by an object are called transitive. Intransitive verbs cannot be followed by an object.

  • Intransitive verbs can’t be made Passive Transitive verbs Intransitive verbs...

    3 слайд

    Intransitive verbs can’t be made Passive Transitive verbs Intransitive verbs see,describe, give, buy, pay, leave, send, tell, show, offer, promise, sell, sing, recommend, write, read, explain, repeat, dictate, damage, destroy, surprise, take, find, get, arrest, etc. Arrive, swim, cough, sneeze, happen, sleep, wait, matter, appear, come, fall, go, belong, etc. ! have, fit, resemblecan’tbe made passive If a verb can’t be followed by an object, it can’t be made passive. ! But: I have a book. Some transitive verbs are seldom used in the passive. Most of these are “stative verbs”. (1 click)

  • Passive verb forms be V3 Active voice Present Simple: V1 I ask. (я спрашиваю)...

    4 слайд

    Passive verb forms be V3 Active voice Present Simple: V1 I ask. (я спрашиваю) Past Simple: V2 I asked. Future Simple: will V I will ask. Passive voice Present Simple: be1 V3 I am asked.(меня спрашивают) Past Simple: be2 V3 I was asked. Future Simple: will be V3 I will be asked. be V3 is a general passive verb form. We put a main verb in the form of a past participle. An auxiliary verb “be” takes a corresponding tense form of the active main verb form. (2 clicks)

  • Passive verb forms be V3 Active voice Present Perfect: have/has V3 I have ask...

    5 слайд

    Passive verb forms be V3 Active voice Present Perfect: have/has V3 I have asked. Past Perfect: had V3 I had asked. Future Perfect: will have V3 I will have asked. Passive voice Present Perfect: have/has be3 V3 I have been asked. Past Perfect: had be3 V3 I had been asked. Future Perfect: will have be3 V3 I will have been asked. Passive tenses are normally used in the same way as active forms.

  • Passive verb forms be V3 Active voice Present Continuous: am/is/are V ing I a...

    6 слайд

    Passive verb forms be V3 Active voice Present Continuous: am/is/are V ing I am asking. Past Continuous: was/were V ing I was asking. . Could, can, must, should V I could ask Passive voice Present Continuous: am/is/are be +ing V3 I am being asked. Past Continuous: was/were being V3 I was being asked. . Could, can, must be V3 I could be asked Other passive verb forms are very rare.

  • Forming passive sentences Active voice They built the cottage. His stories am...

    7 слайд

    Forming passive sentences Active voice They built the cottage. His stories amaze me. He slept for nearly ten hours last night. The car quickly disappeared from view. ! Are they meeting him at the station? ! Where shall we meet? Passive voice The cottage was built. I am amazed by his stories. × × Is he being met at the station? × ! Many verbs can be both transitive and intransitive (3 clicks)

  • Forming passive sentences Active voice Sam gave her the book. Sam gave the bo...

    8 слайд

    Forming passive sentences Active voice Sam gave her the book. Sam gave the book to her. hand, lend, offer, promise, teach, tell, throw, show, pay ! He described me the situation to me. demonstrate, explain, sell, introduce, mention, report, suggest, buy, write, read Passive voice She was given the book. The book was given to her. can have 2 passive forms. The situation was described to me. have only 1 passive form. Some verbs can have two corresponding passive forms. The passive form you choose depends on which is more appropriate in a particular context. (2 clicks)

  • Forming passive sentences Active voice : The teacher asked him a question. Pa...

    9 слайд

    Forming passive sentences Active voice : The teacher asked him a question. Passive voice: He was asked a question (by the teacher). Impossible ! A question was asked to him. Remember! Only living beings can make the subject in the passive sentences with ask or teach. Active voice :Who gave you this book? Passive voice: Who were you given this book by? In passive questions with Who, Whom, Which we do not omit by. (1 click)

  • Using passives Active : The storm damaged the houses. It’s about the storm, a...

    10 слайд

    Using passives Active : The storm damaged the houses. It’s about the storm, and says what it did (the storm is the “agent”) Passive :The houses were damaged by the storm. It’s about the houses, and says what happened to them (the “agent” goes with by). My flat was broken into last night. (unknown agent) This poem can be found on page 21. (agent = people in general) These letters should be sent tomorrow. (unimportant agent) She is being treated in hospital. (obvious agent; presumably “doctors”) The two voices allows us to present the same information in two different orders. In an active sentence we need to include the agent as subject; using a passive allows us to omit the agent by leaving out the prepositional phrase with by. The agent is not omitted when it is a specific or important person, or when it is essential to the meaning of the sentence. (4 clicks)

  • When do we use passive structures? Interest in the action: Those pyramids wer...

    11 слайд

    When do we use passive structures? Interest in the action: Those pyramids were built around 400 AD. Putting the news at the end: ( Active) This book contains funny stories . Mark Twain wrote the book. (Passive) This book contains funny stories . The book was written by Mark Twain. Putting heavier expressions at the end: (Passive) I was surprised by Jake’s decision to give up his job. ( Active) Jake’s decision to give up his job surprised me.(less natural) 1. Passives without agents are common in academic and scientific writing. 2. in English they usually prefer to put old information at the beginning of the sentence, and new information at the end. The passive often allows us to do this. 3. it is often more natural to put agents (subjects) which consist of long expressions at the end of a sentence. Using the passive allows us to do this.

  • When do we use passive structures? Active voice He asked me to send a stamped...

    12 слайд

    When do we use passive structures? Active voice He asked me to send a stamped addressed letter. They believe him to be funny. They say his company to be in trouble. I enjoyed taking her to the zoo. They felt that she was sad. Passive voice I was asked to send a stamped addressed letter. He is believed to be funny. Note “say”! His company is said to be in trouble. She enjoyed being taken to the zoo. It was felt that she was sad. With think, feel, believe, know, consider the object + infinitive structure is rather formal and often unusual. However, the passive structure is common, and often occurs in news reports. Note, that with say , the infinitive structure is only possible in the passive. 2. The verbs avoid, enjoyed, consider, deny, delay, describe, imagine, remember, resent do not have corresponding meanings in active and passive sentences. 3. A common way of reporting what is said by people in general is to use it + passive verb + that-clause. (1 click)

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Презентация на тему "Passive voice" (Страдательный залог) для обобщения грамматического материала в 10 классе. Презентация состоит из 12 слайдов и содержит примеры и комментарии к ним. В работе использованы материалы школьного учебника и справочников издательств Оксфордского университета.

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