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Презентация по английскому языку "Таинственные места в мире"

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  • Mysterious places

    1 слайд

    Mysterious places

  • Red Beach in ChinaMost people will correlate the word beach with sand, but th...

    2 слайд

    Red Beach in China
    Most people will correlate the word beach with sand, but this is not the case with Red Beach in Panjin, China. This so-called “beach” is not comprised of sand, but instead of a red grassy plant called Suaeda Salsa. Being one of only a few species that can live in highly alkaline soil, the Sueda’s growth cycle begins in April with a light red color and in autumn turns to a vivid red. Red Beach is part of the biggest reed marsh and wetland area in the world so it was granted state-level protection in 1988. It is home to many different kinds of bird and wild animals.

  • In Western Australia sits a bright pink body of water called Lake Hillier. Un...

    3 слайд

    In Western Australia sits a bright pink body of water called Lake Hillier. Unless you have access to a helicopter, it’s not very accessible, but it is very noticeable. It has a very glossy pink sheen due to the type of algae that reside in it. The color is so condensed that even if you put some of this lake water in a pale, it would still remain bright pink. This 2,000-foot long lake is small, but you can swim in it if you can get there. Well, not really, because it is prohibited by local laws for tourists to even visit it.
    Lake Hillier

  • Tucked away in a small park in Saxony, German sits a bridge so unique in its...

    4 слайд

    Tucked away in a small park in Saxony, German sits a bridge so unique in its construction that people travel from all over the world to see it. Rakotzbrücke was built in 1860 and is one of several “Devil’s Bridges” in Europe. Folktale has it that only Satan could have created something so unsafe to walk across. Walking on the bridge is prohibited and “Do Not Enter” signs are clearly posted on both sides. Entirely man-made, the jagged rocks that jet out on both ends of the bridge and the sharp rock that sit out in the water give the bridge a very sinister appearance.

  • Iceland has lots of geothermal hotspots since it is a volcanic island. The Bl...

    5 слайд

    Iceland has lots of geothermal hotspots since it is a volcanic island. The Blue Lagoon is probably Iceland’s most famous one and is a huge tourist attraction. Surrounded by volcanic rock and snow, the Blue Lagoon is man-made. Its source of water comes from a nearby geothermal power plant and is renewed every two days. The water temperature averages 99–102 °F and is mineral rich with sulfur and silica. People started bathing in it in 1981 for its supposed healing powers. In 1992 an official bathing facility was opened for the public. It’s believed to help people who suffer from psoriasis and other various skin diseases.
    Blue Lagoon

  • Beyond a shadow of a doubt, one of the most spectacular sights to see in the...

    6 слайд

    Beyond a shadow of a doubt, one of the most spectacular sights to see in the world are the Sentinels of the Arctic in Finland. Lapland is the Finnish region where this picture postcard phenomenon occurs. In the wintertime, the trees get covered with snow and ice in such a way that they take on strange and interesting formations. Although temperatures can drop to -40°C, even the fish and marine mammals remain there during the harsh winter. The tree’s armor of ice is breathtakingly enhanced amongst the soft skies as they just sit and wait for spring to come to break the icy spell.
    Sentinels of the Arctic in Finland

  • The Maldives really have it all when it comes to spectacular scenery. The tin...

    7 слайд

    The Maldives really have it all when it comes to spectacular scenery. The tiny island of Vaadhoo has only about 500 inhabitants, but it’s known globally for its Sea of Stars phenomenon. Blue waves glow like the star-filled night sky as they lap the sandy shore. The marine microorganism responsible for the lights is called Phytoplankton. Although it looks magical, the blue toxin can be harmful to people, fish, and other creatures. It’s a defense mechanism for the phytoplankton to warn other organisms not to eat them.
    Sea of Stars phenomenon

  • In 1911, Griffith Taylor an Australian geologist was the first to explore the...

    8 слайд

    In 1911, Griffith Taylor an Australian geologist was the first to explore the area that is now named after him in Victoria Land in East Antarctica. Amidst the brilliant white snow, Blood falls spill its blood red outflow of iron oxide-rich hypersaline water onto the icy surface of West Lake Bonney in Taylor Valley. It was first believed that the blood color of the falls came from red algae, but it was later determined not to be the case. From a subglacial pool, covered in about 1,300 ft. of ice, sporadically the salty water emerges from tiny fissures in the ice cascades.
    Taylor Valley

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2 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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