Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку для 7 класса на тему "Экологические проблемы"

Презентация по английскому языку для 7 класса на тему "Экологические проблемы"

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  • 1 слайд

  • Please, repeat after me together: [n] - nature,a nature, bin, a bin;
 [t], [...

    2 слайд

    Please, repeat after me together:

    [n] - nature,a nature, bin, a bin;
    [t], [d] - pollute, polluted, protect, protected;
    [r] – reuse, is reused, reduce, is reduced, recycle, is recycled;
    [d] – damage, to damage, disappear, to disappear.

  • What are the main ecological problems of today?Air pollutionWater and land po...

    3 слайд

    What are the main ecological problems of today?
    Air pollution
    Water and land pollution
    Trees are cut down

  • Add one word to make proper word combination a  national the …
Grand  …   

    4 слайд

    Add one word to make proper word combination
    a national the …
    Grand …
    a nature …
    to protect the …
    air …
    to damage …

  • Translate the phrases: Загрязнять окружающую среду               Мусор...

    5 слайд

    Translate the phrases:
    Загрязнять окружающую среду Мусор Обижать животных Сажать деревья Выбрасывать мусор Перерабатывать ненужную бумагу Вырубать молодые деревца Охранять природу Использовать бутылки заново Сократить загрязнение
    to hurt animals
    to reduce pollution
    to throw away litter
    to recycle waste paper
    To cut down baby trees
    to protect nature
    to plant trees
    a litter, a garbage
    to pollute the environment
    to reuse bottles
    to disturb wild animals

  • What do you know about our environment? Complete the sentences. Use the word...

    6 слайд

    What do you know about our environment? Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. (AB, ex. 1,p.53).
    Climate change Glass bottles Greenhouse gases Office paper
    Plastic bottles The litter from our bin A lot of trees Walking to school
    Office paper is recycled into toilet paper.
    Plastic bottles are recycled into supermarket bags.
    Glass bottles are melted down and made into new glass products.
    A lot of trees are saved if people recycle their paper.
    Greenhouse gases are made out of carbon dioxide, ozone and other gases.
    The litter from our bins is taken to special places.
    Walking to school instead of going by car is good for the environment.
    Climate change results from global warming.

  • Make captions to the pictures using the words from the box. (р.т. с. 54,упр....

    7 слайд

    Make captions to the pictures using the words from the box. (р.т. с. 54,упр. 2).
    a glass - glass - a paper - paper - a chocolate -chocolate
    -a fish -fish - a wood - wood
    a glass
    a chocolate
    a fish
    a wood
    a paper

  • Put the verbs into correct from (active or passive).We (0) produce (to prod...

    8 слайд

    Put the verbs into correct from (active or passive).
    We (0) produce (to produce a lot of rubbish (= litter) from homes, schools, factories, offices and hospitals.
    The litter (1) (to collect). What happens to rubbish when it (2) (to take) away?
    The rubbish from our bins (3) (to take) to large holes in the ground (they 4) (to call) landfills).
    Sometimes they (5) (to make) specially for rubbish.
    In the landfill hole the rubbish (6) (to press) using special machinery.
    Then it (7) (to cover) with earth. The problem is that there are fewer and fewer places for new rubbish. Besides, rubbish(8) (to cause) environmental damage. Animals and plants (9) (to disturb). More than that, rubbish (10) (to stay) in the ground for many years. Many materials, for example, plastic, (11) for a long time.

    is collected
    is taken
    is taken
    are called
    are made
    is pressed
    is covered
    are distrubed
    don’t change

  • Fill in the article the where necessary.(0)– Great Smoky Mountains National...

    9 слайд

    Fill in the article the where necessary.

    (0)– Great Smoky Mountains National Park covers the area in two states (1) North Carolina and (2) Tennessee.
    It is the most visited national park in (3) America. (4) Great Smoky Mountains are a small part of (5) Appalachian Mountains, but they are the tallest. (6) Clingmans Dome is the highest peak in the park.
    Large and smaller waterfalls are found on nearly every river in the park. Small rivers carry their water to (7) Mississippi River and further in (8) Gulf of Mexico. Rivers and (9) Fontana Lake offer boating and fishing. The idea of creating a national park in (10) Smokies started in the 1890s. Now the Park offers a lot of activities to enjoy. The hardest part is choosing which tour, waterfall or historic area to explore.




  • Complete the sentences with modal verbs:can,  we,  plant,  trees
We can plant...

    10 слайд

    Complete the sentences with modal verbs:
    can, we, plant, trees
    We can plant trees.

    not, they, disturb, must, animals, wild.
    They must not disturb wild animals.

    School, need, we, clear up, a, yard.
    We need clear up a school yard.

  • H/w повторить слова,с. 82; AB c. 56, ex. 6.

    11 слайд

    H/w повторить слова,с. 82; AB c. 56, ex. 6.

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