Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "My language Portfolio"

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "My language Portfolio"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • My Language portfolio

    1 слайд

    My Language portfolio

  • My DossierIn my dossier I keep examples of  the work I have done, pictures I...

    2 слайд

    My Dossier
    In my dossier I keep examples of the work I have done, pictures I have drawn, and lists of my new words.
    I can use the dossier to show my teachers and parents what I have learnt…


  • Contents-In my dossier I have  -

    3 слайд

    -In my dossier I have -

  • My Language PassportMy name is: Galiullina Elina. Iam 12.
I live in: Bashkort...

    4 слайд

    My Language Passport
    My name is: Galiullina Elina. Iam 12.
    I live in: Bashkortostan
    My birthday is: on the9 th ofFebruary
    My school is: Republican boarding-lyceum
    My hair is: long and dark
    My eyes are: brown
    My hobby: learning English and singing
    Stick your photo or draw your picture here

  • About my familyLet me introduce my family to you! My family is big and friend...

    5 слайд

    About my family
    Let me introduce my family to you! My family is big and friendly. I have got a father, a mother, a sister and a brother. My mother’s name is Uliya. She is 33.She is a housekeeper. My father’s name is Ilfak. He is a builder. My sister’s name is Ilyana. She is 11. My brother’s name is Idel. He is 4. We are happy together.


  • My school and my friends6

    6 слайд

    My school and my friends

  • My school is coolAnd it is full     Of many girls and boys,      Who make...

    7 слайд

    My school is cool
    And it is full
    Of many girls and boys,
    Who make much noise.
    We play all time
    And learn a rhyme,
    Or read a book,
    And sew and cook.
    We love school all 
    And wait for fall
    To meet together here,
    To teach and study near.

    My classmates are my friends

  • 14.06.2022http://aida.ucoz.ru8

    8 слайд


  • Global benchmarks of communicative proficiency – Speaking and Writing

    9 слайд

    Global benchmarks of communicative proficiency – Speaking and Writing

  • 10 слайд

  • MyselfA2
I can understand what my friends are saying
I can read words that I...

    11 слайд

    I can understand what my friends are saying
    I can read words that I already know
    I can answer lots of questions about myself
    and my family
    I can tell my parents about what I did in school
    I can tell my teacher if I have a problem
    I can talk about the colour of my hair and eyes and how tall I am
    I can write a little about myself and my family and about things I like doing
    I can understand questions about myself

    I can understand when the teacher tells me to do something that I already know

    I can find my name on a list or on the classroom wall

    I can answer some questions about myself and my family and say if I like something

    I can tell the teacher if I need something

    I can copy words from the board

  • Myself
I can easily understand my teachers and my friends
I can read stories...

    12 слайд


    I can easily understand my teachers and my friends
    I can read stories about children in other places
    I can answer questions about my life and what I like doing
    I can tell other people about something nice that happened to me
    I can write about things that happen and the things I like and don’t like

  • Food and clothesA2
I can understand when we need special clothes for school

    13 слайд

    Food and clothes
    I can understand when we need special clothes for school
    I can understand what foods we are allowed to bring to school
    I can read the names of foods in the supermarket or in a café
    I can understand about clothes when I read a story
    I can ask and answer questions about drinks and foods
    I can describe a meal in my home
    I can write a little about a special occasion in my home and the food that I like and don’t like
    I can understand the names of the clothes I
    wear to school and the food that I eat in school
    I can read the words for the clothes that I know and the food that I like and don’t like
    I can ask for things in shops and ask how much they cost
    I can say what food and clothes I like and don’t like
    I can write words for different foods and for the clothes we wear

  • Food and clothes
I can understand talk about food or clothes
I can read about...

    14 слайд

    Food and clothes

    I can understand talk about food or clothes
    I can read about food that is good or bad for me
    I can talk with my friends about the clothes I like
    I can write about making food

  • WeatherA2
I can understand the main points when other people talk about weath...

    15 слайд

    I can understand the main points when other people talk about weather
    I can read about weather when there are pictures or diagrams to help me
    I can talk about the weather that I like
    I can talk about the different clothes we wear for different kinds of weather
    I can tell my teacher about the weather outside
    I can write sentences about weather, the days I like and the clothes we need
    I can understand the words for different types of weather
    I can read the words on a poster or picture about weather
    I can answer simple questions about the weather
    I can write words about weather

  • WeatherI can watch the weather forecast on TV and understand the main points...

    16 слайд

    I can watch the weather forecast on TV and understand the main points
    I can understand when the teacher tells us about weather
    I can read about weather in my textbook
    I can answer questions about weather
    I can talk about weather in Ireland and in other countries
    I can write a short letter describing the weather in Ireland and how we dress in different types of weather

  • My plans for the future14.06.2022http://aida.ucoz.ru17I want to travel a lot...

    17 слайд

    My plans for the future
    I want to travel a lot and I want to be a doctor.

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    Хамитова Минзаля Валериановна
    Хамитова Минзаля Валериановна
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    • Всего просмотров: 8997
    • Всего материалов: 8

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500/1000 ч.

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Испанский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

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300/600 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Актуальные вопросы преподавания английского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС

72 ч.

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4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Цифровые инструменты и безопасность в интернете

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Идеи эпохи Просвещения: педагогическое значение для современности

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780 руб. 390 руб.
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