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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Парковые зоны Лондона"

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  • Parklands London!Презентация по английскому языку по теме: Парковые зоны Лонд...

    1 слайд

    Parklands London!
    Презентация по английскому языку по теме: Парковые зоны Лондона»
    Выполнила учитель английского языка:
    Прокопьева Татьяна Павловна

  • Hyde Park
is one of the largest parks in central London, United Kingdom, and...

    2 слайд

    Hyde Park
    is one of the largest parks in central London, United Kingdom, and one of the Royal Parks of London, famous for its Speakers' Corner.
    The park was the site of the Great Exhibition of 1851, for which the Crystal Palace was designed by Joseph Paxton. The park has become a traditional location for mass demonstrations. The Chartists, the Reform League, the Suffragettes and the Stop The War Coalition have all held protests in the park. Many protesters on the Liberty and Livelihood March in 2002 started their march from Hyde Park. .

    Hyde Park!

Regent's Park 
one of the Royal Parks ofLondon. It lies within northern cen...

    3 слайд


    Regent's Park 
    one of the Royal Parks ofLondon. It lies within northern central London, partly in the City of Westminster and partly in the London Borough of Camden. It contains Regent's College and the London Zoo.
    Regent's Park!

  • Kensington Gardens
Every year millions of Londoners and tourists visit Kensin...

    4 слайд

    Kensington Gardens
    Every year millions of Londoners and tourists visit Kensington Gardens, one of the capital's eight Royal Parks.
    Kensington Palace, the Italian Gardens, Albert Memorial, Peter Pan Statue and the Serpentine Gallery are all located within its 242 acres.
    Planted with formal avenues of magnificent trees and ornamental flower beds, the gardens are also home to the popular Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground.
    Kensington Gardens!

  • St James Park
St James's Park and Green Park were bought by King Henry VIII i...

    5 слайд

    St James Park
    St James's Park and Green Park were bought by King Henry VIII in 1532. Buckingham Palace stands at the western end of St James's Park, which has a landscape designed by John Nash in 1827. Its lake is home to several species of birds, including pelicans. The park, which offers beautiful walks with views of Whitehall and Buckingham Palace, has a Cake House and children's playground.
    St James Park!

  • Greenwich Park
Every year millions of Londoners and tourists visit Greenwich...

    6 слайд

    Greenwich Park
    Every year millions of Londoners and tourists visit Greenwich Park, one of the capital's eight Royal Parks.
    Greenwich Park hosts the Prime Meridian Line and Royal Observatory as well as being part of the Greenwich Maritime World Heritage Site which is home to The National Maritime Museum and Old Royal Naval College.
    The oldest enclosed Royal Park, Greenwich dates back to 1427 and offers spectacular views across the River Thames to St Paul's Cathedral and beyond.

    Greenwich Park!

  • Greenwich Park
Located near Hampton Court Palace, Bushy Park's mixture of woo...

    7 слайд

    Greenwich Park
    Located near Hampton Court Palace, Bushy Park's mixture of woods, gardens, ponds and grassland makes it a fantastic place to enjoy wildlife with roaming herds of Red and Fallow Deer. The park is also home to the famous Chestnut Avenue, a formal Baroque water garden and the beautiful Diana Fountain.

    Greenwich Park!

  • Crompton Cemetery covers 16.5 hectares and is one of the finest cemeteries in...

    8 слайд

    Crompton Cemetery covers 16.5 hectares and is one of the finest cemeteries in the country.
    Brompton Cemetery is managed by The Royal Parks under contract from the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.
    Located in the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, it is the only Crown Cemetery.

    Crompton Cemetery!

  • Osterley Park - a large park located in the western suburbs of London. It is...

    9 слайд

    Osterley Park - a large park located in the western suburbs of London. It is the center of the eponymous mansion, built on the orders of the banker Sir Thomas Gresham in the XVI century and subsequently decorated in neo-classical style. Today the mansion is available for visits, it is possible to see the original interiors of past times. The mansion is surrounded by a garden, arranged in the XVIII century. In Osterley Park working farm shop, which sells fresh vegetables grown in the surrounding areas.
    Osterley Park!

  • Richmond Park - Parks in London, once the former hunting grounds of Charles I...

    10 слайд

    Richmond Park - Parks in London, once the former hunting grounds of Charles I. The park has 1,000 hectares of deer population (650 individuals) living in their natural habitat. In the park there are many kinds of plants, home to various species of birds and butterflies. In the park you can walk on foot, horseback or walks on bicycles, are also invited to fishing in the lake, there are 2 golf courses. From Richmond Park with beautiful views of the historic part of London.
    Richmond Park!

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