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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "The National Gallery"

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  • Jan van Eyck Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife (1434) The inscrip...

    3 слайд

    Jan van Eyck
    Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife (1434)

    The inscription on the back wall,translated as “Jan van Eyck was here/1434”,does not mean that this famous marriage portrait records an actual wedding ceremony.
    The Netherlandish painter has placed his friends in an imaginary room,emblematic of their married state.He “was here” because only he was here in this made-up room.

  • Piero della Francesca The Baptism of Christ (1450s)The world holds its breath...

    4 слайд

    Piero della Francesca The Baptism of Christ (1450s)
    The world holds its breath in this painting ;as hushed and still,ordered,cool and clear as a crystal.This is the moment when Christ,being baptised by Saint John in the River Jordan,is revealed as the Son of God.The Holy Spirit descends on him “like a dove”and his hands are closed in prayer to his Heavenly Father.It is a unique moment in history,and is also timeless.

  • Leonardo da Vinci “The Virgin of the Rocks”(1508)This mysterious picture was...

    5 слайд

    Leonardo da Vinci “The Virgin of the Rocks”(1508)
    This mysterious picture was painted as the central panel of an altarpiece for a lay brotherhood in Milan dedicated to the Immaculate Conception. “The Virgin of the Rocks” shows Mary not only with the Infant Christ,attended by an angel,but also sheltering the infant Saint John the Baptist under her cloak.

  • Albrecht Durer Saint  Jerome (about 1496)Saint Jerome,heroic penitent and vi...

    6 слайд

    Albrecht Durer
    Saint Jerome (about 1496)
    Saint Jerome,heroic penitent and visionary scholar , inhabits,with his companion lion,a wilderness half-way between Germany and Italy. Finches dip into the living waters at his feet,his crucifix is held fast in the stump of a silver birch.Firs crown the jagged crags,and the road winds to a forest of oaks and conifers.

  • 7 слайд

  • TitianBacchus and Ariadne (1521-3)The god of wine Bacchus encounters a disco...

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    Bacchus and Ariadne (1521-3)
    The god of wine Bacchus encounters a disconsolate Ariadne abandoned on Naxos by her ungrateful lover Theseus.The god leaps from his chariot to ravish the frightened girl:she will become his celestial bride,the constellation we see in the sky above her.

  • Hans Holbein the Younger“The Ambassadors” (1533)This picture celebrates the...

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    Hans Holbein the Younger
    “The Ambassadors” (1533)
    This picture celebrates the friendship and accomplishments of Jean de Dinteville, French ambassador to England,and his fellow countryman, Georges de Selve.The two friends exemplify the active life.But spread across the floor is the distorted shape of a skull:a hidden reminder of death that can only be seen correctly when viewed from the side of the panel.

  • Paolo VeroneseThe Family of Darius before Alexander (1565-70)This imposing c...

    10 слайд

    Paolo Veronese
    The Family of Darius before Alexander (1565-70)
    This imposing canvas depicts an exemplary episode from ancient history. Alexander the Great,having defeated the Persian King Darius,treated his foe’s mother,wife and children with magnanimity.

  • 11 слайд

  • Michelangelo Merisi da CaravaggioThe Supper at Emmaus (1601)Two shabby trave...

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    Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
    The Supper at Emmaus (1601)
    Two shabby travellers have invited a third,whom they met on the road,to share their meal.When he blesses the bread in the inn at Emmaus,they recognise their crucified Lord,Jesus Christ,risen from the dead.

  • RembrandtBelshazzar’s Feast (about 1636-8)Belshazzar,King of  Babylon,gave a...

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    Belshazzar’s Feast (about 1636-8)
    Belshazzar,King of Babylon,gave a feast at which wine was drunk from the vessels looted by his father from the temple at Jerusalem,and pagan gods were worshipped instead of God.At the height of the feast a hand appeared writing mysterious words on the wall.They foretold the defeat-indeed,death-of Belshazzar that night.

  • Claude LorrainSeaport with the Embarkation of Saint Ursula (1641)The picture...

    14 слайд

    Claude Lorrain
    Seaport with the Embarkation of Saint Ursula (1641)
    The picture shows the departure,on pilgrimage to Rome,of the legendary Saint Ursula,with her 11,000 virgin companions.They were to be martyred on their return journey through Germany.

  • Pieter de HoochThe Courtyard of a House in Delft (1658)Pieter de Hooch’s bes...

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    Pieter de Hooch
    The Courtyard of a House in Delft (1658)
    Pieter de Hooch’s best-loved pictures,like this one,were painted in Delft,celebrating the homely environment of Dutch burgher women,their children and maidservants,who passed their lives in settings as neatly kept as they were meticulously defined by the artist.Here,he imagined a scene taking place both outdoors and inside,with a tantalising further glimpse through a corridor and across a canal.

  • Johannes VermeerA Young Woman standing at a Virginal (1670)The young woman s...

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    Johannes Vermeer
    A Young Woman standing at a Virginal (1670)
    The young woman strokes the keys of the virginal while looking expectantly out of the canvas.Music is “the food of love”,and the empty chair suggests a partner is missing from the scene,perhaps away travelling abroad among the mountains depicted in the picture on the wall and on the lid of the virginal.

  • 17 слайд

  • John ConstableThe Cornfield (1826)The view is of Fen Lane,  which led from C...

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    John Constable
    The Cornfield (1826)
    The view is of Fen Lane, which led from Constable’s birthplace,East Bergholt,to the village of Dedham.A shepherd boy drinks from the stream,the sheepdog is distracted by a bird,while the sheep head towards an open gate leading to the cornfield where men are harvesting.

  • Joseph Mallord William TurnerThe Fighting Temeraire tugged to her Last Berth...

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    Joseph Mallord William Turner
    The Fighting Temeraire tugged to her Last Berth to be broken up,1838 (before 1839)
    A warship that bravely helped to secure victory over the French at Trafalgar in 1805,the Temeraire ended her days in the age of steam, sold for the value of her timber to a London ship-breaker.

  • Claude Monet (1840-1926)Bathers at La Grenouillere (1869)This small canvas i...

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    Claude Monet (1840-1926)
    Bathers at La Grenouillere (1869)
    This small canvas is one of Monet’s most famous “Impressio- nist” pictures.It shows La Grenouillere,a resort on the Seine near Paris,where Monet worked in the summer of 1869; here with day trippers,bathing cabins,boats for rent and a narrow wooden walkway leading to a round islet.

  • Paul Cezanne.     Self Portrait (about 1880)Cezanne,the great interpreter of...

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    Paul Cezanne. Self Portrait (about 1880)

    Cezanne,the great interpreter of landscape and still life, continued to experiment with portraiture throughout his career.This small bust-length self portrait shows him at about forty-one years of age, when he was financially dependent on his tyrannical father-a rich banker who wanted him to become a lawyer-and increasingly isolated from his friends.

  • Vincent van Gogh.      Sunflowers (1888)Vincent van Gogh painted four canvase...

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    Vincent van Gogh. Sunflowers (1888)
    Vincent van Gogh painted four canvases before the flowers faded,but considered only two-of which this is one.The London Sunflowers is Van Gogh’s first successful experiment in painting “light on light”.The flowers illustrate the cycle of life from bud through maturity and death;their spiky natural forms also evoke human passions.

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