Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку по теме "Достопримечательности Лондона"

Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Достопримечательности Лондона"

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  • Welcome to our travelling agency!
We will show you the most famous and the m...

    2 слайд

    Welcome to our travelling agency!
    We will show you the most famous and the most exciting sights of London. And the best way to see them without traffic is our Frogtour! Imagine that you are in a frogboat. It is a tank for tourists and it travels on the river! Are you ready? Then let’s start!

  • Ladies and gentelmen, you are on a frogboat in the Thames.
As you know the T...

    3 слайд

    Ladies and gentelmen, you are on a frogboat in the Thames.
    As you know the Thames flows across London. It is a short river. It is only 349 km long.( The Amazon, in Brazil is 6,437 km long !). Many people think the Thames is not clean but this is not true! More than 97 types of fish live here.

  • Before we go under Westminster Bridge, you can see the House of Parliament

    4 слайд

    Before we go under Westminster Bridge, you can see the House of Parliament
    It is official name is the Place of Westminster. Most of the building was built in 1840 after the fire of 1834 destroyed the old place.

  • At the north end of the building, by Westminster Bridge, there is the famous...

    5 слайд

    At the north end of the building, by Westminster Bridge, there is the famous clock tower, Big Ben. In fact Big Ben is really the name of the bell in the tower, not of the clock.

  • Do you like Fish? Opposite The Houses of Parliament is the London Aquarium. I...

    6 слайд

    Do you like Fish? Opposite The Houses of Parliament is the London Aquarium. In the different areas of the Aquarium you can see fish from the different oceans of the world.

  • Next to the Aquarium is The London Eye
Every day 1600 people go on the Eye....

    7 слайд

    Next to the Aquarium is The London Eye
    Every day 1600 people go on the Eye. There are 33 capsules and one ride takes 30 minutes. It is 133 metres and at the top of the Eye you get a great view of London.

  • Now we are going under four bridges. One bridge is for walking only. On the s...

    8 слайд

    Now we are going under four bridges. One bridge is for walking only. On the south side there is Tate Modern, an art gallery. On the north side you can see St. Paul’s Cathedral

  • St.Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest English church.It is Sir Christopher Wren’...

    9 слайд

    St.Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest English church.It is Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece built from 1675 to 1709. It is Crowned with a large dome; inside the dome there is the famous Whispering Gallery. Inside the cathedral there are many memorials, including memorials to Wellington and Nelson.

  • We are going under two bridges. You can see a large ship in front of us. This...

    10 слайд

    We are going under two bridges. You can see a large ship in front of us. This is HMS Belfast.
    HMS Belfast is a museum ship, originally a Royal Navy light cruiser, permanantly moored in London on the river Thames and operated by the Imperial War Museum.

  • Opposite HMS Belfast is the Tower of London. It is the London oldest building...

    11 слайд

    Opposite HMS Belfast is the Tower of London. It is the London oldest building. It was built by William the Conqueror in the 11th century. This castle has been a Royal place, a prison, a place of execution, a Zoo, the Royal Mint and an observatory.

  • The Tower of London has got Beefeaters, ravens, the Crown Jewels and ghosts.....

    12 слайд

    The Tower of London has got Beefeaters, ravens, the Crown Jewels and ghosts........!
    Beefeaters do not eat beef! They protect the Tower. The name "Beefeater" comes from when the Queen gave them meat , not money, as their pay. Beefeaters like the name Yeoman Warders. Forty Beefeaters (or Yeoman Warders ) live at the Tower.

  • Ravens are scary bird. There are seven ravens here. If they leave the Tower i...

    13 слайд

    Ravens are scary bird. There are seven ravens here. If they leave the Tower it is very bad luck. Every day the ravens eat meat, eggs and biscuits with blood. Yuk!

  • The Crown Jewels are in the Jewel Room. The royal crown has got three hundred...

    14 слайд

    The Crown Jewels are in the Jewel Room. The royal crown has got three hundred jewels on it, but the Queen only wears the crown once every years!

  • Ghosts.
The Tower has got many ghosts. There are ghosts in the Salt Tower. Do...

    15 слайд

    The Tower has got many ghosts. There are ghosts in the Salt Tower. Dogs do not like to go in the Salt Tower and Beefeaters do not like to go in there at night.

  • Now we are stopping here in front of London’s most beautiful bridge, Tower Br...

    16 слайд

    Now we are stopping here in front of London’s most beautiful bridge, Tower Bridge.
    Thanks a lot for your attention. I hope our travelling was interesting and informative for you! Good luck and goodbye!

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Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков: английский, немецкий, французский

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Французский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

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300/600 ч.

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