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Презентация по теме "Путешествия"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Travelling

    1 слайд


  • What is travelling?
Why do people travel?
What is connected with travelling?

    2 слайд

    What is travelling?
    Why do people travel?
    What is connected with travelling?

  • 3 слайд

  • Why do people travel?

    4 слайд

    Why do people travel?

  • 5 слайд

  • Travellingtransportweather,
arrival, departure, luggage

    6 слайд


    arrival, departure, luggage

    moving about the city

  • plane

    7 слайд

    train on board the ship
    by ship but: on foot
    1. Which is the quickest method of travelling?
    2. Which is the most comfortable?
    3. Which is the cheapest?
    4. Which is the most expensive?
    5. Which method of travelling is the most interesting?

  • 8 слайд

  • There are some differences between a travel, a trip, a journey, a tour, a voy...

    9 слайд

    There are some differences between a travel, a trip, a journey, a tour, a voyage, and a crossing. Study the definitions below and check the correct answer below.
    TRAVEL – the activity of travelling; a journey (air/space travel business travel; travel about the Far East).
    JOURNEY – the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle (I love going on long journeys).
    TOUR – 1. A visit to a place or area, especially one during which you look around the place or area and learn about it (We went on a guided tour of the cathedral/museum/factory); 2. A journey made for pleasure, especially as a holiday, visiting several different places in an area (a cycling tour of Provence); 3. A planned visit to several places in a country or area made for a special purpose, such as one made by a politician, sports team, or group of performers (a lecture/concert tour).
    TRIP – a journey in which you go somewhere, usually for a short time, and come back again (The trip from York to Newcastle takes about an hour by train).
    VOYAGE – a long journey, especially by ship (He was a young sailor on his first sea voyage).
    CROSSING – a journey across a large area of water, from one side to the other (It was a really rough crossing – I threw up three times).

  • 1. A _____ is a long trip for pleasure and sightseeing often consisting of vi...

    10 слайд

    1. A _____ is a long trip for pleasure and sightseeing often consisting of visits to different places.
    2. A _____ is a travel made by water - sea or ocean.
    3. Our ____ included England, France and Germany.
    4. It would be impossible to imagine modern life without _______.
    5. In 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg on its first _______ across the Atlantic, and it sank four hours later.
    6. You can ______ by train, by bus, by plane, by ship or in a car, and finally you can go on foot.
    7. Unfortunately that _____ ended in a shipwreck, and Robinson Crusoe found himself on a deserted island.
    8. Mr. Dower has visited many countries and now he is writing a book about his _______.
    9. One day I came back from a few days’ _____ made on foot through the island.
    10. As far as I am concerned, I prefer ______ by air.

  • a business trip                      a traveller
a tourist trip...

    11 слайд

    a business trip a traveller
    a tourist trip information
    to arrive at the airport check-in
    much/little luggage to check in
    to buy a ticket a booking-office
    a single ticket to book
    a return ticket fare
    cheap an arrival
    expensive a departure
    the customs passport control
    voyage a fast train
    to go through the Customs
    a slow train

  • Lexical test1. When we go to another country by plane we go through the _____...

    12 слайд

    Lexical test
    1. When we go to another country by plane we go through the ______
    2. People usually buy tickets in the _____
    3. When a train goes almost without stops, it’s called a ____train.

  • 4. When we go by bus we pay the _____ to the conductor.

    13 слайд

    4. When we go by bus we pay the _____ to the conductor.
    a)arrival b) fare c) information
    5. He is fond of taking pictures with my _____.
    a)fare b) customs c) camera
    6. A plain is late. A lot of people are waiting for its _____.
    a)departure b) arrival c) luggage
    7. I want to see you off. When is your train’s _____?
    a)control b) departure c) check-in
    8. When we go somewhere &don’t want to come back we buy a _____ ticket.
    a)return b) single c) slow
    9. When can we _____the tickets?
    a) arrive b) control c) book

  • Complete the text filling in the words

Last summer Mike’s elder brother had...

    14 слайд

    Complete the text filling in the words

    Last summer Mike’s elder brother had a very
    interesting … . He travelled … . The … was
    fantastic. The sky was blue. There was no … .
    All the passengers … the voyage.
    My … was not very … as it was …. I had … as I wanted to get back to London …
    A single, by sea, weather, ticket, on board the ship, wind, tourist class, by plane, expensive, trip, voyage, enjoyed

  • Complete the text filling in the words

I like traveling because it (1) ____...

    15 слайд

    Complete the text filling in the words

    I like traveling because it (1) _______ my outlook and helps me to understand other cultures. I think that I'm already an experienced traveller. First of all everything should be well planned. I'm not an adult yet so I travel with my parents. This year we decided to go to Britain. At first we went to a (2) _______ that helped us to arrange our journey. They (3) ________ for us an (4) _______ in a British hotel and booked us a (5) ________ ticket. Then we packed our (6) ________ and (7) ______ at the airport. We stayed in a small hotel near London. It offered us a wide range of different activities: (8) _______ and (9) ________ for those who (10)________. (11)_______ is offered for those who want to get to remote places and are fond of scenic routes.
    broadens cycling return luggage arranged accommodation travel agency arrived canoeing boating
    are young at heart

  • Translate into English1.Я всегда путешествую на скорых поездах.
2. Не могли...

    16 слайд

    Translate into English

    1.Я всегда путешествую на скорых поездах.
    2. Не могли бы Вы подсказать, где находится справочная?
    3. Папа забронировал билет вчера.
    4. Какая плата за билет из Лондона в Париж?
    5. Когда ты прибываешь в страну, тебе приходится проходить таможню.
    6. Я зарегистрировал багаж в Москве.
    7. Он всегда добирается до Санкт-Петербурга на самолете.
    8. Они не любят ходить пешком.

  • Here are some character-sketches of different people. They express their atti...

    17 слайд

    Here are some character-sketches of different people. They express their attitude about travelling. Try to guess who these people are:
    A professor of History
    An experienced traveller (бывалый путешественник)
    A couch potato (домосед)

  • 1. He likes to travel alone or with his student. They travel from curiosity....

    18 слайд

    1. He likes to travel alone or with his student. They travel from curiosity. They like to see the beauty of the world and learn traditions of other countries. They think that travelling is fascinating and enjoyable. It broadens our mind and allows us to understand other people better.

  • 2. He doesn’t like to travel at all. He believes that it’s better to stay at...

    19 слайд

    2. He doesn’t like to travel at all. He believes that it’s better to stay at home, because travelling is dangerous, troublesome and expensive.

  • 3. He likes to travel along or with his friends. Usually travels for pleasur...

    20 слайд

    3. He likes to travel along or with his friends. Usually travels for pleasure or search of adventures. When he travels he likes to go sightseeing or explore unknown places. He believes that travelling is exciting and gives us life experience.

  • 4. Usually he travels along on business. When he travels he likes to meet new...

    21 слайд

    4. Usually he travels along on business. When he travels he likes to meet new people. He thinks that travelling is useful but sometimes it’s a bit tiring.

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