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  • «Translation of film titles»

    1 слайд

    «Translation of film titles»

  • Introduction Nowadays there is a great number of foreign films that is import...

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     Nowadays there is a great number of foreign films that is imported in our country. As their original titles are mostly written in English, they have to be translated. A film title plays a great role in understanding the film in general and the information contained in it. A translator must be very attentive while translating the movie title to make it as sonorous as the original one. We decided to choose this subject for our investigation.

  • Actuality of investigationNowadays film is a very important art form. It refl...

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    Actuality of investigation
    Nowadays film is a very important art form. It reflects our life, culture, world and our vision of world. Films entertain, educate, enlighten and inspire audience. The foreign films give to the target audience the possibility to know something new about the people and culture of that country, which produced these films. With regard to the fact that the main function of film titles is to say something general about the whole movie.If the picture is imported, its title should be translated to make it more understandable for the target audience.

  • Aims and Objectives of the ResearchSo, we tried to make our research on the s...

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    Aims and Objectives of the Research
    So, we tried to make our research on the subject of movie titles translation. 
    The aims of our investigation were:
    1)finding the most interesting examples of foreign movie titles;
    2)giving all their possible translations;
    3)comparing these translations with the official one;
    4)defining all the difficulties that may appear during this translation.

  • Methodological Background of Scientific Investigation  In order to present th...

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    Methodological Background of Scientific Investigation
      In order to present the course paper in a logical way, we used several research methods:
    Bibliographical method – that helped to work with a great variety of sources and select the necessary one and Comparative method – that helped us to compare original film title, its possible translations and the official Russian translation.

  • Scientific Novelty and Sources  Scientific Novelty:
The first movie was creat...

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    Scientific Novelty and Sources
      Scientific Novelty:
    The first movie was created in 20th century; consequently the art of cinema is rather a new one. Because of this there are no many books about it, especially those, where it is written about the film titles. The subject of movie titles translation isn’t studied at that level, as it should be studied.

     In our course paper we have consulted many sources: books, reports and Internet-sites. In Chapter Two the Lingvo 12 Dictionary was a very important source,because with its help we made the detailed analysis.

  • Art of Film TitlesThere are some statements about the film titles,their makin...

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    Art of Film Titles
    There are some statements about the film titles,their making and their translation.The famous translation William McKay once said: «Translator should be able to write;he should be an original writer,because sometimes it isn't possible simply to copy the target title-it gives only a prompting of how it should be translated,but the translator,in his turn,reveals the thought and the idea with the help of the language of translation.»

  • The Functions of Film TitlesThe prime function is to identify the film. Witho...

    8 слайд

    The Functions of Film Titles
    The prime function is to identify the film. Without this initial identification we would not be able to talk about the film, sales promotion would be impossible, and researches could not analyze the film.If the text has come to us without a title we must give it a title in order to talk about it.Given this obvious function of the title we can indicate other functions:
     -The title is a sign to guide us through the television flow or the film pages of newspapers/magazines.
     -The title is a means for guiding our reception and our interpretation of a text, either by stressing a specific point of view or by giving us a resume/abstract of the film.

  • Film Titles’ TranslationTranslation of film titles is aspect of translation i...

    9 слайд

    Film Titles’ Translation
    Translation of film titles is aspect of translation is interesting in many points.The quantity of translating material affects its quality: the foreign films translations are the examples of the different kind’s mistakes, inaccuracies, interference. Thus the translations of film titles represent the vast material for the analysis of the types of equivalence, interference, speech mistakes.The comparative analysis shows that during the translation of movie titles the adaptations of different kinds may be observed.

      E.g. “Shallow Hal”- “Поверхностный Хэл”; “ЛюбовьЗла”; “Тяжело Влюблен”
      “Orange County”- “Оранжевое Графство”;“Апельсиновая Страна”; “Страна Чудаков”

  • Types of Film Titles’ Translation In general, there are the following types o...

    10 слайд

    Types of Film Titles’ Translation
     In general, there are the following types of film titles translation:
     Euphemism translation we know as the typical translation of the past. Some examples became classical: “Some like it hot” in the Russian distribution is known as “В джазе только девушки”. However, in the modern titles we can also meet both euphemism titles and deeuphemism translations.
    Genre translation can be considered one of the most expanded types of adaptation,during which in the translation of film title the language units are equipped.They correlate the translated title with the concrete genre. The detective title “City by the Sea” has been transformed in Russian translation in “Последнее Дело Ля-Марки”, but the horror film title “She Creature” in the Russian translation corresponds to the “terrible” genre: “Ужас из Бездны”

  •    Semantic translation Semantic translation is the adaptation which with the...

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       Semantic translation
     Semantic translation is the adaptation which with the help of changing or adding the lexical elements and introducing the key-words of film expands the semantic field of the genre film. For example, the drama title “Out of the cold” in the Russian distribution is far from the original title: “Танцуй со мной!”his variant of the title greatly over commutated the plot accents: the film main character was the American dancer of step who has spent 20 years in Russian.The comedy about the younger son of evil “Little Nicky” is translated with the adding of lexical element- “Ники, Дьявол-младший”. The comedy with the title where only the main character’s surname is reflected- “Bowfinger” is translated in Russian as “Клевый Парень” или “Безумный Боуфингер”, thus, this kind of translation will not allow to identifying this film as, for example, a detective or biographical drama.The translations of the screen versions’ titles represent a specific analysis’ object; because in this case we should trace the adequacy of some titles (the source- original title-translated title and transformations, which appear as the result of one or another translation). The type of translation adaptation- the return to the first primary source- is generally used in the case when the screen version title doesn’t correspond to the title of writing, which was the source of the plot. For example, “Sleep Hallow”- in the Russian translation is “Сонная Лощина” (but the subtitles propose another variant,which is closer to the literal source- “Легенда о Всаднике без Головы”). Thus the analysis of film titles, translated into Russian, has shown a quite many-colored picture. The foreign film titles translated in Russian language have different variants (in Russian editions, in central and regional press).Moreover, the analysis showed that the translations of the titles often follow the fixed adaptation strategies.

  • Difficulties in Translating Film Titles from English intoRussianThe art of tr...

    12 слайд

    Difficulties in Translating Film Titles from English intoRussian
    The art of translation is a very difficult art; it shows us that one and the same original text may have a lot of translations. The difficulty for us is to use the one of them, which would suit the situation best of all. The work of finding a better and a more suitable translation is very difficult but at the same time very interesting.comedy movie title:
    1) The original title is: “Some Like it Hot”.
    If to take Lingvo10 dictionary, it will give us the following translations:
    -Some: кое-кто, какой-нибудь, какой-то, некоторые, некие, несколько,немногие
    -Like: любить, нравиться, хотеть, предпочитать, желать
    -It: он, она, оно, это, этого, этому, этим, (об) этом
    -Hot: горячий; жаркий; разогретый; накаленный, острый, пикантный,пряный, возбужденный,разгоряченный, раздраженный, сильный, резкий, опасный, рискованный

  • Difficulties in Translating Film Titles from English intoRussianSometimes one...

    13 слайд

    Difficulties in Translating Film Titles from English intoRussian
    Sometimes one and the same title may have several accepted versions,but anyway, only one will be official.But the official Russian translation is:“В джазе только девушки”.
    The first horror movie title is: «Draculas Curse»
    With the official Russian version of this movie title,we have many variants of it translation:
    1) «Проклятие Графа Дракулы»;
    2) «Месть Графа Дракулы»;
    3) «Брань Графа Дракулы»
    The official Russian translation is: «Возвращение Дракулы»

  • ConclusionIt is undoubtful that the film title should be connected in some wa...

    14 слайд

    It is undoubtful that the film title should be connected in some way to the film itself.The translator,while translating the film title must be very careful and attentive.He\she must know all the techniques of this kind of translation and must use all his\her imagination to transmit the meaning of film,as close to the original,as possible.We presented the brief description of the theory of translation the film titles and its principal methods.So,we have revealed several difficulties of movie titles translations:The difficulty when the Russian variant is absolutely changed to make it closer to the target audience.Consequently,by our research we achieved our goal to discover the difficulties in translation film titles from English into Russian.

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