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к проектной работе по английскому языку

Festivals around the world

Долгалёвой Полины Денисовны 8 а класса

Руководитель проекта Бардакова М.С.

Актуальность темы: На сегодняшний день многие люди  не знают большинство существующих праздников,хотя, это безумно интересно и увлекательно.В каждой стране свои обычаи,песни,танцы и блюда,которые подают к столу.Традиции народов мира должны почитаться и передаваться из поколения в поколение.

Тип проекта: Информационный проект.

Цель проекта: Сбор информации о самых интересных и красочных фестивалях по всему миру.

Продукт: Книга «Самые красивые и знаменитые карнавалы и праздники»  (Москва.Мир энциклопедий.Астрель.) и брошюра на бумажном носителе.

Тип деятельности учащегося: Деятельность,связанная со сбором, проверкой, ранжированием информации из различных источников,общение с людьми, как источниками информации.

Формулируемая компетентность: Информационная.

Поставленные задачи:Узнать,когда и какие праздники отмечаются в разных странах. Как люди празднуют их.

Этапы работы над проектом:

 1)Сбор основной информации о праздниках.

 2)Поиск красочных иллюстраций о праздниках.

 3)Оформление презентации.

 4)Создание продукта.

Краткое описание итогового продукта, где и кому он был представлен: Проект был представлен 8 а классу,а так же учителям английского языка.

Выводы: Мы живем в очень прекрасном мире.  Ярком, красочном, наполненном незабываемыми моментами.Все праздники и фестивали мира объединяют огромное количество людей.Дух праздника проникает во многие семьи, дарит чувство единения, невероятной радости,великого счастья.


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  • Festivals around the world What festivals are there in your country?
When are...

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    Festivals around the world
    What festivals are there in your country?
    When are these festivals?
    What do people do on these days?

  • In the Streets

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    In the Streets

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  • Lights

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  • 6 слайд

  • Three Kings

    7 слайд

    Three Kings

  • 8 слайд

  • Birthdays

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  • Christmas

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  • Guru Nanak`s birthday

    11 слайд

    Guru Nanak`s birthday

  • 12 слайд

  • Midsummer

    13 слайд


  • Midsummer in Sweden pole

    14 слайд

    Midsummer in Sweden

  • HalloweenHalloween

    15 слайд


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  • All Saints Day

    17 слайд

    All Saints Day

  • New Year

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    New Year

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What festivals are there in your country? When are these festivals? What do people do on these days?

In the streets

On the same day, there's a carnival in Venice in Italy. At this time of year, it's summer in Brazil, but it's winter in Italy. The weather in Italy is colder than in Brazil. At the Venice carnival, some people wear long dresses or cloaks. They want to have fun, but they don't want to be cold. The day after the carnival, Christians start the time of Lent.

Come to the carnival! The carnival in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil is one of the biggest festivals in the world. It's always in February or March. There's a parade with big floats. There's music in the streets. People wear colorful costumes. They dance and have fun.


For many festivals, people decorate their homes. In India, people put lots of pretty lamps in their homes for the festival of Diwali. They Iook at the lamps and think about their family and other people in the world. Diwali is usually in October or November. It's a very big festival for Hindu people in India, and for Hindus all around the world.

At the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, people light candles on eight nights. One night, they light one candle. The next night they light two candles. On the last night of Hanukkah, they light all the candles. Hanukkah is usually in December. Children have presents. Many families eat pancakes made with potatoes. They sometimes eat donuts, too.

Families and friends

Eid is the Arabic word for festival. Eid is a big Muslim feslival. At Eid, people give presents to children and friends. Eid presents are usually money, or things like toys, candy, and new clothes. At Eid, Muslims think about other people in the world. They give food and money to hungry people and sick people.

People wear new clothes at Eid. In the morning, they get up, wash, and put on their new clothes. They eat dates and cookies for breakfast. Then they go to pray at the mosque. Lots of people hug their friends. Later, they eat with their family. They also visit their grandparents, and say, 'Happy Eid!'

Three kings

In the story of Jesus Christ, three good people visited Jesus when he was a baby. They gave him presents. Later, Christians called these people the Three Kings. In January, Christians have a festival called Twelfth Night. It's called Twelfth Night because it's 12 nights after Christmas. At this time, Christians think about the Three Kings who visited Jesus with their presents. In some countries, people eat a big cake.

Twelfth Night is a big festival in Spain. There are lots of parades, with people in costumes. People throw candy to children in the streets.


Spring is a very pretty season. Maybe it's the prettiest season of all. It's usually sunny and there are lots of flowers. In Japan, people love cherry blossom. These pink flowers open in spring, between January and April. People have picnics under the cherry trees. They sit and eat, and they look at the cherry blossom.

In Ghana, the rainy season starts in May. This is a good time for farmers, so they have a big festival called Homowo. There are parades in the streets, with music and dancing. Vila Franca do Lima is in Portugal. In May, there's a festival here, with lots of flowers. Girls carry flowers on their head. The flowers are heavy.

Thank you

Fall is a season of festivals all around the world. It's the season of the harvest. Farmers cut the crops and pick the fruit. After the harvest, people want to say thank you for the good things in the world. In South Korea there's a big festival called Chuseok in September or October. Families eat traditional food like rice cakes. Sometimes people also dance.

In the USA, the festival of Thanksgiving is in November. In Canada, it's in October. People have dinner with their family. They eat turkey and pumpkin pie. In Europe, there are lots of festivals after the harvest. In Poland, girls wear crowns made of flowers. They dance and sing songs. In Italy, people wear traditional costumes and they dance with wreaths. The wreaths are made of wheat.


Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christos and it's a big festival for Christians. Many pe pIe have a Christmas tree in their homes, and there are pretty decorations in the streets.

All around the world, Sikhs have a festival for Guru Nanak's birthday in November. Guru Nanak was a great teacher. Some Sikhs go to the Golden Temple in India. On Guru Nanak's birthday there are thousands of lamps at this temple.

Vesak day is sometimes called  Buddha's Birthday. On this day, Buddhists think about Gotama Buddha - he was a great teacher in India. They decorate statues of Gotama Buddha. Vesak Day is usually in May.


In June, it's summer in Europe. It's usually warm. The nights are short and the days are long. The longest day in the year is June 2 1 st. It's called Midsummer. At this time, there are many festivals in Europe. People make big bonfires.

In Russia at Midsummer, people sing and dance all night. Girls pick flowers and  make pretty crowns. They throw the crowns  into a lake or a river. Midsummer is one of the biggest festivals in Sweden. People decorate their homes with leaves. They make a big pole with flowers and leaves. They dance around the pole and sing songs. They wear traditional  Swedish costumes. Girls make pretty crowns with flowers.


October 3 1st is Halloween. Children wear costumes. In the evening, they knock on doors and people give them candy. At Halloween, some people buy a pumpkin. They cut holes in the pumpkin, to make eyes, a nose, and a mouth. They put a candle in the pumpkin, to make a lantern - a lantern and a scary face! Stores sell Halloween toys, like skeletons and spiders. People aren't really scared at Halloween. It's fun!

The day after Halloween is a Christian festival called All Saints Day. This is a very big festival in Mexico. People think about their families, and visit the cemetery. It's not a sad festival. People have fun. Children have candy and they play with their brothers and sisters.

New year

All around the world there are big festivals for New Year. People in different countries do different things. In Spain and Portugal, people eat 12 grapes at midnight on December 31 st. In Japan, people like laughing at midnight. They say, 'Start the year with a laugh, then all the year is happy.' In Thailand, people throw water in the streets. They have water all over them, but it's not a problem. The weather in Thailand is always hot at New Year.

At New Year, many people  watch fireworks. Little children sit on their mother's or father's shoulders so that they can see the fireworks. The fireworks go up, and all the people say 'Happy New Year!'

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