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Рабочая тетрадь к книге Десмонда Бэгли «Ураган Уайта»















                                    Составитель: Фоменко О. Н.








Desmond Bagley “Wyatt`s Hurricane”




Stage 3




Reading notes and exercises


















Chapter 1 (pp 1-7)


1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the book:

the Lesser Antilles

Cap Sarrat

the island of San Fernandez

Santego Bay

St Pierre

the St Lawrence river

the Negrito river


2. New vocabulary:

to be an officer in the United States Navy

to stare hard at the sky

to take orders from a foreigner

to be a sensible man

to be in the storm

to take the usual route

to fasten oneself into the seat

to know more about hurricanes

to shake from nose to tail

to explode into different shapes

to fly into the ‘eye’ of the hurricane

to work on the information about smth

a weather scientist

to study the figures


3. Answer the questions:

1) Who was on board the aeroplane flying south-east in fair weather?

2) What was the weather like?

3) What was the route of the plane and why?

4) How did the weather change while the plane was flying through the hurricane?

5) What did Wyatt begin to do the next morning and where?

6) What was David Wyatt like?

7) What did David Wyatt think of his hurricane after he had studied the figures and the map?

8) What name was given to this hurricane?

9) Who phoned him while he was working through his figures again?

4. On behalf of David Wyatt speak about:

a) his flying into the hurricane (see pp 1-4)


5. Complete the sentences. The words from the box can help you.

Work on the information; orders; hurricane; Navy; figures; fastened; the storm; weather scientist; route

1)   The pilot, Harry Hansen, was an officer in the United States ______, with twelve years` flying behind him.

2)   Officers in the United States Navy didn`t usually take ______ from a foreigner, but that didn`t worry Hansen.

3)   Already the clouds were thicker and heavier. In a few more minutes the plane would be in ______.

4)   “We`ll take the usual ______ in,” he said.

5)   Wyatt went back down the plane and ______ himself into his seat.

6)   Wyatt was always frightened just before the plane went in, because he knew more about ______ than any man on the plane.

7)   Back at his desk the next morning, Wyatt began to ______ about the hurricane.

8)   Wyatt was young, still in his twenties, he was a good ______ and knew his job well.

9)   Schelling studied the ______. “Mmm. Not very nice,” he agreed. “What`s the name of the hurricane?”


6. Report the sentences:

1) Hansen said to David, “We are getting near.”

2) David said, “We shall follow the wind round in a circle, moving slowly inwards all the time.”

3) Wyatt said, “That was the worst one that I`ve ever seen. And I`ve flown into twenty-three hurricanes.”

4) He said to David, “What`s the name of this one?”

5) Hansen asked David, “How are you doing back there?”

6) Wyatt said to him, “Look at these figures. This hurricane is going to be a bad one.”





Chapter 2 (pp 7-11)


1. New vocabulary:

to be a newspaper reporter with a big London paper

to be very cross about something

to borrow somebody from the Weather Office

to go on for hours

the air pressure

a huge heat engine

a rebel


2. Answer the questions:

1) Whom was David Wyatt introduced to in the bar of the Grand Hotel? Who joined them a few minutes later?

2) What did they talk about?

3) Did Wyatt know very much about hurricanes?

4) What did Wyatt explain during dinner in the restaurant?

5) Who was Favel? Why was he popular with the people on the island?


3 On behalf of David Wyatt

a) explain why hurricanes happened.


4. Rewrite the sentences with the correct information:

1) Wyatt didn`t know very much about hurricanes.

2) In the ‘eye’ of the hurricane the winds were very violent.

3) Schelling thought that Mabel could hit San Fernandez.

4) Laura was one of the Wyatt`s girlfriends.

5) Julio Favel was a friend of President Serrurier.

6) Julie wasn`t interested in Wyatt.

7) There were no large groups of soldiers marching through the streets.










5. Fill in the missing prepositions:

In; about; at; for; with; about; to; of

1)   When we went into the bar of the Grand Hotel, she was talking_____ an old man with short grey hair.

2)   “Why is the Englishman working ______ the United States Navy?” he asked.

3)   He smiled ______ her suddenly, and Julie`s face went a little pink.

4)   Hansen laughed. “Don`t start him talking ______ hurricanes.

5)   “I`m a newspaperman. I`m always interested ______information.”

6)   “Have any of you heard ______ a man called Favel?”

7)   Favel was a rebel, but he was very popular ______ the people here.

8)   Serrurier must be worried______ something.


























Chapter 3 (pp 12-17)


1. New vocabulary:

satellite photographs

to move in a north-eastern direction

to own most of the land

to pay the workers almost nothing

to start the engine


2. Answer the questions:

1) What information came in about Mabel the next morning?

2) Was there any reason why Mabel should change direction towards San Fernandez?

3) Why was David Wyatt still worried about Mabel?

4) Why did Wyatt put away his papers and maps at lunch time? Where did he drive and with whom?

5) Did they decide to marry?

6) Why did Wyatt suddenly stop the car on their way back to St Pierre?

7) What did Wyatt and the old man talk about?


3. Act out a dialogue between David Wyatt and an old man. (see pp 15-16)

The situation is: “Wyatt was staring at a house near the road. An old man was working busily round the house. There were several long ropes over the roof of the house, and the old man was fastening the ends of the ropes to strong sticks fixed in the ground.”


4. Recall the situations in which the expressions are used:

a) to move in the north-eastern direction;

b) to own most of the land;

c) to fasten the ends of the ropes to strong sticks fixed in the ground;

d) to start the engine.








5. Match two parts of the sentences:

1. Her winds were too fast,


2. At lunchtime Wyatt put away his papers and maps,


3. Serrurier owns most of the land,

4. The money from the fruit farms is spent on guns and bombs for the soldiers,

5. They got out of the car,

6. There were several long ropes over the roof of the house,

and he pays the workers almost nothing.

and the old man was fastening the ends of the ropes to strong sticks fixed in the ground.

the air pressure in her ‘eye’ was too low.

and looked down across the beautiful valley of the Negrito river.

and went to meet Julie.

not on schools and hospitals for the people.
























Chapters 4 and 5 (pp 17-26)


1. New vocabulary:

the shallow water of Santego Bay


to rise many metres above normal

a huge tidal wave

the flood waters

to warn the people about the hurricane

to have very important information for somebody

to rise to a scream

to stand in the shadows behind the door

to disappear into the dark street


2. Answer the questions:

1) What did Wyatt find out after he had studied the figures about the hurricane?

2) Whom did Wyatt want to see after he had talked to Schelling?

3) How did Wyatt explain that Mabel would bring a lot of trouble?

4) Why couldn`t the Captain of the US Base leave the Base?

5) Why couldn`t the Captain of the US Base tell Serrurier to warn the people about the hurricane?

6) Did the President understand that Wyatt`s information about Mabel was very important?

7) What did the President do with Wyatt and Causton?

8) Whom did they meet in the hotel?

9) What was Wyatt`s plan to escape?

10) Why were Wyatt and Dawson caught by the police?


3. Prove that:

Mabel would bring a lot of trouble (see pp 17-18)









4. Re-write the sentences putting the words in the right order:

1) And; the latest satellite pictures; he; of; ran into; Mabel; his office; asked for.

2) Extraordinarily; the air pressure; low; the centre; in; Mabel; of; is.

3) To warn; the President; about the hurricane; can`t; tell; you; the people?

4) Coming; there; from the mountains; are; down; rebels.

5) And; stood; behind the door; the window; they; through; in the shadows; watched.

6) Were; from; other people; the fighting; hundreds of; to escape; trying; in St Pierre.


5. Before Wyatt sees Captain Brooks in Chapter 4, the Captain has a talk with Schelling. Complete their conversation.

Brooks: Now, Schelling, what about this hurricane? Tell me about it. What`s it called?

Schelling: Mabel, and it`s _________

Brooks: Mmm. Are we in any danger from Mabel?

Schelling: Oh no, __________

Brooks: And does everybody agree with you?

Schelling: Well, young Wyatt __________

Brooks: What`s his reason for thinking that?

Schelling: He ___________

Brooks: We need facts and figures, not feelings.

Schelling: Of course _________

Brooks: So we`ve nothing to worry about.

Schelling: _________













Chapter 6 (pp 26-33)


1. New vocabulary:

a fierce battle


to be on fire

to explode

at the corner of the square

to see an army car

to listen to the battle for St Pierre from a prison

to lock somebody up in a small stone building

to damage the wall

to push some stones out

to crawl through the hole

to search all the rooms

an intelligent face

the 25-metre contour line


2. Answer the questions:

1) What was happening in the town? Why did Causton find in an empty shop?

2) Who did he meet in the central square? Why did this man agree to take Causton at once to see Favel?

3) Where were Wyatt and Dawson locked up?

4) How did they manage to escape from prison?

5) Did Wyatt and Dawson find out that Julie and others had gone east, up into the mountains at two o`clock? How?

6) What was Wyatt`s plan?

7) Who found them in the hotel and where were they taken to?

8) Did Favel believe Wyatt that Mabel would hit San Fernandez sometime that night or the next day?


3. On behalf of David Wyatt speak about

a) his escape from prison (see pp 27-30)





4. Put this summary about Chapters 5 and 6 into the right order, which will make a paragraph of five sentences.

1) to follow them to the police station and try to help.

2) At Favel`s headquarters Causton told Favel about Wyatt`s hurricane,

3) there was already a fierce battle going on,

4) When Wyatt and Dawson ran out to the car outside the hotel,

5) In the morning he returned to the square and met Manning,

6) Immediately afterwards, Causton left the hotel

7) and Favel then sent his men to search for Wyatt all over the city.

8) they were arrested by the police and taken away.

9) so he spent the night hiding in an empty shop.

10) But by the time he reached the central city square,

11) who agreed to take him at once to see Favel.


5. Match the adjectives on the left with the nouns on the right according to the story:

fierce                                           new

narrow                                         car

broken                                            window

empty                                             bodies

central                                          square

army                                            street

green                                              building

important                                        station

stone                                             shop

police                                               battle

dead                                                uniform













Chapter 7 (pp 33-38)


1. New vocabulary:

to move out to sea

to be on the move

to change direction

to hold back the army


to become a weapon of war

to save lives

to drown in the flood

to bange one`s hand down on the table

to fight any more battles


to shelter during the hurricane

to be patient

to fall under the feet of the crowds

to inform somebody

to blow up the big guns


2. Answer the questions:

1) Why were Brooks and his men leaving the Base?

2) What was Favel`s plan to save people of St Pierre?

3) How was Favel going to destroy President Serrurier and his army?

4) What did Wyatt think of Favel`s plan?

5) Was it easy to move people out of the city? How did the soldiers do it?

6) When did Favel give the order to leave the city and why?


3. On behalf of Favel speak about

a) his plan how to destroy President Serrurier and his army.







4. Now rewrite the rest of the summary. Change the words in italic to pronouns (e.g. they, it, this) or leave them out, and use these linking words to make five longer sentences.

Which/ because/ when/ but/ so/ and


Favel`s men found Wyatt in the hotel. Favel`s men took Wyatt to Favel`s headquarters. Favel listened carefully to what Wyatt said about the hurricane. Favel decided to believe Wyatt. Favel did not want to take a chance with his people`s lives. Two hours later the US Navy left the Base on Cap Sarrat. Everybody realized that the hurricane was now certain. Favel then made a plan. Favel`s plan would use the hurricane as a weapon of war. Wyatt was very unhappy about Favel`s plan. Wyatt couldn`t do anything about Favel`s plan.


5. Complete the sentences. The words from the box can help you.

A weapon of war; inform; banged; direction; desperately; save lives; move; shelter; drown in the floods

1)   They saw first one ship, then another and another, begin to _____ out to sea.

2)   They`ll have the latest satellite pictures of Mabel. They must know that she has changed _______.

3)   Then we`ll let Serrurier and his army take St Pierre. For the first time ever, a hurricane will become _______.

4)   I warned you about the hurricane in order to ______, not to take them.

5)   What do you want me to do? Leave my men in the city to ______?

6)   “No!” Favel _______ his hand down on the table. “I don`t wish to fight any more battles.”

7)   Wyatt wanted ______ to go and look for Julie.

8)   Would Julie find a safe place to _______ during the hurricane?

9)   “Thank you, Mr Wyatt,” he said calmly. “Please _______ me at once of any changes.”






Chapter 8 (pp 38-46)


1. New vocabulary:

fashionable shoes

an intelligent woman

to shelter from the storm

a long, low ridge

to dig deep holes

to be filled with black, mountainous clouds

to turn the soft ground to mud

to realize

the savage wind


to scream like an animal in pain

to reach speeds of more than 250 kilometres an hour

an endless, savage howl


2. Answer the questions:

1) At half past four in the afternoon, where was Wyatt, and where was Julie, and who were they with?

2) Why did Julie believe that Wyatt was still alive?

3) Where was Favel`s army when the hurricane began?

4) What speeds did the wind reach during the worst part of the hurricane?

5) What frightening thing did Wyatt see from the ridge?


3. Give a description of the hurricane. (see pp 43-44).


4. Act out a dialogue between Julie and Mr Rawsthorne. (see pp 38-41).

The situation is: “Julie sat with her back against a banana tree and stared up at the sky. The sun had disappeared behind thick grey cloud and a cool wind was beginning to blow. It was half past four in the afternoon.”








5. Fill in the missing prepositions:

About; near; about; across; into; from; by; towards; to

1)   We must find a safer place that this field. We`ll go north, ______ this valley in front of us and up over the next hill.

2)   As evening came, the road became crowded with Serrurier`s soldiers, who were running _______ the battle of St Pierre.

3)   We must get away from Serrurier`s army. We`ll go north over the hills _______ the Negrito valley.

4)   _______ half past five the wind had become very strong. It beat fiercely at their backs as they climbed the last few metres _____ the top of the hill.

5)   David has managed to warn the people of St Pierre ______ the hurricane.

6)   Underneath some large rocks was a large hole, almost a cave. It was just gig enough for three people, and they crawled ______ it.

7)   Dawson was waiting for Wyatt ______ the top of the ridge.

8)   Wyatt kept his head down and sat with Causton and Dawson in a hole full of water. ______ their heads, the wind was wild and violent.


















Chapter 9 and 10 (pp 46-56)


1. New vocabulary:

to ache


to be many accidental deaths in the hurricane

to borrow an army car


to do something for the money

to dig a shallow hole in the stony ground

the bottom of the valley

to be covered with a great sheet of water

to tear plants and trees out of the ground


to stand on the airfield at the Base


to land

to pay more money for something

to help somebody with the rescue work

to fetch help

to fail as a weatherman


2. Answer the questions:

1) What did Wyatt and Dauson see around them when they moved out of their hole?

2) Why did Wyatt want to find Favel? Where did he find him?

3) Why did Wyatt and Dauson hurry off to the Negrito Valley during the eye of the hurricane?

4) How did Dauson feel about the hurricane?

5) Why did Wyatt and Dauson have to stop?

6) Where were Julie and Rawsthorne during the second half of the hurricane?

7) What things were needed desperately after the hurricane?

8) Where did the help come from? Where was most help needed?

9) Who knew where Julie and Mr Rawsthorn were?

10) Did Wyatt find Julie and was she alive or dead?


3. On behalf of David Wyatt speak about how he tried to find Julie after the hurricane had finished. (see pp 47-50, 54-55)

4. Do exercises 5, 6, 8 on pages 66-67.


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