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Работа с текстом "Science Conference"

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 Science conference.


     Science is the main characteristic feature distinguishing the present civilization from the other civilizations of the past. It is not much of exaggeration to say that we live in a world that materially and intellectually has been created by science.

 Science occupies a central position in modern society. A lot of researches are carried out by scientists in different scientific fields. In order to share their experience with the society many conferences take place all over the world.  Our University is not an exception, every spring the science conference is held where many students participate with their scientific reports. A good report requires a lot of preparatory work and each student should know what his script is to consist of.

There are three stages in such work: planning, script and rehearsal. The planning stage is really important, here you should determine the subject matter of the report and its aims, then find out what the audience knows about your subject, whether it is up to date and is interesting for people. At this stage the time of your presentation, length and the format of the report including the use of demonstration material and handouts should be taken into account.

The next stage is so called script stage when you are writing the text of your report. To some extent it is possible to speak about the typical structure of the report that goes along with the typical language used. As far as the structure is concerned, usually we have three main parts in the reports; they are introduction, main body and conclusion. Each part is usually introduced by universal phrases and clichés, which accepted officially all over the world. As for the main body of the report, specialists as a rule do not have difficulty in presenting the problem they are working at.

In any case if you want to have a success you can’t do without the last rehearsal stage when you should write your presentation out full and rehearse it from the cards. It is useful to record your presentation on audiotape to check correct speech and on videotape to control your body language. All these actions help to create positive impression on the public and thus contribute to your success and to science in general. If you wish to take part in scientific activities of EKTU you are welcome to start investigating.




characteristic feature                                          характерные черты

distinguish                                                          выделять

exaggeration                                                       преувеличение

occupy                                                                занимать

research (investigating.)                                    исследование

carried out                                                          проводить

exception,                                                           исключение

participate  (take part)                                        участвовать                  

script                                                                   текст, доклад

rehearsal                                                             репетиция

determine                                                           определять

subject matter                                                     тема, предмет обсуждения

aims                                                                     цели

up to date                                                             современный, новейший

handouts                                                              раздаточный материал

to some extent                                                     в какой-то степени

go along                                                              сопровождать

is concerned                                                        связанный с чем либо, имеющий отношение

conclusion                                                           заключение, вывод

introduced                                                           введены, представлены

cliché                                                                   клише

record                                                                  записывать

impression                                                           впечатление



I What is the English equivalent for:


 Раздаточный материал, репетиция,  тема доклада, в некоторой степени, определять характерные черты, записывать клише, цели исследования, участвовать в репетиции, вывод доклада, сопровождаться характерными чертами,  ложное впечатление, преувеличение, проводить исследование, приятное исключение.


II Translate the sentences:

1)      This famous scientist carried out a lot of important researches in this field.

2)      Usually people record their impressions in the diaries.

3)      His great impression from the concert was an exaggeration to some extend.

4)      As far as investigating is concerned we should carry it out on the scientific basis.

5)      The subject matter of his report was up to date problem of our society.

6)      In this part the characteristic features of the phenomenon is distinguished.

7)      If you are going to take part in the conference you are to determine the subject matter and aims of your investigation.

8)      While presenting diploma students would better to provide commission with demonstration materials and handouts.

9)      Your speech at the meeting should be very impressive but going along with clichés accepted in scientific language.

10)   Members of the conference who participate in presentation of this project will occupy the first three rows.


   III Complete the sentences using your own ideas.( try to use new words)

1)      His characteristic feature was ………………………………………….

2)      The students of EKTU often take part in ………………………………

3)      The problems investigated in the script are ……………………………

4)      His conclusion to some extent …………………………………………

5)      Before beginning the main part of the report the speaker is to determine ………………………


  IV  Read and translate the text.


 V Answer the following questions:

1)      What is the role of the science for the present civilization?

2)      What place does the science occupy in the world?

3)      How people get to know about new scientific researches and progress?

4)      Who can participate in the scientific conferences?

5)      What stages of creating the scientific report do you know?

6)      At what stage should one determine the subject matter and the aims of the report?

7)      How is each part of the report introduced?

8)      What should you do at the rehearsal stage?

9)      Why do you think video recording is needed?

10)   Can your personality provide the success of the report ? How? –if yes; Why? – if no.


  VI Prove the fact that…

-          Science occupies the central position in our society.

-          A good report requires a lot of preparatory work.

-          The scientific language is used on conferences.

-          EKTU is a place where scientific researches are carried out.

-          The creation of the report consists of three stages.




These are the procedures for the creation of the report

1) Read and translate them:

·    Recording the presentation on audiotape.

·    Planning the presentation (aim, time, place, length, form)

·    Writing the presentation out in full.

·    Recording the presentation on videotape.

·    Producing a plan

·    Writing down all your ideas.

·    Choosing the best demonstration materials and handouts.

·    Producing demonstration materials and handouts.

·    Reading the script.

·    Producing cards with the note of presentation.

·    Using a marker to underline the most important ideas and facts

·    Transferring the most important things into cards.

·    Timing presentation to fit the available time.

·    Rehearsing the whole presentation from the cards.

·    Reducing the script if necessary.

·    Arranging the cards

2) Determine four the most important points.

3) Put the into proper order

4) Divide them into 3 groups: planning stage, script stage, rehearsal stage.


These are the clichés for introducing different parts of the report:


1) Read and translate them:


 Right. OK; Now then; hello! Let me introduce myself; Good morning(afternoon, evening), ladies and

gentlemen(friends and colleagues, everybody)! Let’s begin(start/make a start); so; Besides, I’m here to…

I’d like to welcome you to; I represent …; my goal today is to analyze;  the report will take about 10 minutes; my name is …; Shall we begin? , As you already probably know I’m … of … ;  it is my privilege today to be talking to professional experts in this field; welcome to; can I have your attention please; If you have any questions I’ll be glad to answer them; thank you for your attention; I’ll be developing the following problems in my report;  my goal this morning is to present;  I’m going to speak for about half an hour;  I work for… as…;Good. OK;  The goal of my report is to inform …;  you are welcome to ask questions; if you don’t understand  please stop me; my report will be in three parts; thank you for being attentive;  the goal of my report is to discuss (to review, to consider); feel free to ask questions; Besides, I’m going to …; if you have any questions I’ll be glad to answer them at the end of my report; Besides I would like to…; If you have any questions I’ll be happy to answer them.

2) Fill in the table with the given words.




Signals of the start




Greetings to the audience









Creating the positive emotional atmosphere




Staring the target






Providing an over view






Stating the rules
















Signals of the start




Greetings to the audience









Creating the positive emotional atmosphere




Staring the target






Providing an over view






Stating the rules
















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