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  • “Healthy Life”Подготовила  Маматкулова А.Б.

    1 слайд

    “Healthy Life”
    Подготовила Маматкулова А.Б.

  • IntroductionI. What does a healthy way of life mean? How do you look after y...

    2 слайд


    I. What does a healthy way of life mean? How do you look after your health?II. “Healthy Life”
    2.1. Nutrition and Health
    2.2. Don’t smoke
    2.3. Sport as a Lifestyle
    2.4. Keeping fit

  • The Link between Behavior and HealthПриложение  1
Приложение 2
Приложение 3

    3 слайд

    The Link between Behavior and Health
    Приложение 1
    Приложение 2
    Приложение 3
    Приложение 4
    Карточки (с рисунками )_

  • You want to know how to keep fit
You want to be strong and healthy
You want t...

    4 слайд

    You want to know how to keep fit
    You want to be strong and healthy
    You want to know English well
    You want to speak English not only about what you study but also about the problems that really touch you
    Or you care about neither of these but you like to work with computer
    Then our project is for you — join us!!!

  • What does a healthy way of life mean? How do you look after your health?Peopl...

    5 слайд

    What does a healthy way of life mean? How do you look after your health?
    People nowadays are more health-conscious than they used to be. They understand that good health is above wealth. To be healthy we should avoid different bad habits that can affect our health. In my opinion, smoking, and drinking too much alcohol, is the worst ones. It’s common knowledge that smoking and drinking can shorten our lives dramatically. Smoking, for example, causes a number of heart and lung diseases, such as pneumonia, emphysema and cancer. Besides, it makes your teeth yellow and skin unhealthy. Fortunately, in recent years smoking has received a lot of bad publicity, and fewer people smoke nowadays. Some companies don’t employ people who are smokers. Smoking has been banned in most public places because everyone agrees it does harm to our health. I don’t smoke, because I don’t want to have unhealthy skin and teeth and die young. Smoking and drinking are joined by less dangerous habits, such as skipping meals, eating unhealthy food, or even overeating. Of course, they are not quite as deadly as smoking or drinking alcohol, but they also affect our health. If we eat too much, we’ll become obese, and obesity leads to serious health problems. A lot of people like drinking coca cola and coffee, and enjoy pizzas and hamburgers. But what is tasty is not always healthy. Fast food makes you fat that is why Americans are the fattest people in the world. In recent years eating habits have undergone a change. People are encouraged to eat less fat and more fibre. Fat is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart disease. High fibre and low fat foods can now be found in all shops and supermarkets. Salads, beans, and fruit have taken the place of steak and ice cream. The fashion for health food is growing all the time. Many people feel they are too fat, even if their doctors disagree. And a lot of people try to improve their fitness. There are a lot of ways to lose weight and avoid gaining it. Perhaps the most popular of them is following a diet. If you want to lose weight, you should cut out snacks and desserts, and cut down on fat. People have also become more aware of calories, the energy value of food. Some people count the number of calories they eat every day; so that they can try to take in fewer calories and lose weight. This is called a calorie-controlled diet. Manufacturers are increasingly producing special foods with fewer calories for slimmers. But excessive dieting may be dangerous, too. Some people refuse to eat meat as they consider it harmful. They say a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of cancer and vegetarians live longer than others. I can’t agree with them, because meat is an excellent source of good nutrition. In my opinion, it’s wrong to put down a food simply because excessive amounts can cause health problems. Consumed in moderate amounts, meat is perfectly good for our health. To my mind, the only way to stay healthy and to keep fit is by going in for sports. Among the benefits of regular exercise are a healthier heart, stronger bones, quicker reaction times and more resistance to various illnesses. Besides, you can eat and drink as much as you want because you are burning it all off. To be healthy, it is also very important to spend a lot of time in the open air. It is useful to go for a walk before going to bed, or to air the room.

  • Nutrition and Health.Eating the proper food is important to stay healthy. Peo...

    6 слайд

    Nutrition and Health.
    Eating the proper food is important to stay healthy. People need vitamins to stay in a good form. “Vita” means life in Latin. People get vitamins from the food they eat. There a lot of vitamins in fruit and vegetables. But you can hardly find any useful vitamins in Coke, chips and other fast food. Each vitamin is responsible for different things in the human body. There are about ten major vitamins. They are usually named by a letter of the alphabet (A, B, C, D).

    Vitamin A is in green and yellow vegetables, milk and eggs. It’s necessary for seeing in the dark.
    Vitamin B1 is in meat, porridge and bread. B1 is responsible for the nervous system. Lack of this vitamin leads to serious illnesses and even death.
    Vitamin C is in every fruit and vegetable. You can find this vitamin in black currants, strawberries, oranges and grapefruits, onions, cabbages and green peppers. Vitamin C is important for building bones and teeth. It helps to prevent colds.
    Vitamin D is in eggs. People can also get it from sunlight. It makes our bones strong.
    Vitamin E is necessary for skin and body. It’s in wheat and nuts.
    Vitamin B6 and K are necessary for human blood. You can find B6 in beans and milk; K – in potatoes and carrots.

  • Don’t smoke.Don’t smoke! Do you think you are strong enough to follow this a...

    7 слайд

    Don’t smoke.

    Don’t smoke! Do you think you are strong enough to follow this advice? It looks smart in old movies, and it seems that everybody does it. But that is just a clever form of advertising. Smoking is unhealthy.
    It is unpleasant and harmful to non-smokers, too, and a serious fire risk. It is offensive in public places like cafes and schools. Any form of addiction or excess is unhealthy, whether it is tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sugary things, or money. It may be a sign of not growing up and not being able to cope.
    Do you know that 16th of November is the day when people all over the world quit smoking?
    Do you know that every year 3 million people die of smoking?
    Do you know that your life is 25% shorter if you smoke?
    Do you know that only 13% of the population smoke in the USA, but in Russia – more than 76%? 400,000 people die in Russia every year as a result of smoking. Imagine that a whole town like Ufa disappears every year.
    In Britain smoking is now forbidden in many public places: on the underground, on stations, in shops, in theatres and in cinemas.
    Those who smoke are weak because if they see somebody smoking they join them.

  • Please answer these questions. It doesn’t take you a lot of time. Please answ...

    8 слайд

    Please answer these questions. It doesn’t take you a lot of time. Please answer truthfully!

    Do you smoke?
    How many cigarettes a day do you smoke?
    1-10 cigarettes a day
    10-20 cigarettes a day
    more than 1 pack a day
    What is the main reason of smoking?
    wish to grow up
    to be like everybody
    just to try
    your own answer
    From what ages do you begin to smoke?
    from 8-12 years old
    from 12-16 years old
    from 16 –20 years old
    after 20 years old

  • The results of exploration.I had made the analysis of this exploration and c...

    9 слайд

    The results of exploration.

    I had made the analysis of this exploration and came up to the conclusion: 75% of men and 30% of women are subjected to smoking.
    20% of men and 67% of women smoke 1-10 cigarettes a day;
    73.3% of men and 33.3% of women smoke 10-20 cigarettes a day;
    6.7% of men and 0% of women smoke more than 1 pack of cigarettes a day;
    Each of the respondents answered that the main negative consequence of smoking is the harm to health.

  • Sport as a Lifestyle.If you want to feel fit you’d better go in for one kind...

    10 слайд

    Sport as a Lifestyle.

    If you want to feel fit you’d better go in for one kind of sport or another. I should admit that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Good health is better than the best medicine. “You have a sound mind in a sound body” as the old Latin saying goes. The English proverb “Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind” expresses a similar idea but from different point of view. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. To tell the truth I don’t do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. In the morning I do some exercises just to awake. Then some aerobics for myself. It puts me into the fine moods. In summer I go swimming as there is a beautiful river with pure water where my Granny lives. In winter, it’s rather long at our place, I should say, I prefer skiing. There is nothing like the sight of a winter forest - a real fairy-tale. I like to ride the bike and tobogganing in winter. Mum says that I’m too old to do it, why not after all? I shouldn’t call myself a sports fan. Of course, I like to watch sports competitions on TV. Fortunately, they show different ones - football, basketball. I like tennis tournaments very much. I think, it’s a very intelligent kind of sport for clever thinking people. Also I admire skiing championships, biathlon and swimming. But what I like most is basketball. The best games are viewed on TV. I came to know that modern basketball appeared in 1891 in the USA. Since then basketball has become very popular and is spread all over the world. It is the sport of strong tall men, the sport of giants.
    Doing sports a man become strong, healthy and gay. He begins to take care of his health.
    “Good health is better than wealth”, you know. It’s true, I should say. In our school we have a nice gym. Sports and games are popular among pupils.

  • Keeping fit.Keeping fit.

To keep fit most people do sports. Some of them jo...

    11 слайд

    Keeping fit.

    Keeping fit.

    To keep fit most people do sports. Some of them join a sports club. The most popular individual sports are walking, swimming, cycling and aerobics.

    People work hard. They come home late and are busy at weekends. They have no time to go to a sports club or sports centre which isn’t quite near their homes. They can hardly do sport seriously. They just want to relax.

    People of all ages and types do exercises at home to improve their health and to keep fit. In the morning they switch on TV and follow fitness classes at home or go jogging in the park in the evening. To jog or not to jog? On the one hand, every one should think about a healthy way of life… But on the other hand – getting up early at the weekend? Never! And what about swimming? What real pleasure is there in the pool? The warming up before swimming helps you to feel great. And quite good music. These 15 minutes of aerobics and 30 minutes of swimming work wonders. Very refreshing. After that you feel ready for the next week’s marathon. Instead of swimming or jogging you could go on a cycling tour. This kind of sport also does people a lot of good, and the morning air smells wonderful.

    But I also believe beauty has to be physical and spiritual. What do I mean when talking about spiritual beauty? I mean the beauty of the inner world of a person: kindness, responsibility, willingness to help, friendliness and other traits of character.

    Such person will give warmth to the people that surround him or her. In my opinion, a truly beautiful person must combine physical beauty with good traits of character.

  • Conclusion.I think it is very important to be fit and healthy, and it is nec...

    12 слайд

    I think it is very important to be fit and healthy, and it is necessary to take care of your health. Being fat, in fact, can cause real problems. It is harder for fat people to get a good job, or even to make friends. If you want to do well, you must be thin. That’s why I go in for sports on a regular basis. I have been doing aerobics for three years and I feel great. I am not enthusiastic about strict dieting, but I try to eat only low-fat food, and fruit and vegetables which are rich in vitamins. Personally I believe that regularity in life promotes our health. Sleeping eight or nine hours, getting up early, regular meals, a healthy diet and going in for sports is really a good way to live.

  • The list of literature.Биболетова М.З. Английский язык с удовольствием, “Тит...

    13 слайд

    The list of literature.

    Биболетова М.З. Английский язык с удовольствием, “Титул”. Обнинск. 2007, стр.104.
    Клементьева Т.Б. Книга для чтения к учебному изданию “Счастливый английский”, “Титул”. Обнинск. 1999, стр.87,151.
    Научно-методический журнал “Иностранные языки в школе”, 2005 г. №4, стр.59.

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