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Разработка на английском языке "A country I dream to visit."

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                              A country I dream to visit.

            The closest person to me has travelled round the world but one country is like a dream. It is Norway. He has told me rather a lot about this wonderful place. After the story about the trip told by him I have started reading about the Land of the Midnight Sun. So my cherished dream is to visit Norway.

           The nature of Norway is a treasure. It is a land of heavenly beauty and charm, with famously steep mountains, deep fjords, amazing waterfalls, wonderful northern lights and endless coastlines.

          There are a lot of different sights that are really worth visiting there and the top attraction is the North Cape. It is generally called the northernmost point of  Europe. A very popular activity at the North                         Cape is to hike on cliffs and snow-covered mountains. In the summer there is the Midnight Sun. During the rest of the year, there are the Northern Lights. These natural phenomena are so beautiful that they are unforgettable.

           The Geirangerfjord is one of Norway’s most popular sights too and it has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage list. There are some local activities like fishing, horseback riding, paddle boats, rafting and summer skiing in Stryn. Other local attractions are two waterfalls. The first wonder is called ‘Bridal Veil’. The second one is ‘Seven sisters’- seven streams flowing into the fjord from a height of 250 meters. It is the largest waterfall in Geirangerfjord. This natural beauty will not leave anybody indifferent.

             The Atlantic Ocean Road or the Atlantic Highway–National Tourist Route and the most beautiful road in the world. This road is also one of the most dangerous. The route Atlantic Road is a kind of zigzag, passing through the set of islets and reefs. Currently, it is a real cultural heritage of Norway.

               Oslo is the capital and largest city in Norway. Moreover, it is the oldest capital in Northern Europe. Today, the capital is the residence of the king, the Parliament and the government of the country. Today Oslo is the main industrial, transport and cultural center of the country. Oslo is also a city of culture and colour. There are several sights but the most interesting one is Frogner Park.

               Frogner Park is a park in Oslo. It was made by one famous artist Gustav Vigeland. It is sometimes referred to as the ‘Vigeland Park’. This is one of the most popular spots in the city. The park has 212 full sized, bronze and granite sculptures that are spread along an 850-meters-long axis and split into five areas: The Main Gate, the Bridge with The Children’s Playground, The Fountain, The Monolith and The Wheel of Life. It generally depicts the cycle of humanity.

             Alesund was awarded the title of "The most beautiful town in Norway" by the Norwegian people. There are many buildings in the Art nouveau style. The walls are varied and decorated with colourful ornaments of flowers or branches. Brightly colored buildings make the city light.

            Weather in Norway is dramatic and changes very fast. This country is often regarded as a cold and wet country due to its location at the northernmost end of Europe. The rainiest seasons in Norway in autumn and winter, but the best time to see the Northern Lights is midwinter. The summer is rather warm.

            What about the people in Norway, they are friendly and common. They are modest and polite. Houses of rich people do not distinguish from houses of  Norwegians with the median income. Everything is neat and tidy. As a rule, demonstrating wealth is not accepted in Norway.

             Norway is big on "nutrition and basic medical care," and its "access to basic knowledge" is strong too. It is one of the countries with the highest quality of life. 

             In conclusion, Norway is one of the most exciting places in the world with unique landscapes. Maybe, Norway is too expensive, but the great scenery and affable ambience are free. This wonderful country is my passion. I would be very happy if my dream came true.

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