Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыРазработка урока английского языка "Visiting London" (8 класс)

Разработка урока английского языка "Visiting London" (8 класс)

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Тема: “ Visiting  London

Цель урока: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции ( в контексте ее составляющих:    лингвистической, социолингвистической, социокультурной ) у учащихся в процессе изучения заявленной темы.

Задачи урока: развитие умений и навыков употребления лексики в речевых ситуациях (стандартных и вербальных), совершенствование навыков аудирования (на материале тематических аудиотекстов).


·              Презентации в PowerPoint

·              магнитофон

·              карта Лондона

·              flash cards

·              индивидуальный раздаточный материал


Структура урокa:


I. Организационный момент.


Приветствие. Good morning, children. Good morning, our guests. Nice to see you today. Let’s start our lesson. I think you are ready. How are you?

Today we‘ll have an unusual lesson. We’ll speak about……

(слайды, шум аэровокзала. Самолет набор высоты и начало полета.)

Стюардесса:  Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board  Flight 5B1. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing  РусЛайн. Enjoy your flight!

What is a main subject of our lesson?

Right, We’ll speak about  visiting to London.

Are you ready? Let’s start.

We  are going to share our  knowledges! I  share  all group in two teams. Choose your team name. Tourists and  Guides.  5 мин


II.     Фонетическая зарядка. 
Let’s practice, please. In each line there is a word that does not fit the rest. Find it. (раздаю карточки всем)

   В каждой строчке есть слово, которое не подходит к остальным. Найдите его.

   [a1] mind, excite, admire, sight, guide

   [æ] talent, splendid, capital, language, fantastic, companion

   [^] company, chance, country, sunny, underground

   [ou] known, devote, tourist, alone, suppose

   [1] thrilling, think, building, leave, historic

   [e] splendid, attention, remember, waste, pleasant    





















































































































1. If you go out…

2. Who likes to travel?

3. How can you call your trip abroad?

4. If you visit places of  interest,  you ‘ll….   

5. If you have your holiday,  you ‘ll go to the…..

6. The fastest  mean of  transport in the city.    3  мин


III.   Активизация лексики. Выполняются следующие выражения.


1       Р1  у доски дает синонимы к предложенным словам. Остальные уч-ся слушают и исправляют ошибки, если они есть…… go to the blackboard!   Find the expropriate synonyms.

Слова на слайде                        (предполагаемые ответы)

to spend time on                 =      (to devote time to)

amusing                              =      (humorous)

dull                                      =      (boring)

to visit places of interest     =      (to go sightseeing)

to feel pleased                     =      (to be delighted)

underground                        =      (tube)


2      P2  используя слова из рамочки, образует новые слова (однокоренные), чтобы закончить предложения. Карточки  раздаются  всем  учащимся,  две минуты на выполнение. Взаимопроверка.  Wordformation.  Form words with the same name


Exchange your cards  and check .


                        faith                      talent                    excite(2)                   bore



1   It’ll be a nice excursion, full of __________________  (excitements)

2   I’ve decided to go abroad with my _______________ companion. (faithful) 

3   She was really _______________ by the splendid sights of the Tower of London. (exciting)

4   She saw lots of pictures by _____________ British artists in the National Gallery. (talented)

5   I think I won’t be __________ during this interesting excursion. (boring)


Обмен карточками и взаимопроверка


 5  points  « 5 »

 4  points  « 4 »

 3  points  « 3 »               5 мин


3      Группа поделена на две команды – А и В, у каждого своя карточка со словом или выражением. Учащийся  из команды А по очереди называют слово, учащийся из команды В подбирает  слово или выражение, которое образует правильное словосочетание. Режим Р1-Р2. Р3-Р4 …  работа в парах.

I  share  all group in two teams.  Mind your team name. Tourists and  Guides

   I give you some cards. Team number one read your  expressions  and team number two  pick up the expropriate ones.





to admire

to go

to mind

to devote time

a thrilling

to feel

to waste

to get a guide to take

to take pictures

splendid collections of paintings


rainy and foggy weather

to sightseeing


exited by


round the city

of famous sights



Pay attention on  this slide and complete  your  sentences.
Учитель обращает внимание, что составленные выражения можно увидеть на доске и на следующем этапе использовать в своих высказываниях.

IV. Физкультминутка. «Hands up» под музыку группы Ottawan. – 3  мин


V.     Обучение говорению.

1.  As far as I know you have always dreamt of visiting the UK. In spring your dream will come true, we’ll go to London together. But  today I offer you to have an imaginary traveling to the capital of Great Britain. I think we won’t let rainy weather spoil our trip and we’ll draw the sun the rays of which will be your words associated with London.

Режим – group work(Составляют предложения с выражениями) Pay attention on  this slide and complete  your  sentences.



                                                                       ↓  ↓  ↓

1. I’ll  take pictures of famous sights in London.

2. I’ll  admire splendid collections of paintings in London.

3. I’ll  go sightseeing in London.

4. I’ll mind rainy and foggy weather  in London.

5. I’ll devote time  sightseeing in London.

6. I’ll  make  a thrilling adventure in London.

7. I’ll   feel exited by  in London.

8. I won’t  waste  time  in London.

9. I’ll  get a guide to take round  London.


2.    And now let’s exchange our opinions of the future trip. What do you think our traveling will be like? What do you expect of  it?

Don’t  forget to use the conversational formulas given on the blackboard:           

Peжим  Р1,Р2 …

    I think …

    In my opinion …

    As for me …

    I’m sure …

    I believe

Учащиеся в своих высказываниях опираются на выражения, составленные ими на предыдущих уроках.   3 мин


VI.      Обучение  аудированию.

As far as I see you are sure our traveling you London will be interesting and exciting. You’ll learn a lot about its famous places while going sightseeing.

Учащиеся слушают интервью и выполняют задания..

https://youtu.be/0F4GDdanQNA 2 мин 16 сек


Do you understand information? Answer my questions.

1. What card do you help to travel in London?


The legendary Oyster card, this is your key to travel in London and will save you time and money.


2. What side does  the  Londoner  prefer you stand when you travelling on  the  Tube?


The Londoner prefers that you stand on the right side so that you can pass by easily.


3. What routes will you show a side of  London that you will never uncover by Tube?


Some great cycling and walking routes that will show you a side of  London that you will never uncover by Tube.


4. Where could you easily take some time out ?                


There are so many parks and open spaces in London, you could easily take some time out even in the heart of the city.


5.What side do cars drive in the UK?


Remember cars drive on the left in the UK.            2 мин


      Let’s not waste time and have a look at the map of  the city centre.

Find the places mentioned in the list on the map.  I give you the list of  London sightseeings.

        What  attractions are not mention on the map? What are they?


1. Madam Tussaud’s  Museum

2. Changing of the Guard

3. London Eye

4. Piccadilly Circus

5. Big Ben

6. Tower of London

 7.  St. James Park

8.  Trafalgar Square

9.  Palace of Westminster

10.  Buckingham Palace

11. Tower Bridge

12. Westminster Abbey

13. The National Gallery

14. The Surrey Docks Farm  2  мин


VII.   Обучение говорению.    Диалогическая речь.   Ролевая игра.


We continue our pleasant trip round London? But it’s very difficult to choose the things to do and to see. I think if we phone the Tourist Information Centre we’ll get to know more details about various attractions. You work in pairs. One of  you is a tourist, the other works at the Information Centre. Read the instructions carefully and follow all of them.

Режим  Р1 – Р2, Р3 – Р4 …

( приложение  №2 )       8 мин


VIII. Заключительный этап. Рефлексия.


Unfortunately our trip is over and it’s time to return home. I hope you’re got a lot of pleasant impressions of our imaginary traveling.

P1, P2 …Now try to answer my questions: Was it interesting for you? What do you remember? What was difficult for you? Take the leaves, please. If you like our lesson,  pick up green leaves on the tree on the  blackboard, if not- red leaves. Well done!

IX. Подведение итогов. You work hard. Thank you. Your marks are…Thank you for your excellent work! Well done!  Have a good day! Good luck! 3 мин        


X.  Объяснение домашнего задания


WB p. 89 ex 3, Read the text and mark  T/ F /NS

90 ex 4  Read the text and match  the titles the descriptions  of the famous buildings. One title is extra. 1  мин

































Don’t show your card to your partner. Imagine you are a tourist in London and you want information about things to do and to see.  You start. “Phone” your partner to ask about one of the attractions.


A: Good morning. Is it the Tourist Information Centre?

B: Yes, it is. Can I help you?

A: Can you give me some information about the Science Museum, please?

B: Certainly. What would you like to know?

A: What can I see in the Museum?

B: ________________________________________________________

A: What’s the nearest tube station?

B: ________________________________________________________

A: When is it open?

B: ________________________________________________________

A: How much does it cost?

B: ________________________________________________________

A: Thank you very much.


Now imagine you work at a Tourist Information Centre. Your partner asks you about one of the attractions. Give him/her the information.



Historic tower and the Crown Jewels


Nearest tube station: Tower Hill


Open: 9am to 5pm


Admission: 8£




Don’t show your card to your partner. Imagine you work at the Tourist Information Centre. Your partner starts and asks you about one of the attractions. Give him/her the information.




A popular museum which lets young people use machines to understand science.


Nearest tube station: South Kensington


Open: 10am to 6pm


Admission: 4£


Now you imagine that you are a tourist in London.


Now you imagine that you are a tourist in London. You  want information about things to see and do. This time you start. “Phone” your partner to ask about one of the attractions.


B: Good morning. Is it the Tourist Information Centre?

A: Yes, it is. Can I yelp you?

B: Can you give me some information about the Tower of London, please?

A: Certainly. What would you like to know?

B: What can I see in the Tower?


B: What ‘s the nearest tube station?

A: __________________________________________________________

B: When is open?

A: __________________________________________________________

B: How much does it cost?

A: __________________________________________________________

B: Thank you very much.




Don’t show your card to your partner. Imagine you are a tourist in London and you want information about things to do and to see.  You start. “Phone” your partner to ask about one of the attractions.


A: Good Morning. Is it the Tourist Information Centre?

B: Yes, it is. Can I help you?

A: Can you give me some information about  Madam Tussaud’s  Museum, please?

B: Certainly. What would you like to know?

A: What can I see in the Museum?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: What’s the nearest tube station?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: When is it open?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: How much does it cost?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: Thank you very much.


 Imagine you work at the Tourist Information Centre. Your partner starts and asks you about one of the attractions. Give him/her the information.




A museum of film and television, which offers many things to do


Nearest tube station: Waterloo


Open: 10am to 6pm


Admission: 5£




Don’t show your card to your partner. Imagine you work at the Tourist Information Centre. Your partner starts and asks you about one of the attractions. Give him/her the information.




The famous wax museum with all the famous people … in wax.


Nearest tube station: BAKER Street


Open: 10am to 6hm


Admission: 6£


Now you imagine that you are a tourist in London. You want information about things to see and do. This time you start. “Phone” your partner to ask about one of the attractions.


B: Good morning. Is it the Tourist Information Centre?

A: Yes, it is. Can I help you?

B: Can you give me some information about the Museum of Moving Image, please?

A: Certainly.  What would you like to know?                                                                                                                                                                      B: What can I see in the Museum?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: What’s the nearest tube station?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: When is it open?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: How much does it cost?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: Thank you very much.




Don’t show your card to your partner. Imagine you are a tourist in London and you want information about things to do and to see.  You start. “Phone” your partner to ask about one of the attractions.


A: Good morning. Is it the Tourist Information Centre?

B: Yes, it is. Can I help you?

A: Can you give me information about  Changing of the Guard, please?

B: Certainly. What would you like to know?

A: What can I see there?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: What’s the nearest tube station?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: When is it open?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: How much does it cost?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: Thank you very much.


Now imagine you work at a Tourist Information Centre. Your partner asks you about one of the attractions. Give him/her the information.




A museum. Which shows the history of London.


Nearest tube station: St. Paul’s


Open: 10 am to 6pm


Admission: 3£




Don’t show your card to your partner. Imagine you work at the Tourist Information Centre. Your partner starts and asks you about one of the attractions. Give him/her the information.




The famous traditional ceremony with guards on horsebacks/


Nearest tube station: St. James Park


Open: 11am daily


Admission: free


Now you imagine that you are a tourist in London. You want information about things to see and do. This time you start. “Phone” your partner to ask about one of the attractions.


B: Good morning. Is it the Tourist Information Centre?

A: Yes, it is. Can I help you?

B: Can you give me some information about  the Museum of London, please?

A: Certainly. What would you like to know?

B: What can I see in the Museum?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: What’s the nearest tube station?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: When is it open?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: How much does it cost?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: Thank you very much.



Don’t show your card to your partner. Imagine you are a tourist in London and you want information about things to do and to see.  You start. “Phone” your partner to ask about one of the attractions.


A: Good morning. Is it the Tourist Information Centre?

B: Yes, it is. Can I help you?

A: Can you give me some information about  Kew Gardens, please?

B: Certainly. What would you like to know?

A: What can I see there?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: What’s the nearest tube station?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: When is it open?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: How much does it cost?

B: ________________________________________________________________

A: Thank you very much.


Now imagine you work at a Tourist Information Centre. Your partner asks you about one of the attractions. Give him/her the information.




Visit a real farm and see all the animals


Nearest tube station: Rotherhithe


Open: 9am to 6 pm


Admission: 3£




Don’t show your card to your partner. Imagine you work at the Tourist Information Centre. Your partner starts and asks you about one of the attractions. Give him/her the information.




One of  the world’s greatest collections of plants.


Nearest tube station: Kew Gardens


Open: 9am – dusk (time when it gets dark) daily


Admission: 2£


Now you imagine that you are a tourist in London. You want information about things to see and do. This time you start. “Phone” your partner to ask about one of the attractions.


B: Good morning. Is it the Tourist Information Centre?

A: Yes, it is. Can I help you?

B: Can you give me some information about  the Surrey Docks Farm, please?

A: Certainly. What would you like to know?

B: What can I see on the Farm?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: What’s the nearest tube station?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: When is it open?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: How much does it cost?

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: Thank you very much.





























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