Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыРазработка урока по английскому языку "Place where I live" (4 класс)

Разработка урока по английскому языку "Place where I live" (4 класс)

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The form: 4th                                         

The theme of the lesson: Place where I live

    Objectives of the lesson:               


- to teach students to use in the speech of the adjectives in the comparative degree

- to make sentences about  area where they live


- promote the formation of thinking skills

- to develop pupils  communication skills

Bringing up:

-  instill a love for their native place

-  to respect to the sights of their homeland

The type of the lesson: lesson of according to new knowledge

The methods of teaching: question- answer, mixed.

Inter subject connection: Kazakh.

The visual  aids:  pictures, interactive board, cards

I.                  Organization moment:

·         Greeting

- Hello, Dear our teacher, boys and girls! You are welcome to our  lesson. How are you? I am glad to see you! Now children let’s begin our lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today? What season is it now? What date is it today? Take out your books, pens and copybooks. Get ready for the lesson. Everyone open your exercise-books and write down the date.

II.               Warming up activity

-         Now  children look at the board, what is shown in this picture?

-         Yes, it’s a cat. Ok, tell me please How cats sounds? What about snakes? How snakes sounds? [s],[s]. Great! Next picture what is it? It is a bee. How bees sounds? [z],[z]. What about beetles? How beetles sounds? [iz],[iz]. Let's show with action.

Children show and pronounce

III.           Checking up homework

Match the pictures to the words. Then  you should add the ending

and read correctly.

IV.            The main part

-         Children, look at the blackboard. There are some pictures here. Call them, please. What’s this? 

-         Children, what is the theme of the lesson? What do you think ? How can all this be called in one word?

Excellent,  pupils!  You  are right!  Today  we  are  going  to speak  about the place where we  live . Today we learn to use in the speech of the adjectives in the comparative degree; learn to make sentences about  place  where we  live. You learn new words.

Scale of evaluation:  

-         if students gaining 5points, your marks  will be excellent

-         if students gaining 4 points, your marks  will be good

-         if students gaining 2 -3 points, your marks  will be satisfactory.

The group is divided into three teams. First of all, for pupils distributes pictures in scatter, how  they will collect pictures, so and will be divided into teams.  Children collect  puzzles of Aktobe, Turgen and Shchuchinsk. And divided into 3 groups.  The team captain will evaluate of pupils. If participants answered correctly they get  points.

-         What are the rules we have to abide by in team work?

-         we must  to listen each other

-         we must to save time

-         we must to respect the opinions of others.

Now, tell me please,  what do you know about Aktobe and Turgen?

Today to us were supposed to come guests but it's cold outside, they could not come. But they sent a telegram. Let’s listen

Task 1. Listen the text. Then answer the questions

-         What do you think the children are talking about?

-         What are their names?

-         What are they  talking about Aktobe and Turgen?

-         How do they describe their city?

-         Yes, of course they describe their city with adjectives.

-         Using adjectives we describe different things, people, cities, and so on

V.               Let’s relax. A game «Say and show»

VI.            Work with vocabulary

Busy [ˈbɪzɪ] – лық толы

Industrial [ɪnˈdʌstrɪəl] – индустриялы

Noisy [ˈnɔɪzɪ] – шулы

Quite |kwʌɪt| - тыныш

VII.        Work in groups

 Task 2.  Read  yourself  and find these words in the text.

 Task 3.  Match the adjectives with the correct comparative form

 Task 4.  Make sentences using comparative adjectives. Discuss your opinion with your partner. 

VIII.    Concluding tasks.

 Task 5.  Describe the town or village which is depicted in the picture

IX.            Reflection.  Children should stick emoticons



It was interesting for me




It was difficult for me


I am happy



It was boring  for me




X.               Homework     

XI.            Giving marks






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